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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT3| When having no onions makes you cry

I've been loving that Tornado Strike. Next goal for me is to get it to R3. Cloud wrecks with it in a wind-imperil / wind-based team.

I wish it was single target with a higher multiplier like the other 5* spellblades. For single target bosses I have a hard time justifying bringing it since Luneth's BSB command 1 has a higher damage multiplier and can proc Stun. I tend to bring dark bargain instead to boost my soul break damage. Once I've got 2 or 3 bars, Dark Bargain (+30% ATK/-30% DEF) > BSB (en-wind) > BSB command 2 (+30% ATK/-30% RES) > SSB.


I am severely lacking in MDO for all future/remaining abilities. But not MBO/MLO.


I didn't have nearly as much time as I would have liked on to do on refreshes; I only did maybe about 15-20 tops? Factoring in ALL of the abilities I want to hone to r3 that come out in the next 6 months + getting Lightning Dive to r3 I need a total of 216 for both MDO & MLO. I went into this phase with virtually no MLO and maybe 50 MDO, and ended with 31 MLO & 80 MDO. I was already more than sufficient on MBO for what I'm looking at but fuuuuuuuuck man. If I could have at least gotten up to 60 MLO to get Lightning Dive done since that's the only currently available thing I need that I'm short on for anything that would have been something at least :/

The only thing I need at all from phase 2 is MWO, but I only need a total of 60 more between right now and like 5 months from now so I'm not really worried about that, and I'm already past what I need on MPO and MNEO. Likewise I'm already past my requirements for everything on phase 3. Phase 4 is similar to phase 1 though where I actually need all 3 orbs (about 50 short on MSO, and 150 short on both MFO & MIO) so that's the only other spot where I will be doing any refreshing, and we should have banners and whatnot either already over or datamined so I can plan a bit how much I want to do there.

3 great relics on this banner, but no way Maria BSB won't be on the anniversary, so whatever.

Yeah, I'm like 99% sure I'm going to pull on this banner for Torment CM purposes (my FF2 RS consists of Minwu's insta-medica and that's it) but I want to wait until we get all of the other banners over with/datamined before pulling just in case I get lucky or the banners are way better than I'm expecting. Right now I'm at 235 mythril having not touched the FF2 event at all, wish I had a bit more but I have a feeling I'm not going to be pulling on any of the non-free/LD banners. Last couple of fests there was usually only one or two of the banners that interested me, and my needs have gotten a bit more realm/role specific. Also hoping to have something to do at least one pull on the FF6 banners coming up, one of them (the first one?) is pretty baller IIRC.


I wish it was single target with a higher multiplier like the other 5* spellblades. For single target bosses I have a hard time justifying bringing it since Luneth's BSB command 1 has a higher damage multiplier and can proc Stun. I tend to bring dark bargain instead to boost my soul break damage. Once I've got 2 or 3 bars, Dark Bargain (+30% ATK/-30% DEF) > BSB (en-wind) > BSB command 2 (+30% ATK/-30% RES) > SSB.

Yeah, I use it for torments' trash and the like. Just makes life easier.

I like getting AoE relics / abilities because they're scarcer than single target. And I've found I always have more trouble with AoE fights than single target.


When's the ff6 banner? It's my second fave ff game and only relic I have is Sabin unique claws :(

If you meant what day, I think it's the usual Thursday? But I'm not sure, I was looking at the calendar earlier today and noticed there is an event that's a day off than the usual Thurs/Sun.

If you just meant when/what order for events coming up...

FF6 is next, followed by FF9, and then I think it's FF11. I was looking so I knew which realm coming up I needed a second 99, and figured it was time to MC3-break Shantotto. I already have 2 99's in FF6 and FF9.


If you meant what day, I think it's the usual Thursday? But I'm not sure, I was looking at the calendar earlier today and noticed there is an event that's a day off than the usual Thurs/Sun.

If you just meant when/what order for events coming up...

FF6 is next, followed by FF9, and then I think it's FF11. I was looking so I knew which realm coming up I needed a second 99, and figured it was time to MC3-break Shantotto. I already have 2 99's in FF6 and FF9.

Yeah just the general order.

