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Final Fantasy XIII-2 E3 Information Thread [Trailer, BioWare Storytelling, More]


Rahxephon91 said:
Nope. XII was a linear game with big zones, this looks to be a game with bigger areas as well, but still linear. It will probably have some extra areas and hunts like XII as well. Maybe it will be more inline with X then XII. That's still an improvement.
More inline with X than XII, and that's an improvement?

XII is not a linear game. You have to option of following the story to play linearly, or you can move about exploring areas and fighting monsters outside the boundaries of the plot. To call XII a linear game with big zones is to say Elder Scrolls are linear games with big zones, but that certainly isn't the case, now is it?


Rahxephon91 said:
Nope. XII was a linear game with big zones, this looks to be a game with bigger areas as well, but still linear. It will probably have some extra areas and hunts like XII as well. Maybe it will be more inline with X then XII. That's still an improvement.

ok so you're just lying to be controversial

needed to confirm whether it was worth going down this road with you
dramatis said:
More inline with X than XII, and that's an improvement?

XII is not a linear game. You have to option of following the story to play linearly, or you can move about exploring areas and fighting monsters outside the boundaries of the plot. To call XII a linear game with big zones is to say Elder Scrolls are linear games with big zones, but that certainly isn't the case, now is it?
XII's incredibly linear. It has big zones you can walk around, but outside the story there is'nt much to do or side stories to go on. You can go hunt monsters? Ok? I'm not sure how that dosen't make it a linear game. The only real zones you can go to are zones allowed by the story. It's nothing like ES. After the beinging of an ES game you are allowed to go anywhere and do anything on your own volition. That's not XII at all. In FFXII you can only go to zones allowed by the story or go hunt monsters in areas unlocked by the story. If it was an ES game I could keep doing hunts and never even get past the part with Rabestare, I could just go and visit Arcades without even getting Ashe.

Hell half the zones in XII just lead you to the next, sure you go to the 1 or 2 zone off to the side, but that's it.

And yes it's an improvement, some us like linearity. FF is not some open world game.

Amir0x said:
ok so you're just lying to be controversial

needed to confirm whether it was worth going down this road with you
How am I lying? FFXII is not some open world game. It just has big zones and is'nt a straight line. That dosen't make it not linear. The game takes you from point to point with little things on the side, that's it. Based on the pictures of this game, areas look much more expansive, and I'm not sure whats wrong with that.
Rahxephon91 said:
Nope. XII was a linear game with big zones, this looks to be a game with bigger areas as well, but still linear. It will probably have some extra areas and hunts like XII as well. Maybe it will be more inline with X then XII. That's still an improvement.

In the sense of you being lead through the story in a specific direction?


In the sense that there are only one or two narrow paths, and no inter-connectivity between areas?

Not so much.
I don't really like multiple endings but i well i get over it .
Since they are doing that i hope they make playing the game easier the second time.
Happy that they are talking about extra content and HD towns but you can never be to certain with SE these days.
FFXII is nonlinear (a) in the sense that the world itself has a nonlinear and interconnected design and (b) in the sense that you can warp back to earlier areas at nearly any point in the game and generally find new sidequests to pursue there.

It's linear in the sense that the story itself generally moves from one area to the next without ever revisiting the same area twice (with a few exceptions for some of the cities in the game), although those areas are not themselves strictly linear in topological order.

Let me in

In XII you could actually return to areas and complete quests, get some new items or just for shits and giggles. You might actually find an area you'd want to return to, unlike XIII. You also don't have to proceed with the storyline unless you want to.

And if by "linear" one means that a game has a main storyline that you progress through by completing certain tasks, many if not most games are "linear." I think when people talk about linearity in XIII they are referring to the endless hand-holding and coddling the game forces upon you.

You don't get to choose whether or when you're going to the next chapter, you're just there for the ride and there's nothing else to do until the ride comes to a complete stop.
Amir0x said:
hm @ their comment they've addressed the linearity issues. I hope they mean both in terms of the comically limiting Crystarium system on top of the level design. Of course, the map in the gameplay videos I've seen looks just as embarrassingly linear as FFXIII so I don't know whether to trust this man.

