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Final Fantasy XIV Reviews - GameSpot 4/10, GameTrailers 4.2/10, GameSpy 2/5, IGN 5.5

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Technosteve said:
Japan can't while America can. USA USA
WoW oldest ride longest line Wooooooooooo
FF XIV What? What? It's the nature boy woooooooooooo

Shh man, you're making it obvious that we're all WoW fanboys looking to push our agenda.
I really liked FFXI.

So a few of the main concerns may be acceptable for me, after all some of those were in FFXI (although the UI in FFXI was pretty bad and the fact they didn't fixed it it's awful enough).

But the whole copy pasta stuff, just WOW (and not the game), GW has beautifully crafted backgrounds,unique enough, FFXI had as well...it's awful, lazy and reeks budget/time constraints like nothing else.

I was already decided for GW2 for my next MMO, but I had the hope FFXIV will turn out well...seems like GW2 is the right choice.


Sectus said:
Here you go, the next true step in MMO gaming: http://neogaf.net/forum/showthread.php?t=407274 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDs-qphgUJk

Too bad most people will most likely ignore it because it doesn't have an open world. But gameplay wise it's a few aeons ahead of any MMO.

Seems like a progression of arena battle games like Rakion or Gunz, just changing the focus to PvE over PvP (and the obvious graphics and physics updates). Looks like it will be a fun game but it's a stretch to call it an MMO. Definitely more in the vain of Diablo, Guild Wars, ect. Most people just don't consider having a persistent lobby/lobby server as being enough to warrant the MMO genre tag.


Raging Spaniard said:
I dont get the gameplay bitching. The battles are really fun, the gathering is good and crafting is easily the best Ive seen in an MMO.

People have been brainwashed by WoW and see anything different or not super quest based as "bad" I actually like XIV better, I have more stuff to do than just grind .. I just wish it ran better :p

No the game is really reflective of the scores it got. The UI, the bugs, everything. WoW didn't brainwash people, they did it right. I don't see why people bash WoW when it's popular for a reason...:lol From what I've played of 11 and 14, 11 is much better.

I mean compare what 14 is showing now to what GW2 is already showing.
Sent said:
No the game is really reflective of the scores it got. The UI, the bugs, everything. WoW didn't brainwash people, they did it right. I don't see why people bash WoW when it's popular for a reason...:lol From what I've played of 11 and 14, 11 is much better.

I mean compare what 14 is showing now to what GW2 is already showing.

I don't necessarily bash WoW...I tease my friends about it sucking their lives away...but I just really prefer the one character design / class system of XI and XIV compared to anything else.


People that dissociate a fast and predictable UI from good design make me sad. Seriously, take a class on UI design before you assault us with your conspiracy theories on why the world is out for blood when FF XIV's UI does not conform.

As for MMO's other of WoW, many have shown that they can offer something unique. EVE, LOTRO, GW/GW2, Vindictus. Besides maybe LOTRO, none of these even try to emulate WoW, and yet they still manage to be great games.


Xilium said:
Seems like a progression of arena battle games like Rakion or Gunz, just changing the focus to PvE over PvP (and the obvious graphics and physics updates). Looks like it will be a fun game but it's a stretch to call it an MMO. Definitely more in the vain of Diablo, Guild Wars, ect. Most people just don't consider having a persistent lobby/lobby server as being enough to warrant the MMO genre tag.
I haven't played Rakion or Gunz, but aren't those pure PVP games? That's definitely not a fair comparison. Vindictus may be more similar to a Diablo game in quest/level setup, but well, I consider Diablo to be extremely similar to MMOs like WoW or GW anyway.

Haunted said:
I'm wary of F2P, but I'll definitely check it out once it's out.
That's my only big worry too. The Korean version has a rather stupid system where you're given 40 tokens each Monday and Friday to use on missions, and those are good for about 20 mission attempts. Something you'll get through pretty quickly if you're playing it a lot. And if you wanna play beyond that, you'll have to pay.

There's no word on what system the English version will use, but hopefully they'll change that. Anyway, they haven't implemented that yet, so I'd recommend trying the open beta which starts in just 1 day.


Effect said:


Seems someone owning 1% of SE stock sold it off due to their disappointment in FFXIV.

I love the idea that some rich as all get out FF fanboy just got his heart shattered into a million pieces by how shit FFXIV was.

Of course they're probably just an investor who could see the writing on the wall.


Nope. It looks like it really was just a pissed off rich as all get out fanboy. Hilarious.


Zaptruder said:
Square Enix needs to fire their japanese designers, hire western designers and retain japanese art-team.


