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Final Fantasy XIV Reviews - GameSpot 4/10, GameTrailers 4.2/10, GameSpy 2/5, IGN 5.5

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DaBuddaDa said:
It's a fact that other people hold larger negative opinions of the game than positive. It's playerbase would have grown over 5 years instead of stagnated.

Whats it matter that a bunch of people who don't play the game hate it? The only MMO community that has room to talk is the WoW community. As for playerbase growth, you can probably count on one hand the number of MMOs that have had 5 years of growth (I can only personally think of 3 - WoW, EVE, and possibly Everquest).

A large subscriber base isn't an indication of the quality of the game, it's an indication of the dedication of its fans.

Which I would assume are dedicated because they like the game.

Being less grindy than it was doesn't make it not grindy. It's still more of a grind than many games which is why a lot of people dislike it.

And again, why do those people matter? The 3 top MMOs following WoW are Aion, Lineage, and Lineage II. Those games are about as grind-heavy as you can get and that hasn't stopped people from playing them. Americans and Europeans (the ones who complain the most about grinding) are not the only people playing MMOs.

Orin GA said:
WTF does that have to do with anything. :lol THE GAME SUCKS, BUT GOOD THING SE GOT OUR MONEY!!! HURRRRRRRR!!!!!!!

It means a lot of people obviously disagree with you about the game sucking. The game's been around for 8 years, plenty of time to cancel a subscription of a game you don't like.
Orin GA said:
WTF does that have to do with anything. :lol THE GAME SUCKS, BUT GOOD THING SE GOT OUR MONEY!!! HURRRRRRRR!!!!!!!

500,000 people don't pay $12/month for a game that sucks for over 8 years.

Oh I see, you don't like it so the game sucks. Mind telling me what other games I should buy?


LaneDS said:
You saying you can't dislike something until you try it is the height of irony.

Come on now you don't need to TRY World of Warcraft to get it. Londa means you need to TRY only games SHE likes, because the rest don't matter. :lol

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
demosthenes said:
500,000 people don't pay $12/month for a game that sucks for over 8 years.

Oh I see, you don't like it so the game sucks. Mind telling me what other games I should buy?

My mistake demosthenes. Thought the guy was talking about FXIV, I got no beef with FXI. Dam it people stop talking about other MMO's in here. I cant keep track of them all. :lol
Orin GA said:
My mistake demosthenes. Thought the guy was talking about FXIV, I got no beef with FXI. Dam it people stop talking about other MMO's in here. I cant keep track of them all. :lol

Fair enough. :)

And on XIV, the core is good. There is potential, just like FFXI, and FFXI changed a ton even in the first 2 months. I'm not saying it's excusable to release a game as unfinished and unpolished as FFXIV, but that's why I keep playing. Yea it's not a great game right now but I'm still having fun with GAF people and that's what matters most. Hopefully SE follows a similar pattern for XIV that they did with XI.
I enjoy FFXIV but I completely agree with the poor reviews. In fact, the bad press is the best thing that could happen to the game. It will actually motivate them to make it better-- faster. Would it have been better if they'd not rushed it in the first place? Sure, but they did, so now we need bad reviews to kick them in their collective asses. I don't understand why some fans are whining about the bad reviews. They are a good thing.


demosthenes said:
Fair enough. :)

And on XIV, the core is good. There is potential, just like FFXI, and FFXI changed a ton even in the first 2 months. I'm not saying it's excusable to release a game as unfinished and unpolished as FFXIV, but that's why I keep playing. Yea it's not a great game right now but I'm still having fun with GAF people and that's what matters most. Hopefully SE follows a similar pattern for XIV that they did with XI.

I think they need to be quicker this time around. I dont see a lot of people sticking around after the free 30 days if a lot of these issues are still present.
PS3 launch for this is practically a second chance. If they want that to succeed at all, they need to improve the word of mouth right now so the PS3 players can actually hear some of the good these next few months.

CE owners first bill date is next Friday. That gives them 9 days to finally square this shit up some.


Salaadin said:
I think they need to be quicker this time around. I dont see a lot of people sticking around after the free 30 days if a lot of these issues are still present.
PS3 launch for this is practically a second chance. If they want that to succeed at all, they need to improve the word of mouth right now so the PS3 players can actually hear some of the good these next few months.

CE owners first bill date is next Friday. That gives them 9 days to finally square this shit up some.

While we're on the subject of the PS3 version I feel that will be one of the things that will hold this game back not really in the long run, but right now in this time gap that is so crucial. They need to not split their time with a PS3 port and need to focus and zero everyone in on completing the actual game first.

They could just pull a FFXI with FFXIV and a year from now release teh PS3 version with all the updates AND a free expansion pack to boot with it. This would be the best thing for this game honestly.


