Thanks for reminding me of how bitter I am that I couldn't hear the game in her glorious voice.Regulus Tera said:You are worse than duckroll and his Maaya Sakamoto fanboyishness.
Thanks for reminding me of how bitter I am that I couldn't hear the game in her glorious voice.Regulus Tera said:You are worse than duckroll and his Maaya Sakamoto fanboyishness.
I love how you thank the OP for the updates, and still don't know whether Lightning is in the game or not :lolmatmanx1 said:Tons of info in the updates. Very nice! Thanks!
Oh and, Lightning better not be dead. She's the best character in XIII!
Troy's attractive, yes (and he can sing!), but that doesn't make Snow amazing by default. Snow's dialogue, for the most part, was absurd... in both English and Japanese.Aeana said:Look, Snow is voiced by Troy Baker which gives him 5000 points by default.
I was just gonna say... :loldramatis said:I would laugh if they changed the names of the roles to English names too.
my OP is a huge mess, probably because of thatDespera said:I love how you thank the OP for the updates, and still don't know whether Lightning is in the game or not :lol
Regulus Tera said:That's not "Moms are tough".
His dialog isn't bad enough to turn me off. He's a small step above your average shounen lead guy, but for once isn't 14 years old.Dark Schala said:Troy's attractive, yes (and he can sing!), but that doesn't make Snow amazing by default. Snow's dialogue, for the most part, was absurd... in both English and Japanese.
We are enemies.Dark Schala said:Johnny Yong Bosch ... voices are so alluring sometimes.![]()
Regulus Tera said:
I'll agree to disagree here. I reeeeeally disliked Snow, not even Troy Baker could save him.Aeana said:His dialog isn't bad enough to turn me off. He's a small step above your average shounen lead guy, but for once isn't 14 years old.
Excluding Johnny Yong Bosch! The guy can't do alluring very well. :lolAeana said:We are enemies.
HamPster PamPster said:Anyone get serious Chaos Rings vibes from this?
I wonder what kind of cross pollination is going on over there. Maybe some staff was picked up by the FF13 team or SE was surprised by the reception of CR and is trying to copy some of it
Either way something is going on there I bet
Stinkdog said:So this might be an out-of-the-blue question, but has there been any mention of a save import feature in 13-2?
Fimbulvetr said:Snow < Vanille < Hope < Light < Fang < Sazh
Aeana said:Look, Snow is voiced by Troy Baker which gives him 5000 points by default.
I think they attempt to deconstruct him but fail. They acknowledge he's a cliche and try to take it somewhere, but then completely contradict it in the latter half of the game.KuwabaraTheMan said:I thought Snow was a rather effective subversion of the typical shounen hero. He fails in almost everything he does, and all of his bravado about being a hero is just a defense mechanism to cover up for his insecurities. I thought he was a pretty good character, honestly, and I liked his evolving relationships with Lightning, Hope and Fang.
There's also the great scene where he tells Sazh to take care of the kids, and Sazh tells Snow that he's one of the kids, too.
LMFAORegulus Tera said:
Aeana said:Look, Snow is voiced by Troy Baker which gives him 5000 points by default.
At least Hope had the decency to nearly stab Snow in the face, and to explode, sending Snow to hang off a cliff or whatever. I might be in the minority, but I didn't mind Hope as much as I did Snow. Until he started making the inspirational "WE CAN DO IT" speeches towards the end of the game like everyone else.Crakatak187 said:I hated Hope and Vanille more then Snow. I rather have an annoying bastard then an angst whiny brat and I don't know what the hell Vanille is, but she's the most annoying character I've ever stumbled upon.
To be fair, Lightning was a sergeant in the Guardian Corps and was scheduled for her Officer rank training prior to the beginning of the game. It's in the prologue novel, I think. Sazh was an airship pilot, iirc. Cid probably counts here as well.The Xtortionist said:Random thought: FF13's characters didn't really make sense given the game's premise. OK, so something happens turn the characters against the world, and you go and make the characters random people? What would have more impact, a renowned doctor/famous high ranking soldier/etc becoming the public enemy, or a random teenager that nobody knows or cares about?
A missed opportunity I think.
Dark Schala said:At least Hope had the decency to nearly stab Snow in the face, and to explode, sending Snow to hang off a cliff or whatever. I might be in the minority, but I didn't mind Hope as much as I did Snow. Until he started making the inspirational "WE CAN DO IT" speeches towards the end of the game like everyone else.
Hmm. What's wrong with having normal people bestowed with destiny changing powers? That's a very common thing in fiction. X-men, all about normal people who then find out they have powers. It makes perfect sense in the story as a big point is they are just everyday people forced to deal with the fact that everyone hates them. There's nothing wrong here.The Xtortionist said:Random thought: FF13's characters didn't really make sense given the game's premise. OK, so something happens turn the characters against the world, and you go and make the characters random people? What would have more impact, a renowned doctor/famous high ranking soldier/etc becoming the public enemy, or a random teenager that nobody knows or cares about?