*shivers* at ff9 event. I'm a sucker for 9, I always pull on 9, I always get thunder gloves. I'm stacked on those things.


When will the freaking anniversary banners be announced?


Should be soon because it's pretty close.
the cm is tough as balls. and I pulled a few really good relics on these two banners including gordon's bsb

party was:
leon banishing strike saint cross (ssb-didnt use) double knight rm-never activated
gordon full break magic breakdown bsb (used once)
josef defense breakdown power breakdown secrets of qu rm
emperor curaja shellga bsb (didn't use) double cast white
minwu-ultra cure, protecga ssb heal mako might

rw: shout

basically under shout/armor/full break leon was doing 9999x1 or 2 each hit and josef was doing near 9999x1 and just had to pound away and run cures basically every round

good luck if you don't have minwus medica....
So I gave banner 2 a pull in hopes of getting something for the torment CM (Only had Leon's BSB). Was apprehensive due to upcoming anniversary pulls and only having 275 mith.

Minwu SSB
Maria BSB

Hot damn! I've been overdue for some luck.


If I don't DPS in the MP raid my group's dps tends to suck, but if I DPS i don't usually have the proper healing/debuffs. Latency isn't helping much either admittedly..


Yeah just the general order.

*shivers* at ff9 event. I'm a sucker for 9, I always pull on 9, I always get thunder gloves. I'm stacked on those things.

First banner (Locke) is Tuesday, second (Celes) is Friday.

Event is early due to anniversary, next one is back to Thursday/Sunday (Beatrix, Apr. 6).


FF6 banners

I wanna hopefully pull on both banners, or at least the first tone. FF6 is bae and I have a lot of stat sticks in the realm but outside of Terra's SSB/OSB combo it's mostly quirky support stuff (Mog/Setzer) or shit (Uniques), I don't have any BSBs or Medicas so the first banner in particular looks good for me with two medicas unless I get lucky on the Curaga banner.
2/11 on the banner - Minwu SSB (Dupe) and Maria OSB (yay).

I'm interested in Maria BSB, but will wait until next weekend before drawing again, especially as i now have a few items on this banner already.


Considering how godlike Maria BSB is, isn't this one of those cases where there is no reason to ever use her OSB? By the time there are like 3-4 boostgas in play to maximize the OSB damage, her BSB should be doing like 60k per command and 80k per recast.


Anniversary banners should come out before FF2 event ends right?

Need to decide if I want to roll for Maria gear. Already skipped FFXIII-2 banner because I was hoping for a better Cid BSSB banner, plus the next Cid BSSB banner is suppose to be really good.


Firion's always been a favorite character of mine, and I've been really see-sawing on doing a pull on his banner, with the Orbfest banners on the way.

Gave in and did a 11x pull the other night - got his OSB, BSB, and Emporer's cloak.

Needless to say, I do not regret that one.

Now I'm reading Locke banner is coming out with both his OSB and BSB, and a SSB that doesn't seem to have been released, and I realize I'm going to have to do another non-orbfest pull.

It's not really that big of a deal though, since the main things I wanted out of these banners was OK gauntlets, which I got on the lucky pull.

Anyways, despite the FFXIII U+ being multiple monsters, I gave it a shot anyways only to find out it's 1 monster at a time. Beat it easily on my first attempt and got OK his RM3, so he's not totally useless now! I just have to unlock his 5* support to finally sit Ramza down on the bench. It was a good weekend for FFRK for me.
Firion's always been a favorite character of mine, and I've been really see-sawing on doing a pull on his banner, with the Orbfest banners on the way.

Gave in and did a 11x pull the other night - got his OSB, BSB, and Emporer's cloak.

Needless to say, I do not regret that one.

Now I'm reading Locke banner is coming out with both his OSB and BSB, and a SSB that doesn't seem to have been released, and I realize I'm going to have to do another non-orbfest pull.

It's not really that big of a deal though, since the main things I wanted out of these banners was OK gauntlets, which I got on the lucky pull.

Anyways, despite the FFXIII U+ being multiple monsters, I gave it a shot anyways only to find out it's 1 monster at a time. Beat it easily on my first attempt and got OK his RM3, so he's not totally useless now! I just have to unlock his 5* support to finally sit Ramza down on the bench. It was a good weekend for FFRK for me.

