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Final Fantasy XIV Reviews - GameSpot 4/10, GameTrailers 4.2/10, GameSpy 2/5, IGN 5.5

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Gravijah said:
Read any FFXIV related thread.

There's nothing wrong with her liking it, btw.
Well from what I gather, she likes it, people go why do you like it it has a b c d and e faults, you can't like it. And she goes eh they don't bother me that much.. other games have some of these faults as well..

inb4 whiteknight derp


Boney said:
Well from what I gather, she likes it, people go why do you like it it has a b c d and e faults, you can't like it. And she goes eh they don't bother me that much.. other games have some of these faults as well..

inb4 whiteknight derp

I don't think it's so much her comments that it doesn't bother her that cause all the replies.

It's more when she says things like "you only think that because you're a WoW fanboy" or "other games do this too." Instead of just copping to the problems, there's always a slant that the bias always comes from the detractors.


Vampire Baseball said:
I love WoW a ton, but in trying to keep an open mind, I went into the game to find some proof and prove Londa's point. What I found might disturb and offend you:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

This may sounds really dumb asking this but:

What are those things? Are those bushes? I'm not even joking on this one.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Boney said:
So why do you guys get so angry with Londa liking it?


fizzelopeguss said:
This game is worse than the clap,

Achievement unlocked: FF14 has mutated into an STD.


Londa said:
This may sounds really dumb asking this but:

What are those things? Are those bushes? I'm not even joking on this one.

Those are druids in one of their shapeshift forms; that one is a spell-casting "owlbear" form.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death




The copy/paste terrain is fine -- you only notice it because there's nothing else of interest around. That's the real problem... :/

Ploid 3.0

iammeiam said:
Has anybody explained the logic behind this design issue?

That video has more or less convinced me SE is literally trying to see how many people they can get to pay for the privelege of beta-testing a PS3 game on the PC. There is no way a group of sane people designed and implemented that interface with the intention of making a good PC game; it's not even a particularly well-designed console interface, but it's just... wow.

(And, yes, WoW comparison in the vid. Sub in any other active MMO, though, and the comparison would likely still stand.)

Haha, as that vid hit the 75% mark I thought the WOW section was going to be shown in another video. Wow knocked out it's segment in no time.


TheSeks said:
Does this... does this mean Square will go under before I get PE1/2 on the PSN store?

They are the 1st and 2nd Birthday now, okay?


Londa said:
Looks like a humanoid version of the owl from Zelda 64. :lol
Exactly! How can you hate on a game where you play as this intimidating asshole?



Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Himuro said:

I agree.
13 is my last FF game and I haven't bought it yet. Backlash for that has me waiting for $20. Versus 13 will also be the last Square Game I buy with the exception of PE3 and PE1/2 on the PSN store (because we know Square ain't bringing Einhander or Vagrant Story to the US because they're out of touch).

Square hasn't been relevant to me for a generation. Sad. :/

They are the 1st and 2nd Birthday now, okay?


They'll be PE1/2 and 3 in my hearts. :(


Londa said:
ew can't stand that girl's voice. ella ella eh eh :lol

prove that I lie about anything I've said and I'll play this song at high volume while my ears bleed. :D
We're actually still waiting on those pics, videos, and circle maps. :D


Haunted said:
Is that done to prevent powerleveling or what?

Seems like a terrible design decision, especially since the other activities the player is allowed to do (lol) seem like tedious grindfests at best.

Theoretically, yes. I've only had a few chances this month to sit down and play this for an extended period of time, however, and would've liked to make as much crafting progress as possible with the time available to me.

