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Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age |OT| You Had One Job!


It's one of the best dubs I've ever heard, not sure what you are on about here.
Just a comment that is par for the course whenever the option is added to listen to JP voice really. There always has to be that person who's all like... "OMG the EN VO is total shit!!"
Omg when Theme of love on the main screen comes on
I'll be grabbing this once I beat Nier Automata at least once.

Had it since release and I'm way behind. Have not even beat the first dungeon on Persona 5!


Permanent Junior Member
I'll be grabbing this once I beat Nier Automata at least once.

Had it since release and I'm way behind. Have not even beat the first dungeon on Persona 5!

Hah, I was in the same boat. Powered through 3 endings of NieR this weekend so I could get to this. I'm still on the first dungeon of P5 too, despite owning it since launch.
I'll be grabbing this once I beat Nier Automata at least once.

Had it since release and I'm way behind. Have not even beat the first dungeon on Persona 5!

Same here! Have to finish Nier Automata at least once. Just finished Horizon Zero Dawn and I told myself not to buy too much backlog. Took me 4 months to finish Nioh and Horizon...

Had to choose between FF12 and Persona 5
nice that actually interests me, kinda grants freedom of movement so i imagine you get a better look at everything around you and whats going on without really having to mash anything

To sum the combat up
You broadly set conditional instructions for the party and an fine tune via commands real time while you fight.
Fights can also be paused while you issue commands

And about berseria, i dunno, i found it as painfully mediocre as zestiria.
And i actually really like xillia 1 and 2, thats how low my bar is for the series.
12 is better in every conceivable way.
Same here! Have to finish Nier Automata at least once. Just finished Horizon Zero Dawn and I told myself not to buy too much backlog. Took me 4 months to finish Nioh and Horizon...

Had to choose between FF12 and Persona 5

Don't want to patronize, but you should definitely go back to nier at some point. The first ending isn't really an ending as much as a intermission. Also you can pretty easily mainline the subsequent playthroughs to get the story.


I'll be grabbing this once I beat Nier Automata at least once.

Had it since release and I'm way behind. Have not even beat the first dungeon on Persona 5!

Same here! Have to finish Nier Automata at least once. Just finished Horizon Zero Dawn and I told myself not to buy too much backlog. Took me 4 months to finish Nioh and Horizon...

Had to choose between FF12 and Persona 5
If by beating Automata once I hope you mean endings A through E.

It's worth it.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Alright, I think I've settled on:

Vaan: Breaker/Hunter
Ashe: Monk/Black Mage
Basch: Samurai/Knight
Penelo: White Mage/Machinist
Fran: Uhlan/Time Mage
Balthier: Red Mage/Archer


Anyone know what's up with the in game music? There are three options...

Original (I assume from the original game)
Reorchestrated (redone for the remaster)
OST (fetched from a download code included in first prints)

What is the OST, I can't even hear a difference from the first two but it displays as a third option.
Original: What the music sounds like on a PS2 with its sound chip (lower quality samples)
Reorchestrated: All redone with (mostly?) live instruments
OST: Original CD soundtrack of the PS2 version (better audio quality than the "Original" option)

^Maybe consider adding this to the OP since people seem to keep asking this.

Edit: Also this is the Japanese PS4 theme for those who pre-ordered from Amazon Japan (no idea about BGM).



In NA, yes.

Nooo did you wait too long Spin? You had like, the forever before this to pre-order it! ;p

Anywho, this may not be an answer you'll like, but check the other country stores, Hong Kong, Taiwan, they often give away the pre-order only themes to any one that digitally buys the game at any time.

I preorded the steelbook because it looked so nice.




FFXII is my favorite FF so I'll definitely be picking the game up, but I think I'll wait for the (possible?) PC release since I just played the emulated IZJS version a year ago.

That said, I gotta know, is decoy actually usable in this version of the game? It's supposed to be THE skill for making tanking possible but for some reason, in both previous releases, it was treated as a negative status effect. As such, it had to pass dice rolls to apply and had a low base accuracy (60%) that was halved if the targeted person had shell (why wouldn't your tank have shell on?). And when I finally did apply, it would last like 10 seconds.

This basically lead to the AI constantly spamming the skill if you put it in your gambits so it ended up being a completely worthless skill. Did they address that at all with this release? Being able to have a proper tank would help a lot with the tougher battles in the game.


