Just highlight a GAF dude and find the Free Company profile, if you apply we'll see it right away.If anyone's around to invite to <GAF> tonight I'd appreciate it. I'm in guildworks already from back in the day, in-game name is Pablo Honey (same on GW).
so are machinists gonna be just as mobile as bards?
so are machinists gonna be just as mobile as bards?
So, to the crafting and gathering gurus out there. What can I do now to ensure that I can get a good start and become a crafting/gathering guru in Heavensward?
So, to the crafting and gathering gurus out there. What can I do now to ensure that I can get a good start and become a crafting/gathering guru in Heavensward?
Amon - Bend over. Between the constant frog status, aetherial bombs going off, Kum-kums, getting frozen and general "fuck you" from Amon, this fight was difficult. We chose to ignore slimes for more DPS time on Amon, the statuses they give off aren't too bad (temporarily silence, pacification, etc.) The real killer here is the snakes. We found the best method is to simply kite them around and get them low on HP. There can only be 3 snakes up at a time. So when one would close in on a frozen person, we could then stun and kill them easily. It was mainly a matter of trying to keep as many dots on Amon as possible while running circles around the map dodging snakes and people with bombs on them. Difficult fight but probably the most fun I've had in ST.
This game is pretty damn fun.
I think you waited too long to ask this question
Most Highlanders do
And you're ignoring them? So rude.
This game is pretty damn fun.
To me this game is the themepark style mmo near perfected
Just how many accounts does Wtbgg'com Cheapgilmmk have? I've blocked this guy about 20 times now, keeps harassing me.
There's no point blocking him. He changes the last few letters of his name to make nearly infinite accounts. He can make them as fast as you block them and your blacklist will be full before he's done.
Nobody on Yoshi's team plays SMN so they probably just forgot.
This game is pretty damn fun.
Only thing I don't like is the loading screens between areas. Gives me Everquest vibes from that at least though
I literally look like diarrhea
Trying my best to get the final form of the relic before Heavensward. Currently at 800~999 light.
I'm really impressed that each step of the relic questline appears to be more annoying than any of the previous ones.
I liked the parts of the relic quests that involved the unique trials.
When I got to the phase where you have to do fates in various zones I lost interest.
I'm fine with the soldiery/poetics weaponry.
The concept of a weapon that you can grow is interesting but what's involved ultimately became too grindy for me to handle.
I'm hoping they tone that down a little. I don't mind instance like farming since it's easy to get into and you get an end result. But the fate farming stuff I've heard plenty of. Naw. I'll pass.
That stuff was fine by me. What stopped me in my tracks was the stuff that took a ton of moneys. Needing a ton of rank 4 materia made it so I couldn't complete that part.
Grats Tomo and Chocolate, glad we finally got you your clears![]()
Yay! That Acolyte's robe I picked up on my very first run through Sastasha. Still one of my favorite gear pieces in the game.
Thank you! Honestly when I started doing this with no MMO experience I didn't even think I was going to try coil much less beat all of it. Doing it with Chocolate at my side has been a great experience for both of us. Special thanks to everyone who helped us along the way, especially Angary and Rin who wiped with us on T13 for hours and hours of practice when they had absolutely no reason to.
Yay! That Acolyte's robe I picked up on my very first run through Sastasha. Still one of my favorite gear pieces in the game.
Special thanks to everyone who helped us along the way, especially Angary and Rin who wiped with us on T13 for hours and hours of practice when they had absolutely no reason to.
Welcome to early game.
Power outage at the data center.Edit: Nah, forget it.
What happened to the Guildwork site though?
DoW look like ass. That's why I stopped playing Bard when I startwd getting shit that looked the same at lvl 3x.
I hate waiting forever to do duties too.
Good. DPS is scrub tier. Who needs dps
Just how many accounts does Wtbgg'com Cheapgilmmk have? I've blocked this guy about 20 times now, keeps harassing me.