Any reason to do the Behemoth event? The 3 trusts are in the chest next to one of the moggles.
Seems very frustrated based on LS chat, hehe.
This Behemoth event is the silliest thing I've ever seen. 'memorize the skillchain properties of six different weapons and blu magic, then call out the next step in a level 1-2-3 skillchain in 60 seconds without failing once' then 'coordinate with completely random people across a language barrier to perform specific weaponskills 9 times in 60 seconds, 3 or 4 times in a row.'
Malick[AI];164208073 said:I have been to Sandoria and Jeuno and still can't find an IHOP Linkpearl.
Any chance of someone restocking them or meeting me to give me one on Sylph?
What's your character name?
Kupofried trust has cp and xp bonus aura. Very worth it. The key is to let the folks who know how to SC do their job and not interrupt them.
That trust sounds nice. I don't usually do these kinds of events, but I may have to do it sometime with some IHOP people.
So after playing for 39 hours (half of that was reading wikis) I realize this game is just not for me. I don't care how easy they are now, limit break quests as an actual idea or design choice/decision(?) is supremely stupid
"Hey man you got to level 50 and you want to get to level 51? Well screw you! Spend an hour on this quest, and guess what? You'll be doing these every five levels to 99!"
I feel you, if I weren't driven by nostalgia and an urge to re-live the old questlines I would find little motivation to do things like the limit break quests or re-buy all the old spells that still cost WAY too much for first-time players.
So after playing for 39 hours (half of that was reading wikis) I realize this game is just not for me. I don't care how easy they are now, limit break quests as an actual idea or design choice/decision(?) is supremely stupid
"Hey man you got to level 50 and you want to get to level 51? Well screw you! Spend an hour on this quest, and guess what? You'll be doing these every five levels to 99!"
There are just so many freaking problems with this game but in the end I had fun somewhat. I liked collecting Trusts and the classes.
Guess I'll try out the FFXIV trial and see if I like that instead
Now I know why WoW was/is so popular
So after playing for 39 hours (half of that was reading wikis) I realize this game is just not for me. I don't care how easy they are now, limit break quests as an actual idea or design choice/decision(?) is supremely stupid
"Hey man you got to level 50 and you want to get to level 51? Well screw you! Spend an hour on this quest, and guess what? You'll be doing these every five levels to 99!"
There are just so many freaking problems with this game but in the end I had fun somewhat. I liked collecting Trusts and the classes.
Guess I'll try out the FFXIV trial and see if I like that instead
Now I know why WoW was/is so popular
I feel you, if I weren't driven by nostalgia and an urge to re-live the old questlines I would find little motivation to do things like the limit break quests or re-buy all the old spells that still cost WAY too much for first-time players.
:OIt's definitely not for everyone. My significant other and I have been playing for a few months now, and it's a slow, relatively time consuming game. It takes a lot of time to really do things, but it's a big part of the enjoyment for us. Yesterday, I finally got my Paladin AF chest, which took many hours of journeying, but I found very satisfying once it was over. The limit breaks get easier with time too, though I haven't reached past 65 yet.
Gravijahhhh long time no see
FINALLY got the Kuopfried Cipher. What a horrible event.
When it says something like the behemoth something his power, run away so that you are >25yalms from him. He uses thunderbolt, thats what strips your moogle magicOnce an objective is complete, the Behemoth drops his guard, then you can also spam Weapon skills then. You will see Damage number during this time. After a bit of monster wailing and damage making, you will lose your Kupo Magic and will need to go back and get it cast again (Why do you do this to us SquareEnix?).
Second Titillating Trust Tournament
The Jeuno Institute of Magical Studies is happy to announce another Titillating Trust Tournament! Moogles from every corner of Vana'diel scramble to seize this year's trophy. Speak to one of the moogles in the areas below to learn more, although something does seem a little off this year.
- Moogle Locations
Southern San d'Oria (I-8) / Bastok Markets (F-8) / Windurst Waters (North side; F-9)
Event Period
From Saturday, May 16, 2015, at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to Tuesday, June 2 at the same hour.
