I found the Gilgamesh fight incredibly easy, much easier than the D180 from FFIV.
Time for (yet) another noob question: How do you guys keep track of when to renew buffs/debuffs? I'm trying to beat Gilga highway Apocalypse but eventually I always reach a point where I didn't time a buff/debuff correctly and end up losing.
The big problem really is breaking free of the Games as Service trap. If you constantly feel like you're missing something, then you're going to want to keep playing. Or at least, that's how I end up feeling.If you need a break, then you need a break.
It never is the end of a world to just call it quits for a while, (although if you want to keep a pilot fire on in the form of logging in daily for the daily mythril - low effort maintenance - it takes a special kind of willpower not to go beyond that for weeks on end, haha)
I always make the (at times flimsy) argument for 'loot RNG' being worth the investment (time, or money, or both depending on the person) based on the entertainment value one gets out of it. On that note, entertainment *is* entertainment, and when it stops being such, then it's usually time to do something about it.
FWIW I dropped KHUX for the better part of 9 months but still terrorized KHUX GAF discord. Community doesn't disappear.
I've NEVER had a draw this good.
3 of them (Orlandeau, Luneth and Faris) are dupes, but I'll HAPPILY take those dupes.
REDEMPTION! Now I have her USB and her LM.I was secretly hoping for a Relm relic though
Jecht OSB (only FFX characters can use the fucking blitzball)
Reno BSB
Those went straight to the vault to never be seen again.
1/11, Gaffgarion BSB
Not thrilled with going 1/11 on a gem pull, but at least it's no a dupe so ehhh
Edit: Hmm, looking into it apparently Gaffgarion can use Omega Drive which IIRC is one of the 6* abilities that is getting buffed? If so his CMD1 being an ether makes this a better pull than at first glance, although doesn't propel him to the top of my ranks or anything.
It's kind of silly how much FFT synergy I have but I still have NOTHING for TG Cid, it's kind of annoying.
Of course, 1/11. At least it's a holy, Agrias burst, but believe it's old as sin. :/
At least it's holy imperil. The commands are meh though.
Just use Protectga, Wall and her cmd1 and wreck things with a 4-hit Guardbringer!
Got the strangest 3/11 from this one...
Garnet BSB1
Gogo BSB
Shantotto CSB
1/11, Yuna bsb2, new.
I hate going 1/11 on the bsb+ lucky, but i've been wanting a medica for X for a long time so at least i got that. Also with the sage buff on entry, Yuna might become my main healer for my mage team now. I'll miss Vanille's insta-heal, but i'll try Yuna and see how I like it. With 3 faithgas and Wall native, i'll be able to RW whatever the hell i want.
That lightning chain is amazing if used properly
Dupe Fran BSB
Dupe Ashe BSB
Piece of shit Laguna BSB
This is a catastrophe.
Kain OSB, Rinoa OSB, Edgar OSB, Penelo BSB. No dupes.
It's like the game's trying to draw me back in.
Anyone use Rapid Fire? Is it worth creating?
Anyone use Rapid Fire? Is it worth creating?
Dumb question but I have 2 characters for whom I need memory crystal to break their level cap but I am out of memory crystals.
Is there a way I can get those right now or will I have to wait until those character crystals appear in a event?