Primal minions being better looking than egis is fucking hilarious. Kick to the crotch of all SMNs
Vanilla FFXIV ARR has, at times, been sold for something like 10 and that gets you 1 month of gametime. If you're interested, just jump in, it's not that big of a money investment nowadays. Time sink, yes, but complaining about the price of the initial investment is a bit sillyAlways impressed with the trailers for this game but still don't want to subscribe. Well maybe if the game itself was free I would but to need a subscription and have to pay for the disc seems crazy to me.
It's about location, location, location - there are more and less desirable locations in the residential districts, if someone isn't using their better place, it should be available for someone else. This game's residential districts were designed to be a limited resource, with prices that fluctuate based on demand, making housing one of the most expensive things you can spend money on. Adding more neighborhood instances would remove that as a limited resource.
Also, doing it this way also makes them feel more like little villages - you get used to how your neighborhood looks and can even recognize your neighbors.
Vanilla FFXIV ARR has, at times, been sold for something like 10€ and that gets you 1 month of gametime. If you're interested, just jump in, it's not that big of a money investment nowadays. Time sink, yes, but complaining about the price of the initial investment is a bit silly
They were designed to be limited because the team decided that they wanted to curb costs on servers. Personal housing is a failure on almost every level. But hey, lets punish the people instead of making more wards.
Makes sense, if you are taking up space/resources in a game you aren't paying for, why shouldn't they free that up for other people? I mean, you aren't playing the game, so the housing lot isn't doing anything for you or anyone else. And most houses are owned by companies (as that was their point), if an entire company doesn't log in for over a month, then it probably dissolved and the lot should go to new owners.Basically, they are keeping players hostage by keeping them subbed or they lose their stuff. Lovely.
Housing is one of the biggest failures in this game, it's such a joke and they messed it up badly. They should have instancing and leave the districts to FC housing.Limited in the sense of just not wanting to create more instances in order to lower costs? Housing in this game is such a step back even from games over ten years ago, and that's just astounding. And with them now saying "Either get on or get out", I think it may be time to just sell it and just not bother in general.
Makes sense, if you are taking up space/resources in a game you aren't paying for, why shouldn't they free that up for other people? I mean, you aren't playing the game, so the housing lot isn't doing anything for you or anyone else. And most houses are owned by companies (as that was their point), if an entire company doesn't log in for over a month, then it probably dissolved and the lot should go to new owners.
It's a gameplay thing, not a server thing - for a working economy, you need very expensive things that drain money from people's pockets so they have incentive to make more. This is why the houses don't have set prices but prices that fluctuate based on demand. It also gives companies another reason for existence, so people can pool their money to buy a residence, and then fix it up nice. Other games do a slightly better job - they actually charge a monthly upkeep, if you don't pay the upkeep you lose the house. That makes more sense than just removing it after a time.
As for "a failure on every level", I guess that's why it's popular and people like buying and decorating houses, right? If it were a failure on almost every level, why would anyone care if their house gets taken away? They wouldn't have a house in the first place to be taken away...
Makes sense, if you are taking up space/resources in a game you aren't paying for, why shouldn't they free that up for other people? I mean, you aren't playing the game, so the housing lot isn't doing anything for you or anyone else. And most houses are owned by companies (as that was their point), if an entire company doesn't log in for over a month, then it probably dissolved and the lot should go to new owners.
Now you can grind two different dungeons and do a different weekly raid.Literally November.
At least this will (hopefully) give a variety to endgame activity. Being funneled into the same two dungeons on the daily for upgrades (Alex can be knocked out in a day) really dragged the game down.
Makes sense, if you are taking up space/resources in a game you aren't paying for, why shouldn't they free that up for other people? I mean, you aren't playing the game, so the housing lot isn't doing anything for you or anyone else. And most houses are owned by companies (as that was their point), if an entire company doesn't log in for over a month, then it probably dissolved and the lot should go to new owners.
Now you can grind two different dungeons and do a different weekly raid.
Yep... :\
I was really hoping FF14 would get away from this with the expansion, but instead of expanding the amount of content 2.x had by the end, which was finally starting to be in a good position with varied stuff to do, it's right back to 2.0's patch pattern where they just move everybody from one set of end-game dungeons to another.
I love the game, I'm just tired of doing the same stuff over and over again.
Yep... :\
I was really hoping FF14 would get away from this with the expansion, but instead of expanding the amount of content 2.x had by the end, which was finally starting to be in a good position with varied stuff to do, it's right back to 2.0's patch pattern where they just move everybody from one set of end-game dungeons to another.
I love the game, I'm just tired of doing the same stuff over and over again.
Yep... :\
I was really hoping FF14 would get away from this with the expansion, but instead of expanding the amount of content 2.x had by the end, which was finally starting to be in a good position with varied stuff to do, it's right back to 2.0's patch pattern where they just move everybody from one set of end-game dungeons to another.
I love the game, I'm just tired of doing the same stuff over and over again.
The airship stuff has potential! Especially since there's no lockout other than a 30-minute timer if you spent all 90 minutes on the island.
Yep... :\
I was really hoping FF14 would get away from this with the expansion, but instead of expanding the amount of content 2.x had by the end, which was finally starting to be in a good position with varied stuff to do, it's right back to 2.0's patch pattern where they just move everybody from one set of end-game dungeons to another.
I love the game, I'm just tired of doing the same stuff over and over again.
Exploratory missions are a new endgame type (going by rewards), if not a different spin on existing objectives. Remains to be seen how much mileage people will get out of it, but it seems to be pretty accessible outright.
Not sure why people think EXDR is the only thing going on here.
can you only get there with a full party or does it have DFable list? I barely can get in DR ex parties so if its the former i cant say im too excited lol
can you only get there with a full party or does it have DFable list? I barely can get in DR ex parties so if its the former i cant say im too excited lol
Because Square has never had much success with making side content meaningful. Aside from Hunts which changed the game in a very negative way, I can't think of a single hyped feature that people still care about today.Exploratory missions are a new endgame type (going by rewards), if not a different spin on existing objectives. Remains to be seen how much mileage people will get out of it, but it seems to be pretty accessible outright.
Not sure why people think EXDR is the only thing going on here.
Lord of Verminion looks fun (VOD
Because Square has never had much success with making side content meaningful. Aside from Hunts which changed the game in a very negative way, I can't think of a single hyped feature that people still care about today.
Because Square has never had much success with making side content meaningful. Aside from Hunts which changed the game in a very negative way, I can't think of a single hyped feature that people still care about today.
just resubbed, but i wont play 3.2 because materia :3
You can duty finder the exploratory islands. There are air ships in ishguard and the only thing you won't be able to do is the HM version unless you go with an FC
I hope they never drop the Sub to be honest, I have played enough F2p MMOs to know they get updated once in a blue moon and the game will be designed with getting players into their cash shop instead of playing the game.
Any size party of up to eight (even solo) as far as I know. If you're not going on your FC airship (or dont have a FC), looks like you just visit House Haillenarte in Ishgard.