I dunno, the PS3 is much better suited to an MMO than the PS2 ever was, even after add-ons. I don't think it'll hold the game back much. For now though, the PS3 version is quite literally vaporware. They need to fix the PC version before they even think about trying to shovel this game onto another platform.


The Praiseworthy said:
FFXI is a Fantastic supper fun to play game.... the game has it's own charm and Magic that make it feels very special.

The best parts of FFXI for me were the storyline missions and how rewarding that game felt. It's not often a game makes you feel accomplished, but few things come close to getting your Rajas Ring from CoP back in the day or beating Alexander from ToAU.

In the 6 years I played it on and off I couldn't put it down or stay away from it even when I "quit." I'm still trying to figure out how FFXIV is by the same team that made FFXI...it just doesn't make sense. :(
I just skimmed through this thread, and some of the Square apologists are unbelievable.

Guys, you shouldn't expect an MMO to be any good when it's released. You have to stick it and out wait patiently for them to fix it. All while continuing to pay your monthly subscription.
zlatko said:
The best parts of FFXI for me were the storyline missions and how rewarding that game felt. It's not often a game makes you feel accomplished, but few things come close to getting your Rajas Ring from CoP back in the day or beating Alexander from ToAU.

In the 6 years I played it on and off I couldn't put it down or stay away from it even when I "quit." I'm still trying to figure out how FFXIV is by the same team that made FFXI...it just doesn't make sense. :(

Haha yeah.

If I still had my account I'd turn it on and transfer to the GAF server but I have no idea where my stuff is :(


Best things FF XI brought to the table - and that should have been emulated by others - were Skillchains and the job system. That shit was spectacular back in the day and I'm still shocked it wasn't adopted by more MMOs. But, oh well.
Vinci said:
Best things FF XI brought to the table - and that should have been emulated by others - were Skillchains and the job system. That shit was spectacular back in the day and I'm still shocked it wasn't adopted by more MMOs. But, oh well.

What MMOs besides XI and XIV can you play one character and every class? I wasn't aware of any.
Khrno said:
Mouse sucks, if you can't really get used to the perfect keyboard only controls, or use a pad, then I won't say anymore, but if you give them a try, there's absolute no need for a mouse.
Hahahah NO. Don't get me wrong, I prefer to play keyboard-only, but I still need to use the mouse for certain things. I do not enjoy attempting to tab through 30+ things on screen trying to target the enemy that's about to kill one of your party members.


DaBuddaDa said:

What's sad is that I had someone made fun of me because I was talking of FF14 before it released and when the first user reviews started popping he was all "ahahaha FF14 sucks!" and I was all "those are just users review, they don't count!" and then Gamespot hit with the 4, and then the poor reviews keep on coming.
Continuing like this, not even in March, IF a PS3 version gets released by then, this game will be good enough as I hoped and worth my money.


demosthenes said:
What MMOs besides XI and XIV can you play one character and every class? I wasn't aware of any.

UO man, UO did it first. You couldn't instantly switch, but you could change your stats and basically switch your "class" as you wanted by doing things in game.


demosthenes said:
What MMOs besides XI and XIV can you play one character and every class? I wasn't aware of any.

UO would allow it, but not in the same fashion. My point was that other games should have emulated that, but I wasn't aware of any doing so.

EDIT @ Lain: It's not really the same though. You don't lose everything on FF XI if you decide you want to level a different class. UO, last I played it, required that you diminish one aspect of your character to build another. I still prefer skill-based games, like UO, but considering how many class-based games have come out since, I'm shocked no one has stolen the idea from XI.


I'm hoping that when it comes out on the PS3, that the kinks will be ironed out...

I guess I should look into playing FFXI, huh? At least at the moment.
Vinci said:
UO would allow it, but not in the same fashion. My point was that other games should have emulated that, but I wasn't aware of any doing so.

EDIT @ Lain: It's not really the same though. You don't lose everything on FF XI if you decide you want to level a different class. UO, last I played it, required that you diminish one aspect of your character to build another. I still prefer skill-based games, like UO, but considering how many class-based games have come out since, I'm shocked no one has stolen the idea from XI.

And this is why I'll stick with XI or XIV, I want this system.

I lost all my XI stuff so I'm not going back to that :lol so I'm hoping XIV gets fixed up :lol


Vinci said:
UO would allow it, but not in the same fashion. My point was that other games should have emulated that, but I wasn't aware of any doing so.

EDIT @ Lain: It's not really the same though. You don't lose everything on FF XI if you decide you want to level a different class. UO, last I played it, required that you diminish one aspect of your character to build another. I still prefer skill-based games, like UO, but considering how many class-based games have come out since, I'm shocked no one has stolen the idea from XI.

