Unconfirmed Member
turn 3 = godlike
All that matters.
turn 3 = godlike
Very well said, totally agree. Also T13, the last phase is the weirdest design ever. Incredibly anti-climatic. T9 definitely still feels the hardest to beat mechanic wise.One of my biggest issues with second coil (and I only got through it by being carried) is the whole "one individual mistake = raid wipe" bullshit. Like, T13 is (or was before echo. Still is to an extent) incredibly unforgiving from an individual standpoint. You fuck up, you die. But the key thing is that it's only you dying and not you wiping the raid.
Of course individuals dying will still hinder the group a lot, and for a lot of 13 before echo and before everyone was like fully geared one death pretty much meant a delayed wipe, but I guess it felt less bullshit than it does in second coil.
As Scy put it to me before, there's a reason why second coil killed a lot of statics. The tiniest mistake meant wipes and T9 was the epitome of that for me. I never had fun in that fight. Like I felt more useful as a corpse than I was alive, and I think that's poor design. T13 has the nice balance of you needing everyone to be on their game, but you can still recover from someone not being on their game. It encouraged teamwork in a different way than Second Coil.
I hate being rambley like this because I stop making sense about half way through but you get my gist.
second coil = bad
final coil = good
turn 3 = godlike
Very well said, totally agree. Also T13, the last phase is the weirdest design ever. Incredibly anti-climatic. T9 definitely still feels the hardest to beat mechanic wise.
My impression was that you were seeing fights as being significantly more trivial because of your gear level being much higher than people who cleared it early the first time you saw fights. Therefore, the fights were more trivial or your perception of their difficulty is swayed. All I meant is that that notion is perfectly okay to have. I would also say FCoB suffered more because of all of the things I've said about it. Instant Kill mechanics and punishment as gear goes up versus FCoB became easier as you geared. You say it suffered, I don't see an issue with it. I would consider it discourse, and not dismissive.I'm glad you approve of my having an opinion, I guess? My point is more I overgeared both SCoB and FCoB by the time I got around to doing them, and FCoB suffered more of the pair for it.
I think a lot of people instantly assumed SCoB Savage, which seemingly made said people quite nervous. Then again, this could very well be me projecting or making far too broad of assumptions. I welcome steps up from Final Coil, as I'm sure many other people currently raiding FCoB in a progression-style will agree with. All I hope is that those steps up are the right ones and not the wrong ones.*Before we found out it was a mistranslation I think many of us assumed "as hard as savage" didn't mean "as hard as Second Coil Savage" but basically "Heavensward Savage". In that case it would have been like 3 steps up from current FCOB. I think a lot of us thought of it that way. Also, the speculation seemed to take gear progression into account so = "3 steps up even with better gear".
None of this matters though. We might as well just wait until it opens and see for ourselves.
Ehh? Akh Morn nukes going off are pretty climactic. And you can actually take the whole fight in unlike T9 where it's all panic all the time.
I'm kind of hoping for the latter. Not full-on SCoB auto wipe, but something to keep things more interesting long-term. This may just be because I massively outgear content before I get to it, but hey.
You say Turn 9 would be more difficult than 13, but I remember the long days you guys spent in 13 trying to get everything down.
... but there's an aspect to the encounter design that I do think made the base fights more difficult in a way that you can't just gear carry through as easily.
I would also say FCoB suffered more because of all of the things I've said about it. Instant Kill mechanics and punishment as gear goes up versus FCoB became easier as you geared. You say it suffered, I don't see an issue with it. I would consider it discourse, and not dismissive.
I think you misunderstood me: last phase in T13 is a joke is what I meant
Basically just repeating phase one..
To me, T11 felt kind of like Final Coil's take on Second Coil design. There are two major mechanics (adds, tethers) that make the fight about "vs the mechanics" and not really the boss. They just put an, at the time, tight DPS check there to force the boss back into relevancy but, honestly, Kaliya is just kind of there?
Yeah, I think there's room in design for "tight gear checks" alongside "make sure the mechanics happen." That said, I think I'd rather more of the fight to be the former simply for farming sanity. Beating mechanics is fun and all but farming mechanics is less so, depending on how tedious they go. Maybe if they do this on the turns with no trash...! Or the fights that aren't super long?
What I was getting at is that the mechanics for CT/ST/WoD vs Coil are about individual reactions vs group ones; what makes CT/ST/WoD so easy is that the fights are essentially tuned for an 8-man (maybe 12) but you're given 24 bodies. I wouldn't really take "CT-level" to mean just as easy when you only have 8 people.
