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Final Fantasy XIII-2 E3 Information Thread [Trailer, BioWare Storytelling, More]


The Praiseworthy said:
Lightning versus Bahamut footage was...... LEGEN - wait for it - DARY :O

but dammit, multiple endings? why whyyyy whyyyyyy!!!! every FF game should have only ONE TRUE ENDING -_-"

they had to have a way to ruin this for me ;_;

I thought it was an okay thing in FFX-2. But the cutscenes where the player has to press 'X' several times still don't make sense to me.
Kagari said:
We did get the HD towns question in btw.

This interview is the Verses XIII of interviews isn't it?

Never coming out!

Edit: Multiple endings? I guess the dialog options are a bigger deal than I initially guessed
The Praiseworthy said:
but dammit, multiple endings? why whyyyy whyyyyyy!!!! every FF game should have only ONE TRUE ENDING -_-"
Having multiple endings doesn't mean that you won't have a "True Ending"...


"The core message we have about making XIII-2 is this game should be able to appeal and be enjoyed by those who bought XIII and enjoyed it, those who didn't buy the game and those who bought the game and gave it up because it wasn't good enough for them. It should have universal appeal to all Final Fantasy players.

"We're poised to make a really dramatic comeback with Final Fantasy XIII-2," he adds, confidently.
This pleases me deeply.


New game plus feature?
Multiple Endings?

Keeps getting better and better, if you got rid of the weapon system from XIII for something easier to grasp, I might just forget about the pokeman thing. :p


I really don't get all this hate towards catching/recruiting monsters in XIII-2. Can someone explain to me why that is a horrible thing?


Multiple endings are a touchy subject. It's vital that the "true ending" isn't too difficult to unlock. If there even is a true ending. I wouldn't be too pleased if the game has like three ending that are equal on scale. People would debate for years which one is the canon one (remember the Otacon/Meryl endings in MGS?).

Personally I liked the way Persona 4 did it. Have a bad/alternative ending which is clearly not canon, a normal ending a true ending which is the normal one except with more closure and content.
RPGCrazied said:
New game plus feature?
Multiple Endings?

Keeps getting better and better, if you got rid of the weapon system from XIII for something easier to grasp, I might just forget about the pokeman thing. :p
They explicitly said no new game+ :(

But hopefully there's something to speed up secondary playthroughs and keep you somewhat more powerful. FFX-2 handled it quite gracefully by taking away your levels but letting you keep your abilities/equipment/et cetera.


I am kind of interested in this as they may have learned their mistakes from the first one.

I did not play more than maybe 1/3 of FFXIII before giving up so I am wondering how hard it will be to get involved with the story of this one since I missed most of FFXIII.


Interesting about Serah having no summons. I wonder if she is the only one, or if there are just no summons at all. If they ditch them, not a big loss considering the only time I ever used a summon was for turtle farming (until I got high enough to beat them without it). I do like summons though (the idea anyway), so we'll see.

I also wonder if for people who 100% FFXIII will get a little something extra in FFXIII-2. Probably not :(


DennisK4 said:
I am kind of interested in this as they may have learned their mistakes from the first one.

I did not play more than maybe 1/3 of FFXIII before giving up so I am wondering how hard it will be to get involved with the story of this one since I missed most of FFXIII.

They said you will not need to have played FFXIII to understand FFXIII-2. I forget who specifically and where, sorry.


DennisK4 said:
I am kind of interested in this as they may have learned their mistakes from the first one.

I did not play more than maybe 1/3 of FFXIII before giving up so I am wondering how hard it will be to get involved with the story of this one since I missed most of FFXIII.
Watch all the cutscenes on youtube. That's all you need.
Nora Kisaragi said:
Also, was someone REALLY raging about multiple bahamuts?

Are we forgetting about the three bahamuts in ff7? >.>;

I think the complaint was more about not liking the designs for the recent Bahamuts.


1) Persona 4 did multiple endings terribly, what with having to reanswer those questions perfectly and rewatching unskippable cutscenes over again until you got it right - and then "go home y/n" kasnfklnsadlkfaslfn

2) FFX-2 had multiple endings...?


Man, if only we knew about the WiiU earlier, we could've asked if Crystal Tools also works with WiiU development. I'm sure we'll hear something from them soon enough anyways though.


Oh, Kagari, did you ask them if having a complete FF XIII save/Platinum Trophy unlocks anything in XIII-2?