There is a TON of cosmetic gear and 3 Trusts, all for free:
Aldo (YES)
Fablinix (THF/BLM hybrid, has Treasure Hunter I)
And for the Adventurer Appreciation Campaign, two UNLIMITED USE (2-hour cooldown) rings for 150% XP and...wait for it...150% CP gain.
Some general tips for those who have not done it yet.
Part 1:
Just spam the first weapon skill option and get 100 total points. Should take about 30 mins, an hour if you are unlucky. If you do actually get 20 points by not guessing post here so we know those people exist.
Part 2:
First you have to put in your outfit, and talk to the moogle a bit away from the Behemoth to get the Magic cast on you. Next go auto attack the Behemoth. If you don't know skill chains, don't spam weapon skills unless the objective is to use X number of weapon skills (It says in the chat log). Then spam them during that objective. I believe that multi-hit weapon skills are best, but that's not confirmed. The less people the easier this part seems to be to complete. Just please don't be that person who spams weapon skills the whole battle unless you have a good understanding of Skill Chains.
Once an objective is complete, the Behemoth drops his guard, then you can also spam Weapon skills then. You will see Damage number during this time. After a bit of monster wailing and damage making, you will lose your Kupo Magic and will need to go back and get it cast again (Why do you do this to us SquareEnix?).
You get the kupofried Trust for getting 10 complete objectives and I'm Fairly sure that you get the Mog House Clock for killing Behemoth. The Clock and Trust both increase EXP and CP so make sure you place the clock in your house at the very least.
Lastly, for this event make sure you talk to the Moogle to get your rings (The one not in the Behemoth area), both of which are probably the best EXP ring so far, and comes with unlimited charges and get the 3 trusts from the chest next to the moogle in a home city by the Behemoth event.
Is this for high level people?
When it says something like the behemoth something his power, run away so that you are >25yalms from him. He uses thunderbolt, thats what strips your moogle magic
so I've been trying to finally catch up on SoA missions. Got to chapter 4-5-2 fight solo but was having trouble on DRK just dropping dead. I switched to SAM and...
SAM is so broken
ive never left. I was doing that on DNC back to back. It was fun. This was a story fight though with only trust buffs. I thought it was pretty funnyThat's nothing. You should have been around a couple months ago before the Rudra's nerf. A good THF or DNC could do 50k with Rudra's.
ive never left. I was doing that on DNC back to back. It was fun. This was a story fight though with only trust buffs. I thought it was pretty funny
So now that I'm 30 THF looking to be a SAM, I guess I should get THF to 50 and then that'll let me just take SAM to cap with THF as sub?
At 30 should I go to the "Crawlers Nest" for leveling?
EXP is so amusing now.
I unlocked bard to try it out. And leveled so quickly, that the EXP bar would max out on the next level since you can only gain one level at a time. 6 Kills in newbie ground, Level 7.
In a way it's more amusing since you still have the limit break hurdles, some of which are really difficult to solo.
Tell me about it, I thought I'd spend 10 mins and start levelling up another job before calling it a night last night, 10 mins and I'm Lvl16 SAM, dafuq!! Back in the day that shit would take me about a week to reach.
Another thing, does the EXP gains from the Rhapsody KI stack with EXP rings? I was getting insane amount of EXP!
there are 3 rhapsodies KIs with 30% each
Malick[AI];164349456 said:Pardon my ignorance, but what is a KI? And how do I get them?
Short for Key Item, basically flags set on your character that don't take up valuable inventory space. It's where moghancements, various quest items, etc end up.
Rhapsodies in White - Complete Rhapsodies Mission 1-7 (Requires Nation Rank 2+)Malick[AI];164352042 said:Thanks!
According to the wiki I am already doing that quest line.
How far after the bee pollen quest do you get the EXP KIs?
Can I get to Upper delkfutt tower without the key?
tl;dr: Playing them in release order would be safest. For a convoluted web of dependencies:
The Addons are whatever, and don't tie into anything.