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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT3| When having no onions makes you cry





I'm going to have to pull on banner 5.

Lightning has become an accidental waifu, would take some more noctis stuff as well. Only like 2 dupes there, and I needs mah first usb outside of Tyro. Of course I won't get a usb, but whatever.


B4 pulls.

100 gems: trash
2/11: Seymour burst (new), Auron burst (dupe). Only had 2 possible dupes on banner, disappointing pull. Decided to try one more time...
1/11: Rikku ultra (new). Well, at least i finally have a hastega for X CMs.

This banner made me sad, missed all the relics i really wanted. Any of the other 6*s, Vaan burst, any of the XI bursts...


Also thinking about my XII synergy and it’s also pretty terrible outside of Ashe...

Is Vaans BSB with picking, or is it outdated now?
Vaans bsb is awesome though not terribly useful in magicite dungeons. I use it all the time in upper end content, but I do have his usb and have him legend dived. So he is a beast. Also I use him for nearly every month battle as he can do tons of damage while debuffing and is non elemental. He can fit in any non mage party easily, particularly if you have a 6* dagger.
I see why Rikku's USB is so good. Its a more powered version of OK's bsb with Protect and Shell.

Did 2 pulls and got 1/11 Vaan's USB. Next one is 2/11. Tidus's USB and Auron's BSB. Whelp, out of mythrils and won't get Rikku's USB for a while :(

Anyone getting 1/11 Tiny Bee lol?


Having a 6* dagger is a steep proviso since there are only 5 of them. And Vaan's USB isn't one for some reason.

That said, Vaan works best with daggers but that really matters only if you LD him. I'd say Vaan/Lion BSBs are still top 5 out of everything available in the selection.


So if all I have is Squall's BSB2(and I guess his oldest SSB) it's probably still worth Legend Diving him, right? I got it on the last banner along with Zidane's BSB2, Cid's BSB and a dupe Cloud BSB2 in a single 11 pull, as if I needed even more physical wind. So after I finish Bartz, it's between Lightning and Squall and then Tidus after. I'll never get that many dexterity motes...


So if all I have is Squall's BSB2(and I guess his oldest SSB) it's probably still worth Legend Diving him, right? I got it on the last banner along with Zidane's BSB2, Cid's BSB and a dupe Cloud BSB2 in a single 11 pull, as if I needed even more physical wind. So after I finish Bartz, it's between Lightning and Squall and then Tidus after. I'll never get that many dexterity motes...

Well, I fully dived Cloud just because of his BSB2. And Squall's can be even more powerful than Cloud's. So I say its well worth it


After the 2nd Mythril Dungeon I will have 50 Mythrils again.

Banner 5 have 4 dupes and the current Banner have 2 dupes with the wrath of the Bees looming.

When is the next banner fest? Maybe I should save my Mythrils until then.


So if all I have is Squall's BSB2(and I guess his oldest SSB) it's probably still worth Legend Diving him, right? I got it on the last banner along with Zidane's BSB2, Cid's BSB and a dupe Cloud BSB2 in a single 11 pull, as if I needed even more physical wind. So after I finish Bartz, it's between Lightning and Squall and then Tidus after. I'll never get that many dexterity motes...

I legend dived Squall after getting his bsb2, his dualcast LM will help him build up cmd1 faster so you can use cmd2 more.


Fest banner 4 - Aphmau BSB (dupe), Auron BSB2

Every fest banner I've pulled on has been either 1/11, or 2/11 with a dupe.

Salty pull on FFVI 1 to escape fest banners that never give me anything good:

Well, that's certainly something. Guess I should plan a dive on Shadow now.
Nice pull there!

This wait on taking the free bsb is annoying. Have to be strong until after the dungeon lucky draw on the 10th, since I’m going to take zacks bsb. Do not want to pull it on the crystal pull or dungeon draw (iii, v, vii). Really hoping that the torment on Tuesday is i so can try it before the crystal pull., I’m leaning towards Sarah’s bsb just for the torment-that or fujins.
A free 30 myhtrils. Don't mind if I do. I have enough for another pull on banner 4 or 5. Noctis and Alphinaud USB is the most desired ones on banner 5? I still want Rikku's USB.

Did a Yolo pull. 2/11: Tiny Bee and Curilla's Intervention. Yeah, I'm done. Saving mythrils for the next banner fest. Rikku will just have to wait.


