The muffed ear head is really dumb imo
Yeah, I don't like that piece either. But the rest is cool.
The muffed ear head is really dumb imo
Also wondering if anyone's ever used one of these chatpad keyboards you attach to the controller:
This looks like the cleanest option, but I have pretty large hands so this might be less than ideal. A wireless keyboard with a trackpad might also be worth considering.
Ultros server on NA.So I'm interested in trying to free trial and subscribing if I get into the game. What server are most GAFfers on?
I've been told its more like 400 but its way too fucking muchThe numbers I keep seeing mentioned are 600+ DPS for using slaying accessories.
I thought the Ex primals were, difficuly wise, a good continuation of what the last boss in the MSQ was. They were extremely easy for anyone who's been farming Ex Primals when they were relevant in 3.x (we seriously accidentally beat both in 2 pulls each, Lakshmi especially feels like she doesn't even try to kill you) but I like that there's a gentle curve between story things and endgame things.
We were able to bring a guy I know to Susano who's a super casual player (mostly solo, never unlocks roulettes, super anxious about raiding etc.) and while his DPS wasn't too hot he managed to do the mechanics, clear just fine, and even got loot on his first kill. If that kind of curve can encourage people to try raiding more I'm all for it, with the caveat that they need to start gradually ramping things up from now on.
I wish it were still VIT. With tanks getting punched harder than ever, it feels like I'll be praying the tank busters don't devour them. We'll see how Savage goes before I panic.I've been told its more like 400 but its way too fucking much
Nevermind the stuoid decision to go back to STR only scaling, leaving old accessories open to all jobs was fucking idiotic.
Well, in this case the Extreme Primals almost feel easier than the Normal ones because we're already outgearing them (while the normal verrsions are synced) and by the time we got to 70 we were aware of their mechanics, so no more random wipes to the tanks who never interacted with that Sword Shadow.*People talks about how easy are new Ex primals but I wiped to Susanno normal 3 times with my pug*
I agree that it's not punishing enough that you get any sort of feedback from it. The Vril stuff is shocking (our AST went "nah it's fine, Aspected Helios covers that Bleed just fine" at some point).Susano is interesting because I'm trying to farm out the infinity totems I need by joining random learning/clear groups and then farming stuff out with them post-clear, and I think it tilts me because the way the lightning stuff works out the guy who keeps zapping the party on the first clear is often still doing so on the sixth. I'm not super concerned about DPS checks on either primal--it's for the best that they're nonexistent given the recent job changes--but I feel like the "you did not X and thus you, personally, fail" component is missing.
Your Class evolves into a Job at Lv30.
Previously you would have to level a secondary class to 15 in order to receive your Job stone and progress, but they've removed that now. So Class quests give you your abilities and a story from 1-30 then Job quests are a new story and more abilities from 30-50 and beyond. But yes, they are essentially the same thing.
Think of jobs like your upgraded classes. For example if you are a Lancet, once you hit level 30 you will upgrade to a dragoon.
For the base classes, you'll get a job crystal at level 30. Equipping that will change your class into a job, which has more actions and better stats. The expansion jobs will give it to you on unlock.
Please do not be the level 60 Gladiator. There was some gimmicky stuff you could do as a class in 1.0 and it was slightly understandable to not immediately go unlock the job before Stormblood, but forgetting it is in general a bad idea.
Hopped into a Susano Ex clear party last night knowing nothing.
We got it on the third attempt. Really surprised they only added two mechanics and some tank swaps compared to the normal version.
Ah well, onto the other one tonight, then farming both.
I won't say I'm all gung ho about this decision without some reservations, butAnd just a couple more thoughts on the Stormblood story:
- Why is Lyse the leader of the Resistance? So what if she's the daughter of a prominent former leader and the sister of a deceased prominent member? Yes, Lyse has significantly matured since, but there's no real in-universe reason why Conrad as he lay dying decided to pass the mantle to her, when there's people like Raubahn who are far more seasoned as tacticians on the battlefield and haven't shown the same kind of character flaws as hers that could prove an endemic liability.
I'm using the "Logitech MK270 Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Combo" and it's alright.Also wondering if anyone's ever used one of these chatpad keyboards you attach to the controller:
This looks like the cleanest option, but I have pretty large hands so this might be less than ideal. A wireless keyboard with a trackpad might also be worth considering.
I've been told its more like 400 but its way too fucking much
Nevermind the stuoid decision to go back to STR only scaling, leaving old accessories open to all jobs was fucking idiotic.
I still need a decent explanation for why they have a massive hate-on for tank damage to the extent of changing damage calculations over and over to try and force them further into a corner.