If they can fix the linearity, the garbage Crystarium progression system and open up a gambit-like system for ally A.I., which was a huge flaw in the first game, it might be worth giving it a shot.

I only expect the story to continue the horrendous direction of FFXIII, but frankly I just go into jRPGs expecting that these days but just with extra badness when it comes to FF.
Oh heavens no. Keep Gambits out of my FFXIII-2.

It was brought up a couple pages back, but FFX-2's Zanarkand Ruins theme >>> FFX's theme, seriously.


ZephyrFate said:
Oh heavens no. Keep Gambits out of my FFXIII-2.
Why? The gambit system was very smart and intuitive.

If improved and expanded upon, it could be the best system for A.I. controlled party members.
Despera said:
Why? The gambit system was very smart and intuitive.

If improved and expanded upon, it could be the best system for A.I. controlled party members.
I'd rather my characters know how to do things to some extent without me micro-managing robots. The AI was fine in FFXIII, and I'm sure they've tuned it for the sequel as well.

Let me in

Amir0x said:
If they can fix the linearity, the garbage Crystarium progression system and open up a gambit-like system for ally A.I., which was a huge flaw in the first game, it might be worth giving it a shot.
Except this will never happen because these are things you would find in FFXII. And the Kitase group seems to view it as the ugly duckling made by the misfit director Matsuno. Evidence by their complete evisceration of everything Matsuno accomplished in XII.


ZephyrFate said:
Oh heavens no. Keep Gambits out of my FFXIII-2.

It was brought up a couple pages back, but FFX-2's Zanarkand Ruins theme >>> FFX's theme, seriously.

Sorry nobody wants FFXIII's shit A.I. corrupting the game once again. FFXIII was terrible enough as it is. If the programmers are intent on being incompetent then I demand to be able to CONTROL MY FUCKING TEAMMATES.

You don't have to utilize Gambits if you don't like you can have the game play itself just like FFXIII did poorly. You can stick with the shit A.I. and stick to making excuses for the first game's glaring flaws all year. Just give those who want to play quality games the option
Amir0x said:
Sorry nobody wants FFXIII's shit A.I. corrupting the game once again. FFXIII was terrible enough as it is. If the programmers are intent on being incompetent then I demand to be able to CONTROL MY FUCKING TEAMMATES.

You don't have to utilize Gambits if you don't like, you can stick with the shit A.I. and stick to making excuses for the first game's glaring flaws all year.
I never had an issue with FFXIII's AI, and I've said this multiple times. I mean, hyperbole is awesome, but sometimes it goes too far, man.

And if quality games means FFXII all over again, then man, your bar for quality is low.


ZephyrFate said:
I never had an issue with FFXIII's AI, and I've said this multiple times. I mean, hyperbole is awesome, but sometimes it goes too far, man.

If you didn't have problems with it then you shouldn't be commenting on whether Gambits should be included. Your standards are clearly so warped that you shouldn't be allowed to determine whether an optional system that allows you to actually competently program your teammate A.I. is included.

At least, certainly, you shouldn't bother quoting me with that embarrassing perspective. You should quote someone who would actually be sympathetic to that low standard.

ZephyrFate said:
And if quality games means FFXII all over again, then man, your bar for quality is low.

You like FFXIII.

I win.


ZephyrFate said:
I never had an issue with FFXIII's AI, and I've said this multiple times. I mean, hyperbole is awesome, but sometimes it goes too far, man.

And if quality games means FFXII all over again, then man, your bar for quality is low.
The A.I. was good for the most part, I won't argue with that. But how many times did Hope cast Veil when you actually wanted him to cast Protect first?

If you could configure those Paradigms to some extent, that wouldn't hurt anyone. We could have Gambits in our Paradigms!


ZephyrFate said:
I never had an issue with FFXIII's AI, and I've said this multiple times. I mean, hyperbole is awesome, but sometimes it goes too far, man.

