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Final Fantasy XI | OT | Vana'diel Forever


What server? I just downloaded the trial (well, it's installing) and I'm thinking about playing on Asura because that's where the most English speaking players are according to Reddit. I'm new too but I've done a little bit of research. Thinking about going Thief on the trial and if I have fun I'll grab the $10 pack and switch to Dancer.

If you're thinking of playing Thief, drops are going to be easier once you get the Treasure Hunter passive skill, and that'll serve you well in the future, even as a sub-job.
For that kind of purpose, ffxidb.com can be pretty handy too, as for just about any given item in the game it'll tell you if it drops off a mob, the odds of it happening with and without Treasure Hunter, and where in each zone to find any given mob.


If you're thinking of playing Thief, drops are going to be easier once you get the Treasure Hunter passive skill, and that'll serve you well in the future, even as a sub-job.
For that kind of purpose, ffxidb.com can be pretty handy too, as for just about any given item in the game it'll tell you if it drops off a mob, the odds of it happening with and without Treasure Hunter, and where in each zone to find any given mob.
Also THF/DNC with good trusts and maxed out evasion can solo pretty decently now. I started as a WHM but as server counts went down I levelled THF to solo and I enjoyed it.

Boss Mog

Yeah so this Return to Vana'diel is a total bust for me since it doesn't reactivate Mog Wardrobes 3 and 4 which is where my most used gears are stored. Worse yet I can't even pay for them separately without fully reactivating my account. Seriously SE, WTF?

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Finally got myself set up. Had to install on my desktop since the game absolutely refuses to use the GPU on my laptop. =S Nonetheless, steaming along now. Almost to 25 RDM, opened up teleport to Selbina, unlocked subjobs, and am working on Rhapsody quests. I have Naji tanking, but he doesn't hold aggro all that well of late. Used sparks to get a few more trusts as well. Doing various quests reminds me why I like this game because there is a ton of interesting story-related stuff to do constantly!


Finally got myself set up. Had to install on my desktop since the game absolutely refuses to use the GPU on my laptop. =S Nonetheless, steaming along now. Almost to 25 RDM, opened up teleport to Selbina, unlocked subjobs, and am working on Rhapsody quests. I have Naji tanking, but he doesn't hold aggro all that well of late. Used sparks to get a few more trusts as well. Doing various quests reminds me why I like this game because there is a ton of interesting story-related stuff to do constantly!

I guess you started in Bastok ? Nice choice BTW.
For tank Trusts, that's generally a San d'Oria specialty, so by the time you get there and acquire the likes off Curilla and Trion you should be better off - not to mention there's also Valaineral, which nowadays you can get from some of the early Records of Eminence objectives.

It's kinda funny how San d'Oria is pretty much the paladin/tank nation, considering how physically closer they are to the northlands where the nation missions converge, up to and including the fact that it's San d'Oria guards taking care of the gate in Ranguemont Pass, which the initial way to reach those areas before you unlock some teleports there.

At the same time, Windurst is geographically consistent with tis mge tendencies by being as physically distant from that area of the northlands as possible. It's like the continent of Quon is the party front row in a classic 2D FF party formation, while Mindartia is the back row.
Ok picked this back up briefly. I had to step away from this game because I was getting in too deep to the endgame, which I can now see will never really be for me, as I'll never meet the requirements of being useful on more than one job. So I'm doing the things I can do solo and it's been better. Ground out 3/5 ark angel trusts today and had to stop because while I opened up the RoE for AATT, I didn't actually start the quest and didn't realize my mistake until after I'd killed it. So...now I either wait for Larceny to come off cooldown or I just do this next weekend :p


Hunky Nostradamus
I'm thinking about downloading the free trial, if it's still available, and was wondering which server to join? The OP says Sylph, but that appears to be quite dead...?


I'm thinking about downloading the free trial, if it's still available, and was wondering which server to join? The OP says Sylph, but that appears to be quite dead...?

All server have people, it's just that some are more populated than others - for example, Odin seems to have the most Japanese players, while Asura appears to have a big concentration of US ones.

Since this topic got bumped, this video was released today with some tips on quality of life features: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SAZEcnpi_s


Sort of want to play again.. I have a level 80 or 90 monk at Sylph. Could I pick that backup or should I really start on an active server like Reddits Asura?


I would recommend starting up, it's basically impossible to get old stuff done on less populated servers.

Restarting these days it's really no big deal, I actually think it significantly improved my view of Vana.


