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Final Fantasy IX is the greatest Final Fantasy game


I need to play through FFIX again. I only went through it once and liked it well enough but thought the last boss was pretty dumb. I did like the ending although...

Zidane should have died.


Alucard said:
I need to play through FFIX again. I only went through it once and liked it well enough but thought the last boss was pretty dumb. I did like the ending although...

Zidane should have died.

I haven't liked a lot of the last bosses in recent FF games. Though the last battle in FF7 was awesome, almost as good as Kefka imo. I didn't like the ending though. Also, most people in here probably never played the japanese version, but I did in college and I could have swore the japanese version of the story was way better then what we got, or maybe it was just the trasnlation of my friend.
bionic77 said:
FF7 had a huge impact becaues it had maybe the best advertising campaign of all time, had amazing graphics and cg, and it introduced rpg noobs to the genre which Nintendo was too stupid to promote before. It was a great, but flawed game. It annoys me and some others that FF7 is somehow seen as the best FF by the majority of people because they never played the earlier (and dare I say it superior) games. But whatever, people have to start playing games at some point I guess.

Alot of the people who's first FF was FF7 did go back and play the previous ones and just didn't like it as much. But I don't see how it makes their opinion any less on which ones the best if it was their first FF. You've got nostalgia working on one end and newbies on the other.


Mock said:
You see, here's where you need to get a grasp on what sarcasm is. I actually was just ribbing on the game, its a game I like, what I was really making fun of are most of FFVII's fans, who happen to be fucking retarded for some reason. Like you, for example.

After posting several times on how this forum is infested with "japanophiles" and bitching on the "intelligence" level I honestly expected you to continue your retarded tradition. I guess you're not that much of an idiot. Though in case you are I suggest googling "opa-age." You might find that place much more fitting.

and btw, I'm not a FFVII fan. I never even played the game.


SolidSnakex said:
Alot of the people who's first FF was FF7 did go back and play the previous ones and just didn't like it as much. But I don't see how it makes their opinion any less on which ones the best if it was their first FF. You've got nostalgia working on one end and newbies on the other.

Any opinion that is different then mine is unacceptable, ludicrous, and obviously less then what I think. All joking aside, when you get to be an old, grumpy gamer like myself, you sometime get annoyed by noobs who think that the psx was the first videogame system. Then again, I am sure there are some even older, grumpier gamers then me that get annoyed when I think gaming started in 1983 on the Atari.


trippingmartian said:
Did Mock edit something ban-worthy out of his post?

I checked to see if he did, but the last post is exactly the same as the one I quoted. I don't know what happened there.. .


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
FF7 is my favorite. I'm on my 4th play through which is incredible for an RPG, especially with how much I'm enjoying it still. I don't see how anyone could hate this game without purposely setting out to do so.

I think it just has the best balance of everything. Lightheartedness and seriousness, overall story and character development, perfect amount of freedom, really well played out battles, perfect exp/ap progression balance, great mix of characters, the best music IMO, plenty of minigames and side quests, just so many things done right.

The only thing I would kind of like to see different is for characters to be class specific with defined strengths and weaknesses. But then again I think about how much the characters switch around through the game and it's probably best that they be as flexible as they are.
Alucard said:
I need to play through FFIX again. I only went through it once and liked it well enough but thought the last boss was pretty dumb. I did like the ending although...

Zidane should have died.

I totally argee with you. I don't like the ending. Beside that, I think FF IX has the best pacing in terms of plot development and character and enemies balancing.
I loved Final Fantasy 9 and final fantasy 6. Those were the only two Final fantasies were i finished all the mini games. Terra and Princess Garret are two of my favorite heroines.


bionic77 said:
FF7 had a huge impact becaues it had maybe the best advertising campaign of all time, had amazing graphics and cg, and it introduced rpg noobs to the genre which Nintendo was too stupid to promote before. It was a great, but flawed game. It annoys me and some others that FF7 is somehow seen as the best FF by the majority of people because they never played the earlier (and dare I say it superior) games. But whatever, people have to start playing games at some point I guess.

