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Fire Emblem Community Thread | Together We Ride


Wat about Tharja? imo, she's ok. Noire > Tharja

Well if she's desperate, there is always the Arenas :p

@_@ It's all fun in games until you run into that one unit that destroys you AND you can't back out. It can get pretty intense but it is oh so dangerous if you keep gambling.


@_@ It's all fun in games until you run into that one unit that destroys you AND you can't back out. It can get pretty intense but it is oh so dangerous if you keep gambling.

That's why you soft reset when you see the enemy you're fighting and you dont like the matchup :p

Also never train knights or units with high defense cuz the game then tries to "balance" the match up by giving every potential enemy silver weapons.

Otherwise, the arenas are really really really easy to abuse.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
This reminds me that I always wanted to try out a Laguz only playthrough for Radiant Dawn or at least Laguz only for the final chapter.

Is it possible ?

It probably wouldn't really work in Part 1. Volug doesn't join until around chapter 5 or 6, so you'd have to play normally 'til then and he's got that perma-transform-with-crummy-stats skill locked to him. Might be able to make it work anyhow, I suppose, until the chapter where you get Muarim and Nailah, after which it'd be like no prob.

In Part 2 you'd have Nealuchi, Mordecai, and Lethe outside of the laguz-less Brom and Nephenee chapter, which should be entirely doable.

Part 3 has several no-laguz chapters, but after that you get a decent selection. Not sure how you'd ever hope to handle the defensive Dawn Brigade chapter, though. Dawn Brigade's kinda naff in general, and that chapter's like hot damn even if you're using the full Brigade. Pretty sure that'd be all-Volug again.

Part 4 and the final chapter would be like ha ha ha good luck AI, because laguz are practically the best units there anyhow. Load up on the kings, maybe feed
a bunch of stat items and bonus experience, then go to town. Even playing normally I used a majority of laguz units for the endgame, and I don't think dropping the rest of the squad would've held me back all that bad.

If you weren't super strict about it and handled it as "Mandatory units plus laguz only" I imagine it'd be possible, if unpleasant. Maybe I'm overlooking something, though.


That's why you soft reset when you see the enemy you're fighting and you dont like the matchup :p

Also never train knights or units with high defense cuz the game then tries to "balance" the match up by giving every potential enemy silver weapons.

Otherwise, the arenas are really really really easy to abuse.

:eek: I wish I knew about that years ago! wow
Sully is criminally underused character.

Sully was probably my fav character, as one dimensional as they all were.

Stopping in here to see which games I need to play next. Really enjoyed Awakening, but it was my first FE. Biggest complaint was how easy it got to abuse certain classes in the back half of the campaign.


Sully was awesome. She made it to my endgame on hard mode without reclassing and held her own pretty well for a parent unit.

Sully was probably my fav character, as one dimensional as they all were.

Stopping in here to see which games I need to play next. Really enjoyed Awakening, but it was my first FE. Biggest complaint was how easy it got to abuse certain classes in the back half of the campaign.

Path of Radiance would be my pick, assuming you don't mind the price of admission.
Uh. I think I've tried it...I forgot how successful it was. Could always subject that one to an easy mode difficulty, haha.

I think what happened was it becomes "All Laguz Plus Ike".



you mean
laguz royals+hawks+Volug (ft. Ike's required bosskills)


I microwave steaks.
I finally know the title quote comes from Path of Radiance, what a weird phrase. Just started playing yesterday and it's a little jarring to go from Fire Emblem Awakening to this game. Dragging through the initial stages, hopefully the fun will begin soon.

Tommy DJ

An Ike only run is certainly possible. You just abuse the forge and feed Ike every stat item you can get a hold of. You shouldn't have any problems regarding funding since Path of Radiance throws tens of thousands of gold at specific points of the game.

It becomes very easy once Ike can get Aether since that lets him heal himself during the enemy phase.


some random screenshots off mii verse


other peeps






There are some great stuff on there but man searching to find it can be tedious.


guys be my dudes and elaborate and why FE7 is better than FE13 thanks

Just gonna copy paste something from another fire emblem thread. Doesn't compare it with 13, but I highlight what I liked about 7.

FE7 Was also my first Fire Emblem and its tied as my favorite one alongside PoR.

The cast of characters is pretty good and has good support conversations within characters. Some of the characters can only be gotten on one playthrough, and depending on the level of some of your characters at certain points you will be facing different maps on occassion.

There's 3 story modes that are essentially the same, the first one (Lyn's) is sort of like a tutorial, while the other two are very similar, with a few extra maps on Hector's side (and you get to see some cutscenes from his perspective.

These things give it some replayability as Seda said, its per-chapter without a map. So there's limited EXP and characters can only support a certain number of times.