Yeah, I'm really recommending to anyone starting new into this game to figure out 2 jobs to play first:

1) a job that you're passionate about and enjoy the most

2) a job that is a high demand in the end game scene

Sometimes players play for the story and stop there, then some others end up loving the game overall and want to jump into post-99 content

The story mode can be solo on any job as long as you do some homework and unlock several strong trusts, the endgame stuff is much easier to do in Asura server, especially Vagary, I couldn't find anyone on Slyph to do it with after few months then transferred to Asura and cleared it in that week.


Might give this a try. I play FFXIV avidly and always kick myself for missing out on the FFXI hype back in the day.
Focus change looks good.

Boost didn't change that much, unless the STR bonus is insane and also carries through every hit of the next weaponskill, espectially on top of that CD increase. Still feels like a half-baked job ability that you press just because it represents a flat additive damage bonus but doesn't fix other fundamental problems with MNK's pickrate in endgame.

Who the hell uses dodge, and why would they start using it now.

Chakra sucking less is always welcome, they should have baked the AF/relic boosts into the ability itself considering how weak the heal still is for its cooldown.

I see they updated that weird staff that drops from Woodland Mender to not say it provides +Ranged Accuracy for jobs that can't equip bows or guns, but still managed to maintain the typos in the item description. GJ SE.
Boost didn't change that much, unless the STR bonus is insane and also carries through every hit of the next weaponskill, espectially on top of that CD increase. Still feels like a half-baked job ability that you press just because it represents a flat additive damage bonus but doesn't fix other fundamental problems with MNK's pickrate in endgame.
with the way its worded its not a STR boost, but a replacement of the modifier on the WS. Shijin Spiral as 80% STR modifier could be pretty awesome. Its still worded as having an inherent damage buff alongside of that so still useful for victory smite.


Anyone have any tips to keep PoL from
Crashing so often? Seems to happen at least 2-3 time per session on both mine and my roomates computers both running Windows 10 Creators Update.


Anyone have any tips to keep PoL from
Crashing so often? Seems to happen at least 2-3 time per session on both mine and my roomates computers both running Windows 10 Creators Update.

Did you already try turning on direct play? Windows 10 has an issue with compatiblity

control panel -> programs and features -> turn windows feature on / off -> legacy components -> turn on direct play. Right click FFXI and run as administrator.

Let me know if that doesn't work


Are you using Windower?
It was updated after the Creators Update with a new hooking method. Even just running it without any addons (if you're averse to that sort of thing) might be worth a shot.


I was afraid of that. Is there another way to get the draw distance maxed out and 60FPS w/o windower?

There is another program called Ashita, but I've never used it myself. Draw distance and 60fps are not possible without 3rd party apps in general, though.


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Staff Member
So who here is still playing?

I reactivated yesterday and were so sad the population was only 216...

If there is no many people active, i will switch to Odin too as my prime time is JST.


So who here is still playing?

I reactivated yesterday and were so sad the population was only 216...

If there is no many people active, i will switch to Odin too as my prime time is JST.

I do, in Leviathan, although recently my sessions have been pretty short, just checking and updating my auction house and mog garden to try and clear some old inventory clutter and bumping my craft levels a bit along the way.

I wonder if the current server transfer discounts and their possible results will help push towards more server merges in the future...
I wonder if the current server transfer discounts and their possible results will help push towards more server merges in the future...

I guess it depends on which is more revenue-friendly: people paying for server transfers, sometimes in large bursts during discount campaigns, or server upkeep costs as they shut down sub<300 pop servers and merge them for free to higher pop locales.

Very tempting to move all my characters to Asura where I at least stand a chance at pugging events.


Might as well ask here too :
Is the Mumor / Uka Totlihn of the Sunbreeze Festival really soloable ?
As much as I spam them I can't seem to get past the cheer/clap/wave part of the event.
Might as well ask here too :
Is the Mumor / Uka Totlihn of the Sunbreeze Festival really soloable ?
As much as I spam them I can't seem to get past the cheer/clap/wave part of the event.

You need to get to the event just as it starts, otherwise it's impossible to catch up.
Welp, finished Rhapsodies last night after a few months of playing. Talk about a bittersweet ending!
However, I basically skipped Aht Urghan, Wings of the Goddess, and Seekers of Adoulin (aside from the required quests for Rhapsodies, of course) so I'm not quite done with FFXI yet.

I have to say, it really is a wonderful game. Slow, archaic, and often obtuse.. but wonderful. I really wish I didn't miss the boat back in the day (internet connection was terrible at the time), but I'm glad I still get to experience it 16 years later.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
You can solo to max lvl now in a few days, a matter of hours even with the support of an endgame player. Either way the bulk of your time will be spent doing limit-break quests as opposed to grinding out levels. Once you have a some trusts (AI sidekicks) at your disposal you don't even need to buy gear for the most-part as they can support you way beyond the capabilities of a true soloist with perfect level-appropriate equipment.