While I'm sure the hardcores would've capped just about everything by now if they were allowed to (and more power to them, I say let them), at the same time casuals who just want to make the most of the time they have to play aren't allowed to do that, either. What started as an idea to keep the playing field level between casuals and hardcores ended up in practice as the hardcores making sure they've done all their leves (and anyone else's they can group with) in between every reset and casuals who just want to log in and solo/craft a bit when they can being restricted by the same system if their schedule doesn't perfectly coincide with the reset timer. The divide between the two groups remains, all it really does is make it harder to catch up.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Londa said:
ew can't stand that girl's voice. ella ella eh eh :lol

prove that I lie about anything I've said and I'll play this song at high volume while my ears bleed. :D

So someone needs to provide a screenshot or video of every area in WoW (or other MMORPG) to prove you wrong. You claim that you can find what you're talking about in "any screenshot or video". If it's that easy, how about you prove that you aren't full of it?

Ploid 3.0



you have the internet, go find it for yourself. I'm not going to make a circle map of games because I don't waste my time hating on games to prove a point. I'm also not going to make a video montage of copy and paste in games to also prove my point. I have better things to do. Like play FFXIV.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Himuro said:
You're forgetting something. :D]

Oh, right. Maybe after I finish my huge backlog of JRPGs and get back to the PSP I'll play Tactics Ogre. ;)


Londa said:
you have the internet, go find it for yourself. I'm not going to make a circle map of games because I don't waste my time hating on games to prove a point. I'm also not going to make a video montage of copy and paste in games to also prove my point. I have better things to do. Like play FFXIV.
Called it!

notworksafe said:
EDIT: In before "I don't have to prove anything", her ignoring me, or her completely disappearing from the thread for a few pages for people to forge


Ploid 3.0 said:
For comparison here is North Gustaberg from FFXI. It's right outside of a starting area so it had to have been there at launch of FFXI.


Video walkthrough http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gNy6mCdZ48

Here's a map made much later after FFXI launch. Bhaflau Thickets.


Hard to spot copy paste?
Wow. That really puts the ffxiv maps in perspective. That's tiny compared to the FFXIV zones. Like really tiny. They really are like FFXI regions.


notworksafe said:
Called it!

more like I don't want to waste my time making a hate video or hate jpg of copy and paste to prove my point. Everyone on this forum has access to the internet.


Orin GA said:

Those 2 are lovers, I bet they're on the same servers!

WoW has copy pasted buildings and monsters but rarely the terrain. FFXI has a TON of copy pasted monsters, really all you fought back then were crabs until ToAU. It also has a ton of copy pasted dungeons. Fei Yin and Delkfutt anyone? Not only that, they also use the same zones for dynamis,limbus(promies), abyssea, etc. Of course its because of PS2 limitations. The game looks great but its poorly optimized, I lag to hell on my GTX 295 in Besieged/Campaign. EQ in my opinion has the best designed dungeons and the zones do not look copy pasted at all.

FF14 copy/paste looks very bad. How do you differentiate where you're going? For a game that currently has only what, 5 zones(?) tells me that the devs are lazy as hell. What on earth have they been doing with this game for 5+ years? Still waiting for that video btw Londa.

Ploid 3.0

Londa said:
you have the internet, go find it for yourself. I'm not going to make a circle map of games because I don't waste my time hating on games to prove a point. I'm also not going to make a video montage of copy and paste in games to also prove my point. I have better things to do. Like play FFXIV.

FFXIV is the only MMORPG that copy paste to this degree, fact. Don't believe me? Tough cookie, find the facts yourself, I'm too busy playing pong right now.

Fei Yin and Delkfutt anyone?

You can't blame these places for copy paste, they aren't natural environments. They had to be built, and with any man made/alien made structure you will find boxes, angles, symmetry.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Londa said:
you have the internet, go find it for yourself. I'm not going to make a circle map of games because I don't waste my time hating on games to prove a point. I'm also not going to make a video montage of copy and paste in games to also prove my point. I have better things to do. Like play FFXIV.

You don't need to make a circle map or video montage. You said earlier that all you have to do is look at any video or picture and you will see terrain copy/pasted to the extent (if not more so than) FFXIV. None of us believe this claim and ask you to provide a link to back it up. You made the claim. Back it up.