And if quality games means FFXII all over again, then man, your bar for quality is low.
Not having an issue with the AI doesn't mean the AI is 'good' or works well.


Anyway, as to FFXIII-2, if they can fix these issues the first game had, I might actually get interested. They seem to be saying many of these problems are fixed but it's difficult to take them at their word considering what they said about FFXIII and what it actually turned into


On repeat play

Toriyama said that the game will have more yarikomi elements (I keep forgetting how to translate that damn word -- it's all the extra crap you can do in a game beyond the main quest). You'll be able to play the game multiple times. Famitsu asked if this means there will be a New Game + style feature, where you restart the game with your character fully buffed up from the previous playthrough. Toriyama responded that they hope to offer a different form of repeat play from this.

I reeeeaaalllllyy hope this isn't required in some way... I hate if you have to beat games like this more than once. I like for the last boss to be the last thing I do in my final fantasies.
Yes... I beat XIII and didn't watch the ending. I started all of the side stuff after and played for another 90 hours Platinuming it. I for one don't care for New game+ .Because I make these game a one time thing. I don't really care about trophies at all either. I just had to do it for XIII. I guess I'm weird XIII was my GTOY loooved it some much. Oh and I don't even remember the story. :p :D
Amir0x said:
If you didn't have problems with it then you shouldn't be commenting on whether Gambits should be included. Your standards are clearly so warped that you shouldn't be allowed to determine whether an optional system that allows you to actually competently program your teammate A.I. is included.

At least, certainly, you shouldn't bother quoting me with that embarrassing perspective. You should quote someone who would actually be sympathetic to that low standard.

You like FFXIII.

I win.
Yes, my standards are so clearly warped when I'm talking to someone who goes into these types of threads with the express purpose to troll a game that isn't even released yet for no other fucking reason than to be a dick.

I would not want an optional system to micro-manage robots because the game did a fine enough job of that for me. The fact that you can provide NO reason as to why you think the AI sucks, and instead just throw out little barbed insults at people who enjoy the system, seems to me that you're just doing your usual epic trolling.

You like FFXII, a game whose best feature is the ability to cure insomnia.


ZephyrFate said:
Yes, my standards are so clearly warped when I'm talking to someone who goes into these types of threads with the express purpose to troll a game that isn't even released yet for no other fucking reason than to be a dick.

Except my express purpose in this topic was to express my interest in the fact that the OP claims the developer said they're fixing many of the problems I had with the first game, so that it might be worth getting into.

Since now you're not reading on top of throwing out troll accusations, you're about to net your second ban in as many weeks if you don't ratchet back the rhetoric.. And this time it's going to be much longer. First and only warning. I won't be disrespected and insulted with your inept commentary about trolling.

ZephyrFate said:
I would not want an optional system to micro-manage robots because the game did a fine enough job of that for me. The fact that you can provide NO reason as to why you think the AI sucks, and instead just throw out little barbed insults at people who enjoy the system, seems to me that you're just doing your usual epic trolling.

You know as well as I do that I have listed extensive problems with the A.I. before (such as the game's poor buffing/debuffing decisions in criticial moments where getting five stars or four stars was the difference between dramatically increasing the odds of netting an item I was going for), which you promptly shrugged off in your typical "OH SHIT HE ACTUALLY DOES HAVE REASONS TO CRITICIZE IT LET ME PRETEND HE DOESN'T" way, the same reason you got banned for your weeks of spazzing out over Game of Thrones criticism.

Of course, that's on top of having extensively reviewed the game

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
Grisby said:
Couldn't really find it in the OP.

Where is this rap music?

I think IGN was being IGN again. Gametrailers.com has 4 gameplay walkthroughs videos with an SE rep and one of the video had rap music playing. But the rap music is from some other game and not FFXIII-2...

In fact some of IGN's text sounded like straight quotes from the rep's comments.


Rap comes in at around 4:10 but is clearly from another source...

Of course IGN could be talking about another part of the demo itself but we'll see...


