Matt Attack
Nothing like waiting through an entire DPS queue only to get disconnected during the first boss. Error 3102 hype!
Late to the party perhaps, but finished the main story last night, some theories and thoughts:
So, Ala Mhigo. Basically just sitting there right now in all of its amazing Aht Urghan/Whitegate flair. Very, very curious to see if they open this up mid-cycle. If not I will personally be quite disappointed.
I think they will end up opening it, also noticed Kugane has an airship port with no routes yet, perhaps it'll fly to Ala Mhigo, seeing it as the closest port.
So, we have 1 confirmed hub (Rhalgar's Reach) and 2 potential candidates; Doman Enclave and less-hub more-city state, Ala Mhigo. Going to be an interesting patch cycle!
Nightmares of A4S (I believe) and our stupid WAR who wouldn't let go of their crafted gear that was super far behind.
Going through 3.4 now, I'm really glad GAF did that Coil run a month or two back, otherwise I would be pretty confused right now, lol
Dialogue changes if you didn't do Coil iirc
Ooh, neat. That is something else I love about this game I should add, specifically when completing job quests change MSQ dialogue (IE: Already knowing Y'mhitra by doing the Summoner quests)
What would you like to know?
Awww. Shatter queues are taking 10+ minutes for me as dps now. I miss the 30 second queues![]()
Now you get to experience what early access felt like!Lousy instance servers. I just want to do the Cold Steel scenario!
IIRC Ishgard has vendors for 255 gear now so if you want to upgrade that might be a good idea.
Good to know. Will give that a look. Are they expensive? I doubt I had a lot of gils. Or is that tomestone gear?
~30k a piece if I remember right. Maybe less for smaller pieces.Vendor gear, I have no idea how expensive it is though.
Planning on starting up from where I left off tomorrow.
Somewhere early in 3.1 quests, with basically the lowest level 60 gear most likely that was available when HW first launched.
So should I just pick up my Dragoon back up and go through up to 3.5 or I'd be better place with getting SAM or RDM from 50 to 60 before doing those story quests gear-wise?
Any other optimal option to catch up on gear otherwise? I'm intrigued with trying PotD basically, I'd like to know where my attention should focus first off.
RIP for now...
i310 Casting set is pretty cool.
General tips on the Bard, what should my rotation be while leveling etc. (assuming it's not wildly different from when I get to 70)
So yeah, just how do I not suck while leveling I guess lol.
I find that starting combat with Foe' Requiem in general is something to get accustomed to(just beware as it can possibly aggro other enemies nearby if you are mostly focusing on one). The cast timer is why it makes for a good opener and it's free bonus damage while active!
Otherwise, standard rotation. (1) Maintain your two dots. (2) Change Bard songs every 30s(and re-up Foe's requiem!)
The rest shouldn't require much explanation. Lots of Heavy Shot and Bloodletter/Sidewinder/etc... when available. Not too complicated once you get the rhythm. It can feel overwhelming initially but its really not.
What the heck is the point of all these diving areas outside Ruby Sea if there's nothing to gather from them?
I've had some quests take me to a few of them as well as a botany leve in Tanxia, but they seem pretty pointless.
IIRC Ishgard has vendors for 255 gear now so if you want to upgrade that might be a good idea.
Dialogue changes if you didn't do Coil iirc
I can't help but think that the DPS queues would be a lot better if WAR and DRK were in a better spot in v4.0.
I play as PLD and absolutely love it, but it's really the only polished tank right now.
Its for spear fishing.
Welp getting into HW and level 54 I finally dropped my Lv34 Cavalry Cuirass glamour.
RIP for now...
So wish they had eventually added the option to dye it, unfair that more easily attainable versions(Dragoon's) that look the same can be.
Rocking a poncho atm, I wish there was more gear that felt environment specific for Paladin at least.
I can't help but think that the DPS queues would be a lot better if WAR and DRK were in a better spot in v4.0.
I play as PLD and absolutely love it, but it's really the only polished tank right now.
You got a pic of that poncho?