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Fire Emblem Community Thread | Together We Ride


ok time to back out from that tms thread....
anyway, obon (unless i mistook the screenshot for other matsuri event) for hoshido, halloween for nohr

I'm looking forward to the game, but I really don't want to deal with any of the localization drama at all.

Anyway, let's talk about the more important fire emblem things like how Gerik is the best Ogma.
Archetype discussion makes me pretty sad that they're basically all gone with Fates. We sort of have a Jeigan but only in one route and he rejoins after the period where you're supposed to actually use him (I know I know pair up fodder), you only get Christmas Cavs in one route, no Julian, no Navarre (couldn't we have had a Mokushu ninja Navarre?), Xander/Ryoma are kind of Camus but I don't know how I feel about it. We get two fighters for the first time since FE7 but they aren't Bord and Cord, no Minerva type wyvern character. I'm cool with playing around with the archetypes like FE7 but I'd like them to be there in the first place.

I suppose a lot of these would require having silly things like "recruitment conditions" though :<
Archetype discussion makes me pretty sad that they're basically all gone with Fates. We sort of have a Jeigan but only in one route and he rejoins after the period where you're supposed to actually use him (I know I know pair up fodder), you only get Christmas Cavs in one route, no Julian, no Navarre (couldn't we have had a Mokushu ninja Navarre?), Xander/Ryoma are kind of Camus but I don't know how I feel about it. We get two fighters for the first time since FE7 but they aren't Bord and Cord, no Minerva type wyvern character. I'm cool with playing around with the archetypes like FE7 but I'd like them to be there in the first place.

I suppose a lot of these would require having silly things like "recruitment conditions" though :<

who cares about pegging characters into archetypes, we have ninja bros anyway


I'm honestly kinda glad they dumped archetypes. I'm not really a fan of them, but I think I'm an outlier in that opinion.
who cares about pegging characters into archetypes, we have ninja bros anyway
I'm cooling with messing with them liking making christmas cavs into ninja bros, but seeing them each game is fun and it's not like you can't make interesting characters that also fit an archetype (see Gerik)
Jakob (he ranked high in the poll as well); and didn't you already post that response before or am I going senile.


i was talking about bottom right not top right since I thought that would be oboro but she's clearly in the actual previews

but looks like it would be an important character though to the kids dlc chapter so sounds hyped
Jakob (he ranked high in the poll as well); and didn't you already post that response before or am I going senile.

i think it's about


one of them is Oboro while another one is ????
i'm more inclined to think the 1st one is her... her assets aren't that big iirc (need to recheck kozaki's art again)


They dumped them in favor of including a token chuuni in every game now.

Uhhh, who is that, Odin and Owain? I'm bad at figuring out anime archetypes lol

No, wait, Cynthia?

i think it's about


one of them is Oboro while another one is ????
i'm more inclined to think the 1st one is her... her assets aren't that big iirc (need to recheck kozaki's art again)

....[squint] Ophelia? Yellow cloth and general hair shape lol

i hear that this could be marx in the end instead of joker
so maybe the royals are filling up all the cg spots (rip other characters)

speaking of chuuns, i now kinda wish cynthia was brought back into this game, would make it possible for a returnee as each sibling's retainer and arthur and cynthia can play hero justice with each other


Uhhh, who is that, Odin and Owain? I'm bad at figuring out anime archetypes lol

No, wait, Cynthia?

....[squint] Ophelia? Yellow cloth and general hair shape lol

Wood, Odin and Ophelia.

Cynthia and Harold and Lutz play the protector of justice hero thing.

The game has old archetypes and added some generic anime/drama archetypes from Japanese entertainment.


I mean, how are they chuuni when they literally are superheroes with superpowers.

What other character gives their moves special names like HOLY DEVIL SWORD and AWAKENING VANDER and AWAKENING HOLY?

What other character refers to themselves as the Chosen Maiden of Prophecy or the Soldier of Darkness or the Hero blessed and chosen by god?