The design-management philosophy of Square-Enix in japan has simply become too overbearing for them to actually make any decent games anymore, it would seem. (Or at least make a decent MMO, or even a decent FF game).

Did they learn nothing from FFXI? Even simple iteration would result in a better product than what they ended up shipping.


Zaptruder said:
I love the idea that some rich as all get out FF fanboy just got his heart shattered into a million pieces by how shit FFXIV was.

Of course they're probably just an investor who could see the writing on the wall.

I'm surprised they wait until the product ship before bailing out, should have seen the writing on the wall when SE basically tried to play console king maker in Japan this generation.


Zaptruder said:
Square Enix needs to fire their japanese designers, hire western designers and retain japanese art-team.


The design-management philosophy of Square-Enix in japan has simply become too overbearing for them to actually make any decent games anymore, it would seem. (Or at least make a decent MMO, or even a decent FF game).
A western studio designing and programming, using their systems, with a Japanese artists, writers and composers, directed by a Japanese director, produced by a western g...

This east/west business is madness.
Sectus said:
I haven't played Rakion or Gunz, but aren't those pure PVP games? That's definitely not a fair comparison. Vindictus may be more similar to a Diablo game in quest/level setup, but well, I consider Diablo to be extremely similar to MMOs like WoW or GW anyway.

Gunz had co-op dungeons, but mainly it was a PVP game, difference with Vindictus, is the later one has hub cities with NPC and stuff.

nataku said:
Yeah, it is. Unlike GW1, GW2 is a real MMORPG this time. Without a monthly fee.

I think is still severly istanced, but yeah I think it's fair to say it's an MMO this time.


Sectus said:
I haven't played Rakion or Gunz, but aren't those pure PVP games? That's definitely not a fair comparison. Vindictus may be more similar to a Diablo game in quest/level setup, but well, I consider Diablo to be extremely similar to MMOs like WoW or GW anyway.

Well Rakion did have a whole line of PvE "quest" but the focus was primarily PvP. I was more specifically talking about the real-time, click-based, action combat system.

Effect said:


Seems someone owning 1% of SE stock sold it off due to their disappointment in FFXIV.

The sold stocks were bought up almost instantaneously. A fart in the wind as far as SE is concerned.

TheExodu5 said:
As for MMO's other of WoW, many have shown that they can offer something unique. EVE, LOTRO, GW/GW2, Vindictus. Besides maybe LOTRO, none of these even try to emulate WoW, and yet they still manage to be great games.

On a serious note, what exactly does Guild Wars do that separates from other MMOs besides being instanced based? I always just assumed people liked it cause it had no subscription cost. Kinda halfway between a F2P and P2P game in terms of quality.

I will say that GW2's character creation seems cool and very Bioware-like in structure. The game still seems more PvP focused though.

Anyway, as others have stated, GW and Vidictus are hardly MMOs. At the very least, they aren't the types of game a typical MMO player would be looking to play.

As for LOTRO, I really don't think it's doing as well as Turbine lets on. The fact that they switched to a F2P model says they weren't pulling in the profits they had expected and saying they doubled their revenue doesn't say anything about how profitable the game actually is. I'm not sure you can call it a great game if you have to make it free to get people to play it.


TBH all the hate for this game is justified. I went from being amazed at start to hate the game a few levels after. I can't believe IN the span of 10 days I spent the most deserved 70€ for a game on PS3 (LoS) to the less deserved 50€ on PC.
To the point I already canceled my subscription during the FREE month. Maybe in a distant future, if they'll be able to turn it well, I'll give it another shot. But to be honest it's quite unlikely at the moment. That's easily the most user unfriendly MMO I've ever tried.


If Guild Wars 2 reviews this poorly, I may go full-Londa.

TBH all the hate for this game is justified. I went from being amazed at start to hate the game a few levels after. I can't believe IN the span of 10 days I spent the most deserved 70€ for a game on PS3 (LoS) to the less deserved 50€ on PC.
To the point I already canceled my subscription during the FREE month. Maybe in a distant future, if they'll be able to turn it well, I'll give it another shot. But to be honest it's quite unlikely at the moment. That's easily the most user unfriendly MMO I've ever tried.
That's clearly not the game's fault. So the game doesn't cater to MMO newbs, big deal. FFXIV simply isn't for you.


Ninja Scooter said:
WOW was also a while ago. At what point do MMO devs stop getting this benefit of the doubt BS and get called out for shipping incomplete games? If a game sucks NOW, in the state it is in NOW and the state in which Square Enix is asking you to pay $50 + monthly fees for it, than it's a reviewers job to tell you that. Fuck potential. Fuck "re-reviewing" it a year from now. How about putting the onus on S-E to not ship a piece of shit incomplete game?
Well said, man. I guess there really is a defense force for everything.