Decided to say screw it and pull on banner 4 again:

2/11: Shantotto USB, Curilla BSB (dupe)

Worth it, time to dive Shantotto.
Is there a simple kreeper tutorial, including fiddler? Ipad ios 11. I install fiddler but can't figure out how to do anything, it kills all internet traffic on my pc then. Windows 10.turned off firewall, nothing. firefox, chrome. sigh. my computer figuring out skills have really degraded over the years.



i finally beat another magicite dungeon.. (only one i ever beat before was living flame by turtling). Took down sealion... I finally have another magicite to lvl now.. geez :(


The selection for the Dissidia event is less than stellar: Gabranth USB, Garland Chain (though it has a ridiculous 20 hit on entry or sth) and dark bursts and SSBs all around.

I'll wait for the next one...
If you lack dark, it's pretty good, but while I'd like the chain I already have:

Gabranth bsb
Rufus ssb

Garland bsb, Ssb
Emperor bsb
Cod bsb Ssb
Seifer usb bsb Ssb
Jecht bsb Ssb
Raines bsb Ssb
Vayne OSB

And a few more ssbs and uniques around.
And 3+ dark swords a magic fist rod staff and one heavy armor two bracers two light armors. So I can basically roll a team fully decked out in dark gear.

That chain would be a deadly addition though....
280 stam spent so far today without a single Gold Knight even appearing. I thought I was back on track to finish up the roulette without any more refreshes, but RNG apparently has other ideas.
All magicite dungeons cleared. I NEVER thought I could do this.

Today was Hydra with Butz, Dorgann (!), Ysh, Rikku and Ramza. Then Bismarck (he’s hard!) with Rafa, Palom (!!!!), OK, Mog, and Ysh.

Mog is an MVP. And Palom is basically CT0 damage with his BSB. It’s bonkers.

Now I need to figure out Omega.


I pulled on the ost banner since it was 100% new and got noctis ssb.

Congrats, that's probably the best relic on the banner. A lot of people use it to get sub-30 clears on Magicites. I'm hoping to get it from the next FFXV event banner we should be getting after the fest is over.


that puzzling face
Banner lasts for a couple of days. If you want to do it you owe it to yourself to at least be sober.


Unless I luck out on the Crystal Tower pull, I'm going for an Ice relic. Question is Ayame or Edea?

Can't go wrong with either. Ayame is completely self sufficient and has advantages over Squalls BSB2, along with a great dive.

Edea requires a lot of support to get running, but once it does, it facerolls.
Decided to pull as I had nothing on the banner and figured it was another chance for Alphi BSB.

Got Iris BSB (yet ANOTHER healer relic).

And... Noctis USB. So, how is that as far as offensive USBs go? I only ever see Cloud mentioned.


Decided to pull as I had nothing on the banner and figured it was another chance for Alphi BSB.

Got Iris BSB (yet ANOTHER healer relic).

And... Noctis USB. So, how is that as far as offensive USBs go? I only ever see Cloud mentioned.

It's decent. Synergizes well with his OSB if you can get it.


Can't go wrong with either. Ayame is completely self sufficient and has advantages over Squalls BSB2, along with a great dive.

Edea requires a lot of support to get running, but once it does, it facerolls.

Yeah it's a tough pick. My other Ice relics are trash (Lulu, Laguna, Papa SSBs) so Fenrir might be a solo dps strat which Edea would excel at, similar to what I did with Maria vs Hydra. On the other hand, VIII banners are super common and Edea's BSB makes it's way onto every one, and XI banners are super rare.


Subete no aware
So I finally got the Raines glove from the draw, but I don't know what to pick as my paid relic now.

Is Vaan basically the next most useful choice? I sort of want ot get Agrias for imperil Holy, but I don't know...


So I finally got the Raines glove from the draw, but I don't know what to pick as my paid relic now.

Is Vaan basically the next most useful choice? I sort of want ot get Agrias for imperil Holy, but I don't know...

I had a another look at the gem banner.

My personal best picks would be the Maria (Clones), Ayame and Raines.


What the fuck is up with this Air Force MP fight in ff6? I'm trying to solo the 160 but it is fucking stupidly dumb. Wall + full break + shellga + protectga + magic breakdown + power breakdown and the fucking thing hits non stop for 2k - 3k + to all members, absolutely destroying me. I can do 250 dif battles no sweat but this 160 is insane.
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