Gratz. Firion's BSB is still one of the best ones in the game.


My U+ Report:

100 gem pull was 3 star dupe trash. My luck has evened back out, that 3 out of 7 being 5 star pulls sure was a nice streak..

On to the fights:

d140 fight was very easy for me. The first try was kinda close but I lost. The second try, I gave everybody ice resist and destroyed that dude. If you need to skip any form of mitigation, his attacks did like nothing to me. So can possibly skip Protectga and Power Breakdown (Unless that's required for the medals? I don't remember)

But his Ice, whether single target or group target hurts. Shellga and a break heavily advised.

My party:

Leon (80) Gaia Cross // Armorstrike - Pride Sigil
Minwu (99) Shellga // Curaja - Haste
Firion (99) Full Charge // Tempo Furry - Truthseeker
Gordon (80) Protectga // Full Break - Haste
Josef (80) Power Breakdown // Magic Breakdown - Haste

I have Firion's BSB, and my RW was also Firon Burst. I was spamming Command 2. Oh and also, with Firion Burst x2, I pretty much kept a running Magic Blink. That was nice.

The next fight, d160 Emperor, I'm super happy about the Holy weakness, but that guy puts out major damage. I had trouble with him took several tries to get this guy. You need like Shellga, Full Break, Magic Breakdown, and Wall or some combination of 3 out of the 4. My setup had all but Wall, I chose Firion's Burst again for his Holy damage.

My Party:

Leon (80) Holy Cross // Banishing Strike - Azure Blade
Minwu (99) Arise // Curaja - Haste
Firion (99) Full Charge // Life Siphon - Truthseeker
Gordon (80) Shellga // Full Break - Haste
Emperor (80) Protectga // Alexander - Savior of Spira

I never used Holy Cross, I was busy banish-striking his Haste. Since he counters attacks with haste (I'd say about 50% of the time) it may seem redundant to use that as my dispell, but it worked out nicely, Plus he was doing good Holy damage witht he weakness + Azure Blade. He also used Firion RW Burst whenever the magic blink was used up from Firion's native burst.

Minwu took Arise this time, but I never did use it. Gordon just helped with magic mitigation.

Firon used his native burst the entire fight. I had read about building up Command 1 and it just wasn't worth it, even in the long fight. So I stuck with Command 2, it did I think about 17-20k a round. Loser in this setup was Emperor, I'm not sure that Protectga was that important in this fight, and even with a 400 Mnd stat, Holy Weakness, and Savior of Spira RM buff, he was only doing two hits of 2600 with Alexander. 5k a round just doesn't cut it.

Broke Shantotto, since I'm doing refreshes for the Power Orbs, she's already at lvl 97.

In the record missions, there's one that says with a party of UP TO 4 FFIX heroes.
That means I can use a maximum of 4 ppl from IX, right? But can I have a 5th that is off-realm?
In the record missions, there's one that says with a party of UP TO 4 FFIX heroes.
That means I can use a maximum of 4 ppl from IX, right? But can I have a 5th that is off-realm?

No. They're trying to have you replicate the fights from the games they came from. FFIX had 4 active party members, so adding a fifth would make the accuracy bunk.
In the record missions, there's one that says with a party of UP TO 4 FFIX heroes.
That means I can use a maximum of 4 ppl from IX, right? But can I have a 5th that is off-realm?

I did it with 4 IX's, 99, 99, 80, 65. Was easy but then again Im stacked in IX.

These are set up to mimic the games. Edgar or Edge dont appear in FFIX. Use 4 IXs. No one else.


I have zero useable characters fro pretty much every single one of these special missions, I hope the RW carries me when the fest is over. I just can't bother with anything else but farming orbs at the moment.
MP 200 is a nightmare. Closest i got was 1 knight left with a heavy mage comp.

I had to do it 5 or 6 times before we finally won. When I did finally win it was a breeze, we just steamrolled it. We killed the first group really slowly not using many SBs, everyone was just building up their gauges. Then people unloaded on the second and third waves. Agrias BSB (mine) + Firion BSB killed the third wave in 1 round. Agrias Lv. 99 using Truthseeker RM (+Damage when using a Sword) + I had used Holy Knight Charge (En-holy) on the previous round, and then the BSB did 9999 x4 to all the knights.


