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Final Fantasy XIV |OT7| 1000 years DRAGONSONG War

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Tempted to try this out again, is there a way to "try" my account again? (Like Blizzard periodically hands out..)

I'm curious, but I don't want to resub just to login, run around, and decide I don't want to play.


5AM PDT would have been perfect for me. I do expect another day-long maintenance (I think we got one for 2.3? or 2.4? one of the two) in advance, so it's just the pesky employment thing making getting up at 2 AM awkward.

It'll be like Ninja all over again.

Oh man

I'm going to ragequit less than halfway through and go do something completely irrelevant?

Tempted to try this out again, is there a way to "try" my account again? (Like Blizzard periodically hands out..)

I'm curious, but I don't want to resub just to login, run around, and decide I don't want to play.

No, until they run a free login weekend/week(like wow) which they did a few times, but now it's very unlikely with the expansion in a couple of weeks.


1% wipe in T14 with a DF party... :(
I'm still hoping it will be like some midnight releases that happen on non-update days aka it goes up at 12/1am GMT/BST.

But the negative side of me is saying we'll be lucky if it goes up by 10am BST. (aka when the servers go up)

The way this has been handled is terrible. :/ I'm not even sure who to blame. SE EU? Sony EU? Both?

I can at least blame SE EU for not even communicating this to us until now.
You can always get the preorder code from Amazon (and cancel the preorder itself) to download the files earlier.


You are still thinking in the absolutes, instead of aiming for some middle ground. Having danger doesn't need to mean that everything can one shot you.

Well, the one shot thing was more for dramatic purpose, but let us face it. If something doesn't one shot you, you can pretty much outrun it. Since the game resets mobs, no matter how hard they are to kill, I don't have to engage it at all. Therefore, I just can't see how your suggestion of putting these creatures in will automatically make the environment more dangerous. I am neither for nor against the idea, only that it is much too simplistic of a solution. Anyway, my point of view is simple, if I am not afraid to die, then I am not in danger.

I feel like a game can provide danger without being masochistic? I mean, several games are hard as hell without any permanent loss on dying other than a loss of time. They still feel 'dangerous'.

What games are these? Because I certainly can't remember a time where I felt in danger in the over world other than XI. WoW was only dangerous because of the possibility of being ganked, and it isn't even the dying, it's that you don't want to give someone else the satisfaction of getting a kill.


Most of the fun will be the "why am I awakeeeeeeee" commentary at like 6 AM.

I thought we all made a pact to never do that again.

I guess we're breaking that pact. Heavensward is already ruining lives.

Nin nin nin~~~

Gotta go fast!

What games are these? Because I certainly can't remember a time where I felt in danger in the over world other than XI. WoW was only dangerous because of the possibility of being ganked, and it isn't even the dying, it's that you don't want to give someone else the satisfaction of getting a kill.

Honestly, I can't remember the last MMO where it really was about "danger" in the overworld. It was always about the risk of a punishing corpse run and/or EXP loss that made it a risky venture; the overworld itself mattered a hell of a lot less than that.


Unconfirmed Member
What games are these? Because I certainly can't remember a time where I felt in danger in the over world other than XI. WoW was only dangerous because of the possibility of being ganked, and it isn't even the dying, it's that you don't want to give someone else the satisfaction of getting a kill.

Uh, almost every well designed rpg...? Morrowind, fallout 1/2, the SMT games, most 80s RPGs most FF games before IV all had 'dangerous' overworlds that weren't usually one shots.. If you want MMOs specifically, even WoW, the king of themepark casual games, had group elites wandering around (Sons of Arugal rip in peace) in vanilla that you had to look out for and even without PVP taking a bunch of mobs at once was a recipe for a quick trip to the graveyard (without resorting to one shot masochism barring the glorious welcome bear). As for your claim that there's no danger if you can just run away... um, if you're resorting to running away in the first place isn't that admitting danger? If you feel like that would be equally boring as what we've currently got, that's fine I guess, but I feel like there's a meaningful difference there.


Yoshi did say they were going to make the areas in heavensward more dangerous, so maybe they found a balance? I would like for area traveling to be dangerous enough for 2 or 3 people in a party at least. Especially in uncharted areas.

