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Final Fantasy III coming to DS!!!!!!


Mzo said:
I'm guessing it's going to be an SNES-level remake like they did with FF and FF2.

As far as it using the special abilities of the DS (ie, the touch screen)... if they can find a useful way to implement them. Not EVERY game has to use the touch screen, and not every game will.

I guess a clear battlefield on top and point and click menus on the bottom screen would be cool for Final Fantasy.

yeah, that'd be good, like the Egg Monster Heros game, point and click just makes menus so much easier than selecting with the Control Pad.
jarrod said:
While nothing's been officially announced yet, at E3 Matsuno confirmed he was working on a secret DS game.... Ogre maybe?

Square Enix officially announced it as "Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles New Work".

Just wanted to say that DS FFCC is the only way that this game is meant to be played. Each player; own screen + Multi = wonders.


Kon Tiki

Camillemurs said:

Is this the American or Japanese FF3... all I'm seeing is an X for the original post.
Japanese FF3. If FFI&II on GBA are any indictation, this is not a port or rehash.


Camillemurs said:

Is this the American or Japanese FF3... all I'm seeing is an X for the original post.

It's the japanese FF3, originally released on the Famicom.

edit: beaten


i dont understand what the big deal is either. i say huge seller in japan and OK seller here in the US. kids dont even know what final fantasy is.

Kon Tiki

BeOnEdge said:
i dont understand what the big deal is either. i say huge seller in japan and OK seller here in the US. kids dont even know what final fantasy is.
Who said it is for kids?
Holy shit PSPWNED.

Seriously this is awesome, probably my fab fav of the FF series. I seriously cannot believe they put that on DS instead of PSP. Shit, talk about giving Sony a backslap after the HDD debacle.

Man, unless Sony is getting a version of the FFVII game, (which will be utter shite), this has got to be embarassing.


Deepthroat said:
Is it DS-exclusive?

Might be..still don't see why this isn't a GBA game though. I can't see it as a DS system seller, but it would be an instant half million seller on GBA.

FF I-VI rereleases = DS (well 1 & 2 GBA, but obviously playable on DS)

hehe maybe in dreamland anyway


Society said:
Who said it is for kids?

thats exactly what i'm getting at. the DS is aimed at kids. FF3 will sell to the fans here in the US but not much else. ofcourse it will rock the house in japan but i'm sure sony isnt just gonna sit on their hands and let themselves get wrecked. PSP is aimed square at nintendos portable market. they'll have some suprise software as well.


Honestly if I'm Sony I don't want FF III anywhere near a PSP screen anyway.. imagine the backlash if the display game for PSP at an EB was FF III next to the $300 price tag :lol


Tag of Excellence
BeOnEdge said:
the DS is aimed at kids.
Your perception and the market Nintendo's publicly aiming for is quite different. They've stated several times that this system is aimed at the older generation.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
About god damned time! I've been very much looking forward to playing through this again ever since it's initial Wonderswan port rumors.


kpop100 said:
Honestly if I'm Sony I don't want FF III anywhere near a PSP screen anyway.. imagine the backlash if the display game for PSP at an EB was FF III next to the $300 price tag :lol
Yeah... they'll have TOE instead. :/


jarrod said:
FF I-XI rereleases = DS (well 1 & 2 GBA, but obviously playable on DS)
FF X, X-2, XII = PSP

Fixed. :p

Actually I could buy that :) Only thing I'd be worried about is the DS media size for VII-IX.
kpop100 said:
Actually I could buy that :) Only thing I'd be worried about is the DS media size for VII-IX.

Considering how hesitant developers seem to be about doing big budgets handheld titles, I don't see 7-9 landing on either. Those games would have to have pretty hefty budgets with a remake.


kpop100 said:
Actually I could buy that :) Only thing I'd be worried about is the DS media size for VII-IX.
Actually with DS cards being so cheap, I wonder what the likelyhood of multicard games could be?