FFXII is one of my favorite FF. It's linear story wise but there's so much side stuff. You can explore for summons, hunts and items. It also has a real customization system compared to XIII. I prefered the gambits to the AI of FFXIII where you have no control on what it will do. At least in XII you can actually input command for each party member when your gambits fail. Moreover it's not a gameover when the party leader is killed. Even if the whole team is wiped out you still have the option of using your reserve character.


On XII, if you haven't played the international edition I definitely would. Hopefully that's a part of Square's HD collection thing (assuming they actually do it like MGS/ZOE). It addresses my only really big gripes with the original game (license board, zodiac spear).


entrydenied said:
I think IGN was being IGN again. Gametrailers.com has 4 gameplay walkthroughs videos with an SE rep and one of the video had rap music playing. But the rap music is from some other game and not FFXIII-2...

In fact some of IGN's text sounded like straight quotes from the rep's comments.

Sounds like it might have been just off screen music then.

Be kind of interesting to hear j-pop rap though. I don't think I've ever heard any and I'm too scared to youtube it.
I think the addition of a gambit type system would be good. While the partner AI system was competent enough in the first game, more control would be better. It would definitely help if you could specify the priority of buffs. The game pushes you to finish battles quicker and quicker, but your teammates are not always the most efficient.
Grisby said:
Sounds like it might have been just off screen music then.

Be kind of interesting to hear j-pop rap though. I don't think I've ever heard any and I'm too scared to youtube it.

Persona 3 OST has some.

Quality varies.
Rahxephon91 said:
XII's incredibly linear. It has big zones you can walk around, but outside the story there is'nt much to do or side stories to go on. You can go hunt monsters? Ok? I'm not sure how that dosen't make it a linear game. The only real zones you can go to are zones allowed by the story. It's nothing like ES. After the beinging of an ES game you are allowed to go anywhere and do anything on your own volition. That's not XII at all. In FFXII you can only go to zones allowed by the story or go hunt monsters in areas unlocked by the story. If it was an ES game I could keep doing hunts and never even get past the part with Rabestare, I could just go and visit Arcades without even getting Ashe.

Wow, that entire paragraph is so full of wrong it hurts to reread it. I think the only thing that comes close is that it is nothing like ES, but even that isn't entirely true as you CAN go on a ton of side quests, and explore pretty much willy nilly once the game opens up. In fact if I am remembering things correctly the only places that you cannot get to on foot are Arcadia and Bhujerba.

Hell half the zones in XII just lead you to the next, sure you go to the 1 or 2 zone off to the side, but that's it.

If by zone you mean individual map, then sort of. If by zone you mean each overall area like the Giza Plains, the Ester and Westersand, Bur Omisace, and the like, then no. Emphatically not. Every single one of those zones has multiple exits, and entrances, you can end up all over the place. In fact the map of FFXII is one of the best designed maps in any RPG ever. Making it seem like it is a linear experience like FFXIII would be like saying Symphony of the Night was just like Castlevania III.

And yes it's an improvement, some us like linearity. FF is not some open world game.

Finaly Fantasies I, II, III, V, VI, XI, and XII say hi.

How am I lying? FFXII is not some open world game. It just has big zones and is'nt a straight line. That dosen't make it not linear. The game takes you from point to point with little things on the side, that's it. Based on the pictures of this game, areas look much more expansive, and I'm not sure whats wrong with that.

The story moves you in a straight line, the side stuff takes you all over, and like most open world games, if you just run through the main story you haven't seen the majority of what FFXII has to offer either in maps, setting, or world detail. Final Fantasy XII is not COMPLETELY open at its start, and no one is saying it is the most non-linear RPG out there. But to call it a completely or even mostly linear experience is just being willfully ignorant.

As for FFXIII-2, if they add a bit more non-linearity, make the story not completely fall apart at the end, and actually make the exploration of Gran Pulse meaning ful this time, it could work.
miladesn said:



about the rap music

Chris Kohler said:
Bad English-language rapping: I didn’t say all these points would be better in the new game, just different. The music in the XIII-2 demo was grating. I don’t know how the symphony orchestra concert series is going to do rap.

some notes from some people I know:
it is in the battle theme apparently, APZonerunner told me.