Also more random treasure chests in overwotld please.


If you can ever go back, or hell even find a friend with a 99 SMN I fully recommend it. It took them a decade but they finally did right by their pet classes. You'd fully understand my frustration if you play SMN as it is now. It plays quite differently compared to the 75 cap.

I might if for no other reason to wrap up the FF11 storyline. No promises though, i have taken on a lot of responsibilities since then (having a life is overrated, I miss having "nothing" to do).

To the bolded I would prefer they give a potency boost to DoTs in exchange for doing away with the perpetual pet. That way you wouldn't have to worry about your pet dying from AoEs/swapping pets mid fight and wasting MP/losing dps to revive it/keep it alive. Positioning can only do so much after all. There'd be no more worrying about the ugly ass aesthetic of the Egi's either. I have no confidence in the glamor options they'll add later, but I'll be happy to eat my words if they deliver lol

With a perpetual pet gone you could add summoning magic thats more a one and done style like classic FFs. You summon > summon does its super awesome move thats super effective > disappears into the night consuming MP/Some form of stackable buff whatever. It would be something like this Bahamut stance they're throwing out there.

Those aren't necessarily bad ideas but that's the kind of thing that a new class would be for since that would be changing something for the sake of change rather than actually addressing a problem (aka something mechanically wrong). Honestly SMN may even get some cool animation in their LB3 that lets primals come out for a bit. But with the way primals are summoned in this game (Primals are probably a bigger part of the 2.0 story than any FF overall, they are major antagonists all) summoning them as deities on a regular basis doesn't make much sense in this game. Like at all. Dreadwyrm itself is kinda iffy but i guess Bahamut's particular circumstances (and the way Iceheart does her thing) might mean the Dreadwyrm stance is actually tied into the story somehow. Which would be pretty cool.

I've already cast my vote of no confidence in that regard. If SMN is any example I expect any other "pet" class we get to be completely neutered and focused on the master damage. As for SMN I've already mostly abandoned it and hardly use it anymore since I lvled BLM. It was fun at first learning the play style and all, but after awhile muscle memory kicked in. When that happened I realized how both aesthetically boring the class is with the Egis and spells, and how weak I felt vs other caster/ranged/melee dps-this is of course the nature of a DoT class since it isn't burst dmg focused. Even with Bane and fester I still feel pretty weak on adds to this day. After I leveled BLM I couldn't justify coming SMN anymore since I could do everything they could do and do it better for longer. It was also aesthetically far more pleasing and rewarding as a nice extra bonus.

Well I don't think it's necessarily fair to think all pet classes are going to perform the same way considering how the current classes work and perform significantly different from each other. at higher levels Even SCH and SMN which are from the same base job and who have several of the same skills function quite differently and even manage to have quite a different take on pet management. I think it's a little unfair to assume whatever pet class that comes next will feel like SMN. It's a much higher chance of the opposite being true (whether it feels how you want is a much bigger coinflip)

I still believe they should rename the class to something else and give us a more classic SMN, cause even if it is called Summoner the current iteration revolves little around summoning mystical creatures/gods to rain down death. Maybe Heavensward will change that who knows. However, If you were a fan of summoning magic/lore in the FF franchise in my opinion this is the weakest entry yet in terms of summoning magic a player can use.

As I said before, the way summoning works in this game is significantly different. Even in games like FF6, FF8 and FF9 where their respective summons were also a primary story plot at times, Summons have been largely regulated to sidequest status at best. Merely existing on the surface of Eorzea classifies them as a big-bad here that needs to be put down before the land effectively dies from the ether drain, so for them to even have a summoner class here as playable is kind of surprising to me. To have them nonchalantly summon an entire primal by themselves would probably be a no-no.

And also as I said before, taking into account the way Iceheart summons and the exploits of the WoL in Coil, it's actually fairly understandable how the class works like it does, and Dreadwyrm stance effectively channeling primal energies into attacks more directly makes it sound a bit more like the flashy attacks you wanted, now that I think about it. We both know asking class to be renamed isn't actually going to happen ever (for better or worse), and it sounds like it still isn't going to be what you really wanted, but it's definitely using Primals and their power to fight, which I guess is the essence of SMN in a nutshell.
Just finished the pre expansion quest line, and wow...this game has like the best story, even besting single player games.

