Can someone summarise without sarcasm lol the scholar changes? Having just hit 50, if there are minimal changes I'm fine with that.
I have exciting news! Put succor on your hotbar: aoe adlo! :O
Can someone summarise without sarcasm lol the scholar changes? Having just hit 50, if there are minimal changes I'm fine with that.
Can someone summarise without sarcasm lol the scholar changes? Having just hit 50, if there are minimal changes I'm fine with that.
Instead of just simply increasing a scholar's abilities, we made adjustments by adding actions that require you to really think about their use and the best time to utilize them. There are many actions which are useful during boss battles, so you may feel that it hasnt changed much while running through instance dungeons.
New action: Indomitability
A new AoE healing action will supplement scholars current AoE healing strength, which may have felt a bit weak up until now.
New action: Deployment Tactics
This action will extend the effect of Adloquium and Eye for an Eye that is on the target player to other party members in range.
New action: Emergency Tactics
Instead of adding a barrier effect to Adloquium, this action will give addition healing power for the amount of the effect of the barrier.
New action: Dissipation
With this action, you dismiss your fairy in exchange for magic power.
before prematurely jumping to conclusions.
When Succor has the added "Double buff on critical" that Adlo has... then I might agree its nice, but in the mean time Adlo is stronger and potentially ridiculously strong if this new ability is timed right after a critical.
Really disagree with anyone saying any class is irrelevant at this point. Wait till you play the classes with the new abilities and see the specifics and stats before prematurely jumping to conclusions.
lol beautiful spoiler trailer.
it was a joke.
Heh anyone else notice the beastmen in the tubes in that first floating continent dungeon are winged Ixali? Maybe we might get some more lore related to them for this expansion and more about there homeland.
Guess it's time to give WTFast another try. Keep getting destroyed by 13 divebombs even though I move early enough in time to dodge both (And I'm not running in Twin's direction either)
Guess it's time to give WTFast another try. Keep getting destroyed by 13 divebombs even though I move early enough in time to dodge both (And I'm not running in Twin's direction either)
Are you trying to dodge both in one movement, or running perpendicular to bahamut and then dodging twin?
Buff to ass size obviously. YoshiP heard our cries.
i swear to god if this is true
By all rights, I should have had this done a long time ago but oh well.
By all rights, I should have had this done a long time ago but oh well.
Now what...;_;
XDmaybe now bara wont call for a wipe when he realizes he cant solo heal
The very same guy who complained about bard being not useful for anything but songs. You should be ashamed.
Actually the effect from Wanderer's Minuet does not disappear when you move, this is our mistake, and we apologize for the confusion. It is as Seifa mentioned, that if you move while using your actions, then that action will be interrupted.
So catching up on stuff. Like the song. That video functions as a nice story teaser too.
Cool new moves but c'mon, wtf SE? No new Egi? If you hate Summoners so much, as shown in FFXI and this, why put them in? Yeah, it's work to give a new model to one class so maybe cut down on giving them Bahamut ghost armour and orbital canons and give us a little pruple crystal with a beard or a blue crystal snake and some kinda sorta themed attacks for them.
That's actually pretty good.That's quite a bit nicer than having to recast every single time we move. *This was also just posted in the OF.
But I can't wrap my head around a good use for mufti target Eye for an Eye (unless the effect is changing?)
That's actually pretty good.
I'm still worried about it though. What happens to our Bloodletter procs with the casting time...
not impressed with the ninja update.
I mean being able to extend huton is nice and it allows you to do other ninjitsus instead. but is that really that big of a boost?
I'm honestly wondering if some things will be buffed more than others because of that. The slower ability use already means that tp will be a non issue outside of aoe, so are they going to still make people notice bloodletter or are they going to let noobs just heavy shot all day and not notice the proc? Tracking bloodletter procs was one of many ways to tell the good from the bad. This new buff on the other hand seems to let you not care if you track it anymore or not, which is just replacing one noob filter with another.