Subconscious Brolonging
Xilium said:
As for LOTRO, I really don't think it's doing as well as Turbine lets on. The fact that they switched to a F2P model says they weren't pulling in the profits they had expected and saying they doubled their revenue doesn't say anything about how profitable the game actually is. I'm not sure you can call it a great game if you have to make it free to get people to play it.

Because only games that are successful are good. How profitable is LotRO? Who knows, but Turbine switched to F2P because they had so much success with DDO, not because LotRO was dying. It had 150k-200k subs before the switch, which is pretty healthy for an American MMO that isn't WoW. F2P is not a black mark on an MMO any more, and it's going to become more and more prevalent.
Zaptruder said:
Square Enix needs to fire their japanese designers, hire western designers and retain japanese art-team.


The design-management philosophy of Square-Enix in japan has simply become too overbearing for them to actually make any decent games anymore, it would seem. (Or at least make a decent MMO, or even a decent FF game).

Not necessarily. This game is behind the curve even by eastern MMO standards. It's a complete joke only propped up by the franchise.

Eastern MMO game design is less innovative than western MMO game design, but it still produces popular, good games. From what I've seen FFIV fails on nearly every gameplay design.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Yup. WoW and Blizzard kind of remind me of Nintendo in this regard. Everyone points and laments that it's not fair to compare like they have some kind of magic wish-granting unicorn that puts their products into that awesome/universally appealing category. No, they fucking did their homework. Want your MMO to be as good as WoW? You don't need a pact with Satan, just fucking do the research and don't let shit slide.

Square just kind of shut their eyes and ears on this and the result is exactly what you would expect: a game that has seemingly learned nothing from the last eight years of MMO development.

Pretty much. Get the controls right. Make everything as accessible as possible. And then do something that is somewhat distinctive, because honestly a game that plays right and yet offers a new experience to what WoW offers is better off than trying to combat WoW on its terms. It's just too damned big at this point to take it on directly, but at least get the damn basics down perfectly.


Rahxephon91 said:
So gents hows FFXI these days?

I've finally figured out that FFXIV is really just an expensive marketing campaign to get people back in to FFXI. (or other MMOs).


Damnit, in theory, it shouldn't be that hard to combat WoW. WoW and other MMOs have such fragile foundation. Take away the multiplayer/social aspect and almost no one will play it. Take away the lootwhoring and people will be done with it in a matter of weeks. If you remove those 2 aspects, you'd be looking at a singleplayer RPG with pathetic combat mechanics, pathetic quest design, and a ton of filler content which is time consuming as hell.

It's there I think a game like Vindictus really shines, because the combat alone is enough reason to play it. And it also happens to have strong multiplayer and RPG elements to entice people even more. If they went a step further and added a bunch of grind and a big open world I think it could topple WoW.

Well, unless there's people out there who honestly thinks the combat system in WoW is brilliant and always fun. But I refuse to believe there's people like that. Clicking on an enemy and cycling through a series of skills as they recharge is really really repetitive and mindless.


Sectus said:
It's there I think a game like Vindictus really shines, because the combat alone is enough reason to play it. And it also happens to have strong multiplayer and RPG elements to entice people even more. If they went a step further and added a bunch of grind and a big open world I think it could topple WoW.

Nothing is going to topple WoW. Well, except Farmville. That's already done it. But any game of its like, WoW is going to continue to be the powerhouse. It will only die of old age.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Sectus said:
Damnit, in theory, it shouldn't be that hard to combat WoW. WoW and other MMOs have such fragile foundation. Take away the multiplayer/social aspect and almost no one will play it. Take away the lootwhoring and people will be done with it in a matter of weeks. If you remove those 2 aspects, you'd be looking at a singleplayer RPG with pathetic combat mechanics, pathetic quest design, and a ton of filler content which is time consuming as hell.

It's there I think a game like Vindictus really shines, because the combat alone is enough reason to play it. And it also happens to have strong multiplayer and RPG elements to entice people even more. If they went a step further and added a bunch of grind and a big open world I think it could topple WoW.

Well, unless there's people out there who honestly thinks the combat system in WoW is brilliant and always fun. But I refuse to believe there's people like that. Clicking on an enemy and cycling through a series of skills as they recharge is really really repetitive and mindless.

No you cant beat WoW at its own game.


HK-47 said:
No you cant beat WoW at its own game.

Exactly. Trying to feature-match WoW and take it on directly means competing against its content, which is going to slaughter anyone due to the amount of money that's been poured into it.