Do you mean just the whole lead up from Shiva to the end? Or the stuff before it? Because the stuff before it was so unbelievably boring and pointless. I felt like just Crystal Tower's mini side story is already leagues ahead of everything up until Shiva in the main story. If I didn't have it all available to me and just played it over the last two years I'd be pretty upset lol. But from the forming of the Crystal Braves on there's finally a sense of something moving forward. All of the Ascian stuff feels so forced.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Just finished the pre expansion quest line, and wow...this game has like the best story, even besting single player games.
Maybe if we're making comparisons to Call of Duty or something. The final story bits and the Heavansward stuff is a step up. The rest is forgettable imo.


As far as this Summoner talk is going, I like the direction they're taking the class from a mechanics perspective (since, currently, we're pretty much right there with BLM damage output outside of AoE gimmicks); if nothing else, it's nice to know that they've basically chosen a direction for the class thematically.

Then there's Akh Morn/Deathflare giving us the satisfying kind of visual feedback and hopefully the same can be said for Ruin 3. All that's left, then, is making our pets busier visually in terms of finishing off the visual "feel" of the class. Since, yeah, current Summoner is lacking in looking like they're doing things since there's no real flash to the class.

also, let me put a top hat on a carbuncle


Do you mean just the whole lead up from Shiva to the end? Or the stuff before it? Because the stuff before it was so unbelievably boring and pointless. I felt like just Crystal Tower's mini side story is already leagues ahead of everything up until Shiva in the main story. If I didn't have it all available to me and just played it over the last two years I'd be pretty upset lol. But from the forming of the Crystal Braves on there's finally a sense of something moving forward. All of the Ascian stuff feels so forced.

It helps that the Crystal Towers storyline has some very good set pieces to use for Cut Scenes, I want to actually explore that tower :(. Feels like now that they are basically making zones/dungeons with the intent of future usage or for storyline purposes we might see a lot more elaborate setup in the expansion for the story. 2.0 Just didn't have the luxury despite the world ending motif to really do something different then what they had, the Nations didn't stop existing, the Garlean conquest didn't end and it felt like we were stuck picking up the pieces as we went into a bunch of pre-existing zones to tell a familiar and fairly simple story. I honestly liked (with a few very specific exceptions) the story lead up to the end of 1.0 way more then I did 2.0 story. But like you said the story sometime around when we formed the Crystal Braves it started gaining some more nuanced story beats that I hope will become the standard fair for most of 3.0 story with elevation of the stakes to come about twice as frequently as the 2.0 story told.


While you guys stay up all night I shall wake up feeling joyous before launch time that will also lead to a 2 hour extended maintenance or 3102


also, let me put a top hat on a carbuncle

Where's the petition for this.

While you guys stay up all night I shall wake up feeling joyous before launch time that will also lead to a 2 hour extended maintenance or 3102

I fully expect to progress to the first dungeon then get trapped inside unable to log back in for 12 hours.

and I don't even have an alt to fall back on.


Aww, yissss. I was worried that servers would go up in the evening and not in the morning, making me waste a vacation day on the 19th. I am off work from the 19th and don't go back to work until the 29th. I am starting to supply my bunker with the necessities to last those 10 days.


Aww, yissss. I was worried that servers would go up in the evening and not in the morning, making me waste a vacation day on the 19th. I am off work from the 19th and don't go back to work until the 29th. I am starting to supply my bunker with the necessities to last those 10 days.

Your still gonna be plastered from 6 hours of extended downtime



Aww, yissss. I was worried that servers would go up in the evening and not in the morning, making me waste a vacation day on the 19th. I am off work from the 19th and don't go back to work until the 29th. I am starting to supply my bunker with the necessities to last those 10 days.