Crazetex said:
1) Persona 4 did multiple endings terribly, what with having to reanswer those questions perfectly and rewatching unskippable cutscenes over again until you got it right - and then "go home y/n" kasnfklnsadlkfaslfn

Definitely, I was talking more about the content of the endings rather than the means to achieve those (regarding Persona 4).


Crazetex said:
2) FFX-2 had multiple endings...?

Kinda sorta.

(FFX-2 spoilers)

Yuna could reject Bahamut's proposal to bring back Tidus completely (I really like this ending), as well as a normal ending where Tidus really isn't mentioned at all. There's an ending where Tidus comes back and everyone is happy, there's an additional scene if you get 100%, or you could even lose to the final boss and have Vegnagun destroy everything IIRC.


Despera said:
I really don't get all this hate towards catching/recruiting monsters in XIII-2. Can someone explain to me why that is a horrible thing?
For me it's an issue of attachment, I guess. It's very difficult to get any sense of attachment to monsters as members of your party when they're generic and generally feel much more disposable. When you get a better one you'll just throw it out your party without a second thought and forget about it, unlike regular party members who develop throughout the story. They don't talk, they don't really have character of personalities, they're just... well, monsters like every other member of their race that the game spawns for you to fight.

If it's an optional system I really don't mind (the more options the better - I don't use monster characters in the Disgaea series and suchlike either but I wouldn't begrudge people the chance to use them), but so far it's seeming like at least your final party slot will be a monster most of the time, which I really don't like the sound of - I'd rather be able to pick the characters I like best and use them instead.

13 was far from my favourite FF game but I did really enjoy it, but between this, QTEs and now rap music I'm starting to get worried about this one. Some changes sound good, others not so much.


Unconfirmed Member
Would side quests still be in, does anyone know? I've 1000/1000 the game and loved every single moment of it (dat dinosaur grinding) and would love if they have the side quest challenges like they did with the first.


Crazetex said:
1) Persona 4 did multiple endings terribly, what with having to reanswer those questions perfectly and rewatching unskippable cutscenes over again until you got it right - and then "go home y/n" kasnfklnsadlkfaslfn
I disagree completely. The game's theme was "investigation". And the last few dialogue choices tested how well you were paying attention. Throughout the game, you were presented with hints and clues. And you could load your last save file and re-do those choices to see the outcome.

It was simple and effective.


Despera said:
I disagree completely. The game's theme was "investigation". And the last few dialogue choices tested how well you were paying attention. Throughout the game, you were presented with hints and clues. And you could load your last save file and re-do those choices to see the outcome.

It was simple and effective.

The final part was really hard to get without checking a guide to be fair. You have to say no I'm not ready to leave yet at the very end then go back to the food court. The game still ask you if you want to leave and you have to say no again. It's easily missed and there's no "investigation" leading you there.


Toriyama said that the game will have more yarikomi elements (I keep forgetting how to translate that damn word -- it's all the extra crap you can do in a game beyond the main quest)

This is indeed one of those hard-to-translate words. Baseball writer Robert Whiting used "deep --", as in "deep throwing" for nagekomi (throwing a ball in practice again and again until completely exhausted) and "deep running" for hashirikomi (running past the point of exhaustion). "Contrived play" would work if you were talking about playing the game with certain limitations imposed on yourself, a particular form of 'yarikomi'. But leveling your characters far beyond what is needed to finish the game, or acquiring items and weapons to the point of superfluousness, are also part of 'yarikomi'.

'Deep gameplay'? 'Intense gameplay'? Plain old 'completionism'?


Vamphuntr said:
The final part was really hard to get without checking a guide to be fair. You have to say no I'm not ready to leave yet at the very end then go back to the food court. The game still ask you if you want to leave and you have to say no again. It's easily missed and there's no "investigation" leading you there.
I didn't use a guide, and I still had one suspicion left unanswered until that ultimate ending.

Did you really think
they'd leave that mysterious gas station attendant and all the questions surrounding her unanswered?


Despera said:
I didn't use a guide, and I still had one suspicion left unanswered until that ultimate ending.

Did you really think
they'd leave that mysterious gas station attendant and all the questions surrounding her unanswered?

From the intro to the game, which was far too long and about fifty-seventy hours ago? Uhhhhh, yes?

Also, until the ending I totally thought it was a guy.

