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FINAL FANTASY Community Thread: XV Mainline Entries and Counting


The Theatrhymn thread seems pretty dead, but I needed to share just how awesome I think this game is. My favorite series with the best music of anything ever with an adorable artstyle and fun-but-totally-fair varied rhythmn gameplay? This was absolutely worth buying a 3DS for. Usually I hate picking random in music games because I hate most of the music, but the Chaos Shrine in this is perfect because every song is good. All the progression and unlocks and everything... this game. Definitely in my GotY considerations.


Nice! She's an awesome violinist, looking forward to it! I'm still pretty bummed I missed her Pittsburgh show recently, I only found out about it afterwards.


I think I'm going to finally play through XII IZJS in English before the end of the year.

I've skimmed the older threads, but do those of you who've played through it recently have any suggestions on good character/job pairing for a single playthrough? There seems to be a wide range of opinions.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Nice! She's an awesome violinist, looking forward to it! I'm still pretty bummed I missed her Pittsburgh show recently, I only found out about it afterwards.

Here's a shot from her FF video :3



I think I'm going to finally play through XII IZJS in English before the end of the year.

I've skimmed the older threads, but do those of you who've played through it recently have any suggestions on good character/job pairing for a single playthrough? There seems to be a wide range of opinions.

Dunno if I have any recommendations, but I'll list my team I used:

White Mage (Balthier) - White Magic + Steal!
Monk (Vaan) - Tank with LOTS of HP. Hits for pretty good damage and can hit airborne enemies with Poles/Staffs. Gets high-level White Magic later on. (Curaja and Bravery come to mind.)
Red Mage (Fran) - Gives you a nice mix of White/Black/Green/Arcane/Time Magic and you get Dark spells! High level Black Magic (-aga spells) are blocked off by an Esper though.

Samurai (Ashe) - Shades of Black; Free random Black Magic! Good armor choice later on with Genji Gear. (You're stuck with light armor until then.) Good gear will have it chewing up stuff towards the endgame.
Archer (Basch) - Lots of Item Lores and good for Niho. Also hits airborne enemies and you can get some powerful bows/arrows if you play your cards right.
Breaker (Penelo) - Secondary Tank; Can inflict Break statuses and while their weapons have wildly random damage, it's generally pretty good.

But I'm sure you can beat the game with pretty much any combination of Jobs, so take a look at their License Boards and go from there.
FFII...is terrible.

Skipping it and moving on to FFIII.

In the end, it's probably for the best.

Only some of us can handle that kind of stupidity just to say we've beat it.

In other news, I need to replay a FF game. The only one I've never replayed was FF12 but I don't know if I have the heart in me to do all the extra things over I did like getting the Tournesol. That was over 50 hours of hard work.


FFII...is terrible.

Skipping it and moving on to FFIII.

Agreed! I really wish I could remember what was going on / where I was going in FFII so that I can finally finish it and cross it off the list, but I just have no idea anymore. Does III hold up okay? That's the only one I've never played.
Agreed! I really wish I could remember what was going on / where I was going in FFII so that I can finally finish it and cross it off the list, but I just have no idea anymore. Does III hold up okay? That's the only one I've never played.

If you like the graphics for FF4 DS, you should be able to play 3 just fine.


My nostalgia meter shot through the roof last night. I saw the Final Fantasy: Distant Worlds concert in Montreal. Le siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. So beautiful.

I'm a family man, so I don't have that much time for games anymore, but the walk down memory lane sent chills up and down my body, and gave my heart that fluttery, nostalgic feeling. Le siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.

What's the best way to play Final Fantasy I and II? Wii Virtual Console? Final Fantasy Origins for the PSX? Dawn of Souls for the GB Advance? (at ridiculous prices?)


Agreed! I really wish I could remember what was going on / where I was going in FFII so that I can finally finish it and cross it off the list, but I just have no idea anymore. Does III hold up okay? That's the only one I've never played.

FFIII for the DS is a great game. The visuals are top-notch for the system, the music is typically excellent, the sense of nostalgia is high, the battle system is quick, the jobs add depth, and there is a really adventurous spirit about the whole thing. I really enjoyed the experience and will be going back to it again in the future.

Just found out that FFI and II are on the PSP, which I don't have. There's also a version of FFIV. Damn. I'll get the DS version first and ask for a PSP for my birthday in March!


