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Final Fantasy XI 2014 |OT| Kumhau, The Blackthorne Coven, and the Mog Wardrobe.

Question about the "Additional Seal Battlefield Spoils Campaign", does anyone have experience with the reward system? I saw Pan mention he's going to farm The Mobline Comedy HKCNM, so I assume there are drops to look for specifically--any advice on which drop what? Are there any in particular that drop items/gear that is otherwise a pain to get a hold of?

Got plenty of seals to burn, just want to use them wisely!
Mobline comedy and taurassic park drop items per mob. I thiiiiiiink its like that on all of them but those have the most mobs. I'd like to spam them on Friday and anyone is welcome to join me for extra drops. There will be a ton I don't need.
Mobline comedy and taurassic park drop items per mob. I thiiiiiiink its like that on all of them but those have the most mobs. I'd like to spam them on Friday and anyone is welcome to join me for extra drops. There will be a ton I don't need.
Thanks for the info, would LOVE to join on Friday but that's Saturday my time--and it's one of the only Saturdays a year that is a work day for me. :(

If I'm able to be on when you're zerging them, I'll give a shout though!
I'll save some pops for you.
Thanks Pan!

The trailer seems a bit, I dunno...melancholy? Maybe that's just me. Really is the end of an era. I just wish I'd had time to finish more of the story before the final chapter dropped (got caught up leveling after CoP), but I suppose the content isn't going anywhere. All in good time!
I want to do adoulin primer night tonight to get people started on all the QoL stuff that comes with the beginning of adoulin, and encourages exploration.


As a new player, are the trusts the best thing to get from the login campaign as I have points available? Also, is there an easy way to get the mats for inventory upgrades now or do I need to just get them off the auction house?
As a new player, are the trusts the best thing to get from the login campaign as I have points available? Also, is there an easy way to get the mats for inventory upgrades now or do I need to just get them off the auction house?

Always get the trusts first, they are the only things you generally can't get elsewhere, besides the cosmetic items.

Upgrade mats can be obtained by doing SKCNM and high tier mission battlefields for AF, SKCNM, Voidwatch, and Delve for Relic, and SKCNM, Abyssea, and Vagary for Empyrean gear.

SKCNM, Voidwatch, and Abyssea stuff is all relatively simple to do, drops all the mats for 109 JSE, and can be completed with 90-109 gear depending on the fight and group size. 6 people in 109 gear should be able to tackle everything on normal mode.


So my brother and I started playing yesterday. I got my Trust in Sandy and made my way to Mhaura to get the WHM Trust from Windurst.
My biggest concern right now is money. What's the best way for a new player to get money for equipment and weapons / spells? Are Spark Points the way to go?


So my brother and I started playing yesterday. I got my Trust in Sandy and made my way to Mhaura to get the WHM Trust from Windurst.
My biggest concern right now is money. What's the best way for a new player to get money for equipment and weapons / spells? Are Spark Points the way to go?

For equipment there's not only sparks, but also Conquest points, which you accumulate as you kill stuff in the main continents with Signet active - for San d'Oria, as you rank up and accumulate points you can get these: http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/San_d'Oria_Conquest_Points_Items
Each nation tends to favor certain kinds of equipment/jobs (Bastok for heavy DDs, Windurst for magey/light DDs, San d'Oria for tanking/knightly stuff, although there's the occasional mix in there somewhere), but some of the other nations'Conquest point items can be acquired too if your rank is past theirs.

For gil, training regimes from books tend to help nowadays, and personally I got into the habit of killing every beastman I could handle on my path - it adds up over time, especially if you also get some exp out of it.
For spells, I'd quest the questables and farm the farmables - quite a few important ones at lower levels fit those categories, like Sneak and Invisible.


For equipment there's not only sparks, but also Conquest points, which you accumulate as you kill stuff in the main continents with Signet active - for San d'Oria, as you rank up and accumulate points you can get these: http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/San_d'Oria_Conquest_Points_Items
Each nation tends to favor certain kinds of equipment/jobs (Bastok for heavy DDs, Windurst for magey/light DDs, San d'Oria for tanking/knightly stuff, although there's the occasional mix in there somewhere), but some of the other nations'Conquest point items can be acquired too if your rank is past theirs.