I'm taking a vacation day off on Friday, I can just sleep at home when I get done with work, make sure the game is patched and play. If the Primal Instance server cluster can last I figure it will be better to get on early knowing full well when people are done with work or more then likely well before it the game will be unplayable lol. At least if its at 2:00 AM PST on the NA server cluster there is 'less' likelihood of those servers crashing compared to the EU and especially Japan based clusters when the expansion goes live. That assumes of course that there won't be other game breaking bugs that will show up due to the increased load on the servers that won't just make it unbearable to play. Taking a day off to play all day for an expansion day usually doesn't have much reward in MMO's but I'm gullible enough to try!


So, Heavensward Standard Edition costs 60 USD in Brazil. And 1.00 USD = 3.00 BRL at the moment.

I have to buy it for me and for my wife. Kill me.


While you guys stay up all night I shall wake up feeling joyous before launch time that will also lead to a 2 hour extended maintenance or 3102

The best part of Heavensward will be everyone learning all sorts of non-90k numbers!


As far as this Summoner talk is going, I like the direction they're taking the class from a mechanics perspective (since, currently, we're pretty much right there with BLM damage output outside of AoE gimmicks); if nothing else, it's nice to know that they've basically chosen a direction for the class thematically.

Then there's Akh Morn/Deathflare giving us the satisfying kind of visual feedback and hopefully the same can be said for Ruin 3. All that's left, then, is making our pets busier visually in terms of finishing off the visual "feel" of the class. Since, yeah, current Summoner is lacking in looking like they're doing things since there's no real flash to the class.

also, let me put a top hat on a carbuncle

I still contend that making Summoner's LB3 animation into a sort of Phantom Primal, that changes depending on which Egi you have out, would go a long ways towards adding said visual flare. That alone may not do it entirely, but it'd help.
Aww, yissss. I was worried that servers would go up in the evening and not in the morning, making me waste a vacation day on the 19th. I am off work from the 19th and don't go back to work until the 29th. I am starting to supply my bunker with the necessities to last those 10 days.

you buying 50$ worth of mcdonalds?
I still contend that making Summoner's LB3 animation into a sort of Phantom Primal, that changes depending on which Egi you have out, would go a long ways towards adding said visual flare. That alone may not do it entirely, but it'd help.

It's LB3 though, how often do you end up using a LB3 as a SMN. Even assuming one of them is single target, you're still competing against other single target LB users and stuff.

I think they should rework the 5mins thing. Make it power up the pet for a little while by giving them a closer to the original form(Garuda egi transforms into Garuda for 15seconds, all skills are reset and improved and changed to Garuda-like animations). The current 5mins stuff is completely underwhelming, both in numbers and in style. It wouldn't even be too much asset work since they can literally just reuse the existing models, scaled down.


Suffering From Success
Gonna just move the reply here because it was getting way off topic in FFXV
Can you not make it all about yourself? Just for once? You roll out with your complaints about the English script every single time there is any additional story added, talking about how the Japanese script is this and the English script is totally wrong translation, making assumptions about the localization process and "I understand Japanese, so this the WRONG translation", and "I know Japanese, this is what it is in Japanese"—yeah, we get it, you know Japanese, you're an expert, you know everything at fault with the script.

Except you're only doing translation, and not localization. Japan uses the word "roadshow" still to mean "premiere" for movies. Am I going to tell Japan, "Look, it's 'premiere', not 'roadshow'" every single time they use roadshow for a movie that comes out? No, because 'roadshow' has become a word of their own in their own culture, and in a 'localized' sense roadshow is the equivalent of a premiere.

If you and I are equal in our knowledge of the writing process behind FF14, then your assumptions are no more legitimate than mine. Rather than critiquing the story in the language you are most familiar with, instead you presume your own superiority in the two languages over the people who do this for a living, and make all your criticism about how the Japanese and English scripts don't match up perfectly. As a result your criticism isn't really about the scripts as stories but the scripts as not measuring up to your 'standard of translation'. You're not interested in discussing the story; you're interested in displaying your skill and how much better you are at it than the localization team.

Whatever, I know you're a Japanese expert. It's fine.

These strawmen are so massive I can't see sunlight.
You are making it about me, I don't.
I never once claim expertise or high horse in any of these discussions and I don't make any more assumptions than you do, except your assumptions just must be correct because they support your point of view! I never once said English script is "totally wrong", you're making shit that right up.

