If any BRD experts are around, does having a certain number of crit increases the chance of bloodletter proc significantly? If yes what are the numbers?
I didn't see this answered in the FAQ so here goes: Can I create several characters without paying extra¿ I remember XI charging an extra dollar for every extra character you made.
If any BRD experts are around, does having a certain number of crit increases the chance of bloodletter proc significantly? If yes what are the numbers?
Messing around in photoshop a bit.
"Why did you make me a bard, god?"
Stop being awkward for once and just say you like my picture.
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Hotfix (Apr. 28, 2015)
The following issue has been addressed:
- An issue in "The Final Coil of Bahamut: Turn 2" wherein players that had joined mid-progress would not be able to trigger certain mechanics properly.
I like the circle over the one star on the right side.
Also, maybe I overlooked it but "patch notes":
...which apparently refers to in-progress players would not count for the pads.
Seems like Ultros is open
Any EU players playing on that? how's the latency?
Latency is fine, both EU and NA servers are in the same data center. There isn't much difference between NA/Eu servers atm.
But yes latency is fine, can do anything in the game without too much latency issues.
nice, the FC is still on ultros, correct?
nice, the FC is still on ultros, correct?
Thats my home planet.
The land of the giraffes.
Do they call for you?
http://www.africa-wildlife-detective.com/giraffe.htmlHow do giraffes defend themselves against predators?
Giraffes defend themselves against predators by kicking with either the fore or hind feet.
Their large and heavy hooves can break the back of a lion.
arrived in Limsa Lomensa
so many lvl 1 quest...... guess I can do those for when I choose to be a rogue.....
PS. That cut-scene with the main evil dudes made me want to be them so badly
they look way cooler then the good guys
Pls I am majestic as fuck.
Sad I didn't break
Also I didn't get any frame stuttering while in BW like I do now. Maybe the D11 version will get rid of this for me
Pretty close to my score. I have the same CPU and a GTX 770.
DX11 looks nice but I hope they are already working on a DX12 version. It seems like you can get some major performance gains from it and I don't want to wait another year.
DX11 looks nice but I hope they are already working on a DX12 version.
Yes, do NOT do the low level quests....however do the quests at the 15 or higher range as there are only really 2 low level areas each starting zone with quests. 15 is the conjoining area thanks to the first dungeon.
wait how do I do that?
wouldn't putting on my rouge gear lock all of those lvl 15 quests?
If I gave away my old GTX 670, would any of yall use it?
I'm using a 660 atm, so yes. Small upgrade better than no upgrade.If I gave away my old GTX 670, would any of yall use it?
If I gave away my old GTX 670, would any of yall use it?
I was gonna offer my 560ti to Drama but knowing her she would've refused it, even if I promised to ship it with better packaging than my last item this time >_>
Seems like a lot of people liked 3 the most.
So I edited and changed them all a little better. Blue or red?
it will.......until your level 15, you said when you choose rogue, what are you going for as a main exactly then? Ninja?
I was saying, save all quests in the other 2 areas for your alt professions so you can level to 15 fast and unlock your first job quicker. Your main profession whatever it may be grab all quests in your original starting area and anything that's level 15 or higher when you move along in the story mode, otherwise you will be majorly under-leveled come story time.
My preference skews towards C.However, right now, anyone care to give input on the hair options?
3rd one.I'll probably make dozens of new ones each week til release and post my top 3 here..then whittle that down to a grand finale.
Let the battle for my new character commence!
Round 1
Really not digging the other 2 face/horn types.
I probably should for Witcher 3, but not sure what to upgrade to. I usually stick to midrange cards so maybe a 960, but not sure how big of a leap that'd really be long termI should think of upgrading at some point though.
Option A looks way better from front/side, option C hides the cool scales on neck.Still like #3 the most
I tried to adjust the face paint to make it look less out of place, might remove it. However, right now, anyone care to give input on the hair options?