if you're on pc you can use the guildwork app and use regex to remove tells
nah I beat six a couple weeks ago. FFXIV still more weeaboo than anything in the KB series though. Some of the late night/early morning chat in FC is scary shit, everyone calling each other -chan and talking about how pretty their cat girl glamor looks.
I've seen some things man, seen some stuff.Wait what? I hope this is just sarcasm...
It's not limited just to Gaf, late night chats seem to get kinda weird at times. I just take it as my cue to log off and do other stuff.
he's only saying that so you can hurry back and replace galen
I wish Trojita to get better so he can replace us all over the next week; I got Pillars of Eternity to play.
GET BETTER!!! I miss you D:
This. I actually set my chat filters to completely remove /tell from my General tab, then made a new tab specifically just for /tell spam. It's ridiculous logging in and immediately getting nailed with spam.
I just leave myself on /busy. Everyone who ever needs to talk to me is either in the FC, in a linkshell, or in worst case scenario can find me and /say.
Definitely my least favorite thing about the game though. Wish they would crack down on it without mercy.
This. I actually set my chat filters to completely remove /tell from my General tab, then made a new tab specifically just for /tell spam. It's ridiculous logging in and immediately getting nailed with spam.
Finished levelling Dragoon because why not.
These job quests are such a tease, not even giving a glimpse of Nidhogg.
Oh well, he's gonna show up soonish anyway.
My goal before Heavensward is to take a nice long break.
(I don't have any specific goals before Heavensward. I might try going back to my ROG and getting it to a level 50 NIN, or maybe I'll tank my first ever dungeon with my level 15 MRD. I don't think I have the courage to start the DRG relic quest.)
I just leave myself on /busy. Everyone who ever needs to talk to me is either in the FC, in a linkshell, or in worst case scenario can find me and /say.
Definitely my least favorite thing about the game though. Wish they would crack down on it without mercy.
that's galen's favorite song as well. hmmmmmmmmmm
Who wants to run Darkhold?
I don't.
My goal is not to lose my sanity. Mission failed.
Who wants to run Darkhold?
I don't.
My goal is not to lose my sanity. Mission failed.
- Get my Zeta for PLD
My goals:
- Get Odin mount
I have a question. I just got a PS4 today and I want to upgrade my PS3 copy to the PS4 version. However, I want to use a different PSN ID from when I start playing the PS4 version. Am I able to do this? said:"No, because your SE account is tied to the 1st PSN ID. Can't add the same SE account to a 2nd PSN ID."
My goal for pre-heavensward is to find a way to trick Croyles and tiggerkiddo into going back into Darkhold.