Just read the strategy tips. For fire you have to bring water attacks/SBs.
I believe it's 25seconds just like the normal wall. No reason to bring Tyro for these fights.
Maybe Alphi for radiant and 610 then.
Ya I read and I mean, I'm setup with Water now, but that was after I opened it lol.
Ah well do have Tidus CSB/BSB coming
Well here goes!
Edit: Ah I see I can still choose to unlock some other dungeon. But' its ok, lets see what I can do.
Edit2: I'm not sure what I was thinking, but I see it's just a RW that you don't get to pick, but two uses etc.
That clears up the Tyro and how long does it last wall thing.
Edit3: LOL the way my dps was gonig with my A-team (with Alphi instead of Tyro) was similar to d300 Bahamut when he starts healing. I was at nearly 1 minute when i quit and he was at 80% life.
Alright, lets go do one vulernerable to Fire. I have 1 osb, 7 BSB, 5 SSB, and 2 SB for fire, including 5 enFire and 4 imperil fire.