To sum the combat up
You broadly set conditional instructions for the party and an fine tune via commands real time while you fight.
Fights can also be paused while you issue commands

And about berseria, i dunno, i found it as painfully mediocre as zestiria.
And i actually really like xillia 1 and 2, thats how low my bar is for the series.
12 is better in every conceivable way.

Thanks I’ll probably land on it
I randomly came to this crossroads last night and didn’t even know the game came out the following day lol


Original: What the music sounds like on a PS2 with its sound chip (lower quality samples)
Reorchestrated: All redone with (mostly?) live instruments
OST: Original CD soundtrack of the PS2 version (better audio quality than the "Original" option)

^Maybe consider adding this to the OP since people seem to keep asking this.

Edit: Also this is the Japanese PS4 theme for those who pre-ordered from Amazon Japan (no idea about BGM).
Before I sink my teeth into this, any missable equipment?

Anything that's technically not missable but is completely punishing if you missed your chance? Like certain crests/sigils in FFX
getting blocked by bosses if you missed your chance

Don't care about selling off bazaar items that turn out to be missables.


Just under two hours and still haven't finalized my Jobs -_-

Thinking my Balthier has SHI/FOE.

At Lv99 as SHI he's gonna be at STR 81 SPD 38. Either KNI or FOE sub Job with Grand Helm, Mirage Vest, Germinas Boots (Jackboots replacement) is gonna be STR 81 + (6 or 7) + 12 = 99 or 100 STR, then SP 38 + 50 + 10 = 98 SPD, and finally (relevant if you're SHI/FOE), VIT 58 + 20 + 10 + 10 = 98 VIT.

So he's basically the FF Tactics Ninja... as SHI/FOE can hit hard either the Yagyu Darkblade or Scorpion Tail hhhh.

Basch has a better hammer combo rate but I saw some calculations on it, and it was like Basch got 46,000 DPS to Balthier's 45,000. With Genji Glove, too. Were you going Germinas Boots you'd probably do less DPS with either character (Germinas probably only better than Genji with Ninja Swords) but it'd probably be like 1-2% difference (versus the 3% difference or so with Genji Gloves).

Balthier would still hit harder though if you also just want to see big numbers hhhh. Assuming you're using the equipment above, it looks like they'd be at:
100 STR 098 VIT 098 SPD (Balthier)
103 STR 087 VIT 095 SPD (Basch)
096 STR 102 VIT 096 SPD (Fran)
103 STR 102 VIT 097 SPD (Vaan)

So I like Balthier's lack of wasted post-99 stats plus he's tied for #1 with ninja swords, basically tied (like less than 0.5%) with Ashe for #2 with hammers. But there's a real interesting idea around of combining SHI with something like RDM to make a more traditional self-healing tank out of it, but even then you lack the Shield Block 3 that KNI or FOE gives SHI. And out of all the FF (high combo) weapons, I think I want Masamune, Whale Whisker, and Scorpion Tail on separate characters so I can run all 3 + 3x Genji for fun if I want, and Scorpion Balthier, Masamune Basch, and Whale Fran works and has the lowest 0.5 combo rates for all. Only thing I sort of miss is that SHI/Mystic Armor would be fun for Yagyu + Dark Robes for Yiazmat.

Also, still not sure about my Basch as BSH but I'm still not sure the sub Job.

Basch at Lv99 is STR 76 / MAG 63. Then as Bushi he's 86/77. Lordly Robes makes that 91/92, and then either the Shishak makes it 102/97 or the Circlet 93/102. So to hit 99/99 Bushi Basch needs either 6 extra STR or 2 extra MAG, which would mean reaching either Battle Lore 14 or Magick Lore 16. So only Uhlan, Monk, and Black Mage let him hit 99/99 (max possible damage).

Flip side is those have less fewer synergies... just for a very marginal (if symbolic) gain. BSH/KNI... You'd end up 97/99 or 99/97, but you'd gain Shield Block 3 for when you start using Masamune I, you can combine Excalibur + White Robes for the huge amount of holy-weak monsters during the story, get access to decent spells to utilize that high MAG (though MNK does this even better and has more +HP Augments than KNI or UHL). Would be nice to grab something with buffs so he could help out with rotation of Haste, Bravery and Faith, Bubble, and then self-Berserk.

