Damn, now that's really tempting.If you buy a gtx960/970/980
you get the witcher 3 for free!!
Damn, now that's really tempting.If you buy a gtx960/970/980
you get the witcher 3 for free!!
Thread will be nothing but Au Ra pictures from now until June
Still like #3 the most
I tried to adjust the face paint to make it look less out of place, might remove it. However, right now, anyone care to give input on the hair options?
Party like it's 1999, Grimm. Is that what year your computer is from too?
I like the 2nd and 3rd ones better than the first. Second has a very unique look compared to the other Au'Ra I've seen so far. I think it's the eyes.
Have about 3 variations on my Heavensward Highlander. I may end up scrapping it completely if I somehow come to like the Au'Ra more once I try making some.
k voting time for myself
If you're concerned about the dual-core i3 in the $400 one, this is probably a worthwhile upgrade. It also has 8GB of RAM and the 1TB HDD.
If anyone is interested, my raid group on Ultros has an open spot for a white mage when the expansion drops. If you are a dope healer, willing to use mumble, and can run during the hours of 7:00-9:00 PM EST on TUE / THUR / SAT, let me know via PM.
we are pretty much deadlocked.....shows your i5 is pretty damn solid of a CPU
Code:FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward Benchmark Tested on: 4/27/2015 5:30:31 PM Score: 10832 Average Frame Rate: 84.940 Performance: Extremely High -Easily capable of running the game on the highest settings. Loading Times by Scene Scene #1 1.406 sec Scene #2 6.197 sec Scene #3 5.105 sec Scene #4 4.481 sec Scene #5 4.357 sec Scene #6 1.786 sec Total Loading Time 23.333 sec DAT:s20150427173031.dat Screen Size: 1920x1080 Screen Mode: Full Screen DirectX Version: 11 Graphics Presets: Maximum General -Wet Surface Effects: Enabled -Occlusion Culling: Disabled -LOD on Distant Objects: Disabled -Real-time Reflections: Highest Quality (DirectX 11 Only) -Edge Smoothing (Anti-aliasing): FXAA -Transparent Lighting Quality: High -Grass Quality: High -Background Tessellation: High Quality -Water Tessellation: High Quality Shadows -Self: Display -Other NPCs: Display Shadow Quality -LOD on Shadows: Disabled -Shadow Resolution: High - 2048p -Shadow Cascading: Best -Shadow Softening: Strong Texture Detail -Texture Filtering: Anisotropic -Anisotropic Filtering: x16 Movement Physics -Self: Full -Other NPCs: Full Effects -Limb Darkening: Enabled -Radial Blur: Enabled -Screen Space Ambient Occlusion: HBAO+: High Quality (DirectX 11 Only) -Glare: Normal Cinematic Cutscenes -Depth of Field: Enabled System Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200) (10061.fbl_impressive.150410-2039) Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz 8149.727MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (VRAM 3072 MB) 9.18.0013.4990
FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward Benchmark
Tested on: 4/28/2015 5:47:28 PM
Score: 11170
Average Frame Rate: 86.835
Performance: Extremely High
-Easily capable of running the game on the highest settings.
Loading Times by Scene
Scene #1 1.144 sec
Scene #2 5.390 sec
Scene #3 4.571 sec
Scene #4 3.957 sec
Scene #5 4.119 sec
Scene #6 1.599 sec
Total Loading Time 20.783 sec
Screen Size: 1920x1080
Screen Mode: Full Screen
DirectX Version: 11
Graphics Presets: Maximum
-Wet Surface Effects: Enabled
-Occlusion Culling: Disabled
-LOD on Distant Objects: Disabled
-Real-time Reflections: Highest Quality (DirectX 11 Only)
-Edge Smoothing (Anti-aliasing): FXAA
-Transparent Lighting Quality: High
-Grass Quality: High
-Background Tessellation: High Quality
-Water Tessellation: High Quality
-Self: Display
-Other NPCs: Display
Shadow Quality
-LOD on Shadows: Disabled
-Shadow Resolution: High - 2048p
-Shadow Cascading: Best
-Shadow Softening: Strong
Texture Detail
-Texture Filtering: Anisotropic
-Anisotropic Filtering: x16
Movement Physics
-Self: Full
-Other NPCs: Full
-Limb Darkening: Enabled
-Radial Blur: Enabled
-Screen Space Ambient Occlusion: HBAO+: High Quality (DirectX 11 Only)
-Glare: Normal
Cinematic Cutscenes
-Depth of Field: Enabled
Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200) (10061.fbl_impressive.150410-2039)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (VRAM 3072 MB) 9.18.0013.4990
Benchmark results do not provide any guarantee FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn (Windows version) and FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward (Windows version) will run on your system.
FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward Official Website http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/pr/
(C) 2010-2015 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
Share Results
Type 1
http://sqex.to/ffxiv_bench_na #FFXIV Score: 11170 1920x1080 Maximum DX11 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
Type 2
http://sqex.to/ffxiv_bench_na #FFXIV Score: 11170 1920x1080 Maximum DirectX11 Full Screen NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
Type 3
http://sqex.to/ffxiv_bench_na #FFXIV 1920x1080 Maximum DirectX11 Score: 11170 Extremely High
Type 4
http://sqex.to/ffxiv_bench_na #FFXIV 1920x1080 Maximum DirectX11 Full Screen Score: 11170
Full Results
FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward Benchmark
Score: 11170 Extremely High
1920x1080 Maximum DirectX11 Full Screen
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
http://sqex.to/ffxiv_bench_na #FFXIV
Is there benchmark results for ffxiv with those specs?
i think grimm needs to win that kayos card now!
Been looking to jump back into the game and my friends were interested in checking out the free trial demo on PS4. If I booted up my copy of the full game on my paid account would I be able to play with my friends who would be using the trial client?
or soon whichever
did you see his video card kayos @_@
Is this the part where the console players cry that they are excluded from the contest since they don't get a character creator
Looking at the AuRa concept art.. I really wish they went full on Dragon/Succubus race. They are playing it way too safe with the current character creation options. 4 new faces and the only real distinguishable features (Horns) tied to the face. Come on. the scales and tails look like they just pasted them onto humes. Disappointed but whatever.
I'm interested in jumping into the game, when is the best time, when the exp drops? I'd probably join Ultros to play with some GAF members.
I should upgrade my video card.
I'm interested in jumping into the game, when is the best time, when the exp drops? I'd probably join Ultros to play with some GAF members.
I should upgrade my video card.
You'd probably want to use the lull now before expansion drops to catch up on the story so you can enter Ishgard day 1.
And to see if you even like the game before dropping the money on Heavensward.
Doing expansion stuff will require having completed the pre-expansion main story. We're a little under two months from expansion dropping; depending on how much you play and how much of the pre-expansion stuff you want to experience, starting now or fairly soon might not be a bad idea.
You either have to make a new char or use the potion.I played the beta and really enjoyed it tbh, have they done any mayor changes?
Sounds good, might get it soon then, I really like how the new race looks, any way I can use it when the exp drops? I know you get a one use potion per char or something like that to change race, is that the only way?
Sounds good, might get it soon then, I really like how the new race looks, any way I can use it when the exp drops? I know you get a one use potion per char or something like that to change race, is that the only way?
I played the beta and really enjoyed it tbh, have they done any mayor changes?
Sounds good, might get it soon then, I really like how the new race looks, any way I can use it when the exp drops? I know you get a one use potion per char or something like that to change race, is that the only way?
For the contest of winning a free GTX 670 you only have to do this.
Make the worst character possible in character creation, Au Ra included, and post a picture in the thread. I'll look through all of them and send the winner the card. Sound good? Winner of the other contest doesn't qualify.
Ok so I have this on PC. If i buy it on PS4 for my GF can we log in and out on both versions freely?
You can't login simultaneously on the same account.
That is fine, she will have her own account. Just as long as I can register the PS4 to two different account because I would probably play on the console sometimes.
I gotta run the benchmark in full screen when I get home to see if I can break 10kFreckles always wins in my book
Broke 10k on a 780, Purchase Justified.
Looking at the AuRa concept art.. I really wish they went full on Dragon/Succubus race. They are playing it way too safe with the current character creation options. 4 new faces and the only real distinguishable features (Horns) tied to the face. Come on. the scales and tails look like they just pasted them onto humes. Disappointed but whatever.
Freckles always wins in my book
You'd need one copy per person per platform. So if you have the PC version, you can authorize 1 account to log in on PC. If she wants to log in on PC, she needs to purchase a PC copy for the license. Same with PS4--registering the PS4 copy to your account grants your FFXIV account PS4 access, but for her FFXIV account to have PS4 access she'd need a PS4 copy registered to it. You'd also each need your own PSN ID as the FFXIV account gets linked to the PSN ID.
All of the above also applies to expansion--so if you both want your own accounts with PS4 and PC access, you'd need 4 copies of the base game and 4 copies of the expansion.
Everyone's mailing out videocards now
This is that bullshit
Eh. It is kind of bullshit that you have to buy the game/expansion on both platforms when the PC client itself is free to download on the website. It would be a lot more consumer friendly if buying a license for the game entitled you to play it on all platforms the game exists on.If you're reffering to your expectations then I agree