Also, what is up with people and their "don't have the time" excuse? It's such a completely immature cop out that I don't really even know how to respond. Also, it certainly doesn't ring true when you are furiously posting on a message board in an effort to defend your game of choice from any and all criticism.

If you make a claim, be prepared to back it up or don't bother at all.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Zomba13 said:
Wow. That really puts the ffxiv maps in perspective. That's tiny compared to the FFXIV zones. Like really tiny. They really are like FFXI regions.

...and full of a whole lot of nothing.


Zefah said:
...and full of a whole lot of nothing.

Lets be honest here, FFXI maps as also filled with nothing.

I still have yet to see an MMO who's maps are filled with "life" to go along with being filled with monsters.


Zefah said:
You don't need to make a circle map or video montage. You said earlier that all you have to do is look at any video or picture and you will see terrain copy/pasted to the extent (if not more so than) FFXIV. None of us believe this claim and ask you to provide a link to back it up. You made the claim. Back it up.

Also, what is up with people and their "don't have the time" excuse? It's such a completely immature cop out that I don't really even know how to respond. Also, it certainly doesn't ring true when you are furiously posting on a message board in an effort to defend your game of choice from any and all criticism.

If you make a claim, be prepared to back it up or don't bother at all.

What happens most of the time is. I make one comment. 5 people reply to that comment. So I can't reply to those comments because someone , some how, will read into is as defending the game or looking as if I furiously post on the boards?

Posting on the forums while playing isn't hard. atm I just bought some smithy gloves so I can have a easier time crafting.

Ploid 3.0

The maps are bigger than the picture map seem. The scale is right, but you can't tell the scale from the clear and understandable map. The FFXI maps are very easy to read (not counting jungle haha). You want a huge map?


That's one from off the top of my head. You see these black dots? They are bigger than your party lined up next to each other. There's a ton of walking here, good thing there are chocobos. Also maybe the fact that FFXIV is on new hardware that don't need zones factor in. Maybe 4 of FFXI connecting zones could be made into one map if it was on the same specs. This game was made years ago.

Back to copy past search.


Londa said:
What happens most of the time is. I make one comment. 5 people reply to that comment. So I can't reply to those comments because someone , some how, will read into is as defending the game or looking as if I furiously post on the boards?

Posting on the forums while playing isn't hard. atm I just bought some smithy gloves so I can have a easier time crafting.
What happens is all of the time you make a preposterous blanket claim about something with no proof at all and then expect everyone to take you at your word. Then you refuse to back it up with even the slightest bit of effort and claim that it's other people being lazy. Eventually after enough hassling, you play the victim card and cry that everyone is against you because of your silly comment and refusal to back it up. Or you lash out and go on a screed about the supposed "WoW fanboys" and the vast Western conspiracy and bias again S-E and FFXIV.

Sounds a bit closer to reality and it's happened in every FFXIV related thread I've seen from announcement, to alpha, to beta, and to release.


notworksafe said:
What happens is all of the time you make a preposterous blanket claim about something with no proof at all and then expect everyone to take you at your word. Then you refuse to back it up with even the slightest bit of effort and claim that it's other people being lazy. Eventually after enough hassling, you play the victim card and cry that everyone is against you because of your silly comment and refusal to back it up.

Sounds a bit closer to reality.

you sure are mad or just obsessed with trying to call me out in some way. I play the victim how? By saying I don't want to waste my time making a circle map of your beloved game?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Londa said:
What happens most of the time is. I make one comment. 5 people reply to that comment. So I can't reply to those comments because someone , some how, will read into is as defending the game or looking as if I furiously post on the boards?

Posting on the forums while playing isn't hard. atm I just bought some smithy gloves so I can have a easier time crafting.

You're deranged if you truly find this odd. How could anyone not see your often ridiculous posts as anything but you furiously defending the game.
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