Gentleman Jack
You're going to have to find help on that one if you're in sparks gear, the mobs are extremely evasive and do tons of damage. Hit up anyone on Sylph if you're there.
Started really getting back into this with the Return Home Campaign now that you can make a full Trust party and bring them into BCNMs.
I was having a blast waltzing through the new story missions, until I hit a brick wall on the mission The Brewing Storm. I can't land a hit on any of the enemies in the new zone. (DRG iLvl 117)
Is there a path for a solo player to get better-than-Spark gear?
This is insane
Easy Prey (With ring)
If you're on sylph you can find people in great numbers online lately if you need to holler for help for that kind of thing. There are plenty of people with THF leveled and geared for drop hunting, etc.
I'm not going to jump back in, but I'd love a YouTube link to the final boss + final cutscenes. I jump into these threads every now and then to see what's going on, but I'm mostly lost with all this stuff now.
I played FFXI for four or five years, 2002-2007...really loved it.
I'm not going to jump back in, but I'd love a YouTube link to the final boss + final cutscenes. I jump into these threads every now and then to see what's going on, but I'm mostly lost with all this stuff now.
Started really getting back into this with the Return Home Campaign now that you can make a full Trust party and bring them into BCNMs.
I was having a blast waltzing through the new story missions, until I hit a brick wall on the mission The Brewing Storm. I can't land a hit on any of the enemies in the new zone. (DRG / SMN / BLM iLvl 117)
Is there a path for a solo player to get better-than-Spark gear?
I'm in the same boat as you, I'm on for the Welcome Back campaign, and I've managed to solo up to this mission, but the Narakas just destroy me in my sparks gear (I'm on SMN so I didn't think gear would really be an issue, I only have avatar level 115 though and that doesn't seem to be enough for avatars to hit anything in reisinjima). Since I'm only interested in doing the story and not staying past that, I don't think I'll bother to continue unless there is some stronger gear that's easily obtainable like sparks, but I don't think there is.
Maybe I'll just catch the remaining story on youtube/twitch.
Sparks should be enough to solo the first 2 bosses in RoV part 3. You're gonna wanna join a party to kill Narakas and for the last boss, but that's it. The bosses don't have the insane evasion the Reisenjima enemies have. Just shout in Reisenjima for a Naraka party and it shouldn't take long to find one.
For the Narakas, I had issues until I actually remembered to probably eat Sushi (I used Sublime Sushi, which I think was new this patch, and it worked wonders)
Everything in Reisenjima has CRAZY evasion.
Can I get into the linkshell? I have just been lone wandering it since I started in May but it would be nice to interact with people occasionally.For IHOP events tonight, I am planning on just doing a "help new/returning players with whatever" thing, so if you're on Sylph and stuck with something, now is your chance!
We normally start at about 9:00 pm EST, but I'll probably be on earlier myself.
Can I get into the linkshell? I have just been lone wandering it since I started in May but it would be nice to interact with people occasionally.
Can I get into the linkshell? I have just been lone wandering it since I started in May but it would be nice to interact with people occasionally.
I'd like to get my son a pearl. Name is "Trustypatches". I'll see if he can shoot one of you a tell tonight when he gets on.
I'll keep an eye out for him. I'll also stock up the linkshell concierges in the main cities, in case nobody is online when people need a pearl.
Cool, will do this weekend, thanks!Yes of course!
Just shoot any of us a tell when you're in game (see OP for a list) and we'll get you a pearl.
Level 30 on WAR now and just messing around, will probably keep a sub up after the free period. Been loving going round and exploring, although I'm not 100% sure where to go now. Might try and unlock some of the advanced jobs (is that what they're called?) now.
You might want to start by going ahead with the nation missions.
As for the unlockable jobs, they're not necessaily considered advanced, although some have pretty specific mechanics, like bue mage and puppetmaster.
Being lv50 thief, should I be able to do the base story with thrusts? Looking at the official website I am just wondering if I should just wait until lv75?
At level 50 you should be able to reach Rank 4 in any nation. Anything past that and you'll need help. If you're on sylph give the IHOP folks a holler.
I think you should be able to unlock Tavnazia access at 50 assuming you can summon trusts in Promyvion areas.
With sneak/invis you can get
You can get pretty far in the Aht Urghan missions if you luck out with buying things on the AH. Aht Urghan Mission 13 will be your brick wall until you're much higher level.
Not sure what the requirements are for Wings missions, but there are some pretty high level mobs all over those zones, I'd wait till you're higher level to really try making progress there.
I just transferred to Slyph with couple other friends as well
decided to subscribe after playing again from the return to vanadiel campaign, so I will be playing for some time
How can I pick up a IHOP pearl ?
I just transferred to Slyph with couple other friends as well
decided to subscribe after playing again from the return to vanadiel campaign, so I will be playing for some time
How can I pick up a IHOP pearl ?
Being lv50 thief, should I be able to do the base story with thrusts? Looking at the official website I am just wondering if I should just wait until lv75?
I've been playing a bit the last couple days after a first impact that left me unimpressed as to how little the game changed over time (the game feels just as stiff today as it felt back in 2003), but I'm having fun.
Through logging on 5 times I managed to score enough points to get a cipher. Since I've always been a Shantotto fan, I grabbed the Cipher: Shantotto II.
Through logging on 5 times I managed to score enough points to get a cipher. Since I've always been a Shantotto fan, I grabbed the Cipher: Shantotto II.
since im behind on trusts, whats iroha 2 from?
oh, I was figuring thats where iroha 1 would be from, wheres that one then?You get her at the end of the Rhapsodies mission line.
oh, I was figuring thats where iroha 1 would be from, wheres that one then?
kindve an odd way to do it imo. I need to get the alst chapter completed, but christmas season has always been slow for my FFXI playtime with all the other games releasingThey're both rewards for progressing through Chapter 3 of Rhapsodies.
kindve an odd way to do it imo. I need to get the alst chapter completed, but christmas season has always been slow for my FFXI playtime with all the other games releasing