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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT3| When having no onions makes you cry


Subete no aware
Anyone with his BSB2 would. That is a fantastic BSB. He will also rerise to prominence when his USB comes out and he becomes a much sought after RW.
I'll probably never get any of that stuff with my luck. lol

Oh yeah, is this the best chance to get the Onion burst?


Wow all the free mythril and free 11 pulls is fantastic.

My free pull I got Celes Super and Squall's OSB! I'm happy I can combine it into 8* now :D

Ysh BSB is a dupe but I'm okay with this.


Free Pull I grabbed Celes Super, Terra's OSB, and a dupe Platinum Sword.

Then for laughs I decide to blow 100 on 2 more pulls and snag a dupe Celes Super, Y'shtola's BSB, and Onion Knight's BSB/Super.

I think I'm done now. Between this and the 4(!) non dupe BSBs I pulled on the last lucky draw (Kuja, Jecht, Vaan, and Tifa) I think I've burned up the rest of my luck for the year in regards to this game.

Aerith and Keeper can finally leave my party.

Platinum sword, the only dupe.
Onion sword. I'll take it. My Onion Knight is shaping up pretty well.

I still don't have a single OSB still. Oh well, maybe better luck on the 2nd anniversary banners?


1/11 Cloud's OSB

I didn't have this and my FF7 RS is pretty balls so while this isn't my first pick at all but I'm okay with this I suppose, especially since it was a free pull. Did a 100-gem pull and got OK's Sword which is a dupe unfortunately.

Torn if I want to pull again because I KNOW it's a trap. I now have Cloud OSB, Terra OSB, OK Gloves, OK Sword and Aerith BSB on the banner. But I realllllly want Ysh BSB, Cecil BSB or Celes' SSB :/ But I know I'm gonna get fucked if I pull on it again.
No way am I pulling on this banner again I have more then half the relics on it and basically all the important ones (y'sh burst, ok burst, celes runic, ramza shout)


Rad, looking into it Celes' BSB2 we get in ~3 months essentially replaces her IB/SSB so I'm not worrying about that here then which removes any thought I had of even pulling here again. Will probably go ahead and do a pull on FF6 banner 1 now which I was planning on doing anyway to make myself feel better.

Edit: Got 2/11....both Sabin Armlets lol. That's actually not a bad piece and I didn't have it, but not what I was looking for. Gettin Locke's BSB from the LD yesterday that's also on here does take some of the sting away, and I'm still pulling on Anniversary Banner 3 that has Relm's BSB on it (I really need a proper FF6 medica still) so bummed but eh. I've alloted for one more pull on FF6 banners if I want but not sure if I want to try my luck on this one again or wait for banner 2 where I have literally nothing on there (but I'm not as interested in all of the stuff, getting Relm's medica SSB or some of Edgar/Setzer's stuff would be rad). Hmm.
2/11 on the free pull:

Cloud over strike (new), wizer rod (dupe)

5/11 on another pull:

Terra overstrike (new), squall overstrike (new), y'shtola circlet (new), onion sword (dupe), Excalibur (dupe).

Pretty awesome, all told.

Now the real winner though was yesterday's Fujin burst! Combined her burst with vaan' burst and emperor apocalypse just stopped doing damage. I broke his magic four times between those three abilities and full break.
Now that apology Mythril is back, I don't mind these small errors. And with so much happening right now, I'm surprised only 2 things went wrong. (RS is also messed up in the Nemesis dungeons.)
Man, this Black Knight Apoc fight is such a major drag. Every group I try falls apart by the end of the second wave.
Complain on GAF, etc...

I just Mastered this with a group anchored by BSB Vanille x2 with BSB spamming Pecil and Edgar doing the majority of the damage.


I don't really play any more so I went all in (6x pulls) on the Player's Choice banner.

Ended up with 2x Squall, 3x Terra, 1x Cloud, and 1 Lightning OSB... Also, like 4 Platinum Swords (Already have 4...), 4 Onion Knight Swords (Already had 1), 4 Excalibur, & Wizard Rod on 100 gem.... Still no fucking Onion Gauntlets... I must've pulled like 20x since their release for them and nothing... lo

I got 45 mythril left... Might use it on Orbfest runs for gil to combine and max out my OSBs, Platinum and Onion swords.


So, I'm pretty happy with myself!

Free pull got my 2x Squall's OSB. It's new, but I was a bit bummed that I got the same one in a pull. SO I puled again, got Lightning's OSB!

That brings my OSB count to:

Finally can make a whole team of OSB users! I need to get some more Memory Lode III's though, only Terra is at 99
1/11 dupe SSB, second time out of the 4 anniversary banners. Once again reading some of the comments here I can't imagine how some would describe getting my kind of pull...


3/11 - Cecil BSB, Celes SSB, and Aerith BSB (dupe)

I got 2 BSBs and I consider the SSB the grand prize, lol. Probably won't be pulling on FFVI now. I was mainly just gunning for Celes relics and now I have one.
Wow if I take Medica, Enelement and Player's choice banner together... 5 SSB total. 4 are dupes, none can be reforged, the non-dupe is a CM only weapon. Great good morning for the past 4 days.



Expected nothing from my free pull once it lit up on screen since it was a single rainbow (no disco) and the only thing I don't have on this banner that isn't an OSB is OK Burst.