For gil, training regimes from books tend to help nowadays, and personally I got into the habit of killing every beastman I could handle on my path - it adds up over time, especially if you also get some exp out of it.
For spells, I'd quest the questables and farm the farmables - quite a few important ones at lower levels fit those categories, like Sneak and Invisible.

Hmm, conquest points accumulate way too slow to effectively stay above the curve I guess (unless they changed the amount you get since I last played). Might use it to fill out certain gaps and save money on a piece of gear here and there.
I'll take a look at training regimes. Thanks!
So my brother and I started playing yesterday. I got my Trust in Sandy and made my way to Mhaura to get the WHM Trust from Windurst.
My biggest concern right now is money. What's the best way for a new player to get money for equipment and weapons / spells? Are Spark Points the way to go?
It is all about Sparks. Forget everything but SPARKS.

You can buy all your weapons and armor to level 50 with them, don't spend a single gil on anything equipment-related. The treasure boxes dropped by mobs will also sometimes have equipment, so that's a bonus.

But Sparks are not only what you want to buy all your arms and armor with, they are far and away your best source of gil. Certain gear bought with Sparks can be sold to an NPC for exactly 10 gil per spark. If you constantly have Records of Eminence objectives set, you should be swimming in the things (my first job to 99, I ended up dumping sparks because I'd reached the 50k limit *three times*, that's 1.5 million gil just from selling sparks gear--and I spent a fair portion of that leveling experience not even knowing they existed).

So, in short: always, always have 15/15 objectives set in your Records of Eminence menu, always try to do the time-sensitive optional missions when they pop up (kill 20 Aquans, etc.) and you should have enough Sparks to bankroll almost any class to 99, and enough left over to buy a full set of level 99 gear from the same Sparks vendor as well long before you actually hit 99.

One note: most of the RoE objectives are one-time only, or offer only a small fraction of the reward on repeat completions, so it's not an unlimited gravy train...but for your first job when you're poor, there's no better use for sparks than turning them into gil.


It is all about Sparks. Forget everything but SPARKS.

You can buy all your weapons and armor to level 50 with them, don't spend a single gil on anything equipment-related. The treasure boxes dropped by mobs will also sometimes have equipment, so that's a bonus.

But Sparks are not only what you want to buy all your arms and armor with, they are far and away your best source of gil. Certain gear bought with Sparks can be sold to an NPC for exactly 10 gil per spark. If you constantly have Records of Eminence objectives set, you should be swimming in the things (my first job to 99, I ended up dumping sparks because I'd reached the 50k limit *three times*, that's 1.5 million gil just from selling sparks gear--and I spent a fair portion of that leveling experience not even knowing they existed).

So, in short: always, always have 15/15 objectives set in your Records of Eminence menu, always try to do the time-sensitive optional missions when they pop up (kill 20 Aquans, etc.) and you should have enough Sparks to bankroll almost any class to 99, and enough left over to buy a full set of level 99 gear from the same Sparks vendor as well long before you actually hit 99.

One note: most of the RoE objectives are one-time only, or offer only a small fraction of the reward on repeat completions, so it's not an unlimited gravy train...but for your first job when you're poor, there's no better use for sparks than turning them into gil.

Awesome! I only plan on leveling one job as far as I can take it and soak in the story content for old time's sake before it all comes to an end. I can't believe I've let myself get this hyped for FFXI again. I started this journey 12 years ago (NA release was 2003, right?)...
Awesome! I only plan on leveling one job as far as I can take it and soak in the story content for old time's sake before it all comes to an end. I can't believe I've let myself get this hyped for FFXI again. I started this journey 12 years ago (NA release was 2003, right?)...
I know the feeling, I left around the time Chains of Promathia came out, and returned a short while ago just for that one expansion's story. It's been great to level to absurd degrees and walk through it all, soaking up everything I missed or just couldn't do way back when the content was fresh...but it's all new to me!

And finding myself so excited to experience all the other expansions, it's been nostalgic and fantastic (and a hell of a learning experience all over again, haha).

Glad to see I'm in good company!