But I can't wrap my head around a good use for mufti target Eye for an Eye (unless the effect is changing?) and Dissipation would have to be absolutely amazing to give up a Fairy for, to the point where I am not actually sure they can do it properly (prove me wrong SE). All the free healing, mechanics avoidance (lol Briny mirror) and extra range from positioning the fairy seems extremely hard to compensate for with a single CD, without even considering the other abilities like Rouse+Whispering Dawn for burst or Skill/Spell speed boosts.
T13, you're going from megaflare into gigaflare. Cast eye for an eye on someone, AoE it to ensure maximum coverage and hope it procs.
Remember, it's still only a 20% chance to proc on damage taken. If you spread it to 5 people, that's five instances of 20% chance to proc. It's almost guaranteed to proc off at least someone ensuring the damage reduction is in effect going into the big hit.
Makes sense to me. But it'll still never proc.
unless I'm misunderstanding how the AoE E4E works.
But I can't wrap my head around a good use for mufti target Eye for an Eye (unless the effect is changing?)
Does the Scholar bane-like ability spread adloqieum as well? Because if thats the case, it will probably more useful for that. Jobs that fight a close range could benefit from a large critical shield from a Warrior with Convalescence, way more effective than a normal succor would be. The Eye for an Eye spread is situational but I could see an Adlo spread being much more useful.
I don't see it this way at all. You don't have to charge your shots under the new buff. You're able to. So you can just keep doing the same old stuff or cancel the charge shot for Bloodletter. Depending on the damage increase from charged shots, charging a shot may be worth the 1-1.5 seconds of missed Bloodletter downtime.This new buff on the other hand seems to let you not care if you track it anymore or not, which is just replacing one noob filter with another.
I still think the damage has to be something like +100% potency buff for it to be worthwhile. If auto attacks are 100 potency, increasing 50% on Heavy shot brings you from 150 -> 225 versus 250 with auto attack + Heavy Shot. That's a DPS loss. 300 versus 250 would actually turn that into a DPS gain, which would make it more useful. The charge time appears to be the same as a regular GCD, but I guess the downside is that you can't pop oGCDs during charges? Maybe you can? Still a lot of unanswered questions about the Minuet, which I guess is fine since we heard about it not even twelve hours ago. Still, I just wanna know ;-;Most likely just a case of not seeing the full picture, but effectively taking away our top 2 damage abilities (bloodletter weaving and barrage + buffs) doesn't sound like a dps increase to me yet. The damage increase would have to be huge. I just hope they are accounting for all of this.
It wouldn't work in that example because E4E only procs off physical attacks, and there's really not of ton of non-avoidable aoe physical attacks in this game. Like Kenai said they could obviously change how it works but as is it would not be super useful.T13, you're going from megaflare into gigaflare. Cast eye for an eye on someone, AoE it to ensure maximum coverage and hope it procs.
Remember, it's still only a 20% chance to proc on damage taken. If you spread it to 5 people, that's five instances of 20% chance to proc. It's almost guaranteed to proc off at least someone ensuring the damage reduction is in effect going into the big hit.
The big dog-like dragon thing is Nidhogg in that scene, she is probably taking us to meet with him. I'm guessing the story will be about bringing some sort of peace between the Ishgardians/Dravians rather than just "kill all dem evil dragons".Huh. Just noticed in the Dragonsong video that you're walking with Ice Heart and that dragoon. So maybe she's not a big villain?
not sure how that will go actually since she's directly responsible for the latest attack on ishgard at the end of the story
in the new dragonsong trailer, the drg without the helmet is the azure dragoon or is that supposed to be the player character who was war?
who's the white drg? and the red drg? i thought the other npc is azure drg, but isn't azure blue?
not sure how that will go actually since she's directly responsible for the latest attack on ishgard at the end of the story
in the new dragonsong trailer, the drg without the helmet is the azure dragoon or is that supposed to be the player character who was war?
who's the white drg? and the red drg? i thought the other npc is azure drg, but isn't azure blue?
not impressed with the ninja update.
I mean being able to extend huton is nice and it allows you to do other ninjitsus instead. but is that really that big of a boost?