That single was OK's Burst.

I am really, really happy to finally have it but I'm still a bit in shock. Those odds...


All I cared for was Y'shtola's BSB and I got it, along with Celes' SSB and a dupe Shout blade. Super happy with that. I honestly don't even know what to pull for anymore besides CM's. I feel complete.
All I cared for was Y'shtola's BSB and I got it, along with Celes' SSB and a dupe Shout blade. Super happy with that. I honestly don't even know what to pull for anymore besides CM's. I feel complete.

Yep. This is where I'm at pretty much. Pull on lucky draws and realm banners that I need to fill gaps. Not sure if I'll pull in any of the celebration banners, too many dupes.

Free pull got a ragnarok and the lightning osb, thrilled with both. Now I have a yellow rag with base atk of 212 and I have lightnings bsb2 to work with her osb. Good stuff.


3/11, first not 1/11 this fest. Also most disappointing.

Got 1 of every sub type.

Lightning osb - my first osb, also the worst osb in the banner/game. Kinda funny since my first bsb is tiny bee also the worst. At least I finally have a ffxiii stat stick.

Cecil bsb - a year too late, I guess I can make a pretty crazy holy team since I have agrias and minfila bsb too.

Shout - another year too late relic. Completely useless since I have minfilia ssb and rw ok. Crappy stat tick too since I have a ton of better FFT swords.

Pretty much got my least wanted relic of each type.


I went 2x11 dupe Squall OSB and dupe Celes SSB. Expected, my most wanted item was Onion Sword so yeah...

Killed both versions of Nemesis. 180 was already pretty hard without RS and had to go double healer. Still needed a couple of tries to get it right.

Dont have balls to try ??? Without RS.


When I last looked this morning NO ONE had cleared the highest difficulty of Nemesis. Is it even possible without RS?

Its technically possible but you need superwhale items and still be really lucky since the biggest whale items cant compare to RS items and with RS you already need to get lucky.

There was day 1 clears in Japan but they had FFX,II,VIII and core available.
It's in your inventory, but it's bugged. You can only equip it, but not shatter it right now. And it's ranked 1/1, which is wrong.
It also only does one hit because they've given us the wrong version of Bahamut. If you remember when you first started playing you were forced to use a Bahamut after the boss battle went badly...that is what you were using.

I hope we get to keep it for multiplayer trolling.


since this was an anniversary i decided to go YOLO and do another 11 X draw .

Looking over Reddit , i think i might have just hit the Healer jackpot .

Ah got the Black Knight raids down. Finished both first attempt. I've found this time Saturday tends to be pretty good (it was a few weeks ago for Sephiroph).

I bought. P. Cecil (Paladin Force praying for imperil...I figured holy was more popular than water plus he is a tank) and Panelo as support (dances) plus emergency heal button. Both new toys to me

For Apocolypse I team up with Two Beatrix both with their imperil burst, a Ramza, a Y'shtola (stoneskin), Rosa with burst (eh, it heals) and Vanille who had her USB (ooh stock...we didn't fall under any status so I guess that works too). All the healers bought Curaise...well except me as I was loaded with dances. Does Vanilles status dodge even work on Ultimate Tromp or not? Either way no KOs.

First wave took a while as we built up SB gague then went to town on the last two. Like wave two was 2 turns. I think that is the trick to winning this fight. Take wave 1 slowly with the aim of beating wave 3 quickly. But you need team mates :)

For U+ I hosted as well everyone needs stamina for holy orbs I guess and asked for Holy and got Beatrix and Y'shtola, Cloud and Larsa (this had curaga and ultra cure...I had esuna on Cecil and wasted a turn so I could cure a sleeping party member and then he pulls out ultra cure), Onion Knight and Aerith (poor Aerith used Seal Evil by accident :( ). We kept being bubbled so SB building was a bit harder. Also Cloud used finishing touch on Wave 3 without targeting so it went onto a near dead weak knight (who was already dead once my Paladin Force had hit anyway) rather than the strong one.

Ultimate Tromp KO'd four of us (including Cloud) but Beatrix has got imperil on so I spammed Paladin Force and Evanscene and won the day.

Seems a bit lame that one attack can just end the raid right there.
Oh, my god. Logging in to 31 notifications. All this free stuff. That movie! Even little notes from the producers - and a Nomura drawing.

I absolutely love how FFRK's anniversary syncs up with my birthday. It's a straight injection of nostalgia.

I have like 330 mythril now, too!

Dupe Terra OSB and (new) Aerith BSB. Can't even complain -- it's free!


Onion Sword and a dupe Platinum Sword. Meh.

Even more glad now I got Vanille's BSB in the last Lucky Draw.

Just got the exact same pull, and the same one was a dupe.

No way I'm pulling on this one again, now that I have 6/11 relics on it. :/ As much as I want any non-Cloud OSB, Asylum, and Indomitable Blade...


So i got another 2/11 on the Player's Choice banner lol. That makes five 2/11 pulls in a row. Anyone know the odds of that?

The 2 relics were Onion Gauntlets and Onion Sword! Then I got a 2nd Onion Sword for my 100 gems pull.

I felt kinda stupid during last III event because I spent a bunch of 4* motes on OK and ended up not getting any of his relics, but now those motes spent have been redeemed! Went ahead and finished fully diving him to make him my first fully dived character.
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