drama told me to give up on shenmue
She is wise beyond her years. You'd do well to heed her sage-like wisdom.
drama told me to give up on shenmue
Just redeemed my Heavensward promo stuff. Later today I'm planning on finishing up the story to catch up on the story completely.
Turn 5 dive bombs are tough.
No directional indicator so you just have to pick a random direction and hope the dive bomb doesn't end up hitting you because someone wasn't as deep into the ditch as possible.
Also it feels like it would have been a lot harder without the echo. Kind of like the challenge has been removed in a way. So far I haven't really encountered anything like Titan EX yet.
IF you ask me it feels a little boring to have a script for a fight already written out for you. It seems to me that it would be a lot more interesting to learn how to beat a fight on your own with some people over VoiP or something but that's not really feasible for my situation.
アラガントームストーン:詩学の1週間の取得上限が、450個 → 900個 に変更されます。
Poetics cap has been doubled in the hotfix.
Hmmm...the question is do I care enough to cap 900 poetics...
Turn 5 dive bombs are tough.
No directional indicator so you just have to pick a random direction and hope the dive bomb doesn't end up hitting you because someone wasn't as deep into the ditch as possible.
Also it feels like it would have been a lot harder without the echo. Kind of like the challenge has been removed in a way. So far I haven't really encountered anything like Titan EX yet.
IF you ask me it feels a little boring to have a script for a fight already written out for you. It seems to me that it would be a lot more interesting to learn how to beat a fight on your own with some people over VoiP or something but that's not really feasible for my situation.
How is this game on the PS4 vs PC? In terms of gameplay, graphics, and community?
I'm understanding the draw of DPS classes now. I was using my SMN(who is INT weakened due to me maining SCH) while running some dungeons with friends and now I fully understand why people play DPS. There's so much less to worry your mind about.
Poetics cap has been doubled in the hotfix.
You're constantly a source of our conversation, because you're so loveable. Mumble bullies are strong, man.Do you guys talk about me in mumble? Drama can't help mention me freaking out anytime I speak and yet we have never done anything together.
What's going on in that lobby? Some sort clique? Behind the scenes bullying? This will not stan...
Omg sweet Jesus.
I ride the lightning mothafuckassss
Same. Sigh. Who's ready for... ex dr... yay...Man. Had they uncapped I could just stop caring. Now I'm going to feel like I should be trying to cap even though I barely made 450 the past few weeks. Devious.
Man. Had they uncapped I could just stop caring. Now I'm going to feel like I should be trying to cap even though I barely made 450 the past few weeks. Devious.
Do you have the expert and hardmode roulette opened up? It would be a really good idea to spend some time opening that for the massive poetics from expert and another possible 240 soldiery from hard mode per day if you haven't yet.
Keeper of the Lake is also awesome so there's that.
Same. Sigh. Who's ready for... ex dr... yay...
EXDR is 75, right? Even assuming you ran it every day (and I didn't Tuesday or Wednesday, RIP) you're still 375 short of cap. That's 13 Final Coil turns.
Or I guess 32 Levi EX's for pony farmers. 19 WoDs. 94 Hydra runs. 125 maps.
If only idling in the Mist accrued tomes.
Are you making fun of me for math.
I was mostly trying to figure out if there's any chance of me hitting cap before my brain melted from tedium. There is not.
Am I going blind or is there still no way to preorder Heavensward digital on psn?
let's just farm T10 because it's the quickest way and I need cater accessories.
can I learn how2Bard
We have a bard surplus. The bard overflow is straining Eorzea's hat supply. Any wannabe future bards must first find a new job for one of our existing bards. I got to be a bard because Galen became a ninja. That sort of thing.
You should ask Angary to give you lessons.
Also yes, T10 is for goofy off classes. If i can SMN/BLM it, you can probably l2brd
If pony farming is going to ruin tonight too can we wacky alt T10 Friday night?
Or does Felix have some FCCCCCCoB disaster chain lined up.
Pretty much yeah. While I'd really rather not cap 900 poetics on ~14 poe runs of primals, I guess it'll be worth it to make more Kirin in the world.Meh, whatever people want to do tonight I'm down for. Gotta cap that 900 poetics now (Felix I was right it's time to panic).