What kind of person falls in love with an artificial dragon heart and gets pregnant with one? like fuck...

The series will never be as dark as it was and I don't mind it being funny and joking, but don't make the entire scenario a joke. Make the character a joke.


Are any of you with Japanese 3ds's going to rebuy 3 and 4 for the 3ds?

I would if I didn't already homebrew my n3DS and rip my all my SFC/GBC/GBA carts on the go.

If I have extra money I will buy it again I guess.

Bad Boxart Marth anyone?


I just got B support with Hinoka and she was talking about how (relationship spoilers)
Mikoto is the Hoshidan siblings' stepmom.
She talked about it pretty openly, like it is common knowledge, so I think Treehouse made that even more clear.

Maybe I read it wrong, or that is the same in Japanese supports though.


I honestly prefer Star Lord.

Also missed the updates to the product page.



And the Starter Deck contents.

&#12525;&#12540;&#12489;&#12395;&#36984;&#12400;&#12428;&#12375;&#33509;&#32773; &#33980;&#20117; &#27193; &#65300;&#26522; &#9733; &#9679;
&#12506;&#12460;&#12469;&#12473;&#12398;&#12450;&#12452;&#12489;&#12523; &#32340;&#37096; &#12388;&#12400;&#12373; &#65300;&#26522; &#9733; &#9679;
&#29190;&#36914;&#12377;&#12427;&#12498;&#12540;&#12525;&#12540; &#36196;&#22478; &#26007;&#39340; &#65298;&#26522; &#9733; &#9679;
&#12402;&#12392;&#21619;&#36949;&#12358;&#12459;&#12522;&#12473;&#12510; &#40658;&#20035; &#38695;&#20124; &#65298;&#26522; &#9733; &#9679;
&#30446;&#25351;&#12379;&#12495;&#12522;&#12454;&#12483;&#12489;&#65281; &#24339;&#24358; &#12456;&#12524;&#12458;&#12494;&#12540;&#12521; &#65298;&#26522; &#9733; &#9679;
&#22818;&#35211;&#12427;&#22899;&#23376;&#39640;&#29983; &#32340;&#37096; &#12388;&#12400;&#12373; &#65298;&#26522;
&#24187;&#24433;&#12398;&#22825;&#39340;&#39438;&#22763; &#12471;&#12540;&#12480; &#65299;&#26522;
&#12481;&#12519;&#12452;&#24441;&#12456;&#12461;&#12473;&#12488;&#12521; &#36196;&#22478; &#26007;&#39340; &#65298;&#26522;
&#21191;&#29467;&#12394;&#12427;&#24187;&#24433;&#39438;&#20853; &#12459;&#12452;&#12531; &#65297;&#26522;
&#24187;&#24433;&#12398;&#12454;&#12479;&#12525;&#12452;&#12489; &#12481;&#12461; &#65298;&#26522; &#9679;
&#26263;&#40658;&#25126;&#20105;&#12398;&#33521;&#38596; &#12458;&#12464;&#12510; &#65297;&#26522;
&#27671;&#39640;&#12365;&#22985;&#29579;&#22899; &#12518;&#12511;&#12490; &#65298;&#26522;
&#12464;&#12523;&#12491;&#12450;&#12398;&#29579;&#22899; &#12518;&#12511;&#12490; &#65298;&#26522;
&#32865;&#26126;&#12394;&#24351;&#29579;&#23376; &#12518;&#12505;&#12525; &#65298;&#26522;
&#12464;&#12523;&#12491;&#12450;&#12398;&#29579;&#23376; &#12518;&#12505;&#12525; &#65298;&#26522;
&#12494;&#12540;&#12510;&#12523;&#31995;&#30007;&#23376; &#33980;&#20117; &#27193; &#65298;&#26522;
&#33509;&#12365;&#24187;&#24433;&#12398;&#21531;&#20027; &#12463;&#12525;&#12512; &#65299;&#26522;
&#35299;&#25918;&#36557;&#12398;&#21091;&#23019; &#12469;&#12452;&#12522; &#65297;&#26522;
&#12477;&#12531;&#12471;&#12531;&#12398;&#29579;&#22899; &#12469;&#12452;&#12522; &#65299;&#26522;
&#31505;&#38996;&#12398;&#36939;&#12403;&#25163; &#12450;&#12474;&#12540;&#12523; &#65297;&#26522;
&#29031;&#12428;&#23627;&#12398;&#20653;&#20853; &#12450;&#12474;&#12540;&#12523; &#65298;&#26522;
&#33521;&#38596;&#24535;&#39000; &#12471;&#12531;&#12471;&#12450; &#65299;&#26522;
&#24598;&#12364;&#12426;&#12479;&#12464;&#12456;&#12523; &#12471;&#12515;&#12531;&#12502;&#12524;&#12540; &#65297;&#26522;
&#22823;&#20154;&#12375;&#12356;&#23376;&#20379; &#12531;&#12531; &#65297;&#26522;