I also feel it had really good map design. After you get a enough units where you have to select on them for maps, maps from that point on will be designed so you usually have to split your forces to conquer the map. I always liked that and I feel it was missing a bit in Radiant Dawn and basically completely gone in Awakening. It made you plan on what units to send against which forces and how to split your units classes in a balanced way.

I felt it was also well paced, and the plot was alright, I really liked some of the characters such as Matthew and Hector.

One of the things I don't like about it is how support conversations build, you have to have your characters be adjacent to each other at the end of a turn. That kind of crippled your moves somewhat if you wanted to support units.

In the end I feel it was a really well designed game with a strong character cast and really good level design.

Path of Radiance is equally as good gaining and edge on plot as its the one time I actually liked the plot of a FE game and not just the characters.


I should replay FE7 sometime. I just never feel like playing through the gradual ramping up of Lyn's campaign again. I like Lyn as a character (and a unit!), but sometimes I want to just dive into the deep end right away. Maybe I should download a save.


I should replay FE7 sometime. I just never feel like playing through the gradual ramping up of Lyn's campaign again. I like Lyn as a character (and a unit!), but sometimes I want to just dive into the deep end right away. Maybe I should download a save.

Once you beat the game, you can chose to start over from either Hector or Eliwood's story, skipping Lyn's "tutorial" segment. Usually not recommended to do so anyway, so you can properly train some units. You also need to train a specific unit up to level 7 in Lyn's segment to get an extra chapter in Hector/Eliwood's portion.
This actually sounds simpler?

It's a mechanically simpler game. There's less systems overall compared to Awakening. FE7 is still a deep game, but it's pared down compared to later entries in the series. In some ways that's good, Limited EXP, etc. And in some ways that's bad, the Support system is particularly unwieldy.

It definitely still holds up though, unlike Shadow Dragon, which remade the first FE and felt extremely bare bones.
I mean I hate grinding in RPGs, chapter by chapter basis sounds like a relief

In fairness, I beat Awakening on Hard and Lunatic without grinding once, but it takes discipline and you also have to purposefully skip most Paralogue chapters, so you don't get overpowered.

FE7 solves that concern.


I mean I hate grinding in RPGs, chapter by chapter basis sounds like a relief

Well you are not forced to grind in Awakening, but I do agree that Chapter by Chapter basis its a lot better for Fire Emblem as opposed to the map overworld from Sacred Stones and Awakening.


Well you are not forced to grind in Awakening, but I do agree that Chapter by Chapter basis its a lot better for Fire Emblem as opposed to the map overworld from Sacred Stones and Awakening.

Yeah, definitely. Especially with XP trap units. :p I always find it hilarious when you see a LTTP: Fire Emblem thread and 50 people jump in shouting "DON'T USE THE PALADIN".
I mean I hate grinding in RPGs, chapter by chapter basis sounds like a relief

Grinding hasn't been required in awakening thus far for me. I have outright broken the game by doing paralogues and bonus box battles, and none of my little eugenics creations have even shown up yet.
The worst part is I inevitably accidentally get some points between the slowest and fastest units in my crew so then they get to move around super slow everywhere or I have to start over.

Basically this Awkward Zombie comic :p

So what is Support in FE7 as opposed to FE13? Like, there's no team-up in FE7 as far as I know.
That comic is great. Trying to support anyone with a Knight/General is the worst. Their movement range is already bad, but it gets even worse if you try to use them to plug a hole in the map. You can be pretty much guaranteed an archer will fire an arrow right over them and stick your healer right in the face.


So what is Support in FE7 as opposed to FE13? Like, there's no team-up in FE7 as far as I know.

Your units must be adjacent to each other by the end of the turn so it can count as support growth.

Some units like Eliwood and Hector won't take many turns for a support conversation to appear, others like Ninian and Eliwood, Serra and Matthew, anyone with Renault, will take a lot of turns before a support conversation happens.
I went to that experience DLC in Awakening a few times. I felt bad, but I was about to have a psychotic episode in that tree level.


I just managed to beat Chp1 on Lunatic +. The enemy skills are just plain ridiculous.

That comic is great. Trying to support anyone with a Knight/General is the worst. Their movement range is already bad, but it gets even worse if you try to use them to plug a hole in the map. You can be pretty much guaranteed an archer will fire an arrow right over them and stick your healer right in the face.

truth. In some cases it would effect how you strategize. On certain chapters where you need to get moving to reach a village, chest or whatever you may not have the chance to get supports until near the end of the chapter. If I play it again I want to see if I could get more supports.

I went to that experience DLC in Awakening a few times. I felt bad, but I was about to have a psychotic episode in that tree level.

Hey, it's there for that reason so I don't blame you. whatever works.
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