A missed opportunity I think.
Rahxephon91 said:Hmm. What's wrong with having normal people bestowed with destiny changing powers? That's a very common thing in fiction. X-men, all about normal people who then find out they have powers. It makes perfect sense in the story as a big point is they are just everyday people forced to deal with the fact that everyone hates them. There's nothing wrong here.
The beginning of Chapter 11 was so random. I kept thinking, "Didn't his character development happen already? He faced his dad whom he had loathed so much, he faced Snow, he stood up sgainst PSICOM. It would've made far more sense to give him Eidolon in Chapter 7 instead." :lolFimbulvetr said:Then they un-develop his character because they forgot to give him an Eidolon. derp
Well I don't think that exactly makes for a better story or that FFXIII needed to do that or was hurt because it did'nt. It just as interesting to have normal people who you could possibly relate to more find themselves in perils situations.Fimbulvetr said:His idea is that if these were people with a very high standing within Cocoon society, it would be even harder for them to adjust to being despised.
Lightning and Sazh are the closest to this, but Sazh had given up his dream job long before the beginning of the story and Lightning doesn't really give a rat's ass as long as Serah is fine.
Fimbulvetr said:His idea is that if these were people with a very high standing within Cocoon society, it would be even harder for them to adjust to being despised.
Well I mean is'nt that kind of the point of the plot?The Xtortionist said:Yeah basically. Take a society that loves/idolizes said character and turn them against each other. I think it would create a more compelling scenario. As it stood in FF13, who would even care if all six l'cie were executed? Almost no one.
I would actually cheer if that happened.The Xtortionist said:Yeah basically. Take a society that loves/idolizes said character and turn them against each other. I think it would create a more compelling scenario. As it stood in FF13, who would even care if all six l'cie were executed? Almost no one.
Also, whoever wrote this should do the rap music for 13-2. What I've heard so far is lackluster.
Dark Schala said:The beginning of Chapter 11 was so random. I kept thinking, "Didn't his character development happen already? He faced his dad whom he had loathed so much, he faced Snow, he stood up sgainst PSICOM. It would've made far more sense to give him Eidolon in Chapter 7 instead." :lol
Rahxephon91 said:Well I mean is'nt that kind of the point of the plot?
Yes it did and if you listen to Snow's speech when the party is attacked at Hope's home they very point is that "hey we are just normal people like you guys, but this shit happen to us".The Xtortionist said:13's plot had a point? : /
Rahxephon91 said:Yes it did and if you listen to Snow's speech when the party is attacked at Hope's home they very point is that "hey we are just normal people like you guys, but this shit happen to us".
Did they even give a reason? I don't think "I kept secrets from you all this time, and I'm so stressed out from it!" is a good reason.Fimbulvetr said:They don't even give a good reason for Vanille to get hers.
I do! IIRC, Infinite & Hideki Okugawa wrote the lyrics. If they're going for a rap/hip-hop situation for the soundtrack, it'd make sense.The Xtortionist said:And I guess nobody likes the 3rd Strike track : (
Kitase: We actually didnt take any inspiration from any western RPGs. Not cautiously anyway. On the other hand, the Paradigm Shift system from Final Fantasy XIII was quite popular but most people liked it so we actually carried it over to make it a different versionnot completely the same. Two examples, in XIII-2, you can actually recruit monsters and make them work for you, and there are more than 150 types of monsters there for you to capture, and they can help you. They progress the same as characters do in any RPG. Second, youve got one called Cinematic Action, so like in a big battle against a boss character the Cinematic Action element is put in so its more dynamic. And in every single way we want to make sure the player has some kind of interaction with the gameplay.
Kagari said:Noooo Optima Change![]()
neoism said:
Zoe said:Maybe it's just speculation since changing it for the Japanese trailer would be a graphical change rather than a subtitle :\
yeah... that's what the nooooo is for.. :/The Xtortionist said:I'll be massively disappointed if there isn't an achievement titled "Gotta Catch 'Em All".
Do it, Square.
jiggle said:70% done, why can't it come out before christmas :<
The Xtortionist said:I'll be massively disappointed if there isn't an achievement titled "Gotta Catch 'Em All".
Do it, Square.
X was the last time they did it right.ZoddGutts said:Good to hear the team admiting they mess up with FXIII and learning from their mistakes to make sure they wont mess up again for FXIII-2. Willing to give the sequel a chance if this time we wont get a mediocre story and characters. It being non linear and giving players choices is also a plus. This game cant possibly be a disappointment like FFXIII turn out to be.
Despera said:X was the last time they did it right.
Improving over XIII's story should be the easiest thing to achieve in the sequel.
HK-47 said:But X had a mediocre story and characters!