Did no one care about this interview? [people who care about Coil name drops here] The whole thing was really interesting.
FYI: It's like an hour and a half long though
For the new page
Did no one care about this interview? [people who care about Coil name drops here] The whole thing was really interesting.
FYI: It's like an hour and a half long though
For the new page
Just wanted to say that you have a fantastic avatar.
So the Floating Continent is an open world area and not an instance, interesting.
I wonder what will be the new CT then.
As for the difficulty of trials and duties up to Patch 2.55, we've been receiving questions from players asking if it would be possible to make it so you can't fall off during the Titan battle.
Just discovered the golden saucer......WELP!
For the new page
He should've won the vote.
Ahoy Team Ian! Please don't ever leave this thread or change your avatar. You've just reminded me I still need to beat that damn game...
He should've won the vote.
Is AF2 still available?
I have it on my Monk and would like it for my Ninja when the time comes.
Oh that could be interest-Did no one care about this interview? [people who care about Coil name drops here] The whole thing was really interesting.
...FYI: It's like an hour and a half long though
Is AF2 still available?
I have it on my Monk and would like it for my Ninja when the time comes.
It's not that bad but it's mostly just general "World First" approaches. A few things tailored to FFXIV but eh.
Granted, I only skipped around and didn't watch it all in one sitting >>
Did no one care about this interview? [people who care about Coil name drops here] The whole thing was really interesting.
FYI: It's like an hour and a half long though
You didn't set aside a week from life to watch?
about halfway through and it's interesting, i suppose, but the host is super fucking annoying to the point where it's hard to keep listening.
I dunno. Heavensward looks cool but I'm so far behind now, it's daunting.feep please
also when are you gonna come back
Well this is disconcerting:
I can't access the Lodestone/forums/support either.
Not sure. There is another launcher error that throws up a string of numbers in [ ] brackets, but that's not this one. It's been a few hours now, and I've tried ipconfig/flushdns, resetting IE, and restarting the network adapter/computer/modem/router a few times. Being unable to also access twitter suggest that it's probably actually not a problem with FFXIV itself. Still, of all the internet, those two domains? Weird.Isn't that the DNS error?
Existing limit breaks moved to other jobs too?
I guess Dark Knight gets Omnislash and Paladin will get that wall summon or whatever. What would've really been great is every party member has an individual limit break skill, and party actions as a whole contribute to each meter.
Those actually started last night. I got booted off Cerberus with no warning whatsoever.I'm getting all sorts of connection issues today as well, including launcher not starting, packets dropping, 90k1 and 90k2 and SE web servers being inaccessible for periods of time.
This is how they last explained it. The AST's is some kind of weird wibbly wobbly timey wimey aoe heal.Omnislash? I thought all the jobs only get unique LB animations but the type of LB stays the same.
Omnislash? I thought all the jobs only get unique LB animations but the type of LB stays the same.
Additionally, we've had a lot of requests to create unique level 3 limit breaks, and we'll be doing this for each job. However, the existing level 3 limit breaks will be allocated to certain jobs. You’ll be able to catch a glimpse of dragoon’s limit break when we show the Heavensward benchmark off at Niconico Chokaigi 2015.
Not sure if they just meant the animation or the actual skill
My guess is they will actually do more with unique skills
Omnislash? I thought all the jobs only get unique LB animations but the type of LB stays the same.
This is how they last explained it. The AST's is some kind of weird wibbly wobbly timey wimey aoe heal.
It's just the 3rd grade LB too I think, 1/2 remain boring.
Not sure if they just meant the animation or the actual skill
My guess is they will actually do more with unique skills (and adding the existing ones to some poor jobs that are stuck with the existing ones..)
Yeah that's the quote. "There will be new LB animations but we don't want to waste the old ones soooooo to all the PLD/MNK/BLM/WHM, please understand."
New LB for the superior melee.
It would be great if they were actually unique. I mean, there is nothing wrong with how omnislash, benediction, or the great wall look, but its always been something that bothered me. Of course, with the way limit breaks still work, unique or not...does still suck that you'll probably only see dps limit breaks more often than anything.
Only reason why I think Drk would get Omni moved to it is that it's the only job that uses a 2h sword, so that would mix things up abit I suppose.
It doesn't explicitly say animations, though? Or did I miss something else.
Also, is the benchmark only to be shown off or actually made available during this weekends Niconico Chokaigi 2015 Event?
lol its probably just wishful thinking on my part, since I want to be the person to do an LB for once, and I dont seem to like anything but tank jobs (aside from Monk, which I still procrastinate about).
lol its probably just wishful thinking on my part, since I want to be the person to do an LB for once, and I dont seem to like anything but tank jobs (aside from Monk, which I still procrastinate about).
Thinking about it though, it would be pretty interesting if they did come up with unique LB effects per job just to further promote party diversity. Might be challenging to balance both LBs among themselves and encounters around them though!
Spent an hour yesterday trying to get another atma, I'm so frustrated but I want to get it out of the way before proceeding with other stuff.
So just finished a Garuda Extreme. It was going pretty badly at first. This Dragoon kept dying and didn't say he was new. Even after several wipes he wouldn't get that he should hide when Garuda jumps up in the first bit of the fight. He died a lot. Then there was this other tank who had trouble just getting enmity on a sister and dragging them where they need to be. And refusing several times to get into spiny and just taking the dmg.
at 10 or 15% echo I think, vote abandon happened and failed then someone voted to dismiss the dragoon for 'cheating' (lol) and when that worked, the bad tank just left. So I'm guessing he was the one who vote dismissed the drg so he could leave without penalty. (I wish everyone voted no so I could see if he'd leave and take the penalty or not).
We got a SMN and a WAR after that and cleared it in a one-shot with no deaths. Pony dropped. I won it.
I was also a Dragoon and I was usually the last person alive on the wipes so that felt pretty good. (only one time I died early. tank decided to tank one sister in the middle of the tornado... so I went in after them >_> )
But yeah, moral of the story: stick it out even if your group wipes a lot and you may just get a pony.
Just a heads up, but next time if someone vote abandons someone and they explicitly say they chose "Cheating" as the reason, don't vote on it. Even though FFXIV's GM's are lazy, they don't generally like it when people kick someone with the reason being "Cheating" for something like shit dps or dying.