Just got my Curtana Zenith earlier, how's the drop rate with atmas?
Also did they remove the glow from this?
Very high.
Curtana Atma removes the glow but you'll get the glow back later.
Just got my Curtana Zenith earlier, how's the drop rate with atmas?
Also did they remove the glow from this?
How do you get colored chocobos? I saw a blue one earlier when I was doing leves.
How do you get colored chocobos? I saw a blue one earlier when I was doing leves.
Some people have day jobs.
I'll be home in about 40 minutes.
I have to get the pants too though!
also, what are songs
bards suck
bards suck
At least put some effort and creativity in these troll insults. RECOMPOSE.
The only reason you bring a bard?also, what are songs
bards suck
When Heavensward introduces Valor Minuet (attack power buff), Victory March (haste buff), and Blade Madrigal (accuracy buff), all raid groups will want at least 3 BRDs in the group.
When Heavensward introduces Valor Minuet (attack power buff), Victory March (haste buff), and Blade Madrigal (accuracy buff), all raid groups will want at least 3 BRDs in the group.
I'm going to fail at destroying the trinity
I'm going to destroy the trinity
I guess my connectivity issues were due to some massive TWC outage/issue that went down. Oh well.
I'm going to destroy the trinity
I hope we get some info on the new job's abilities before the expansion comes out.
You had me at Valor
FFIV After Years coming to steam :O
Some of you have been wondering if the floating continent would be an instanced dungeon, but it is in fact a field area, so please be sure to check it out.
So the Floating Continent is an open world area and not an instance, interesting.
I wonder what will be the new CT then.
New macros! New mobs! New timers! New drops!
Same old people pulling 5 seconds after spawn and blaming GAF!