Just started my FFIII adventure on the SNES Classic.
/insert Kefka laugh here
First time playing it or has it just been a while?
Just started my FFIII adventure on the SNES Classic.
/insert Kefka laugh here
Well, finally found a party comp that works(1k+ A2 and Luneth with pods and fire weapons were MVP). I got really close to getting lb kill a couple of times but rng always rolled 1% on Great Malboro so I had to kill it without it. Took me half a day of messing around with different teams and 150 nrg but I finally made that stinky salad :).
Dunno if I want to do it again for the materia anytime soon, even tho being able to use items would make this much easier. Oh well, I'm just glad I'm done with it for now.. this shit was pure hell heh xD[/QUOTE]
Congrats! I might try and use this team and finally take down the stupid plant. I've put together a bunch of squads in trial and error and just fell short every time.
Hopefully Sean/Robsan/Rixa is willing to keep their Rikku shared.
Sure, give a few minutes.[JP] Would anyone who has Kid Rydia be willing to put her as their friend unit for a couple of hours? I know the mog king is going on, I just want to try a run at the Robot with her.
Sure, give a few minutes.
She's ready.
Maintenance taking place on 【10/4 23:00 - 10/5 7:00 PDT】 is proceeding as planned and estimated to end on 【10/5 5:45 PDT】.
Played with the summon simulator for Ayaka a bit.
this is gonna suck![]()
Played with the summon simulator for Ayaka a bit.
this is gonna suck![]()
Took me 5 10+1 pulls when I tried this morning, and now it's 8.Played with the summon simulator for Ayaka a bit.
this is gonna suck![]()
Played once, got Ayaka. I think I just jinxed myself for the real thing tomorrow.Played with the summon simulator for Ayaka a bit.
this is gonna suck![]()
Hi guys. I've posted this in Discord, but just in case i mess up a few times.
Need help on tackling Malboro. Anyone kind enough to share a DV with Excalibur, Pod, Ribbon or Dicernment, esper Ifrit. Atk as high as possible.
Hi guys. I've posted this in Discord, but just in case i mess up a few times.
Need help on tackling Malboro. Anyone kind enough to share a DV with Excalibur, Pod, Ribbon or Dicernment, esper Ifrit. Atk as high as possible.
I wish i could but no ribbon ir dicernment :-/ does his inital resistant + other gear could help?
No DV but I can put up Marie or A2 or a Rikku if you'd like.
Hi guys. I've posted this in Discord, but just in case i mess up a few times.
Need help on tackling Malboro. Anyone kind enough to share a DV with Excalibur, Pod, Ribbon or Dicernment, esper Ifrit. Atk as high as possible.
Maybe an additional confuse and sleep resist would be good. He's only immune to para, stone and blind. Not sure if Malboro hits with confuse or sleep :/
And with similar set up should work. Thanks bro.
I have the gear but not the unit. Is there any other unit I could put up to help?
Basically any dps unit that can get at least 900. 2B A2 OK Luneth Orly etc. DV has one minor advantage over them just because of innate Dark immunity, but my own DV should be able to take care of that.
I'm still stuck in traffic though, so maybe it'll take me an hour to finally do it lol.
Despicable. Needs to change. I at least managed to get up to 15k for Ayaka banner...not sure if I'm going to pull tho. I'm really curious about the FF4 units.That thing always depresses the hell out of me:
Attempts = 34
Lapis used = 170000
5★ (1) = Ayaka
4★ (93) = Rosa Silvia Rasler Meliadoul Silvia Silvia Warrior of Light Vanille Garnet Rasler Victoria Silvia Helena Helena Goken Soleil Sozhe Shine Gaffgarion Goken Goken Nine Garnet Silvia Soleil Orran Werei Rikku Gaffgarion Agrias Veritas of the Heavens Shine Refia Ilias Amelia Goken Helena Leon Rasler Goken Vanille King Goken Helena Beach Time Fina Seven Goken Amelia Rikku Goken Silvia Rikku Orran Goken Shine Silvia Sozhe Silvia Rasler Luka Silvia Garnet Goken Silvia Nine Goken Luka Warrior of Light Ashe Goken Soleil Silvia Warrior of Light Refia Silvia Goken Soleil Vanille Meliadoul Silvia Desch Nine Rosa Orran Silvia Amelia Gaffgarion Snow Werei Beach Time Fina Vanille Snow Goken