What's the end win for the game here? It's not married with a real increase in the active engagement level of tanking, so all they're doing is removing the 'reward' potential for doing well.
Nah the individual groups in that dungeon definitely hit harder. Those birds and stone soldiers near the second boss in particular actually make me use Cure 2 now and then.I just did the level 65 dungeon on my AST. Yeah, healing definitely gets more difficult, but that's more because "I must pull the whole place in my STR gear (yeah, i270 STR accessories is Meta for leveling dungeons now, RIP) in Sword Oath and then proceed to never use Total Eclipse while the DPS literally do no AOE and nothing is dying oh why am I running out of cooldowns" and less because the dungeons are asking more of me as a healer. At least getting some close calls was sort of exciting. I'm looking forward to the level 67 one.
*People talks about how easy are new Ex primals but I wiped to Susanno normal 3 times with my pug*
I agree that it's not punishing enough that you get any sort of feedback from it. The Vril stuff is shocking (our AST went "nah it's fine, Aspected Helios covers that Bleed just fine" at some point).
Ok, Blackest Night is probably the closest thing they have to a decent tanking ability. I would probably like it more though if it automatically countered with a Bloodspiller when the shield is broken though. That would be cool. As a whole though actual tank abilities are pretty lackluster in terms of design, there's way too many "take X reduced damage over Y period of time" instead of actual interesting mechanics.
Man, I can't even find farm parties that clear it in 3 pulls...
At least I have my Lakshmi accessories now and only have to focus on getting Susano katana. After than I'll probably level DRK to 70.
Tanks are tanks so they shouldn't do damage.
They should just stay in tank stance and spam enmity combo endlessly oh wait let's give them all these new DPS abilities that require you to leave your tank stance to make use of then complain why tanks try to optimize damage when that's how they designed the game.
I get the sense that Yoship is at odds with how the game is designed at times. Like that one comment he made about being surprised or something at tanks trying to leave tank stance so they can do damage while tanking. I don't understand how they don't have a firm grasp on how tanks play their game and what they enjoy about it.
With the way they are designed in this game, the most enjoyable way to play them is to establish aggro, drop tank stance when possible and go HAM on DPS. This is directly reinforced by the design of the game and the jobs themselves.
Sounds like I lucked out then, confidence in farming just took a dramatic blow reading this. I was running it as WAR, so my responsibilities were rather low.
It's been a weird digression of tank options each expansion:
2.x - Right side gear options + Stance Dancing
3.x - Vit right side (maybe a str ring) + Stance Dancing
4.x - Vit right side + Tank stance only
I just want to know the thought process behind taking away options each time.
Joined a learning/noob friendly Lakshmi party in PF and after getting phase 2 figures out (DPS placing dots on adds when near death, etc.) we wiped three times to her enrage around 13%. Still not quite sure how that happened. Could it be because the party leader didn't set a iLevel requirement? Can you even start the instance if all party members aren't iLevel 300?
Sounds like I lucked out then, confidence in farming just took a dramatic blow reading this. I was running it as WAR, so my responsibilities were rather low.
Oh, they definitely hit harder, as they should! It's just usually not a problem at all with proper DPS because tanks and healer CDs cover everything (seriously, Earthly Star is a God Tier CD). It's when each pull lasts 2 minutes because SAM and BLM insist on doing ST damage on AOE pulls that it gets difficult.Nah the individual groups in that dungeon definitely hit harder. Those birds and stone soldiers near the second boss in particular actually make me use Cure 2 now and then.
Probably because their data shows a majority of tank players don't know what the hell they were supposed to be doing and the worst players needed extra coddling to get them to understand their role? Thus the strong players suffered to ensure the rest play their job correctly? Just a total guess.
Also why is Tenacity so bad. Just in general. Why would they make a secondary that seems about as bad as parry.
People keep wasting milliseconds jumping over the cleave instead of walking across it because it's "fun" or something like that..
*People talks about how easy are new Ex primals but I wiped to Susanno normal 3 times with my pug*
Could just be too many people dying? Weakness now punishes your DPS incredibly hard by reducing your main stat by 25% and 50%. I cleared it last night with a blind group and we saw enrage twice trying to recover from some super sloppy runs.Joined a learning/noob friendly Lakshmi party in PF and after getting phase 2 figures out (DPS placing dots on adds when near death, etc.) we wiped three times to her enrage around 13%. Still not quite sure how that happened. Could it be because the party leader didn't set a iLevel requirement? Can you even start the instance if all party members aren't iLevel 300?
I'm a jumper, don't hate me too bad!
On the other hand, jumping is the same speed as running, so what's the problem?This is a raid scenario.
On the other hand, jumping is the same speed as running, so what's the problem?