Look, I'm tired of the whole "localization" bullshit excuse. What you're describing with the roadshow example isn't localization. It's translation. The word "roadshow" in your example isn't even English language. It's arguing semantics somewhat, but loanwords very quickly stop counting as words of another language, like English word babushka means a type of head wear, it's not a Russian word anymore. And so on.

People keep using "localization" to justify any sort of change, but that's not what a localization is. Localization is an entirely extra-linguistic process. Removing skeletons in Chinese version of the game is also localization, for example. It has nothing to do with any critiques I have towards the script.

The "people do it for a living" defense also doesn't stand because as a consumer we are allowed to be critical of products we are presented with. For what it's worth, translation is what I also do for a living. First you tell me I claim to be competent then you deny me that. How fancy. But coming back to it, my criticisms are all about the story and here is how.

When I complain about Nael deus Darnus reveal as a lady-all-along being butchered, I complain not because words don't match, I complain because localization team robbed Western audiences of a Samus Aran moment that influences how we perceive that character.
When Midgardsormr lines are changed, sometimes partially sometimes completely, when Ysayle is written more angrier in English than desperate, when some of the lines that shed light on what her character is about are replaced with haha-so-clever "Answers" references, it alters the way we perceive the character again.
Haurchefant is kind of an unoffensive example because he's a joke character, but even then changing his flamboyant nature in writing doesn't match up with the way he acts and that creates a disconnect (which other people called out for me, I didn't even know about it for the longest time).

Basically all of these changes aren't a problem on their own, I don't complain about FATE/quest names being changed to pop culture references even though personally I feel it's grating and breaks immersion because that content doesn't influence how half the people playing the game are taking the story. It's all about the story for me. I never complained about these things just because I wanted to complain or feel superior on the Internet or something. I complained because I found discrepancies that confused me, and might have misled me, and since I actually love this game and invest so much time into it, I feel that this is an important and an interesting topic that's being ignored because according to fanboys like you KOJI DOES NO WRONG.

And of course I don't talk about good translation decisions of which there is a metric ton. I like the way beast tribe speech was handled (and honestly it's better in English). I like that translators even THINK about such thing as a character voice. That's a high level of professionalism. However in product development mistakes and miscommunications happen, and I have all the right to be curious about that and call developers out on them.

I get it, I don't have the most pleasant online personality. It's fine if you don't like me. But you're doing your argument a disservice slashing away at these strawmen. You're not interested in discussing translation, you're interested in displaying how pissed off you are at a guy online that says something disagreeable.


It's LB3 though, how often do you end up using a LB3 as a SMN. Even assuming one of them is single target, you're still competing against other single target LB users and stuff.

I think they should rework the 5mins thing. Make it power up the pet for a little while by giving them a closer to the original form(Garuda egi transforms into Garuda for 15seconds, all skills are reset and improved and changed to Garuda-like animations). The current 5mins stuff is completely underwhelming, both in numbers and in style. It wouldn't even be too much asset work since they can literally just reuse the existing models, scaled down.

Well you could also have slightly less grand LB Summon animations for LB2. Overall though you're right in that more grand Primal themed LB's for summoners probably wouldn't do the job, at least not alone.

Sadly I don't play that class though. So I have even less room to offer solutions than I normally do.


Team UK reporting in. I preordered a disc on the SE store ages ago and they sent me codes like three times. I plugged the most recent code into the PS Store after they fixed the launcher bug a couple of weeks ago and the add-on downloaded. I assume this means that everything is good to go until they mess something else up. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I guess for Amazon they'll probably send you an early access code ahead of time and once you get your box you'll probably have your proper code inside.

Cool. Amazon it is. :)
Oh, I've seen that talked about on the forums before. I don't really see the big issue. Isn't it the same with things like movies or anime shows being dubbed? It's very hard to have a one-to-one translation and sometimes even the emotions aren't the same. The example of a scene being angry in one language and sad in another doesn't really mean much to me because it probably fits each culture better. It seems like, from what I've read, the localization team works pretty hand-in-hand with the Japanese team so I'm sure these decisions are discussed.

Also, can't people choose the language in the options? So people surely play it in the language they want to understand it in?
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