Sword Familiar

178% of NeoGAF posters don't understand statistics
Dunan said:
This is indeed one of those hard-to-translate words. Baseball writer Robert Whiting used "deep --", as in "deep throwing" for nagekomi (throwing a ball in practice again and again until completely exhausted) and "deep running" for hashirikomi (running past the point of exhaustion). "Contrived play" would work if you were talking about playing the game with certain limitations imposed on yourself, a particular form of 'yarikomi'. But leveling your characters far beyond what is needed to finish the game, or acquiring items and weapons to the point of superfluousness, are also part of 'yarikomi'.

'Deep gameplay'? 'Intense gameplay'? Plain old 'completionism'?

Hard to find a single word for it. I guess "optional game aspects" or something would be close, but it doesn't really describe the "to your hearts' content" aspect of the word.


hm @ their comment they've addressed the linearity issues. I hope they mean both in terms of the comically limiting Crystarium system on top of the level design. Of course, the map in the gameplay videos I've seen looks just as embarrassingly linear as FFXIII so I don't know whether to trust this man.

If they can fix the linearity, the garbage Crystarium progression system and open up a gambit-like system for ally A.I., which was a huge flaw in the first game, it might be worth giving it a shot.

I only expect the story to continue the horrendous direction of FFXIII, but frankly I just go into jRPGs expecting that these days but just with extra badness when it comes to FF.


About the game's controls:

same as XIII except,

O/B = Jump in Field View.
R1/RB = Activate Mog in Field View.


At this point, I'm kind of wishing someone would ask the Square bigshots if HD collections are in production, coming soon, being considered, or not even on the table at the moment.

And, what Amirox said, re: the story/characters. I'm going in with 0% expectations on that front, and just an awesome evolution of XIII's lackluster gameplay systems, while still maintaining the frenetic pace of battles, which was one of the only things I enjoyed in that game, even if I didn't like being so out of control.

I think it's a mistake to expect XIII-2 to be the return of FF's old legacy of dramatic storytelling and captivating characters and worlds; that part of the interviews really threw me. THIS is where they want to bring back that old legacy? XIII was brutal in that regard, and not the foundation to build on for that kind of ambition. Do it in FF XV.


Crazetex said:
From the intro to the game, which was far too long and about fifty-seventy hours ago? Uhhhhh, yes?
So you acknowledge the existence of that hint. Good.

*Investigation Team Rank Up!!!*
Amir0x said:
I only expect the story to continue the horrendous direction of FFXIII, but frankly I just go into jRPGs expecting that these days but just with extra badness when it comes to FF.
JRPGs stopped caring about stories sometime this generation. Today it has become an extension of anime and manga culture, and nothing more. Not saying Dragon Age is any better (worse, if you ask me), but I'm liking the stories in Mass Effect and Witcher 2 more.
I never got multiple endings. Like instead of saying "game over" because you lost they give you some ending that isn't really the true ending because you actually lost.
RustyNails said:
JRPGs stopped caring about stories sometime this generation. Today it has become an extension of anime and manga culture, and nothing more. Not saying Dragon Age is any better (worse, if you ask me), but I'm liking the stories in Mass Effect and Witcher 2 more.
I found Mass Effect to be worse than Final Fantasy XIII.


ninj4junpei said:
I found Mass Effect worse than Final Fantasy XIII.

Mass Effect 1 was OK, I didn't play ME2 but it didn't look very good. I agree with you here, really.

The Witcher is excellent, though.

Sword Familiar

178% of NeoGAF posters don't understand statistics
MidgarBlowedUp said:
I never got multiple endings. Like instead of saying "game over" because you lost they give you some ending that isn't really the true ending because you actually lost.

Most of the times they don't mention which is the true ending either. I think the best way to handle multiple endings is if they are all cannon and tied together in some way. Sadly, that is rarely, if ever, the case.


miladesn said:
About the game's controls:

same as XIII except,

O/B = Jump in Field View.
R1/RB = Activate Mog in Field View.

I'm assuming menu navigation with the stick is still in?
Amir0x said:
I hope you meant to add a "I"
Nope. XII was a linear game with big zones, this looks to be a game with bigger areas as well, but still linear. It will probably have some extra areas and hunts like XII as well. Maybe it will be more inline with X then XII. That's still an improvement.


Zoe said:
I'm assuming menu navigation with the stick is still in?

yes, but looks like there is no shroud menu, at least it's not on the picture showing the controls that they are using for E3 demo.


All FF's have linear map designs. The difference is having multiple zones open to you (including ones for which you're not prepared) throughout the game.
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