Creation will be weekly capped until 4.2 hits, but you'll be able to get one 330 piece a week from the 24 man being added in 4.1, in terms of most gain it's always weapon->body/legs->helm/gloves/shoes->belt->right side accessories. You need 1000 tomestones of creation for a weapon, and 7 crystalloids from the last floor of Omega. (or beat O2S and get the tomestone directly from there.)I've finally got about 400 tomestones of creation from casually joining hunts for the last month since creation came out. Does it make more sense to get an i330 head piece or save up to 895 for an i330 body? Probably would take me about another 3 weeks to get that much and by then 4.1 will be almost out and i330 gear will probably be easier to get so maybe I should just go with a head piece for now?
Also is there anything to spend all this verity on once all your gear is i320? I'm almost at the cap. Is there anything I can even buy and resell on the MB to make some gil with?
Fashion Fantasy is great in this game. So many options.Some people's glamour game is so on point. I feel like such a noob wearing Lost Allagan/Genji/Ala Mhigan armor mixed together.
Creation will be weekly capped until 4.2 hits, but you'll be able to get one 330 piece a week from the 24 man being added in 4.1, in terms of most gain it's always weapon->body/legs->helm/gloves/shoes->belt->right side accessories. You need 1000 tomestones of creation for a weapon, and 7 crystalloids from the last floor of Omega. (or beat O2S and get the tomestone directly from there.)
Hmmmm....I just assumed at 4.1 they'll do what they did with Verity for Creation and Creation will become easy to get with no cap and there will be a new tomestone that is slower like Creation which will be capped. Wasn't around for the HW grind, so are new tomestones only introduced with each new tier in Savage? And does the level cap only move each time a new savage raid tier comes out in that case? So 4.1 won't increase the ilevel?
If that's the case I should probably keep saving up and get a body. Although it'd be ironic if the first drop I got from the 24 man raid was a body piece lol Never going to get an i330 weapon -> i340 weapon, it's just way too much of a grind. Didn't pay attention to how crystaloids work and only have 3 so it'd take another 4 weeks + 1,000 creation which is a lot.
Would get stuff from Savage, but my experience the first day of Omega Savage's release with PuGs where after hours and hours and millions spent on gil I could never get a group able to clear O1S was too frustrating and burned me off of ever doing Savage tier PuG on release since I don't have a static.
Fashion Fantasy is great in this game. So many options.
It's funny how much I like dressing up my character in games.
EDIT: So I understand that you can only roll once a week for OS but can you keep fighting the bosses over and over again for books? I'm guessing no since that would make it very easy to get the gear.
No, as long as the lockout is in place the only thing you get from the second and later clears each week is 30 tomes per kill. Pages are one a week like the crystalloids from O4 normal; when 4.2 hits and they move Omega to DF they'll remove the caps from gear and pages but until then it's just the once.
Fingers crossed for the weekend stream.They keep talking about some kind of new and experimental content but so far showed nothing for it.
They keep talking about some kind of new and experimental content but so far showed nothing for it.
Well I mean they haven't shown shit about the 24man either and it's coming out soon, that's kinda how they do it usually? Live letters a few weeks before the patch that has the content and other than that they're pretty silent about stuff.
Like look at the expansion stuff, we didn't know crap about it until super late when they did the long live letter and actually showed a bunch of stuff like skills and areas and what not. Before that there was a lot of super vague stuff. Only big things they revealed early was Ala Mhigo/Doma and RDM/SAM and even these were vague(didn't know RDM stat until super late for example, nor how it would play, how they worked the white mage/black magic stuff in and so on).
Think I'm nearing the end of Heavensward part 2 and approaching Stormblood. Then I got the Wind-up Moenbryda and made the mistake of reading the description.
"This anatomically accurate representation of Moenbryda was secretly crafted by none other than Urianger immediately following the untimely passing of his beloved companion. What he did with it before it passed to your hands is a tale best left untold."
So Urianger fucking hot glues it then gives it to me, fucking great...
Think I'm nearing the end of Heavensward part 2 and approaching Stormblood. Then I got the Wind-up Moenbryda and made the mistake of reading the description.
"This anatomically accurate representation of Moenbryda was secretly crafted by none other than Urianger immediately following the untimely passing of his beloved companion. What he did with it before it passed to your hands is a tale best left untold."
So Urianger fucking hot glues it then gives it to me, fucking great...
I'm kind of in awe at the amount of new players playing. A lot of sprouts running around all the time.
That is "flavour" added by the English localisation.
A magical doll modeled after Moenbryda. Urianger created this doll by himself in secret in order to sort out the feelings he did not realize he had until after her death. The guileless face he saw whenever she looked at him is rendered in the doll's gentle expression.
It's just... I dunno, seems like if you're gonna introduce new systems that are supposed to keep people playing, why wouldn't you want to make them the core appeal of the expansion and get them out... well, at launch. Mythic+ anyone? That was such a core advantage of WoW: Legion, and it was out there right at the start. Instead SB launch is like, literally HW launch down to basically nothing to do for non-raiders. Who said treasure hunts? Bad boy, if I wanted to grind mobs and roll dice, I... No actually I wouldn't want to do that.
Middle is doodoo, place boss near the edge with enough room for positionals. This gives you like 70% of the arena to maneuver, lessens the risk of DPS having to dodge black holes and also lessens the risk of clipping them with healer/tank Fire3s on the way back.Are we positioning wrong or something? Right now, we move the boss to the middle before he casts black hole, then have the tanks/healers each go to a preassigned cardinal direction and move clockwise along the arena to pull their black holes. The DPS in the middle spread to avoid fire IIIs/blizzards/whatever.
I'm kind of in awe at the amount of new players playing. A lot of sprouts running around all the time.
Should the tanks/healers start near the middle at the black hole cast and then move outwards, or should they pre-position themselves at the edges of the map at their spots?
I think it's really wise to believe the hype about super savage until we see it in action. Yoshi P has been tremendously inaccurate when it comes to explaining raids.
He also said dusk vigil is hard.
Believe in Mr. Aurum Vale.
Whoever was responsible for 2.0 AV needs to be prosecutedI'm actually wondering if he was responsible for original Aurum Vale or its 'porting' to 2.0; it's unclear.
Aurum Vale is a good dungeon. Probably one of the few good dungeons this game has in the first place.
Aurum Vale... good dungeon... Nah, especially not with even larger rooms of nothing mobs, puke yellow everywhere or full gray, and lame bosses and shit music.
Now Pharos Sirus, now that was a great dungeon! Too bad it hit folks like a grown ass man on release and most people just skipped it when they could.
Did Brayflox's Longstop the other day with the wife. The dragon fight at the end is some cool shit, and how it interrupts the boss fight before that Monster Hunter style is awesome af
Eh, they did a little better in SB all around for dungeons. The level 63 dungeon's probably the weakest out of the leveling dungeons, and the two post-game ones are kinda ehh, but I enjoyed every other one a lot.