Sectus said:
Damnit, in theory, it shouldn't be that hard to combat WoW. WoW and other MMOs have such fragile foundation. Take away the multiplayer/social aspect and almost no one will play it. Take away the lootwhoring and people will be done with it in a matter of weeks. If you remove those 2 aspects, you'd be looking at a singleplayer RPG with pathetic combat mechanics, pathetic quest design, and a ton of filler content which is time consuming as hell.

It's there I think a game like Vindictus really shines, because the combat alone is enough reason to play it. And it also happens to have strong multiplayer and RPG elements to entice people even more. If they went a step further and added a bunch of grind and a big open world I think it could topple WoW.

Well, unless there's people out there who honestly thinks the combat system in WoW is brilliant and always fun. But I refuse to believe there's people like that. Clicking on an enemy and cycling through a series of skills as they recharge is really really repetitive and mindless.
Ok, we get it, you LOVE Vindictus. You can stop bringing it and WoW up in a topic about FF14.
If you want to circle jerk Vindictus theres already a couple of topics for that.

Also, I quit Vindictus because it got boring and very repetitive. The combat is only good for the big boss fights. The rest of the game is mindless hack and slash.
Sectus said:
Clicking on an enemy and cycling through a series of skills as they recharge is really really repetitive and mindless.

To be perfectly honest, I think this is the key to WoW's success. Being able to send in a tank who will never lose hate and then just spam AoE skills makes you think a lot less than fights that force you to keep on your toes and rethink your strategy as conditions change. People don't want to think too much.

This is only based on what my WoW-playing friends have told me. In their favor though, they are happy that Cata is supposed to fix this issue of mindlessness.


Has problems recognising girls
Sectus said:
Clicking on an enemy and cycling through a series of skills as they recharge is really really repetitive and mindless.
Isn't that pretty much the norm when it comes to any sense of gaming where there is action involved? You connect with an enemy, you cycle through abilities and certain combination/s of mapped buttons, the enemy dies and you move on to the next one. Of course there may be differing situations to an enemy that force you to change strategy.

Just because WoW, heck most MMOs in general, are a tad more "static" doesn't mean that they should be thrust into the depths of mediocre repetition when you could say the same thing toward a game created by Capcom or any other developer who has built a reputation upon A-grade action games. There comes a point in all games where repetition and mindless gameplay become one and you stop playing.

HappyBivouac said:
To be perfectly honest, I think this is the key to WoW's success. Being able to send in a tank who will never lose hate and then just spam AoE skills makes you think a lot less than fights that force you to keep on your toes and rethink your strategy as conditions change. People don't want to think too much.
Even though boss encounters within WoW have loosened from the "tank & spank" attitude of the early years and have become much more strategical in nature?


HappyBivouac said:
To be perfectly honest, I think this is the key to WoW's success. Being able to send in a tank who will never lose hate and then just spam AoE skills makes you think a lot less than fights that force you to keep on your toes and rethink your strategy as conditions change. People don't want to think too much.
That only got introduced with the newest expansion, to be fair.

That all changes today, anyway. The new patch coming out that redoes all the talents, spells, glyphs, etc will make mindless AoE a thing of the past. Thank god.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Sectus said:
Damnit, in theory, it shouldn't be that hard to combat WoW. WoW and other MMOs have such fragile foundation. Take away the multiplayer/social aspect and almost no one will play it. Take away the lootwhoring and people will be done with it in a matter of weeks. If you remove those 2 aspects, you'd be looking at a singleplayer RPG with pathetic combat mechanics, pathetic quest design, and a ton of filler content which is time consuming as hell.

It's there I think a game like Vindictus really shines, because the combat alone is enough reason to play it. And it also happens to have strong multiplayer and RPG elements to entice people even more. If they went a step further and added a bunch of grind and a big open world I think it could topple WoW.

Well, unless there's people out there who honestly thinks the combat system in WoW is brilliant and always fun. But I refuse to believe there's people like that. Clicking on an enemy and cycling through a series of skills as they recharge is really really repetitive and mindless.

You've got to be joking.

WoW would be fucking amazing if they released it as a party-based single player RPG. Let the player build up his or her own party, add in a pause function and tune all of the content accordingly and you would have just about the best dungeon crawler and RPG in history.

Also, I've played Vindictus, but just exactly how is it better than WoW? It's a spammy action game. It's fun, and sure, it feels a bit more involved than WoW, but the range of abilities, party combinations and enemy types gives WoW a ton more depth.
My main issue with a lot of recent MMOs, with WoW at the forefront, is just how feasible it is to simply spam and repeat a rotation of skills. That shit would never fly in FFXI... well, unless you played MNK or SAM or something, which still wouldn't be a skill rotation but certainly just as mindless if not moreso.