Long, long ago, Titan HM taught me to use an instant cast ability whenever I want the server to update my position immediately. So I've done that ever since.Delays in processing your position because of latency issues means you might have landed on your screen but the server thinks you're still in the middle or on the opposite bank. I know for sure t hat it used to work like that, and I've seen very little to say otherwise. I'd rather focus be directed on being on the opposite side rather than any flair in it!
And I only say this because of the number of times we've wiped because of multiple failures on that mechanic.
So Am I as a SAM supposed to wear VIT acc when soloing and STR acc when in a party? Im soft and cant handle two mobs of the same level at lvl 67 ilvl 279 w/o using second wind and a HQ pot and still almost dying to some mobs
Long, long ago, Titan HM taught me to use an instant cast ability whenever I want the server to update my position immediately. So I've done that ever since.
I just got the complete edition last week and am loving this game so far. I just got through The first three dungeons and they were a good way to introduce that mechanic of the game, especially since Im not too familiar with MMOs. Cant wait to get into the meaty part of this!![]()
I find that starting combat with Foe' Requiem in general is something to get accustomed to(just beware as it can possibly aggro other enemies nearby if you are mostly focusing on one). The cast timer is why it makes for a good opener and it's free bonus damage while active!
Otherwise, standard rotation. (1) Maintain your two dots. (2) Change Bard songs every 30s(and re-up Foe's requiem!)
The rest shouldn't require much explanation. Lots of Heavy Shot and Bloodletter/Sidewinder/etc... when available. Not too complicated once you get the rhythm. It can feel overwhelming initially but its really not.
Alongside this, you do want to kind of nudge your song order around in dungeons. Ballad is stupid AOE damage, and you want it up and active on trash packs as much as possible. The general idea is set up DoTs on a bunch of things at once and watch Bloodletter/Rain of Death spin constantly as it keeps proccing as soon as you can use it. It only gets dumber after you get the upgraded/longer lasting DoTs since 30 second duration means everything will be dead before you need to refresh. My big "this is ridiculous" moment was the big trash pull at the very start of the level 67 dungeon, where Ballad/DoTs/RoD spam /Eventual quick nock because procs were already constant peaked at like 9k dps.
Minuet is better single-target, because Perfect Pitch is a solid single-target attack but it does nothing for your AOE. I think (?) it's the current preferred Bard song on pull in single-target fights.
Paeon I'm not a big fan of, but if you build 4 stacks in Paeon and then switch songs, the recast time on the new song drops from 80 seconds to 67 seconds, meaning you can start it up again much sooner. Otherwise it's kind of boring filler in the rotation. Due to the cool down you'll use them all in AOE and single-target situations, it's just if you hit a point where you have multiple songs up what you're doing can influence which you'll pick.
If you're in a situation where MP isn't a concern, you can use Refresh to help increase the amount of Foe Req you can play. It eats MP at an insane rate, so it's not a huge gain, but anything > nothing.
In addition to Foe Req, you're generally going to want to use Battle Voice early in the pull to give the rest of your party a buff to Direct Hit. You have to have a song up, though.
OH. One major change that doesn't get highlighted enough: They got rid of Quelling Strikes, but Tactician and Refresh both act like Shroud of Saints and halve your enmity. Given the insane amount of damage and hate Bard can pump out really quickly on AOE, it's a good idea to keep an eye on threat and pop Tactician or Refresh if you need to get a thing to stop hitting you back.
Do we have the stat weights on Tenacity already? I have a PLD friend's idea of optimization to crush once they're released. He won't listen until I get numbers though.
Also Shirk is fucking amazing btw.
You can get some fucking crazy levels of enmity you can never come off of with going 25% thrown on you over and over and over between tanks.
Delays in processing your position because of latency issues means you might have landed on your screen but the server thinks you're still in the middle or on the opposite bank. I know for sure t hat it used to work like that, and I've seen very little to say otherwise. I'd rather focus be directed on being on the opposite side rather than any flair in it!
And I only say this because of the number of times we've wiped because of multiple failures on that mechanic.
Weird thoughts about auto attack. So, the way it works is that, as long as you are in range, it will attack enemies over regular intervals. But since the combat is about constant use of skills in rotation, the animaton for the auto attack is always cannibalized by your actual actions. So, as a result, if you just look at it at the face value, it looks like enemies are just taking damage from being in your proximity... now, you can look at it like your mighty aura hurting enemies... but it's also entire possible that... well, let's just say, adventuring is a hard job and you don't often get a chance to take showers...
It's so fucking good, don't even need to targetShirk is approaching evil genius tier for me because it's an amazing enmity tool for tank swaps that will be basically useless in a solo tank scenario.