Final Fantasy XIII-2 E3 Information Thread [Trailer, BioWare Storytelling, More]


I used to get into debates when I was a kid over how to pronounce "Noel"... glad to see I won the debate this time :lol


That doesn't look anywhere near as beautiful as Final Fantasy XIII and the that MIDI?! Bad dialogue and voice acting too...

What happened?!!


I'll give it a chance, maps look like they're more than straight lines. So they're obviously listening. Music was godlike, as were visuals.


Well, I'll buy it. I know I will. Maybe not at full price, though.

Serah's voice was fine. Noel's though....

Hopefully they get around to matching lips for in-game cutscenes.

Sinoox said:
That doesn't look anywhere near as beautiful as Final Fantasy XIII and the that MIDI?! Bad dialogue and voice acting too...

First of all, wait for a high-quality trailer. Second, you clearly don't remember MIDI sound. There are a ton of things you can and should criticize FFXIII/-2 about, but graphics and sound? Really?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Why does Noel remind me so much of Tidus? Even the voice.
Shapingo said:
I hope "Man-Fang" did kill Snow and takes Serah. Why did people hate Vanille and Hope when Snow was so much worse. At least they were good healers.

They're all horrible, snow is just the worst.


Gunloc said:
Yeah, I'm really hoping it's not just Serah & Noel.

I need Snow, Fang & Vanille back. Along with Gadot and Lebreau being bumped up to permanent characters.

Switch Vanille with Lightning and Biff is ready to form the Saturday Night Slammasters megapowers.
Is this a game I should care about? After XIII I feel totally busted up, I don't think I could handle another hugely disappointing FF game.


Hey, this looks better than expected!

I still hate Serah but Noel actually doesn't seem that bad. Cautiously optimistic.


At least this confirms that Lightning is playable.

It seems you capture monsters :( . I hoope there are more party members and that you're not stuck with Noel + Serah + Monster until you get back Lightning. Where is the guy from the logo that was revealed with Lightning's new design.


I'm really worried about this monster party thing. It was pretty bad in ToS2. Obviously a very different game, but...still.

Some steps in the right direction.


Vamphuntr said:
At least this confirms that Lightning is playable.

It seems you capture monsters :( . I hoope there are more party members and that you're not stuck with Noel + Serah + Monster until you get back Lightning. Where is the guy from the logo that was revealed with Lightning's new design.
Sounds like a good thing to me! That was a feature in FF10-2 International, too, and I liked it there.
Hmmmm, in the final balance I enjoyed FFXIII so there's no doubt I'll be getting this, but I wasn't blown away by the trailer.

Noel seems an alright character from the snippets, but Serah, not liking the whole timid, wimp stuff, I have a feeling it will grate horribly and didn't we go through this whole character arc with Hope last time around?

And put me down as someone who isn't a fan of monster recruiting in place of actual party members (unless you are talking about an SRPG where battle teams are larger).

Edit: Still Lightning looks cool, and on horse battles? Even if it's just for show, I liked the look of it.


Vamphuntr said:
At least this confirms that Lightning is playable.

It seems you capture monsters :( . I hoope there are more party members and that you're not stuck with Noel + Serah + Monster until you get back Lightning. Where is the guy from the logo that was revealed with Lightning's new design.

I think he's the villain of the game.
Story is the usual Toriyama bullshit. Characters look ridiculous. Dialogue is cringe-worthy. They're still not localizing out those Japanese exclamations (gasps etc...).

Maybe I'm just over Final Fantasy. We'll see.
Well the strange boy/girl thing with the yellow top and tie could be a party member. Why else would they be in the trailer?


Mr. Wonderful said:
Is his name really Noel Christ though?

FF 13 has some terrible terrible names for main characters. Its like the Coldplay dude and Paltrow were hired by Square to name them all
Oooh that music is good.
Not sure about the QTE stuff, and annoyed it's 2012 even though I expected as much.

Other than that looks fantastic!


Die Squirrel Die said:
And put me down as someone who isn't a fan of monster recruiting in place of actual party members (unless you are talking about an SRPG where battle teams are larger).

I will be okay with recruiting monster party members, as long as I can recruit Baby Chocobo from the first game.
I actually liked FF 13-- and managed to finish through the game-- but this just seems sooo disappointing- If they killed off everyone and left us to play the same 2 characters would be a very sad turn of events.
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