Final Fantasy XIII-2 E3 Information Thread [Trailer, BioWare Storytelling, More]


Nork unification denier
Sgt.Pepper said:
Screw the haters, I like Snow.

I like Snow too. Hope he's not dead/gone for the entire game, but it's probably likely.

Really hate Serah's side pony. Wish they'd changed her hairstyle if we have to play as her.


RPGCrazied said:
Nice. It must've been demoed today?

Are hunts back?

Looks like it's being demoed right now. And my guess is probably yes. If so, hopefully there's more to quests than just specific monsters in a time-limit battle.
Fimbulvetr said:
Lightning is sad about Fang and Vanille.

She randomly just gets teleported to another dimension and then Etro is like "you have to save the world and junk", and Lightning is like "kay".

Who the fuck is Etro?


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Despera said:
And let's hope they have the right answers for them.
"Can we get more info on Versus or even AgitoType-0?"
-"No, but we can talk about FFXIII MINUS TWO."
"Well, that's all. Interview over!"


brotkasten said:
Wait, wait, wait. After playing that POS for over 50 hours, I had to READ the epilogue? No wai! :lol

It came with the J-360 version.

It will probably be the opening to this game, but it's easily available for people who want to pick apart the trailers.


I should be doing hw said:
Pretty sure Noel is

Yay, shout out to Tino Tonitini and any Weekenders refs.

Anywho, I think this is just FFXIII creators ripping off LOST some more. They stole the flashback sequences from multiple perspectives bit to fill out the backstory of the first game and now they have a game where
some of the leads are dead and don't realize they are

NeoUltima said:
I predict this game has time travel.
LOST had that too.

I want a black smoke monster that wanders around the wastelands of Pulse.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
What happened to just getting pre-emptive strikes when the enemy's back is turned or getting ambushed by the enemy if they hit you from behind? -_-

Seda said:
No he definitely says something like "Noel Christ".
Sounds like "Noel Chrys" or "Crys" to me.

Edit: Yep, Praat's giving me [nɔl krais]. My transcription might be a little off. But he doesn't indicate saying /t/ at all. It'll be hilarious if it is "Christ", though! :lol


UberTag said:
Anywho, I think this is just FFXIII creators ripping off LOST some more. They stole the flashback sequences from multiple perspectives bit to fill out the backstory of the first game and now they have a game where
some of the leads are dead and don't realize they are

Because Lost was the first to take that approach.

And no to the spoiler.


Okay I'm lost what epilogue?

Just before the credits I saw
Fang and Vanille save Coccoon and turn to ice, Snow and Serah are about to be wedded etc

What's this about Lightning being dead and some other dimension stuff.


miladesn said:

Interesting. I wonder how much influence, if any, this has on anything. Maybe like older Final Fantasy's there's a hidden "affection" type stat for characters which can affect some lines or minor thing.

Dooraven said:
Okay I'm lost what epilogue?

Just before the credits I saw
Fang and Vanille save Coccoon and turn to ice, Snow and Serah are about to be wedded etc

What's this about Lightning being dead and some other dimension stuff.

A non-translated written piece separate from the game.


Grizzlyjin said:
Why does Noel remind me so much of Tidus? Even the voice.

There seems to be a lot of re-used FFX character designs. We already have the Wakka look-alike, Noel is Tidus, and woman at the end is Lulu in pants.
Dark Schala said:
What happened to just getting pre-emptive strikes when the enemy's back is turned or getting ambushed by the enemy if they hit you from behind? -_-

Sounds like "Noel Chrys" or "Crys" to me.
It's going to be Crys and there will totally be another character whose surname is Tal and it'll be the most fucking horrible idea ever


I hope snow died off screen.
I also would have preferred to play as lightning and grown up hope, instead of serah and that KH reject.

I didn't really care much for 13, but I'll give this one a shot, its not like there's a whole plethora of console JRPGs I could choose from.


Probably should have watched that without beating the first game, but I really don't care too much about the story anyway.

The battle system is what I'm enjoying the most, so I hope they didn't screw with it too much. There were some rumors earlier that they did, but it doesn't really look like it.


Khezu said:
I also would have preferred to play as lightning and grown up hope, instead of serah and that KH reject.

Lightning will probably lead a rather interesting adventure in a new and desolate world while Serah and co dick around in places you've already been to in FFXIII.

... Or maybe they'll only let you play as Lightning 25 hours into the game.


Looks awsome to me. I actually liked XII, though. Looks like they're trying to change things up in some interesting ways.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I like how the maps look a bit more interesting than the original game's, so far. I am still pretty reserved in my hype, but at least FF13's battle system was cool and this looks similar... so who knows?


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Vamphuntr said:

He probably left to do some kind of errand and the village was attacked while he was away?

Or Serah ditched Snow (or Snow ditched Serah).

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
RPGCrazied said:
Is the 15min demo gonna be available for download? I know there is a 30min demo that we can't see...
I get the feeling that Square-Enix will find a way to charge us for it.


@ Everyone questioning the fate of Snow.

Keep in mind that Serah is still wearing the engagement pendent. So, I think it's safe to say that he's probably around somewhere still, or they kill him off.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
So uh, totally unrelated but, I just logged in to GAF today: I assume the absence of avatars an the somehow mysteriously shrinking post per page is due to the E3, huh?

On topic:

So we get to play as Serah, then? I did not expect that, to be honest.

Still, looking forward to this.

And what's the deal with Mass Effect-que choice screen anyways? Interesting....

Chris R

Can't wait. I'm in the minority in that I actually enjoyed FFXIII. Probably won't get this day 1 (waiting for the drop to $40 isn't that hard), but I'll be picking it up for sure.
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