Altered Juice
edit: mevermind lol
Is there going to be a Fanfest this year? If so, when do they typically start selling tickets?
Is there going to be a Fanfest this year? If so, when do they typically start selling tickets?
If you guys have game-related questions, please check out the faq and links in the OP. You might find some of the answers there (if not, feel free to ignore this). 👍
Fight Ifrit yet?
So I decided to buy a few rowena tokens to get a staff that was at that lady right next to the other one.
Unfortunately, she only takes regular rowena tokens, while the ones I bought were Soldiery. Sigh. My fault for not noticing, but what can I do with these rowena soldiery tokens, and where can I get the regular ones?
Cool, cool. Suppose I'll hang on to them.You have to do EX Primals to get them's-Token
The soldiery ones will give you better weapons anyways but you'll need 10 and an Unidentified Allagan Tomestone
If you guys have game-related questions, please check out the faq and links in the OP. You might find some of the answers there (if not, feel free to ignore this). 👍
OP always gets ignored sadly
Yeah I'm less concerned with being a BLM and more concerned with just trying to find the fun in the game.
the real game starts at 50 imo, you shouldn't judge the game until you reach that at least
i've leveling bard lately to prepare myself for machinist, having some trouble with strafing since i'm too used to playing blm
are you supposed to camera lock into the target? because when you camera lock if you press a or d you automatically circle around the target so you don't lose line of sight and you can still auto attack
Not sure if its an influx of people coming back to the game or what, but im done doing the trial roulette for a while. It keeps putting me in some of the shittiest Steps of Faith runs I've ever done. It's worse than when it first launched.
I wanna know what changed and if it's somehow possible to still play 1.0.
ugh do i seriously have to go through all these guildhests in order to advance the main story?
WutYou can still play versions of 1.23b if you know where to look.
Also; why did chrono01 (Makoto?) get banned?!
-I got the retainers but really don't understand how to use them yet, will they help with my crafting class¿ Same with the Grand Companies, I started in Ul'dah so I'm most likely joining the Immortal Flames but I wanna listen to recommendations before doing so.
You can still play versions of 1.23b if you know where to look.
Also; why did chrono01 (Makoto?) get banned?!
Thursday, May 21st, 9AM PDT. Live letter!
They're promising dungeon and zone combat info and details on how the new jobs work in combat. No question gathering in advance.
This'll either be super informative or really, really frustrating. At least it's a thing to look forward to that isn't June.
Audio in English and Japanese! But not in French even though it's in France cause fuck you France.
I'm counting the days until expansion. I'm really ready to fly around and see the new zones, hear the new music, go on adventures with fellow GAF members.
It's funny how the expansion is currently
My most awaited game in 2015. Who knew? And I bought this game out of a whim in september 2014 to "try out my hand at an MMO". Now, I can't put it down.
Thursday, May 21st, 9AM PDT. Live letter!
They're promising dungeon and zone combat info and details on how the new jobs work in combat. No question gathering in advance.
This'll either be super informative or really, really frustrating. At least it's a thing to look forward to that isn't June.
Man, today I lost out on a legendary Onion Knight Triple Triad card from WoD because my inventory was full. :-(
Does anyone know if I can still get referral rewards after the referee has already signed up but is still very new?
greenmangaming has the Heavensward digital CE for $42
you need to log in to see it
greenmangaming has the Heavensward digital CE for $42
you need to log in to see it
Does anyone know if this would include pre-order bonuses and early access?
So I'm almost done leveling all my sub classes to 30 but getting pretty burnt out on the fate and dungeon grind. Any ideas on what level of content Heavensward will start with? If it's 30+ I'll just do the rest of my leveling there.
It says right there on the site that it does.
I just bought this, thanks for the link!
I'd hope for something in the 30+ range, just because the new jobs all start at 30 and it'd be nice to have something new to level them in instead of kicking off the expansion by running back to the dungeons we've all done a billion times.
But this game being what it is it'll probably just be the return of the revenge of DD first room spam.
I don't know, I've never used green man before and thus can't log in. Do you get emailed the codes right away?
I don't know, I've never used green man before and thus can't log in. Do you get emailed the codes right away?