Edit: In other news, I forgot to download the benchmark oops.
I also do feel the longer this discussion keeps up and the more people throw their two cents into the pile that it really does come down to what we each personally value in fights going forward. Hopefully there's something in Alexander to make everyone happy :>
11 is also coincidentally the one I've seen people calling for nerfs on the most (tethersssssss); it's the one where fucking up the big mechanic will hurt the most (Imdugud at this point can gain stacks after like half the moves in final phase and it not even matter.) Kaliya is actively engaged with the tanks, but the rest of the fight seems to be there to prevent DPS from being able to just tunnel. Which I appreciate.
Designing fights for farming sanity sounds really depressing. Granted, I'd also rather go wipe for three hours trying to work out if solo tank 10 is possible than farm 10 (or... Ugh... Ponies...) for three hours, so maybe it's a progression raider thing I wouldn't understand and I really should just go sit in a corner.
All I really know is that post-echo post-nerf T8 is still a more engaging fight than post-echo no-nerf 12, and I'm hoping they include something of that philosophy in future fights.
Oh right. I think I agree with you there on the individual vs group. But I reckon CT is just easy generally. I feel like there's not much danger in those fights and mechanics are very forgiving, whether you are 8 people or 24.
When Shiva first came out the mechanics weren't that complex but they hit hard and if you screwed up you would probably die. That's a whole different ball game.
I hope it's tuned more towards the later.
I'm finally in the game, started with a male Thau Lalafell, already on level 8 focusing on Main Story and Thaumaturge Guild quests. Should I keep on those or try to finish the random ones I encounter as well¿ I don't wanna get overleveled...
I also have a question, how can I start a "field class"¿ I wanna do alchemy because I love the Atelier games but I don't know how to start or what I need. I've been picking crafting items but have no clue what to do with them. Also, does the game focus on party leveling-up like XI or that comes later¿
EDIT: Oh I forgot another question. When can I upgrade to a Black Mage and when can I get a chocobo mount of my own¿ (not the rented ones)
11 is also coincidentally the one I've seen people calling for nerfs on the most (tethersssssss); it's the one where fucking up the big mechanic will hurt the most (Imdugud at this point can gain stacks after like half the moves in final phase and it not even matter.) Kaliya is actively engaged with the tanks, but the rest of the fight seems to be there to prevent DPS from being able to just tunnel. Which I appreciate.
Should I keep on those or try to finish the random ones I encounter as well¿ I don't wanna get overleveled...
I also have a question, how can I start a "field class"¿ I wanna do alchemy because I love the Atelier games but I don't know how to start or what I need.
EDIT: Oh I forgot another question. When can I upgrade to a Black Mage and when can I get a chocobo mount of my own¿ (not the rented ones)
I'm finally in the game, started with a male Thau Lalafell, already on level 8 focusing on Main Story and Thaumaturge Guild quests. Should I keep on those or try to finish the random ones I encounter as well¿ I don't wanna get overleveled...
I also have a question, how can I start a "field class"¿ I wanna do alchemy because I love the Atelier games but I don't know how to start or what I need. I've been picking crafting items but have no clue what to do with them. Also, does the game focus on part9y leveling-up like XI or that comes later¿
EDIT: Oh I forgot another question. When can I upgrade to a Black Mage and when can I get a chocobo mount of my own¿ (not the rented ones)
Should they be designed for farming sanity? No. Not even close. But I'd really appreciate it if each clear wasn't razor intense focus for 10 minutes (or 15+ if the expansion just makes things last longer!). Then again, I guess I can just repeat this when they unlock it and not for the week-to-week bits? It won't matter as much during lockout.
I may also be projecting the idea of farming Savage Second Coil into a lockout scenario and wondering why you're making me think these things.
Edit: Then again, those were also super hilarious Shivas so maybe I do want that again.
One thing to keep in mind (hopefully) is that the new loot system should alleviate a lot of the need for obsessive farming? Ideally removing some of the RNG from loot frees them up to make the fights themselves more involving/fun for their own sake than having to design them to be mindlessly spammable trying to force pants/bracelets to drop.
If you really want, I probably have an i55 weapon stashed on a retainer somewhere for the full authentic early Shiva experience.
One thing to keep in mind (hopefully) is that the new loot system should alleviate a lot of the need for obsessive farming? Ideally removing some of the RNG from loot frees them up to make the fights themselves more involving/fun for their own sake than having to design them to be mindlessly spammable trying to force pants/bracelets to drop.