Being able to change Jobs out-of-battle a la FF Tactics would sure be nice but I sort of appreciate the weight that permanency giving the character decisions. How people played the OG versus how they are now is a pretty good case study for that 'respecs vs no respecs' topic we've had a few times here. Reminds me of back in Diablo 2, and constant 'evaluate my template' discussions. Adding a second Job to Zodiac Age was a pretty small but significant change.

I see you mentioned 3x Genji Gloves here -- is it confirmed that you can carry over items from trial mode to the main game now?

Also curious how you'd get Genji Armor for Monk Fran, Bushi Basch, and Foebreaker Balthier unless you're doubling up on jobs or running Monk/Knight, which doesn't sound too great to me.


Watching a stream right now and jesus the english VA is awful.

Thank god for JP dub.

Awful? The fuck is this? If there's every been a ENG dub thats better than the JAP counterpart this it. Never seen someone trash the eng VA for this game.

Heck, I'd go as far to suggest its some of the best VA ever, dub or no.


always chasing the next thrill
Awful? The fuck is this? If there's every been a ENG dub thats better than the JAP counterpart this it. Never seen someone trash the eng VA for this game.

Heck, I'd go as far to suggest its some of the best VA ever, dub or no.

High five 😎


Heeeeeeeeh, I have XV midway and I don't want to start this. But I already got it. Ugh, first world problems :(
I picked my steelbook copy up this morning (which is very pretty, looks great alongside the FFX/X-2, FFXV and Type-0 steelbooks) but have only just started. Kinda disappointed the opening looked like it was just upscaled. I get that it would've been really expensive to re-do but I guess I was still kinda hoping anyway. Still the best opening in the series though.

Are we going to have a job recommendations thread? I still have no idea what I'm going to go with for the first jobs, let alone the second ones.
Same here! Have to finish Nier Automata at least once. Just finished Horizon Zero Dawn and I told myself not to buy too much backlog. Took me 4 months to finish Nioh and Horizon...

Had to choose between FF12 and Persona 5

Nioh is also on that list...

Thankfully maybe this weekend and the next two weeks will be easy for gaming and relaxing with work entering a more relaxed month and my friend going out of town, love him but man hes always got something for us to do when all I want is to just sit and play something haha.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Ahhh, what the hell happened to the opening movie that played when you left it still on the main menu screen for 30 seconds?

I always watched that before I started, one of my favorite opening movies and always got me pumped to play!

Super disappointing that it's gone =/

I know, quoting my own post, but I'm sure this opening cinematic will bother someone else, so here's the opening movie from the PS2 version


Unless this does play on the PS4 one and you just need to wait like 5 minutes or something? :p

Now I can play. xD
This is the kind of thing that drives me nuts. That opening video was the soul of XII to me. What a shame they cut it out...
I love the vibe of Lowtown, some nice nostalgia exploring it again after 10 years, the art direction in this game is so good.

Is anyone else overly tempted to keep using the fast forward button? I'm treating it like a sprint button and it's ruining the atmosphere of the game. I need to just forget that it's there.
I'm gonna play the whole game in x2. This is amazing.

I also opened the chest outside of Dalan's. Take that!

I went with the optimal non-lore non-12 job classes. Wanna breeze through the endgame.


So someone uploaded a video about the changes made to trial mode from IZJS. In IZJS you could steal items and get rewards for completing stages but it was pretty worthless because you couldn't transfer anything back to the main game.


I seriously feel like this changes everything. He uploaded a video of him stealing one of the ultimate weapons from a cactoid in a level 3 trial and transferring it back to his main save file. They made trial mode worth doing when you're not level 90! Now you can get more than 2 genji gloves, more wyrmhero blades, etc!

I'm on mobile and can't easily copy the links but here is the gamefaqs topic about it:


Another link to a thread about items that can be stolen in trial mode:


This is a big new feature, should probably be in the OP
Running around grinding at 2X is a fucking joy. I'd still be enjoying the game without it but it smoothes over the more tedious portions of the game, what a magnificent feature.


Art direction is amazing, music is awesome ( that tune in lowtown, LOVE IT), I love the gambit system. Map overlay is great, 2 X speed is nice.

Only 1.5 hours in but damn I'm in love.
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