FC events...?
FC events in our FC generally imply loot goes to some guy nobody will see again and to us goes the gil.
FC events...?
Hey now...
Will I get a full set of Evoker gear from some later quest? I think my robe/coat is still a random quest drop. At least my Elezen elf dude does not look like an escaped gimp any more.
Much obliged. That'll take some time though.Gloves, Pants, Boots and Head come from the lvl45 quests, Chest comes from the lvl50 quest.
Much obliged. That'll take some time though.
DF'd T13 with 6 other Final Witnesses. The dream.
we made it to storm once and vote abandoned. The nightmare.
FC events in our FC generally imply loot goes to some guy nobody will see again and to us goes the gil.
DF'd T13 with 6 other Final Witnesses. The dream.
we made it to storm once and vote abandoned. The nightmare.
Yeah I know full well that the real game does not start until I hit 50 and complete the main campaign storyline.At your stage I really wouldn't worry about gear. I know its hard not to but your evoker gear will be gone very fast once you start doing lvl50 content, and most of the rest of your dungeons during the story will be super easy with a bunch of endgame guys blitzing the content for you for tomes/triple triad cards. Just finish out your quests in the gear you have, and get ready for a culture shock once you finish the 2.0 story.
Kyomi pls.
Been ages since I played with you actually. Think we cleared Garuda EX together back in the day with As and a few others.
Still don't know who you guys are.
Prostitution is so cool.
Might be better to keep it that way ^^
So Jeral and Raylan, are you going to leave kittens then? I guess Asera is indeed bored since he is hands-down one of the best players I've met. Can't say about you two, though![]()
Would never leave the group. Never even implied that haha.
Would never leave the group. Never even implied that haha.
I just wonder what changing server would improve in regards to being bored.. Most challenging content is done in 8s anyway. WoD and the other towers I don't consider challenging. Once they actually allow you to properly queue as a full alliance it will get better for farming, too.
Since you complain about the rest of the server being bad, why do you group with them in the first place if you have kittens? Do you really believe other servers are better in regards to PFs? There is a reason I avoid PFing or DFing at all costs.
I didnt say everyone was bad, I said a lot of people are. And they are. You can argue with me like Casper does on the forum but it doesn't change it. Its not like I'm calling you bad at all, don't take it so personally.
In any case, I know for a fact that PF is significantly better on Gilga and Ragnarok, I'm sure its the same on others. I know people who cleared T13 in PF on Gilga with all first timers before even we did as a group.
Have you tried pony farming on Phoenix through PF? Not even the best players can handle it without losing their shit. I've been paid by friends TWICE to help them on Pony farms because the general "farm group" pop is complete trash. It grates when you can't play on your own to do something. Not everyone in kittens want to do the same things, we can't neccesarily drag 4 people who dont want to go through titan EX 20 times for our ponies.
Plus I'm Australian so I'm not regularly around when the rest of us are online. I get up at 4am to raid, for example. If the general population was actually good I'd get a lot more enjoyment out of this game, which is a shame because I love it.
Keep your salt in your pockets.
Salt? What lol? You're doing the lords work. I wouldn't have cleared Turn 9 on Excalibur PF without it, you were there I believe at one point? You know how fucking stupid everyone is.
Half of my static quit during progression.
I just think you have a case of the grass is always greener, thing. But hey, whatever makes you happy![]()
It's more like most good western communities are tightly cliqued so if you're not a part of one, gg.
Two more months until babby mode Alexander. I look forward to the endless runs having to go back just for one specific thing that just won't drop!
Still confused about the Alexander modes..NM is going to be easier than Final Coil and HM is going to be harder, around the Savage modes? That's what we know atm, correct?
Score: 11390
Average Frame Rate: 87.820
Performance: Extremely High
-Easily capable of running the game on the highest settings.
Loading Times by Scene
Scene #1 2.176 sec
Scene #2 10.102 sec
Scene #3 5.188 sec
Scene #4 5.000 sec
Scene #5 4.727 sec
Scene #6 2.444 sec
Total Loading Time 29.638 sec
I'm ready for more progression. Savage is pretty fun in that respect.
ordering mine next Friday![]()
He said Savage will be in between normal Coil and Savage difficulty.
I have to say with the small amount of people who actually managed to clear final coil I am surprised they would make it harder.
Considering that every new segment of coil was a step up from the previous one, wouldn't this just be in line?
Savage will have better rewards this time around right? It won't be purely for the challenge?
Considering that every new segment of coil was a step up from the previous one, wouldn't this just be in line?
I dunno. I'm just looking forward to new stuff to raid. Savage is... interesting? Enjoyable in a weird masochistic way, but it's still pretty shit because second coil. Is it June yet?
Also, I think few people cleared Final Coil because you're always going to have a small percentage of the player base actually raiding in any game that has such a system, you know? Forcing people to run statics also helps to gate the content, which they alleviated significantly with the chest lockout system, which I thought was a great addition. Hopefully there's a larger base of people running end game raiding in Heavensward with the new tiered system.
The fights in Final Coil aren't as mechanically intensive as Second Coil but I wouldn't say that Second Coil would be more difficult or whatever than Final.A lot hinges on how you'd define difficulty, I guess. FCoB wound up being really vulnerable to gear ups (see: the mass of clears after welfare twine, then again after Zeta gave everyone welfare i135.) I don't think there's anything in FCoB as mechanically difficult/unforgiving as some of SCoB. If they just mean they're going to up the DPS and healing checks again some more then it continues the normal difficulty trend. If they're going to go back and revisit how important they make mechanics to the fight, though, it'll be different.
I'm kind of hoping for the latter. Not full-on SCoB auto wipe, but something to keep things more interesting long-term. This may just be because I massively outgear content before I get to it, but hey.
I don't really think they upped the difficulty between Second and Final Coil. They just changed up a lot of things in the last tier to prevent solo tanking, carrying and the like. Final Coil is more about team effort and situational awareness whereas Second Coil was very structured and phase-focused like Titan Extreme. If anything, I would argue Turn 13 was a lot easier than Turn 9 - granted you had to survive the gear check in the former. The latter is a more technical fight with so many things that can go wrong in the final phase.
The fights in Final Coil aren't as mechanically intensive as Second Coil but I wouldn't say that Second Coil would be more difficult or whatever than Final.
There are ways to do Healer/DPS/Tank checks and they are way way way more effective in Final Coil than they were in First or Second, even for the first time through. I do think part of the perception may be that you were geared/overgeared for the fights the first time you saw them, and that's fine..
Considering that every new segment of coil was a step up from the previous one, wouldn't this just be in line?
Oh my god, I'm done. I'm finally done.[18:41]You land a shonisaurus measuring 203.2 ilms!
Its interesting reading all this Coil talk while I'm siting stranded on T5 as my groups die to the second set of divebombs or tornadoes and since I always run healer there's a certain amount of uselessness you feel as you which it all fall apart. My FC has offered to help me on T5 since many of them have cleared it.
However I'm stupid and have full faith and credit in DF.
Is GAF FC pretty active in Ultros? Been thinking of migrating servers. The friend group I started with has pretty much quit and I dont know if they'll come back for the expansion. And even if they did, most of them don't seem very interested in clearing hard content.