3★ (280) = Yuri Shadow Bedile Yuri Kamui Kupipi Kamui Kamui Abel Kamui Edgar Eight Fang Celes Yuri Ingus Cloud of Darkness Cinque Summer Lid Ulrica Garland Wakka Faris Freya Cecil Tellah Aiden Bedile Edge Anzelm Exdeath Kamui Bedile Cyan Lani Celes Timothy Cinque Cinque Gau Miyuki Kamui Arc Leo Jack Yuri Yuri Yuri Duane Anzelm Trey Cloud of Darkness Kamui Yuri Kamui Krile Penelo Guy Faris Vivi Exdeath Kamui Guy Yuri Yuri Kamui Yuri Terra Sara Galuf Ingus Timothy Kupipi Kain Yuri Cerius Shantotto Yuri Jean Artemios Yuri Artemios Sabin Yuri Kamui Alma Vivi Firion Fran Trey Yuri Rakshasa Yuri Camille Kamui Miyuki Celes Lani Rakshasa Terra Locke Kamui Clyne Leo Ingus Gilbert Mustadio Guy Yuri Gilbert Yuri Shadow Hayate Aiden Yuri Yuri Alma Kamui Lani Zidane Edgar Fran Xiao Alma Leo Yuri Golbez Arc Roselia Fran Ulrica Kamui Artemios Kamui Locke Heltich Roselia Clyne Penelo Lani Exdeath Golbez Hayate Vaan Gilbert Ingus Yuri Yuri Edge Eight Eight Kamui Xiao Shadow Yuri Arc Sara Sice Medius Alma Garland Garland Kamui Kamui Luna Luna Ulrica Sara Heltich Kamui Rydia Ruggles Kuja Kamui Xiao Yuri Guy Arc Kamui Lani Zidane Yuri Yuri Leo Anzelm Kamui Heltich Yuri Ruggles Kamui Tellah Cinque Edgar Clyne Medius Jack Duane Locke Edge Lawrence Charlotte Locke Shadow Shadow Maria Yuri Charlotte Arc Vivi Shera Garland Mustadio Wakka Aiden Rydia Cloud of Darkness Hayate Cinque Eight Abel Lenna Alma Miyuki Lenna Sabin Fran Xiao Tellah Ingus Golbez Camille Kamui Trey Abel Exdeath Anzelm Trey Faris Cyan Tellah Mustadio Kain Cecil Cerius Maria Kamui Kamui Kamui Medius Yuri Yuri Cloud of Darkness Kuja Yuri Kuja Anzelm Yuri Camille Vivi Faris Celes Yuri Charlotte Camille Exdeath Kamui Heltich Kamui Miyuki Kamui Exdeath Heltich Fran Jack Kain Summer Lid Russell Kamui Shera Krile
Saying a big NOPE to a hyped unit always do that, I guess.SYP is up.
Surprised at the level of vitriol in the SYP this time around. Smells like the old elitist days of the original SYPs.
That thing always makes me hype as fuck:That thing always depresses the hell out of me:
Attempts = 34
Lapis used = 170000
5★ (1) = Ayaka
4★ (93) = Rosa Silvia Rasler Meliadoul Silvia Silvia Warrior of Light Vanille Garnet Rasler Victoria Silvia Helena Helena Goken Soleil Sozhe Shine Gaffgarion Goken Goken Nine Garnet Silvia Soleil Orran Werei Rikku Gaffgarion Agrias Veritas of the Heavens Shine Refia Ilias Amelia Goken Helena Leon Rasler Goken Vanille King Goken Helena Beach Time Fina Seven Goken Amelia Rikku Goken Silvia Rikku Orran Goken Shine Silvia Sozhe Silvia Rasler Luka Silvia Garnet Goken Silvia Nine Goken Luka Warrior of Light Ashe Goken Soleil Silvia Warrior of Light Refia Silvia Goken Soleil Vanille Meliadoul Silvia Desch Nine Rosa Orran Silvia Amelia Gaffgarion Snow Werei Beach Time Fina Vanille Snow Goken
3★ (280) = Yuri Shadow Bedile Yuri Kamui Kupipi Kamui Kamui Abel Kamui Edgar Eight Fang Celes Yuri Ingus Cloud of Darkness Cinque Summer Lid Ulrica Garland Wakka Faris Freya Cecil Tellah Aiden Bedile Edge Anzelm Exdeath Kamui Bedile Cyan Lani Celes Timothy Cinque Cinque Gau Miyuki Kamui Arc Leo Jack Yuri Yuri Yuri Duane Anzelm Trey Cloud of Darkness Kamui Yuri Kamui Krile Penelo Guy Faris Vivi Exdeath Kamui Guy Yuri Yuri Kamui Yuri Terra Sara Galuf Ingus Timothy Kupipi Kain Yuri Cerius Shantotto Yuri Jean Artemios Yuri Artemios Sabin Yuri Kamui Alma Vivi Firion Fran Trey Yuri Rakshasa Yuri Camille Kamui Miyuki Celes Lani Rakshasa Terra Locke Kamui Clyne Leo Ingus Gilbert Mustadio Guy Yuri Gilbert Yuri Shadow Hayate Aiden Yuri Yuri Alma Kamui Lani Zidane Edgar Fran Xiao Alma Leo Yuri Golbez Arc Roselia Fran Ulrica Kamui Artemios Kamui Locke Heltich Roselia Clyne Penelo Lani Exdeath Golbez Hayate Vaan Gilbert Ingus Yuri Yuri Edge Eight Eight Kamui Xiao Shadow Yuri Arc Sara Sice Medius Alma Garland Garland Kamui Kamui Luna Luna Ulrica Sara Heltich Kamui Rydia Ruggles Kuja Kamui