Agreed! I really wish I could remember what was going on / where I was going in FFII so that I can finally finish it and cross it off the list, but I just have no idea anymore. Does III hold up okay? That's the only one I've never played.

I forced myself to finish it and regretted it. (I wouldn't have even bothered if you couldn't count steps to avoid random battles.)

The icing on the cake for me was that when I finally found out what kind of ridiculous child crafted invisible path where your whole party doesn't get annihilated in one hit, found the correct town that had the first cutscene, the first NPC on the left of the town (which your instincts would tell you to go talk to) starts a battle which causes you to once again die in one hit.

Whoever crafted that game was off their rocker.


I just checked out a PDF file that had the NES FF1's Explorer's Handbook (which came with the game and wasn't in the box I purchased sometime in 1996/1997) and as I'm looking at this, I'm beginning to understand the difficulty or style of the game. This guide/tool was meant to be used with this game. Ah well, adventuring this FF at least was pretty fun for me.

Do other FF games have things like this?


What's the best way to play Final Fantasy I and II? Wii Virtual Console? Final Fantasy Origins for the PSX? Dawn of Souls for the GB Advance? (at ridiculous prices?)


Origins is a good place to start if you don't want the games to be stupidly easy, but retain some bit of difficulty.

The NES games, while nostalgic, are kinda rough. (Especially II...good lord.)

Dawn of Souls isn't too bad, but FFI got made super easy, but II got improved to where it's pretty playable. (The PSP games are pretty much spruced-up versions of the stuff from DoS.)
Mode? What mode?

Rebirth of Souls: A mode you unlock that allows you to play as the four characters who died during your journey in FF2: Josef, Minwu, Ricard and Scott. They have to journey through an afterlife world where they meet up with other characters who bit the dust and you get to explore several dungeons, including one with the Ultima Tome (Guarded by a super boss) and another version of Jade where the four get to tackle the Emporer once again. Just a lot of the stuff is like end game level strong and a lot of these guys died off early in the game so yea, if you hate level grinding in this game, I doubt you'll get far.


I picked up Dawn of Souls in an Ebay auction. Looking forward to it. FF1 and 2 are the only ones I've yet to finish. I've never gotten far in FF1 either, but feel I have the patience for it now.


So I just got a Game Boy micro and I was thinking about getting one of the GBA remakes to break it in.

Should I get IV, V, or VI?

FFV is the best one of the GBA versions. It's in every way the ideal version of that game.

FFIV has a glitch with the main character in battle, and FFVI has somewhat worsened music compared to the superior SNES version.

Those are fairly minor faults. You can't go really wrong with any of them in the end if you've never played them before. FFV is an absolute win though.


Thanks for the advice you two, I'd play the NES one but I'm not sure I'm not particularly in the mood to play a NES Final Fantasy for the time being haha. Well, that and I have bad memories of Final Fantasy 1 whiping as I was younger every time I made progress. I still do like the sound effects from the NES games, however.


Speaking of sounds, this game has the option to use the NES music which is a pretty darn good feature. I'll be using glorious 8bit chiptune then.


Just got this artbook for my collection (after Amazon pwned me with the "THE SKY: ART OF FF" cancelling my order for out-of-stock reasons >.<') and together with the Type-0's one I must say this is really well done and worth the money. Here hoping S-E will keep doing this for more FFs not relying only on Ultimania Omegas.

That's quite pretty.

We should do a FF collectable comparison thread. Here's a one-of-a-kind Cloud keychain:



Is it true Final Fantasy 3 is better on PSP than the DS?

I'm playing it currently. It's much better.

-Visuals are cleaned up, so it looks a ton better than the muddy DS graphics.
-The music got remastered too I believe, since it sounds better than what was on the DS. (Sounds much cleaner and orchestral.)
-There's also a neat Gallery which has illustrations and stuff that you unlock playing through the game. Has old drawings from the original game as well as the remakes.
-Can choose between remastered music or the Original 8-bit music from the Famicom game. (I chose the latter.)
-Auto battle option kinda like what was in the FFIV collection (remembers your last inputted commands and speeds up fights significantly).
-Don't have to deal with that online mess to unlock Mognet bonuses (Onion Knight, Blacksmith, etc.)

It's digital-only in NA, I think.

Think so, yeah. But the JP version also has the option for English, so any version is good.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. How much do they usually run now? I wanted one so many years ago... I've forgotten all about it.