Random FE3 and Awakening characters thrown into the starter deck.

I was hoping for Orange for Elibe and Purple for Jungdral.
In a Fire Emblem game, you could probably somehow take on that whole army somehow.

In a Berwick Saga-like game, NOPE... gotta go around it, right?
i think it's about


one of them is Oboro while another one is ????
i'm more inclined to think the 1st one is her... her assets aren't that big iirc (need to recheck kozaki's art again)

heard ideas from others that the first pic could be deere

starting to think the 2nd girl is ophelia now instead of oboro


Out of curiosity, how does everyone feel about the main character being the player avatar in Fates? Speaking only for myself, I find that it was a bit too intrusive on the overall plot i.e. the game literally deciding
who wins the war
based on the sole decision of which side you decide to ally yourself with and that their personality was a bit lacking (Corrin's most notable trait being their forgetful and often presumptuous nature) for a lead.


To quote someone on the FE subreddit, I would like it if there was a no Avatar option and then that option was mandatory.

All the lords pretty much are self inserts for preteen/teen Japanese boys anyway; you're really just customizing a preset char with giving it a gender option.
nah man

We've gotten Sigurd, Leaf, Eliwood, Hector, Ike, Micaiah, and Chrom that are all great characters that are well-defined and liked. No one is a fan of Corrin or Robin the way they are of past lords.

PK Gaming

nah man

We've gotten Sigurd, Leaf, Eliwood, Hector, Ike, Micaiah, and Chrom that are all great characters that are well-defined and liked. No one is a fan of Corrin or Robin the way they are of past lords.

I'll give you Ike and Sigurd, since those were legitimately fantastic characters (along with Seliph, who is also amazing), but the rest really weren't that great.

Eliwood was extremely bland as a character. Micaiah is a joke for the first half of FE10, and basically has her game hijacked by Ike.
She's barely present for the final quarter.
Hector is enjoyable and awesome ingame, but fairly thin as a character. Leaf's alright. Haven't played Thracia, but he was pretty forgettable in 4. I actually have a soft spot for Chrom, but i'm pretty sure he gets dunked on a bunch by people.

As for Robin, I'm fairly certain they were well-liked in Awakening (both here and overseas) and Smash has basically solidified them as mainstays in FE universe. Similar deal with Corrin, though i'm pretty sure they're even more popular due to Fates' explosive popularity in Japan. Corrin gets too much undue hate in general, considering their characterization in Birthright is more or less inline with your standard FE lord (minus the nostalgia). They're silly on Conquest, but Conquest is silly.

Plus, Dragons > All
I'll give you Ike and Sigurd, since those were legitimately fantastic characters (along with Seliph, who is also amazing), but the rest really weren't that great.