Relics are easy enough to make to their basic form, however as they are in many cases outclassed by far more readily obtainable weapons before they peak out at the current 119(II-III) forms, to get one that's super-useful is still a significant grind. Simply put, although making a basic 75 relic/mythic/empy is easily soloable, that basically gets you nothing more than a nifty trophy piece. There's a ton more to do after that, and an additional, final, upgrade step is apparently being introduced around September's update.

The game's far more accessible and forgiving than it used to be for newcomers, the biggest issue is that after 16 years, population on most servers is spotty depending on play-times. They really ought to do another server merge, but I guess they are happy charging folks to switch of their own volition.


You can solo to max lvl now in a few days, a matter of hours even with the support of an endgame player. Either way the bulk of your time will be spent doing limit-break quests as opposed to grinding out levels. Once you have a some trusts (AI sidekicks) at your disposal you don't even need to buy gear for the most-part as they can support you way beyond the capabilities of a true soloist with perfect level-appropriate equipment.

Relics are easy enough to make to their basic form, however as they are in many cases outclassed by far more readily obtainable weapons before they peak out at the current 119(II-III) forms, to get one that's super-useful is still a significant grind. Simply put, although making a basic 75 relic/mythic/empy is easily soloable, that basically gets you nothing more than a nifty trophy piece. There's a ton more to do after that, and an additional, final, upgrade step is apparently being introduced around September's update.

The game's far more accessible and forgiving than it used to be for newcomers, the biggest issue is that after 16 years, population on most servers is spotty depending on play-times. They really ought to do another server merge, but I guess they are happy charging folks to switch of their own volition.

Ya, i got to 99 pretty easy with a lvl 1 Geomancer. This is Bloodberrie on Sylph, is IHOP still active? I’ll ask for a link pearl when i get back from NY.

Going to try to finish Rhapsody before i start job points.
How often do they have the free log in events? I took part in the last one a month or two back and really enjoyed campaign again. Also managed to successfully camp the Keeper of Halidom and get the drop all these years too late

I stopped playing a little while after they introduced Geo etc
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How often do they have the free log in events? I took part in the last one a month or two back and really enjoyed campaign again. Also managed to successfully camp the Keeper of Halidom and get the drop all these years too late

I stopped playing a little while after they introduced Geo etc
This is a bit of a late reply but I tend to get e-mails about free login campaigns every few months but I don't take advantage of them. I guess I should probably hop on the next one. I'm curious about what FFXI is like after all this time.


How often do they have the free log in events? I took part in the last one a month or two back and really enjoyed campaign again. Also managed to successfully camp the Keeper of Halidom and get the drop all these years too late

I stopped playing a little while after they introduced Geo etc
This is a bit of a late reply but I tend to get e-mails about free login campaigns every few months but I don't take advantage of them. I guess I should probably hop on the next one. I'm curious about what FFXI is like after all this time.

Free Weekend and Discount Campaign starting on the 9th to the 20th this Month. http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/campaign/wcb/index.html . Currently playing with a couple others doing low man content so if anyone wants to join or is new let me know. We're still on Sylph.


Logged in because of the free campaign period and ran into an old face while I was there. I didn't think I'd run into anyone I know at all. He gave me 10 million gil which I used to promptly pick up all of the PUP attachments that have been released, lol. Depending on how things go I might resub for a bit. 🤔


Logged in because of the free campaign period and ran into an old face while I was there. I didn't think I'd run into anyone I know at all. He gave me 10 million gil which I used to promptly pick up all of the PUP attachments that have been released, lol. Depending on how things go I might resub for a bit. 🤔
I actually just had an urge to load up an MMO myself. Has the re-installation of FFXI become less of a hassle yet? Last time I did it was a few years ago and you still had to install every single goddamn expansion separately still. How long did the install take?

*Edit* also - which server are you on? I was on Asura, if it still exists.
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I actually just had an urge to load up an MMO myself. Has the re-installation of FFXI become less of a hassle yet? Last time I did it was a few years ago and you still had to install every single goddamn expansion separately still. How long did the install take?

*Edit* also - which server are you on? I was on Asura, if it still exists.

You can download FFXI via a set of links on the Playonline site. There'll be a little bit of a download after you install and login, 20 mins maybe, but it's much faster than before. I'm still Sylph myself but Gromph Gromph is on Asura. It seems to be pretty busy of a server apparently.
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Gold Member
As soon as they get rid of PlayOnline, I'm in. Last time I tried it, it was a real pain to set up the whole thing...


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Staff Member
Yes, Lirain in Asura, tell me if you need anything :)
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