SolidSnakex said:
Considering how hesitant developers seem to be about doing big budgets handheld titles, I don't see 7-9 landing on either. Those games would have to have pretty hefty budgets with a remake.

Yeah it's doubtful..as is a FFI-XII (except XI but + X2) collection on one PS3 BR disc :p
jarrod said:
Square Enix officially announced it as "Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles New Work".

I read that as "Crystal Chronicles New York". For one glorious second, I behold an image of a crossover with Parasite Eve. Of course, Akitoshi Kawazu would probably wreak the greatest of atrocities on Parasite Eve, so it may be for the better that I was wrong.

Final Fantasy III is by far the hardest in the series (especially the final level) and I greatly look forward to playing it again. Fights with 4 Dragon Knights (dragoons) are just awesome. as are the Sage and III's Ninja.

The job system isn't as complex as V (no transferable skills), but it is more strategic.


Junior Member
Could FFVII-FFIX even be done on the DS?
What we've seen until now doesn't impress on bit visually..
SolidSnakex said:
Considering how hesitant developers seem to be about doing big budgets handheld titles, I don't see 7-9 landing on either. Those games would have to have pretty hefty budgets with a remake.
Well, it's more like they'd be slightly downgraded ports than remakes. Their biggest task would probably be resizing the backgrounds/video if they so chose.


u_neek said:
Could FFVII-FFIX even be done on the DS?
What we've seen until now doesn't impress on bit visually..
FFVII isn't all that great looking either in retrospect... low poly, mostly flat shaded models on CG backgrounds... DS could handle it easily. ROM space would be the only concern, but as DS cards grow larger it could work.


BeOnEdge said:
i dont understand what the big deal is either. i say huge seller in japan and OK seller here in the US. kids dont even know what final fantasy is.

Always one ignorant troll in every crowd.


Diomedeskun said:
I read that as "Crystal Chronicles New York". For one glorious second, I behold an image of a crossover with Parasite Eve. Of course, Akitoshi Kawazu would probably wreak the greatest of atrocities on Parasite Eve, so it may be for the better that I was wrong.

I read it as CC New York too. :lol

And I got the relatively same image.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I'm TOTALLY buying a DS now!!

I wonder how they'll make this game use DS's features... if at all :p Not that I'd care, the original FF3 is probably one of my fave FF's (along with 5). Back before FF had any angsty whiney heroes to appeal to the lame goth kids, and was pure gameplay :p


jarrod said:
While nothing's been officially announced yet, at E3 Matsuno confirmed he was working on a secret DS game.... Ogre maybe?
If they made another Ogre Battle game, I'd cream my jeans. Stylus menu control, real time unit waypoints....

Uh, right. Back on topic.
FF3! Whoo-hoo!


Damn, unless Square announces this for PSP or GBA I'm going to have to buy a DS now. I guess, own all the consoles, might as well own all the handhelds too. Then I can start anew next generation. ;P
Well they mentioned (in the gamespot article I believe) something about using the touch panel, so if it was ported to the GBA/PSP/PS2/Your Mother it would be lacking a few "features", dubious as said "features" may be.
For the system launch, Nintendo expects to have 10 to 12 games on shelves by the end of the year. Fils-Aime noted that "this is Nintendo's best launch portfolio ever." The 10 to 12 title number didn't come off strongly by itself; Reggie reinforced the number by mentioning backwards compatibility with the Game Boy Advance and how it will enable players to take advantage of more than 600 titles right out of the box. Out of the 124 games currently in development for the system, Reggie noted, "about 20 are from Nintendo." He noted that, along with Metroid Prime Hunters official release in early 2005, we can expect a Four Swords game from the company, as well as a DS-enhanced conversion of Final Fantasy III, and a new iteration of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles from Square-Enix.

If you need confirmation that this version of Final Fantasy III will be released outside Japan... I think this bit from this article should do the trick.
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