HappyBivouac said:
My main issue with a lot of recent MMOs, with WoW at the forefront, is just how feasible it is to simply spam and repeat a rotation of skills. That shit would never fly in FFXI... well, unless you played MNK or SAM or something, which still wouldn't be a skill rotation but certainly just as mindless if not moreso.
Like I said above, today is the day that changes for WoW...and it took long enough! The patch today is probably the biggest one in the history of the game, until the next one that totally remakes the entire world. Between these two patches Blizzard is basically making WoW 2...and it's for free. It's pretty crazy.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
notworksafe said:
Like I said above, today is the day that changes for WoW...and it took long enough! The patch today is probably the biggest one in the history of the game, until the next one that totally remakes the entire world. Between these two patches Blizzard is basically making WoW 2...and it's for free. It's pretty crazy.


Are these the patch notes for the patch you're talking about? When do they go live. They sounds pretty fucking cool.
notworksafe said:
Like I said above, today is the day that changes for WoW...and it took long enough! The patch today is probably the biggest one in the history of the game, until the next one that totally remakes the entire world. Between these two patches Blizzard is basically making WoW 2...and it's for free. It's pretty crazy.

Explain to someone who hasn't played that much WoW for awhile what it changes?


Takuan said:
If Guild Wars 2 reviews this poorly, I may go full-Londa.

That's clearly not the game's fault. So the game doesn't cater to MMO newbs, big deal. FFXIV simply isn't for you.
I've been playing WoW for three years, 2 years endgame.
Stop saying shit.
EDIT: Also, it's not my fault if the game won't let me progress because... the game is utterly broken with bugs or because SE decided that you shouldn't be able to advanze at your pace... that is because this way you'll be forced to play twice the amount of time? That's fucking stupid.
Play like they say and pay like they say? I'm outta it. Lull in your awful unplayable world, I'm beginning the rise to kill Deathwing in 2 months, thanks and bye.


Spire said:
Because only games that are successful are good. How profitable is LotRO? Who knows, but Turbine switched to F2P because they had so much success with DDO, not because LotRO was dying. It had 150k-200k subs before the switch, which is pretty healthy for an American MMO that isn't WoW. F2P is not a black mark on an MMO any more, and it's going to become more and more prevalent.

Hey, I've got nothing against F2P MMOs and have played nearly every major one over the years but lets not pretend the move wasn't a knee-jerk reaction to a dwindling subscriber base. MMOData shows that their subscriptions have been going down since mid 2009. Anyway, their games haven't been F2P for very long so we won't know how successful they truly are till the "OMG it's free now" mentality wears off.

To your first comment, as it relates to game quality (production values, level/character design, lore, ect.) no. Games are an entrainment medium first and foremost though and at the end of the day what really matters is whether or not the game is fun and to that end, people vote with their money and time.
Sectus said:
It's there I think a game like Vindictus really shines, because the combat alone is enough reason to play it. And it also happens to have strong multiplayer and RPG elements to entice people even more. If they went a step further and added a bunch of grind and a big open world I think it could topple WoW.

Well, unless there's people out there who honestly thinks the combat system in WoW is brilliant and always fun. But I refuse to believe there's people like that. Clicking on an enemy and cycling through a series of skills as they recharge is really really repetitive and mindless.

Vindictus isn't an MMO, and arguably the combat can be very spammy. Any boss fight I was in was spent doing the thousand needles attack, and chucking spears/large chunks of debris.

It has it's moments, hook & chaining the Gnoll chieftains leg and targeting his helmet were fucking cool, but otherwise most fights are pretty mindlessly repetitive.


HappyBivouac said:
My main issue with a lot of recent MMOs, with WoW at the forefront, is just how feasible it is to simply spam and repeat a rotation of skills. That shit would never fly in FFXI... well, unless you played MNK or SAM or something, which still wouldn't be a skill rotation but certainly just as mindless if not moreso.

I had a Ranger and Ninja at 75 in ffxi - it was ridiculously easy to play both classes. I had two 60s (I quit before The Burning Crusade came out and haven't played WoW since), a Priest and a Warlock, and both classes were far more involved than any of the ffxi classes I dabbled with. Of course, WoW is still an easy game to play and be good at. I've yet to play a MMO that is difficult. If you want involved combat and difficult encounters - you're better off playing a single player game.

Zefah said:

Are these the patch notes for the patch you're talking about? When do they go live. They sounds pretty fucking cool.

Man, that stuff sounds awesome. I just read too that the focus in Cataclysm is on 10 man raids. I haven't played an MMO in years, but I'm tempted to jump in again. Fuck.
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