I know the feeling, I left around the time Chains of Promathia came out, and returned a short while ago just for that one expansion's story. It's been great to level to absurd degrees and walk through it all, soaking up everything I missed or just couldn't do way back when the content was fresh...but it's all new to me!

And finding myself so excited to experience all the other expansions, it's been nostalgic and fantastic (and a hell of a learning experience all over again, haha).

Glad to see I'm in good company!

It feels very weird and at the same time exciting to play again.
It's weird to be a "noob" again after knowing everything about this game when it stopped playing but it's exciting because now I'm able to explore again, discover new stuff like I was able to when I first started playing.


Hmm, conquest points accumulate way too slow to effectively stay above the curve I guess (unless they changed the amount you get since I last played). Might use it to fill out certain gaps and save money on a piece of gear here and there.
I'll take a look at training regimes. Thanks!

I guess they were a more viable strategy when leveling was slower - then again, if you bother to complete all the nation missions for the 3 nations and then return to your favorite, by then you should have enough points to gear a new job you level later.

As a newbie Bastok monk back in the day, it came in pretty handy to be able to buy a pair or knuckles with Conquest points before heading off to parties in the Dunes - nowadays what you wear in those levels is less of a concern, but having the option might still be useful.


I went out actively trying to earn capacity points for the first time, and I am sad at how slowly they come in compared to limit points. I've still yet to gain a single JP since I reactivated! But I'm close now after clearing out Rala Waterways. (._. )
I went out actively trying to earn capacity points for the first time, and I am sad at how slowly they come in compared to limit points. I've still yet to gain a single JP since I reactivated! But I'm close now after clearing out Rala Waterways. (._. )
Yeah, I went in thinking "30,000 Capacity Points for a Job Point? So 3x slower than merits, I can deal with that" before realizing the *rate* you earn them is so slow...and that's during a double CP campaign!

Still, I set myself the goal of getting 100JP on BLU during the current campaign, and after 4 days of grinding I'm 80% there. Don't think I'll do this for any other job, it's not very engaging. :(

Don't forget to grab an Aptitude Mantle from the AH for cheap for a 25% bonus, and/or a Capacity Ring for 5k sparks. Also, the RoE objectives for Reives also give *permanent* percentage bonuses to earned CP on first completions (only 1-3% each, but that's still a good 15-18% bonus just for doing a couple Lair and Colonization Reives in each of the early Adoulin areas). Every little bit helps...


went through the awful SE account linking.
I had created another POL ID hoping to get the 30 days free but seems it didn't work and I have to buy a month for this new account... did I miss something? Now I have 2 POL account on 1 SE account...

edit: seems like I have to pay for the first month... maybe I shoudl have reated a dummy SE account...

edit: now I am confused.. when adding my credit card it said I had a discount of the amount I owed for the first month so it seems I will only pay starting mid june BUT my account status show as "recurring"rather than "Free Trial Period" which seems to be an option according to SE Account help... oh well at least I can play... I am on my way to Sylph!
Yeah, I went in thinking "30,000 Capacity Points for a Job Point? So 3x slower than merits, I can deal with that" before realizing the *rate* you earn them is so slow...and that's during a double CP campaign!

Still, I set myself the goal of getting 100JP on BLU during the current campaign, and after 4 days of grinding I'm 80% there. Don't think I'll do this for any other job, it's not very engaging. :(

Don't forget to grab an Aptitude Mantle from the AH for cheap for a 25% bonus, and/or a Capacity Ring for 5k sparks. Also, the RoE objectives for Reives also give *permanent* percentage bonuses to earned CP on first completions (only 1-3% each, but that's still a good 15-18% bonus just for doing a couple Lair and Colonization Reives in each of the early Adoulin areas). Every little bit helps...

When you get into a cp party on higher level stuff you get a ton. My brd usually earns about 5jp doing brash gate during the campaign, and I'm not even trying.
When you get into a cp party on higher level stuff you get a ton. My brd usually earns about 5jp doing brash gate during the campaign, and I'm not even trying.
I've read that CP parties and going after higher level (125+) mobs in the Gates are the best CP by far, but if you're solo, it limits your options quite a bit. I do like the idea of grinding them less and building them as you do other content though, sounds ideal.