Even without the 'huge marketing campaign' FF7 would've still had a cadre of supporters just as hardcore as they are now... although arguably less numerous.

But like I said... it's treated as the best there was, because of it's impact and indelible impression, created by it's awesome presentation; it's gameplay was also pretty solid - which is what got people onto the whole FF idea...

but personally having experienced the SNES and Gameboy FFs before FF7, it's still definetly my favourite FF to date, for all the reasons mentioned. The previous games... they weren't superior. they were just different, much more traditional japanese RPG then what we've come to expect from modern FF games; even FFTA has more in common with FF7 in that sense then FF1-6...


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Haters can keep on hatin'. HATE HATE HATE!

Doesn't make you any more right. FFIX is the only modern FF that leaves you with a smile on your face when all is said and done. How can that be a bad thing?


GDJustin said:
Haters can keep on hatin'. HATE HATE HATE!

Doesn't make you any more right. FFIX is the only modern FF that leaves you with a smile on your face when all is said and done. How can that be a bad thing?

FF7, FF8 left a smile on my face.
Final Fantasy VII did make a substantial impact on me becasue it was so differrent in so many ways from what came before, but its supporting characters, plot, and gameplay were quite poor for the series. I was contstantly torn between marvelling at how amazing the game was and wishing that it were more like Final Fantasy VI. I never experienced that in VIII. In VIII, I was able to immerse myself in the characters and story, as well as the mostly good (if somewhat unbalanced) gameplay.

That said, I have never played a game in the series that I have not loved (well, other than 2 on Origins, although it had seemed so great at first) beyond every game to come before it in the series at the time. In the long run, though, I like every even numbered game better than the game to come after it, but I love VI, VIII, XI, X, and Tactics for great story and characters with good game play. I am also fond of I,III,IV, and V for great gameplay. VI and Tactics are the only two that really seem to excel at story and gameplay, although IX and X are almost there and only dragged down by some flaws.


I think 3 is the best Final Fantasy game. 3 on the famicom for those who think I mean 6.

It's amazing how much of 9 is straight copied out of 1-3 as an attempted homage to the earlier FF games. I think I would have liked it a lot more if they hadn't reused all these old bits from those first 3 FF games.


GDJustin said:
Haters can keep on hatin'. HATE HATE HATE!

Doesn't make you any more right. FFIX is the only modern FF that leaves you with a smile on your face when all is said and done. How can that be a bad thing?

No it isn't. I loved playing Final Fantasy 8 and did have a smile on my face when I finished that game. It had such a nice ending.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
but its supporting characters, plot, and gameplay were quite poor for the series.

Compared to what?! I mean, outside of FFVI, most of the games barely had plots worth mentioning. They were extremely simple affairs in comparison to what FFVII was doing. If you simply didn't care for it, that would make sense...but to suggest that it was quite poor "for the series" at that time is just ludicrous.

Then you look at characters and gameplay. Which characters exactly were SO incredibly superior than the cast of FFVII? Heck, the gameplay wasn't even vastly different and was still a lot of fun.

I really did not like FFIX, though. Boring storyline that seemed to go nowhere, awful battle system, tons of loading, dull soundtrack etc. It just wasn't that enjoyable.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
thank god someone agreed with me. I do think FF7 is better, but FF9 had a great story that was so simple to follow.


Alucard said:
I did like the ending although...

Yeah, the ending is nice. I completely misunderstood it the first time I saw it though.

I thought the one reflecting on the journey was Dagger because she's back to being a princess. But later, she gave it up to be with Zidane.

Had to watch the ending again after I was told it was actually Vivi doing the narative, and that he's gone. :'(

I really hated how
they try to win sympathy points for the Queen and Kuja though. I want antagonists that I can hate the entire game damnit.


The best thing about IX was the return to four character parties. Then the fuckers at square busted it back down to 3 in X.


Thought it was just a weak attempt at taking what the previous games had and mashed them all into one game. Nothing original about it.
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