Does the no cost on loss also apply to the entry ticket?They do cost stamina. 60 like a torment, however it's not consumed if you don't win also. You can hold 16 of the item technically and there's inventory space for 15 but you can just not collect one until required...
It's currently half stamina (so 30) because they released two new bosses this week.
Does the no cost on loss also apply to the entry ticket?
I'm glad they're bringing more stuff but man...
....this game may end up to be one of those that in the future somewhat cannibalizes itself with having so many systems at play that it scares off newbies who are just looking for a simple time-waster but then later get hooked.
They'll just see so many slots and options and so many questions ... I hope that isn't the case.
Shoot, FFRK may somewhat already be at that point.
Off the top of my head, for FF12 I have:
Vaan OSB
Vaan BSB
Balthier BSB
and my spreadsheet says "Ashe's Defiance"
I'd have to load up the game to remember what that was.
So is there anything noticeable on these 2 banners?
Ashe's Defiance is her BSB armor.
The standouts from these banners are probably Penelo's new USB (medica, party physical blink, 2000 HP stock), Fran's debuff BSB (AOE pentabreak entry, -ATK and -RES commands), and Larsa's new healer BSB (status blink on entry).
Penelo's BSB is a damage/healing hybrid that from what I can gather is not particularly well regarded. Gabranth's BSB is a bog standard dark-elemental physical BSB, same with Basch's relics which seem like carbon copies of stuff that Agrias and Beatrix have. Not bad relics but nothing outstanding about them.
Fran also has an AOE lightning imperil on banner 1, which I'd love to pick up along with her BSB. Penelo's USB would be a nice bonus. I don't know if I'm going to pull on banner 2 yet.
Ashe's Defiance is her BSB armor.
The standouts from these banners are probably Penelo's new USB (medica, party physical blink, 2000 HP stock), Fran's debuff BSB (AOE pentabreak entry, -ATK and -RES commands), and Larsa's new healer BSB (status blink on entry).
Penelo's BSB is a damage/healing hybrid that from what I can gather is not particularly well regarded. Gabranth's BSB is a bog standard dark-elemental physical BSB, same with Basch's relics which seem like carbon copies of stuff that Agrias and Beatrix have. Not bad relics but nothing outstanding about them.
Fran also has an AOE lightning imperil on banner 1, which I'd love to pick up along with her BSB. Penelo's USB would be a nice bonus. I don't know if I'm going to pull on banner 2 yet.
Remember that time she got kidnapped and was the most relevant to the plot she would ever be?
Let's relive that.
...I don't even remember that.
You know, I played it on release like what 2006/2007.
I finally replayed it, zodiak version, on emulator in 2013. I'll probably buy it for PS4.
What I remember about that game:
1. Vaan does nothing for me, but I love balthier.
2. Battle system is perfect to me, Gambit system is so awesome, like a script for "dual boxing mmo's".. I felt like I was playing an mmo with 3 accounts.
3. The infinite exp trick with certain gambits in the Necro dungeon.
4. And other than certain areas, that's it. In fact, in my head, I actually have to think about Selphie and Penelo because I've only played FF8 once, and FF12 - Penelo never stood out.
So I'm with you there.
I also played the original release, but unfortunately my brain was too stupid to understand the politics of the story. I'm sure now that I'm older and with the Zodiac Age Remaster coming mid-year, I'll have a much better understanding of the game.
All I remember from XII is:
- Vaan and Penelo do nothing
- Cid is a dick
- Summons suck, better off to Quickening spam
- Game had an unfortunate spell queue system where only one major spell could be cast at any given time (same problem as Tales of Symphonia). So multiple mages were a massive liability. And what kind of party did I make? MAGE META
- Got my ass handed to me multiple times by some King Bomb in some woods
- Reks da best
You know, I played it on release like what 2006/2007.
I finally replayed it, zodiak version, on emulator in 2013. I'll probably buy it for PS4.
What I remember about that game:
1. Vaan does nothing for me, but I love balthier.
2. Battle system is perfect to me, Gambit system is so awesome, like a script for "dual boxing mmo's".. I felt like I was playing an mmo with 3 accounts.
3. The infinite exp trick with certain gambits in the Necro dungeon.
4. And other than certain areas, that's it. In fact, in my head, I actually have to think about Selphie and Penelo because I've only played FF8 once, and FF12 - Penelo never stood out.
So I'm with you there.
"Hello, I'm Larsa and my Potion/High Potion spam will block out the fucking sun"
Larsa is amazing. I was always overjoyed when he joined the party temporarily because I could run around lazily while he literally drowned everyone in Potions.
EDIT: They changed the Relic details preview. Gotta scroll now. Guess it was to accomodate the Commands for BSBs?
Game is punishing me. Pulled 2 unique. Thanks, id be rocking out 2 years ago!
The way I use her is support in multi target fights (as I don't have relics for other dancers). The +mag/mnd entry mean she could be used as your support in a mage meta team. Do note the boost overwrites Selphie's burst entry boost and is inferior (Selphie 30%, Panelo +10%) though Selphie is another so-so burst.Edit: Oh! I forgot to post that last night right before I passed out, I got Penelo BSB on 100gem pull. I think you guys said it was so-so. Does look it could find a use in a Holy Team, but I already have like 10 Holy relics, so unsure.
The way I use her is support in multi target fights (as I don't have relics for other dancers). The +mag/mnd entry mean she could be used as your support in a mage meta team. Do note the boost overwrites Selphie's burst entry boost and is inferior (Selphie 30%, Panelo +10%) though Selphie is another so-so burst.
I'll have to look at it. Mog has been my dancer of choice because I have his RevWall soul break.
I can't wait for Mog's BSB.
What is it?
Ya I know I can google, but I like the conversation in this joint.
Edit: I looked up my Holy stuff (in reference to finding a place for Penelo's BSB) and I'm so stacked, I have Pecil SSB and BSB, WoL OSB, Garnet BSB, Agrias SSB and BSB, Relm BSB, Firion BSB, and Cid R's SSB. Geez!
It's basically an Mage Meta version of OK's VoF.
Entry: Grants Haste, MAG and MND +30% for 25 seconds, grants Burst Mode to the user
Cmd1: Instant Cast, Restores HP (80), grants High Regen, damages undeads
Cmd2: Single attack (10.60), MAG -50% for 25 seconds
It's seriously amazing.
Holy Shit.
How far away is that? I've never chased but... I love Mog!
So much X trash, may the Gacha gods bless me >.>There is.
Your sarcasm always cracks me up, my style of humor.
Edit: Oh! I forgot to post that last night right before I passed out, I got Penelo BSB on 100gem pull. I think you guys said it was so-so. Does look it could find a use in a Holy Team, but I already have like 10 Holy relics, so unsure.
I think I'm going to do two 11 pulls later today. One with 35myth and 1000 gems, and the other straight gems. Got a check from AT&T for $47 bucks. Apparently from a class action lawsuit from 2005-2010 that I didnt even know about. So it really is "throwaway" money.
There is.
Come on Faris and Rikku BSBs! ... Who am I kidding, I'm going to wind up with Tiny Bee and more Jecht dupes.
You don't want rikku bsb. I have it, thing sucks.
next mp boss is weak (slight) to wind? hmm cloud osb/bsb2 or luneth bsb...
Do it like everyone else online and bring both! Dat half damage from the back row!