One benefit to doing the CP grind at least this one time: I'm pretty much done with all my merits, I've started buying battlefield access KIs with the excess. I don't want to think about how long all this would have taken when merits were first introduced.

Malick[AI];163864768 said:
Just rolled a new character on Sylph: Malickai, Hume THF

What is the best time to get a Linkshell?
Welcome! There are NPCs called Linkshell Concierges in each of the main starting cities, talk to them and see if they have an IHOP Pearl--you don't need to receive one from a member directly these days. (Note that there are two concierges, and they have a different stock of LS Pearls, so check both!)

How does Mog Sack work?
It's basically a second inventory bag, accessible from anywhere, Think of it as a second main inventory. When you increase your main (Gobbiebag) inventory storage slots, the Mog Sack can be upgraded to match it for free. If your main inventory has 50 lots, the Mog Sack will too. Once you're fully upgraded, you'll have 80 slots in each. In short: well well worth the 10k gil investment.
Any advice for a cost-effective way of sneaking and invis?
You have three options, from least cost-effective to most:

Buying (or making) Prism Powders and Silent Oils, expensive and inconvenient.

Level RDM or WHM to 25. Buy or farm the Sneak and Invisible spells.

Or level DNC to 25, as B.K. mentioned. Free, no-MP required Sneak and Invisible combined into one ability that costs nothing and won't aggro magic-hating enemies. It rocks. Only thing is you need Dancer unlocked.


This update seems so low-key based on what they've said about it, considering it's supposed to be one of the last three major updates. Maybe it's just my own perception.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Anybody who is just starting and wants some help getting started feel free to send me a PM and I can set up a time to help answer any questions in game or show you around. It's been a very interesting 3 weeks starting from scratch, and there is a ton of things I wish I knew earlier that I never thought to ask, or never found out.

I'm also planning to write a newbie getting started guide that is more updated then most of the stuff I've seen. There have been a multitude of quality of life updates and it's a ton of stuff to take in for new players. Since the game has reached the end of it's story, and it's now very solo friendly, I suspect many who have put off playing it may consider jumping in now.

However, before I get started, if anyone knows of an updated getting started guide post it here. No need for me to reinvent the wheel. Some Google searches have left me nothing written recently.
However, before I get started, if anyone knows of an updated getting started guide post it here. No need for me to reinvent the wheel. Some Google searches have left me nothing written recently.
This isn't the most intricately detailed, but covers just about all the important topics and was my favorite guide when I started from scratch a couple months ago:


I really liked that it tells you what you can/should unlock as you level (Chocobo at 20, Abyssea stones at 30, Voidwatch at 75 etc).

Of course, there is still a ton of information--such as using sparks to make gil while you level your first job, the importance of A.M.A.N. Vouchers, the differences between Fields of Valor and Grounds of Valor, what I should be spending my login points on, etc etc--that I haven't seen all in one place.


Been a long time since I've dealt with XI maintenance periods, how long do they usually take?

It's scheduled for 90 minutes, and they're usually pretty good about keeping to the plan now. Check version (when you can start downloading the update) usually goes up 30 min to an hour into the maintenance.

Edit: Check Version is now up.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Wow, slowest update I've seen in quite some time.

Welcome to a patcher that has not really changed in over a decade...
Continuing support to the PS2 version this long was such an odd move in retrospect.

I wonder what the number of PS2 users has been over the years.


Welcome to a patcher that has not really changed in over a decade...
Continuing support to the PS2 version this long was such an odd move in retrospect.

I wonder what the number of PS2 users has been over the years.

It was significant enough for them to still bother to release Adoulin on PS2 in Japan despite not releasing it anywhere else.


Experience and Skill Gains
30% bonus to experience and limit points gains I
100% increase to combat and magic skill gaines

Removal of the lockout on reentering Dynamis


Looks like Nyzul is soloable now.

Nyzul Isle Investigation / Nyzul Isle Uncharted Area Survey Mysterious Item Campaign
The time that lamps will stay active has been increase from thirty seconds to five minutes (Earth time).
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