Eliwood was extremely bland as a character. Micaiah is a joke for the first half of FE10, and basically has her game hijacked by Ike.
She's barely present for the final quarter.
Hector is enjoyable and awesome ingame, but fairly thin as a character. Leaf's alright. Haven't played Thracia, but he was pretty forgettable in 4. I actually have a soft spot for Chrom, but i'm pretty sure he gets dunked on a bunch by people.

As for Robin, I'm fairly certain they were well-liked in Awakening (both here and overseas) and Smash has basically solidified them as mainstays in FE universe. Similar deal with Corrin, though i'm pretty sure they're even more popular due to Fates' explosive popularity in Japan. Corrin gets too much undue hate in general, considering their characterization in Birthright is more or less inline with your standard FE lord (minus the nostalgia). They're silly on Conquest, but Conquest is silly.

Plus, Dragons > All

fight me

anyway, chapters 25/26 done, Nina recruited, time for the endgame
I'll give you Ike and Sigurd, since those were legitimately fantastic characters (along with Seliph, who is also amazing), but the rest really weren't that great.

Eliwood was extremely bland as a character. Micaiah is a joke for the first half of FE10, and basically has her game hijacked by Ike.
She's barely present for the final quarter.
Hector is enjoyable and awesome ingame, but fairly thin as a character. Leaf's alright. Haven't played Thracia, but he was pretty forgettable in 4. I actually have a soft spot for Chrom, but i'm pretty sure he gets dunked on a bunch by people.

As for Robin, I'm fairly certain they were well-liked in Awakening (both here and overseas) and Smash has basically solidified them as mainstays in FE universe. Similar deal with Corrin, though i'm pretty sure they're even more popular due to Fates' explosive popularity in Japan. Corrin gets too much undue hate in general, considering their characterization in Birthright is more or less inline with your standard FE lord (minus the nostalgia). They're silly on Conquest, but Conquest is silly.

Plus, Dragons > All
I legit think the Blazing Sword lords are all fantastic, and Leaf is really good in Thracia, don't judge him by Genealogy. Chrom is the best part of Awakening's story (admittedly a low bar), and Robin being popular in Smash is like saying Roy is popular because of Smash.

Not every lord is a slam dunk but I'd say the majority of them are cool and interesting characters and much more defined than any of the avatars.


None of the FE7 trio were terribly deep as characters, but their interactions with each other generally worked pretty well throughout the game. Removing either Eliwood or Hector would leave a considerable void, even Lyn's absence would be detrimental after her prologue despite not getting much to do.

PK Gaming

fight me

anyway, chapters 25/26 done, Nina recruited, time for the endgame


Make love, not war

I legit think the Blazing Sword lords are all fantastic, and Leaf is really good in Thracia, don't judge him by Genealogy. Chrom is the best part of Awakening's story (admittedly a low bar), and Robin being popular in Smash is like saying Roy is popular because of Smash.

Not every lord is a slam dunk but I'd say the majority of them are cool and interesting characters and much more defined than any of the avatars.

Heh, I can't say I really liked any of them (outside of thinking Hector was a complete badass, which he was). I suppose i'll have to wait until I play Thracia before really judging Leaf, but Robin made 5th on that FE popularity list, and I have no doubt that Smash has made them even more popular.

That said, i'll admit that Robin is fairly mild to due their avatar status, but Corrin is essentially an avatar in name only. Really, you only determine how they look like; they have a fairly extensive backstory, a defined personality and no shortage of "cool" moments (well at least on Birthright; I haven't played Conquest yet). They're no different than Marth, Roy, Eliwood, etc, but being able to change their design (and gender) goes a long way towards making them more appealing. I wouldn't like FE:Fates's experience nearly as much if I was stuck with the default male design.


Hector was great. His character isn't really developed in Eliwood's story but it's a lot deeper in his story with his brother and everything.

Besides, he's so OP in-game it's hilarious.

EDIT: Ephraim was also a nice Lord. Eirika has a good design but her character was meh.
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