Honestly, Shiva is probably a poor example. Even near release time of Shiva we could have 10+ deaths, lose both the tanks, healer LB3, and still make it out of the fight. Nothing hits hard in that fight, really, and even that early was people "disrespecting" the fight by finding out you can just stand through most everything and not care.
Edit: Then again, those were also super hilarious Shivas so maybe I do want that again.
Well, I know when I first did it I wasn't disrespecting anything because her skills hit me hard :-(. I mention Shiva because we're talking about content that people can do with randoms that's challenging and I've been in enough Shiva DFs to know that that fight was not easy for a party of eight random peeps but still highly doable. Whereas CT is not really that challenging at all.
OK thanks a lot everyone. Didn't know I had to get Archer to level 15. Should I focus on Thau first or level up both at the same time¿
Also how to I change to an archer¿ lol
FCoB wound up being really vulnerable to gear ups (see: the mass of clears after welfare twine, then again after Zeta gave everyone welfare i135.)
Yoshida did say we were getting 9 new zones including the "Floating continent and Ishgard" Depending on whether Ishgard is considered two separate zones due to "The Pillars" and "The Foundation" sub zones that means we either 1 or 2 zones we have yet to see. Coerthas Eastern Lowlands makes the most sense alongside Coerthas Northern Highlands as it sounds like the Sea of Clouds zone is to the East of Ishgard near the Abalathia's Spine which on the original map was alongside the Northern Highlands. Think others have also mentioned previously (though I havent seen this info myself) that some zone data info was registered for West Black Shroud in 2.5 patch, although as much as I would like to go to that, it seems the least likely to me given its place on the map and the rest of the new content. But the raised jungle wood that has become west shroud would make a neat place for flying mounts.
I also do feel the longer this discussion keeps up and the more people throw their two cents into the pile that it really does come down to what we each personally value in fights going forward. Hopefully there's something in Alexander to make everyone happy :>
Well if the only two difficulties are really going to be CT and Savage then I suspect they are going to manage to make no one happy except the people who play the expansion for a month and quit after facerolling NM and Lucrezia/CL/DnT. Everyone in between supercasual and nolife can apparently fuck off.
Player A: "Oh shit I moved to Z"
Well if the only two difficulties are really going to be CT and Savage then I suspect they are going to manage to make no one happy except the people who play the expansion for a month and quit after facerolling NM and Lucrezia/CL/DnT. Everyone in between supercasual and nolife can apparently fuck off.
Well if the only two difficulties are really going to be CT and Savage then I suspect they are going to manage to make no one happy except the people who play the expansion for a month and quit after facerolling NM and Lucrezia/CL/DnT. Everyone in between supercasual and nolife can apparently fuck off.
I have literally no idea what you want me to do when this comes up. It doesn't lead anywhere I can see.
Should I be cowed into silence knowing people will throw this in my face whenever they feel like it?
I have literally no idea what you want me to do when this comes up. It doesn't lead anywhere I can see.
Should I be cowed into silence knowing people will throw this in my face whenever they feel like it?
A lot hinges on how you'd define difficulty, I guess. FCoB wound up being really vulnerable to gear ups (see: the mass of clears after welfare twine, then again after Zeta gave everyone welfare i135.) I don't think there's anything in FCoB as mechanically difficult/unforgiving as some of SCoB. If they just mean they're going to up the DPS and healing checks again some more then it continues the normal difficulty trend. If they're going to go back and revisit how important they make mechanics to the fight, though, it'll be different.
I'm kind of hoping for the latter. Not full-on SCoB auto wipe, but something to keep things more interesting long-term. This may just be because I massively outgear content before I get to it, but hey.
Honestly, nothing in SCoB is actually really all that difficult, the problem with most of the mechanics is that they set it up so it was really easy for player A to kill player B.
I also wouldn't call Twines and Zeta, FCoB nerfs, or at least not much of a nerf. For T12, sure, since the first half of the fight is a big DPS check and all that. However the difficulty in T0 and 11 were less DPS checks and more mechanical, I mean it doesn't really matter how good your DPS is in those turns if people are dying a lot.
This is too funny. You act big now but you struggled so long on SCoB.
It does eventually become easy, but only after you've ran it a hundred plus times and have the positioning committed to pure memory. Until that point it's pretty bad.
This is too funny. You act big now but you struggled so long on SCoB. Have some humility about it. It was tough for everyone, you can experience a lot of that challenge again by doing Savage since you apparently have forgotten it.
FYI you were that player A![]()
I think we might actually see new zones in major patches this time around.