Well, yeah, it was more, let's say, primitive, in UO compared to the way FFXI did it, but that's also because in UO there weren't real classes, your stats dictated what you could do.
But in a way, we could say UO did it first letting you change what you wanted to be as you pleased, while FFXI did it better later (and the job changing in FFXI was one of the aspects I liked the most about it and why I was so interested in XIV and the weapon letting you switch jobs mechanic).


Lain said:
Well, yeah, it was more, let's say, primitive, in UO compared to the way FFXI did it, but that's also because in UO there weren't real classes, your stats dictated what you could do.
But in a way, we could say UO did it first letting you change what you wanted to be as you pleased, while FFXI did it better later (and the job changing in FFXI was one of the aspects I liked the most about it and why I was so interested in XIV and the weapon letting you switch jobs mechanic).

I wouldn't say that it was 'primitive,' just a natural inclusion for a skill-based system to have. I mean, generally speaking, they didn't want people walking around after grandmastering every damn thing. That would've been ridiculous. I mean, they thought the tank mages were bad... ;)

The point is, what UO did was fundamentally different from what FF XI did, so it's hard to really say that UO did it first because... they're done for very different reasons.

Actually, EVE allows you to train any skill as high as you want - but it takes fucking ages. :lol


demosthenes said:
What MMOs besides XI and XIV can you play one character and every class? I wasn't aware of any.

Star Wars Galaxies allowed you to do this when it originally launched. You gained experience as one profession or two at once then remove those and level up something else . They did away with that in the current setup. However you can still respec to a completely different class by way of items or money (gets more expensive every time you do it). The original system was a LOT better. Like said there was also UO too. XI and XIV weren't the first to have systems like this.


Those making UO and SWG comparisons, those were not really the same thing because you have to lose your previous skills. You aren't flexible in the same way. Oh, raid needs a tank or oh raid needs magic DPS


Sure, it isn't the same thing, but keeping in mind the question that was posed, I think they qualify, at least UO does imho.

Ploid 3.0

Wow, check this out, all of the copy past wasn't even circled. It's like the designer went crazy with dropping up to 5 environment shapes in the map. Crystal tools problem?



Clear said:
Oh yeah, and as for the guy posting above you: Windowed mode has been available since 2007! 3 frickin' years, and this guys opinions are somehow valid and representative.

Should give you a good idea of how people will be talking about FFXIV long after its current issues have been fixed, though.


Cool Smoke Luke
Ploid 3.0 said:
Wow, check this out, all of the copy past wasn't even circled. It's like the designer went crazy with dropping up to 5 environment shapes in the map. Crystal tools problem?


thats some crazy Never Winters Nights tileset shit right there,that is.


If anyone thinks that they are going to redo all the terrain in the game, I think you might be losing a few screws.


Rahxephon91 said:
Blizzard is doing something like that...

Yes, but that took Blizzard six years, and they spent a lot more time developing, tweaking, and delaying the original game in the first place. They simply care a lot more.

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Unconfirmed Member
Londa said:
If anyone thinks that they are going to redo all the terrain in the game, I think you might be losing a few screws.

I don't think anyone is expecting them to do anything after such an abysmal launch. People are just enjoying how much of a mess the game is.


Rahxephon91 said:
Blizzard is doing something like that...

how long has that game been out compared to FFXIV?

FFXIV hasn't had an expansion yet. Thinking you going to get them to redesign (I'm not talking about UI fixes an other things, I'm talking about terrain, redesigning the world) a new game is like thinking you will get a whole new house because your window broke. It aint happening.


Yaweee said:
Yes, but that took Blizzard six years, and they spent a lot more time developing, tweaking, and delaying the original game in the first place. They simply care a lot more.

And they have so much money that they can use it as they like. FFXI's money can't fund more than 4 games :lol (FFXI expansions, XIII, XIV, Versus) in a 5 years time.

Zefah said:
People are just enjoying how much of a mess the game is.

Some other people are actually enjoying how fun the combat, armory, leve and crafting systems are.

Opinions, opinions.

Londa said:
how long has that game been out compared to FFXIV?

FFXIV hasn't had an expansion yet. Think you going to get them to redesign (I'm not talking about UI fixes an other things, I'm talking about terrain, redesigning the world) a new game is like thinking you will get a whole new house because your window broke. It aint happening.
It took them a long time to do it, but that's not the point. They did it to improve the game. If Square was really devoted and cared about the game, I don't think it would be crazy for them to fix up the terrain. I'm not so crazy us to think they are going to fix this right away, I just don't think they should leave it hanging.

And your comparison dosen't work. If I break a window in my house, I still don't have much choice in living there and will deal with it accordingly. If FFXIV is broke I can simply leave it as easy as pie.
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