I did!Did anyone pull on Curaga Lucky?
Is there a XV event, mini-event?
Does XII drop next Thursday?
Geryon is a bonus boss from FFIV DS.
Not sure why they put it in this. Guess because the four fiends mash-up look is cool.
Ah, FFIV is probably my favorite Final Fantasy. I've beat the SNES version 6 or so times, the PSP version once, and the DS version once.
I must not have did any of the bonus battles, but I'm not surprised, I had just bought a DS FF3, FF4, DQ5 and DQ9 all on the same day.
Damn, you're like the only other person I've ever heard say that. FFIV is also my favorite. First I found out you're an excel nerd, now you're an FFIV fanatic. what gives?!
I had Geryon down to 20 percent CM. Leveling up Palom to 99 for a better chance. Once he hits resist mode it's a slog. Does he have vulnerabilities? Interrupt wasnt working. Slow? Does not help I have no breaker besides Rosa who is obviously healing and casting shell.
When the hell do we get more 4 star spirit motes?
I went really slow at the beginning in phase 1 and just kept healing and buffs up while using Lifesiphon and Wrath. After I had like 2-3 bars I got him to the end and just used a ton of OSBs on him to finish off the last 20%.
OSBs that do Non-Elemental are nice because they can still hit 50k+. I also had Rosa for Magic Blink and Edge for Physical Blink + Last Stand. Last Stand saved my ass more than once.
When the hell do we get more 4 star spirit motes?
so i haven't played this game for a few months . decided to fire it up .
See there is a 11x pull for half cost and decided why not ?
so i haven't played this game for a few months . decided to fire it up .
See there is a 11x pull for half cost and decided why not ?
so i haven't played this game for a few months . decided to fire it up .
See there is a 11x pull for half cost and decided why not ?
Hey do we all agree that Relm BSB with Last Stand and Lenna USB with nice stacking buffs is better than Aerith USB which is only insta heal and Shell?
I went really slow at the beginning in phase 1 and just kept healing and buffs up while using Lifesiphon and Wrath. After I had like 2-3 bars I got him to the end and just used a ton of OSBs on him to finish off the last 20%.
OSBs that do Non-Elemental are nice because they can still hit 50k+. I also had Rosa for Magic Blink and Edge for Physical Blink + Last Stand. Last Stand saved my ass more than once.
Knew I should've have pulled.
Seraphim Rod (Porom SSB) - Dupe
Artemis Bow (Rosa SSB) - Not much value since I have Poroms SSB and her excellent BSB.
Cresent Wish (Selphie SSB) - Upgrade since my only medica in VIII is her ancient Trabia's Light.
Sephiroth at the end of the Crisis event should have spirit motes attached. 4* are probably in the MP version.
I take it you have Rosa's burst? I was a bit disappointed with seeing Artemis pop up a few months ago. It's crazy good for magic bosses. I was wrong.
Her USB, as you know, is that plus stock and instant? The vanilla version is good and could be better than her burst in magic fights.
Edit. You have Porom. You could run Rosa as a breaker with the emergency heal, blink.
I don't know how Eiko's considered in the meta but the BSB seems pretty useful for IX stuff.
so i haven't played this game for a few months . decided to fire it up .
See there is a 11x pull for half cost and decided why not ?
Time for (yet) another noob question: How do you guys keep track of when to renew buffs/debuffs? I'm trying to beat Gilga highway Apocalypse but eventually I always reach a point where I didn't time a buff/debuff correctly and end up losing.
Seriously. Screw the grind that is doing events from the beginning stages up through +++. It is such a goddamned waste of time. This has to be addressed somehow. Please. Seriously. Please.
Spend 500 gems collect all rewards through lvl 120 per an event.