How painful or painless is making the switch from Android to iOS? In reference to FFRK that is.

I'm really starting to lean towards getting an iPhone 7 Plus instead of a new Android (like say the Pixel or upcoming Galaxy) based on how well apps seem run on it and wanting an iPad to begin with.


Finally getting around to doing the FFII dungeons because I need a break from Orbfest grinding.

I forgot how much I hate the music in FFII. Awful. Back to Orbfest.
Finally getting around to doing the FFII dungeons because I need a break from Orbfest grinding.

I forgot how much I hate the music in FFII. Awful. Back to Orbfest.
They should have changed it to the FFII Chocobo theme. I remember that in Theatrhythm FF Curtain Call. Shortest stage in the game at about a minute and it was still like 6 loops of it.


The fact that I had to sub in Alph as the 3rd dps on my physical team solely for Protectga coverage in order to beat U+ just shows how much I need a W4 using physical unit.

Also I have enough Major Holy Orbs to either make R1 Gaia Cross or hone R2 Ultra Cure. Which one? Or just wait until Holy orbfest to see what I come out with on the other side of that?


Considering how godlike Maria BSB is, isn't this one of those cases where there is no reason to ever use her OSB? By the time there are like 3-4 boostgas in play to maximize the OSB damage, her BSB should be doing like 60k per command and 80k per recast.

Maria's OSB just allowed me to complete the Torment Cid mission. The BSB brought me to the three Gigas all right... but the last Wall RW was running low. If she didn't kerplode on the two last Gigas they would've one-shot me with an AoE as soon as wall came down. I tried a bunch of times to no avail... decide to kerplode and got mastery!
Made death throes r1 and reaping scythe r2 then equipped them on Sephiroth and mastered the II 180. 2 medals lost, damage and ko. Besides a medium holy resist the only other synergy was blue Cat Claws.

II complete bring on the GOAT. Which I'll do a pull on both banners.




I haven't even loaded up the new game because it being smartphone/tablet only prevents me from doing it at work and I haven't had any time at home the last couple of days, I get home late tonight and it's my anniversary :/. I have any free time at all tonight and it looks like we have a chance I'll try to do it some. Can we see how close we are?
So as we enter the second anniversary lets recollect on past mvps who are now bench warmers outside of the occasional cid mission

Lenna, was my make shift shout user till I got shout on Ramza

Agrias, was one of my only ssb for awhile, could bring the other protectega/shellga so my white mage could bring curaga, been outclassed in the bsb/osb era

Vivi/Rinoa, pulled Alph's ssb, Seymore's bsb, and hope's osb which made vivi and rinoa my old elite mages obsolete

Selphie/Rosa/Ovelia, pulled y'sholta's burst which completely outclasses magic blink


Really conflicted whether to draw on the lucky draw.

I've been pretty lucky with Medicas (have half the relics) and also have Ysho BSSB and Zell Crit BSSB, so I'm not sure if would even use any of the relics.


Really conflicted whether to draw on the lucky draw.

I've been pretty lucky with Medicas (have half the relics) and also have Ysho BSSB and Zell Crit BSSB, so I'm not sure if would even use any of the relics.

Since I'm interested in completing all Cid msns / all content, medicas for each realms are highly important. If I wasn't looking for that, then I wouldn't pull since Vanille's burst would cover almost all my healing needs.


Just got home and we've apparently hit the 300k so we'll be getting 20 mythril, raaaaaaaad

Tomorrow is finally the day; I'm possibly MORE excited for this Curaga banner tomorrow than anything else in Anniversary. I only have 4/18 (Minwu, Rosa, Vanille and Ovelia SSBs), I only have one Healer BSB period and it's the "worst" one (Lenna), and I don't have medicas of ANY type/quality in FF 1, 6, 7, 8, or 12. Main thing holding me back in CM in some realms. I'm legit pumped, gonna wake up early and everything tomorrow just for this. Really hoping to get some new/good stuff off this plus maybe one of the medicas on the free Anniversary pull. I may still pull on the first FF6 banner regardless so that's also a chance for two medicas there also.

1/11 Vanille SSB dupe incoming
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