Finally got around to my pulls.
Gem pull: Curilla USB, Kefka BSB, Rafa SSB (Haste thing)
No dupes! And my first Radiant Shield! I'm fairly happy about it, though I never really looked into LDing Curilla (and if she's good she'll still be awhile since Gladio and Beatrix are ahead of her in line for Knight-ish motes), but hot damn all the same. FF6 bursts I don't have are always welcome and more stats for Rafa/armor for FFT is good too.
Banner 3 Pull: Cloud USB, Garnet BSB, Edea BSB
I liked this pull for the most part (again no dupes) but I have nothing for Cloud except his old Cross Slash SB and I have Garnet's (much) better BSB2 so their usage is iffy. Edea is a fine prize in either case, I needed Ice dmg stuffs kinda bad.
Still not really sure what to select for my free relic, tho now I am eyeballing Curilla's...I was planning a banner 4 pull though, so that's first.
Which legend record materia do everyone unlock first??
Anyone still run mage meta with Fujin and her Metsu bsb? I remember it was OP then or its not relevant anymore?
How do you get Magicite? Haven't raided in months and I have 0 legend record materia.
I dived Luneth for some of his abilities and Faris, fully dived Onion Knight. I guess I should start on Cloud since I have his USB or maybe Squall's too?
Who you dive should be based around who you have relics for. My general rule of thumb is them having both a BSB and an OSB/USB but yours may vary. Also Legend Diving trees are not equally useful so I would look to see how good the tree is for the characters you are planning on first.
Magicite you have to beat all the Nightmare dungeons to unlock then you have to beat the Magicite dungeons themselves. It's work for the unprepared so I wouldn't be too concerned just yet. They're great to have but not really necessary for anything yet.