Xiao Yuri Guy Arc Kamui Lani Zidane Yuri Yuri Leo Anzelm Kamui Heltich Yuri Ruggles Kamui Tellah Cinque Edgar Clyne Medius Jack Duane Locke Edge Lawrence Charlotte Locke Shadow Shadow Maria Yuri Charlotte Arc Vivi Shera Garland Mustadio Wakka Aiden Rydia Cloud of Darkness Hayate Cinque Eight Abel Lenna Alma Miyuki Lenna Sabin Fran Xiao Tellah Ingus Golbez Camille Kamui Trey Abel Exdeath Anzelm Trey Faris Cyan Tellah Mustadio Kain Cecil Cerius Maria Kamui Kamui Kamui Medius Yuri Yuri Cloud of Darkness Kuja Yuri Kuja Anzelm Yuri Camille Vivi Faris Celes Yuri Charlotte Camille Exdeath Kamui Heltich Kamui Miyuki Kamui Exdeath Heltich Fran Jack Kain Summer Lid Russell Kamui Shera Krile
Done. Good luck.Hi guys. I've posted this in Discord, but just in case i mess up a few times.
Need help on tackling Malboro. Anyone kind enough to share a DV with Excalibur, Pod, Ribbon or Dicernment, esper Ifrit. Atk as high as possible.
Basically any dps unit that can get at least 900. 2B A2 OK Luneth Orly etc. DV has one minor advantage over them just because of innate Dark immunity, but my own DV should be able to take care of that.
I'm still stuck in traffic though, so maybe it'll take me an hour to finally do it lol.
Sure, let me know when you are done.[JP] Attempted to take out all 3 parts of the robot at once but messed up the timing, killed the arms and not the body, and then it proceeded to destroy me lol.
Syntsui if you can leave your Rydia up for another couple of hours for a second attempt that would be appreciated. I know where I went wrong so want to have 1 more go. If I fail I'll leave it until I'm better equipped.
Yes, you trade them for crysts and few tickets at the Minister of Moogles near the King Mog.This candy thing sounds strange. Is there any in-game point to it besides the announced rewards? Will they tell us when we've made enough?
First time playing it or has it just been a while?
Yes, you trade them for crysts and few tickets at the Minister of Moogles near the King Mog.
From what I understand, you run story event and monsters drop those candy ingredients.Wait, so it's mogcake bullshit again? Except now we have to balance it with other actual events at the same time? Ugh...
Wait, so it's mogcake bullshit again? Except now we have to balance it with other actual events at the same time? Ugh...
I have Basch on my JP team and he guarantees my team will never be wiped with his AoE cover for MAG and PHY.Just curious, what's the fuggin' point of having tanks on an arena team?
I have Basch on my JP team and he guarantees my team will never be wiped with his AoE cover for MAG and PHY.
Hope you enjoy it! It's my favorite by a long shot, but of course I played it when it was new as a kid so nostaglia goggles and all that. I think it should hold up just fine even now though, such a masterpiece.First time playing it.
To be honest, my first FF was 1, but borrowed it from a family member back in the day. I didn't play another until 7. Have played or touched upon each since except 15. (Hope that comes out on Switch, so I can work on that.)
Too young for the SNES stuff to be able to afford my own games. ;_; I probably should have rectified this a long time ago.. but as with everything, it's time. I think after I tackle this I'll see about the others. Husband should have some of the others.
Losing a streak pretty much destroys any chance in getting the first two tier of rewards. Shit is competitive.But why? You gain and lose nothing when someone attacks you. There are no stats for wins and losses, either.
Losing a streak pretty much destroys any chance in getting the first two tier of rewards. Shit is competitive.
It's a big deal on JP because their rewards are insane. (8x big LB/HP pots & 4x big LB/HP pots for the first two tiers alternating every week).
Hope you enjoy it! It's my favorite by a long shot, but of course I played it when it was new as a kid so nostaglia goggles and all that. I think it should hold up just fine even now though, such a masterpiece.