So if all I have is Squall's BSB2(and I guess his oldest SSB) it's probably still worth Legend Diving him, right? I got it on the last banner along with Zidane's BSB2, Cid's BSB and a dupe Cloud BSB2 in a single 11 pull, as if I needed even more physical wind. So after I finish Bartz, it's between Lightning and Squall and then Tidus after. I'll never get that many dexterity motes...
Is Vaans BSB with picking, or is it outdated now?
So if all I have is Squall's BSB2(and I guess his oldest SSB) it's probably still worth Legend Diving him, right? I got it on the last banner along with Zidane's BSB2, Cid's BSB and a dupe Cloud BSB2 in a single 11 pull, as if I needed even more physical wind. So after I finish Bartz, it's between Lightning and Squall and then Tidus after. I'll never get that many dexterity motes...
How come?
I pulled on the ost banner since it was 100% new and got noctis ssb.
280 stam spent so far today without a single Gold Knight even appearing. I thought I was back on track to finish up the roulette without any more refreshes, but RNG apparently has other ideas.
I've had a couple of drinks tonight and whaling for Lighting's USB is starting to feel like a really good idea. Pros/cons?
Do I have to link that guy who whaled for Terra's OSB and got 20+ Tin Armours in return?
Still haven't decided what BSB to pick. Agony.
Unless I luck out on the Crystal Tower pull, I'm going for an Ice relic. Question is Ayame or Edea?
Decided to pull as I had nothing on the banner and figured it was another chance for Alphi BSB.
Got Iris BSB (yet ANOTHER healer relic).
And... Noctis USB. So, how is that as far as offensive USBs go? I only ever see Cloud mentioned.
Can't go wrong with either. Ayame is completely self sufficient and has advantages over Squalls BSB2, along with a great dive.
Edea requires a lot of support to get running, but once it does, it facerolls.
So I finally got the Raines glove from the draw, but I don't know what to pick as my paid relic now.
Is Vaan basically the next most useful choice? I sort of want ot get Agrias for imperil Holy, but I don't know...