Final Fantasy XIII-2 E3 Information Thread [Trailer, BioWare Storytelling, More]


Terrible trailer, it looks worse than FFXIII artistically and the characters are already pissing me off, rental at best I fear.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
The Xtortionist said:
Story is the usual Toriyama bullshit. Characters look ridiculous. Dialogue is cringe-worthy. They're still not localizing out those Japanese exclamations (gasps etc...).

Maybe I'm just over Final Fantasy. We'll see.
I'm feeling the same way right now :/

(except I don't mind if something's "japanese"... I just don't want more brain-dead-sentimental-dumb storyline fluff)


I will buy it. I just hope the monster catching isn't forced on you. I'd rather solo the game with Noel and Serah.

But I'm positive a lot of the monsters will have skills you will need in battles.
Ill get this...but the story seems just as ridiculous as ever...Snow spent the whole of the last game chasing after his girl and now they are seperated again..?

Why the hell is she even the main character? She is a weakling
Still not a big fan of the Battle system but it definitely appears more action packed than the first one. I didn't see many "townish" type of places in the environments, is this a continuation of the free roaming site-to-site?
I didn't think the trailer was that bad, but forced parties? Again? Shitty characters nobody cares about? Again? The part with Light was interesting, but I have no interest in the rest.


Gold Member
Definitely interested in this. It seems S-E has taken some necessary steps to get rid of the problems that plagued the original game.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Please update the engine for the 360 version this time, and for the love of god don't use Bink video.


updates by APZonerunner / rpgsite

map of the e3 demo:

"Bresha ruins"
looks like there is some actual level design.


Rating Screen:

APZonerunner said:
FF13-2 has QTE button presses in combat and cutscenes.


Barakov said:
Definitely interested in this. It seems S-E has taken some necessary steps to get rid of the problems that plagued the original game.

How... how did you even come to that from this trailer or anything they've said on XIII-2? I mean, we still don't know if the dungeons are linear but just look big, the story looks like typical Toriyama story-telling (and we ALL know how well time-traveling went in 3rd Birthday), and instead on focusing on an arguably likable character from the main cast (Lightning), they focus on generic-looking anime shonen protagonist with dumb hair and stupid name (Noel Christ is up there with Fayt Linegod and Edge Maverick).
Rating system is back? That's a surprise.
Not that most ppl pay attention to it.. but whatever. Maybe it's got more significance this time around.

Don't think I can stomach it if the two main protagonists are kids, though..
I hate the new characters name, it makes no sense. If Noel and Lightning switched places then shouldn't his name follow the games traditional way of naming?
chandoog said:
Please update the engine for the 360 version this time, and for the love of god don't use Bink video.
The port will be on par or worse visual wise, but I can guarantee you the video quality will be as terrible as before and almost certainly will be encoded through Bink. That's how Square rolls...


Negator said:
Fuck. Monsters in the party actually might make me pass on buying this. I hate it when this shit happens.
I ONLY HATE IT because we'll probably have to collect every monster in the game... :(
Sgt.Pepper said:
Screw the haters, I like Snow.

How sad for you.

ninj4junpei said:
There was an epilogue?
Lightning is sad about Fang and Vanille.

She randomly just gets teleported to another dimension and then Etro is like "you have to save the world and junk", and Lightning is like "kay".


so his name is Noel Christ and he wants to live in a world where everyone lives.......

Are you serious?really? REALLY?!?!

I have never wanted a game to fail more miserably then this sequel, whose original managed to sucker me out of 25 hours of my life that I will never get back :/


bluestuff said:
so his name is Noel Christ and he wants to live in a world where everyone lives.......

Are you serious?really? REALLY?!?!

I have never wanted a game to fail more miserably then this sequel, whose original managed to sucker me out of 25 hours of my life that I will never get back :/

There wasn't a t sound, it's not "christ".


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Doesn't look like a line anymore.
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