Also someone else that heard it described it like this:
Sacha said:
Actually, it's a nice blend between music which retain a similar style as in FFXIII, and a few rhymes. It works well imo.

take this FWIW, it's music, we need to hear it I think.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
This is all starting to sound a lot like FFX-2 International, which is a good because that thing was absolutely rammed with content, just the monster capture/arena section took me about 40 hours to plow through.

I'm feeling increasingly optimistic about XIII-2.
Clear said:
This is all starting to sound a lot like FFX-2 International, which is a good because that thing was absolutely rammed with content, just the monster capture/arena section took me about 40 hours to plow through.

I'm feeling increasingly optimistic about XIII-2.
Yeah the "Chaos" Bahamut thing reminds me of the Dark Aeons in FFX and FFX-2 International.


Kalnos said:
On XII, if you haven't played the international edition I definitely would. Hopefully that's a part of Square's HD collection thing. It addresses my only really big gripes with the original game (license board, zodiac spear).

It is miles better over the original (turbo mode, containers respawn by going only 1 screen away, job boards, rebalancing) but it does create other annoyances though. You can mess up if you don't assign espers with proper planning since they block good licences on the various boards. There's also no turning back if you don't like the licences you got on your board. In the original you can simply grind and transform your character entirely As such proper planning is required. While it's possible to beat the game with any combination, some will not let win the optional fights.

The ultimate weapon in this one is even more annoying to get than the Zodiac Spear. The only way to get the bow is luck.


Surely it won't be bad, or long.

XIII had some Jazz stuff to go a long with Saszh. What if it plays when you meet up with him or something? They do say you meet the old cast again, who knows.
RPGCrazied said:
Surely it won't be bad, or long.

XIII had some Jazz stuff to go a long with Saszh. What if it plays when you meet up with him or something? They do say you meet the old cast again, who knows.
the FF series in general needs more jazz. Jazz improves everything.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
miladesn said:
about the rap music


some notes from some people I know:
it is in the battle theme apparently, APZonerunner told me.

Also someone else that heard it described it like this:

take this FWIW, it's music, we need to hear it I think.
Hah. If it's like Persona 3's Mass Destruction or Wiping All Out, then I'm fine with it.

I'm really interested to see how Hamauzu pulls it off. It'll probably work/sound better in context.

ZephyrFate said:
the FF series in general needs more jazz. Jazz improves everything.
THIS. I loved FFXIII's soundtrack because it branched out into so many different genres. Jazz, ambience, dance, symphonic, vocal... it was great.
Dark Schala said:
THIS. I loved FFXIII's soundtrack because it branched out into so many different genres. Jazz, ambience, dance, symphonic, vocal... it was great.

Yes, yes, yes. It gave FF music some much needed variety, IMO. The synth quality was also amazing and the way it perfectly blended with live instruments made it sound so natural. Truly spectacular.
Electivirus said:
Yes, yes, yes. It gave FF music some much needed variety, IMO. The synth quality was also amazing and the way it perfectly blended with live instruments made it sound so natural. Truly spectacular.
Yeah I always get surprised when people bash FF13's soundtrack. It not only has the most variety of any FF soundtrack to date, but it tries to do something new and fresh with the series that we have not seen since FFIX.


some bits from Gameinformer via Kagari:

DLC planned from the beginning of development, will expand story.
How many unknown.

some more soon wait.


miladesn said:
some bits from Gameinformer via Kagari:

DLC planned from the beginning of developement, will expand story.
How many unknown.

some more soon wait.

and then later, Complete edition with all DLC incuded, amirite


LiK said:
ew DLC for this game. probably just more useless costumes like on Dissidia


Incoming preoder campaign.

If they really addressed my gripes with XIII then I'm ready to give them a second chance. Hopefully battle system/AI is tweaked before release. I also hope Crystallium is much better than in XIII. I don't mind the multiple endings or the presence of rap music. Monster capturing is annoying to me because I have some kind of OCD disorder where I must acquire them all.
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