No that much, around 60-90 euros if used, way more if new of course.
So I decided to replay Final Fantasy 4 (Or 2 on the SNES) because I haven't replayed it in a while and I do love the game so why not?


I really don't remember the encounter rate being this freaking bloody high! I swear I've gotten into a hundred battles already, half in the cave leading to Damycan where I fought Octaman! Didn't help I went after every treasure chest I could see.

You swinder!
You spoony bard!

Boy talk about self absorbed...Edward needs to be emotionally slapped by a little girl and then by Cecil with his armored fist before he gets some sense, such a spoony bard.

Prince Edward has joined as a bard...might as well say, we just gave you jack for a party member, good luck hoping he replaces Tellah and his firepower!

Like and what's with the architecture of Damycan? They only have one door? How do they do it? I bet they got oodles of shiny gems and stuff I would love to have but sadly this is not the case.

I can't imagine why anyone would fear the Antlion, his cave is full of freaking Imps, boy howdy...I bet he's one of those paper champs who can't measure up against real competition...*remembers I'm stuck with Rydia and Edward*...darnit
You're blaspheming against Rydia?

First Sonic CD and now this.

Jumping on my throat already? I like Rydia but both her and Edweeb share the same problems...they don't take hits very well. Well that and Rydia really doesn't become super useful until she grows up.

Ahhh Rosa, the leech! I swear she and Rinoa are cut from the same cloth...oh well, at least Rydia can stop trying to keep our blond meat shield from dipping out of battle.

Oh Rosa, you and your arrows...so much damage...you're okay now! At least poor Cecil and Rydia have someone to carry the load now.

Oh sweet...muscular aptitude is here and now! Oh Yang, you and your muscular muscles are here to save us from this spoony bard!
Thankfully there are enough back row slots for the women and junk. Explode laughs at back row.

Ahh, maybe we'll get to see Golbez...guy who wins at everything and laughs at our attempts to stop him. If we're lucky, he'll end Edwards life or make him a man but I don't think there is enough man in Edward for Golawesome to make a man

too many bloody...freaking...random battles...so so many imps, this world is crawling with their slimy kind.

And Baron takes the smart approach and just carpet bombs everything...I think villains everywhere should take note, why fight on hand when you can just wipe places off the map from afar...ohhhh Golbez...*swoon*

Oh hey it's our Dragoon buddy...and he's a jerk now...love makes you crazy, if only Rosa were here to help calm him down. Or whisper things to him...or something...this is why you don't let the women leave your party Cecil.

Oh yea...Golbez...talk about some music, just the kind of music for such an awesomely awesome Tin Tyrant.

Drat, there goes Golbez, Kain and the only thing keeping Edward from the reaper. And Cecil from cutting himself...

And it looks like it's time for Cecil to get some swag and babysit brats...boy does his life suck.


Thankfully there are enough back row slots for the women and junk. Explode laughs at back row.

Ahh, maybe we'll get to see Golbez...guy who wins at everything and laughs at our attempts to stop him. If we're lucky, he'll end Edwards life or make him a man but I don't think there is enough man in Edward for Golawesome to make a man

too many bloody...freaking...random battles...so so many imps, this world is crawling with their slimy kind.

And Baron takes the smart approach and just carpet bombs everything...I think villains everywhere should take note, why fight on hand when you can just wipe places off the map from afar...ohhhh Golbez...*swoon*

Oh hey it's our Dragoon buddy...and he's a jerk now...love makes you crazy, if only Rosa were here to help calm him down. Or whisper things to him...or something...this is why you don't let the women leave your party Cecil.

Oh yea...Golbez...talk about some music, just the kind of music for such an awesomely awesome Tin Tyrant.

Drat, there goes Golbez, Kain and the only thing keeping Edward from the reaper. And Cecil from cutting himself...

And it looks like it's time for Cecil to get some swag and babysit brats...boy does his life suck.

Where's Batman in all this?
Batman...there is no Batman...just Golbez. *swoon*

Bratty brats almost cream themselves over an old geezer that doesn't even know the second level of spells...Mysidia must be rural rural.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
But Rosa always got Cecil's back. She is awesome. Not Rydia-levels of awesome but close.
Like I said in my playthrough posts, I don't like how their relationship is portrayed in the game at all. Though to be fair, there aren't a lot of video game romances that I genuinely like due to a lack of chemistry, intimacy (not that kind of intimacy), genuine expressions of deep love, and development of a deepening eros relationship over the course of a game.
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