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Fire Emblem Community Thread | Together We Ride


I don't like this because if we assume important information we learn could just be a mistake on the character's part, we can't be sure of anything

You said earlier Tiki was asleep during Anri's day. Isn't this different from being born? She says this man was from the age she was born in. I'm thinking she might be Ena's child, having the blood of all three dragon tribes and being born as a divine dragon. Or something

I think if she meant Anri, why not just say so? It seems unnecessary to be so mysterious if it turns out she just meant the person who we already know for a fact is an ancestor of Marth, and who is unlikely to be of any further significance

I think that'd be trying too hard to connect it to Tellius - Fire Emblem has had a long tradition of having dragons/Manaketes in the games without them all being linked.

Anri isn't really mentioned other than in passing, it's like mentioning Roland in FE7 or Altea in Radiant Dawn, they're all just heroes from a vague bygone era.

As to it being the 'age she was born in', it depends on when Anri existed - Tiki could have been born at the same time Anri was alive, and then put to sleep before Anri found the Falchion.


Awakening is basically fan fiction territory already.

I think the point of the conversation was just to say that Tiki has lived a really long time and has known many different heroes. I don't think it was calling out anyone in particular.
There was a translation problem with a Wind Waker interview where Aonuma said that it took place hundreds of years after OoT, but many translations ended up with just "a hundred years", due to the wording in Japanese being ambiguous without context. Couldn't something similar be happening there?

That's a good point to bring up, but there shouldn't be an issue in this case, as the timeline of Marth's games is fairly well reinforced.

For instance, ignoring any references to Medeus's invasion, it's specified in Mystery of the Emblem that Anri's brother was Marth's great-grandfather (Fan translation; not official, but it's still correct). So Anri is more likely to be from 100 years ago rather than 1000.
So concerning Corple and Hannibal, unfortunately you screwed yourself out of two characters. You were indeed supposed to capture the castle that Corple was being held in first, and then you could have Corple talk to Hannibal to make him stop attacking and join you, since he was only doing it to keep Corple safe. Worse yet, Corple is actually Leen's long lost brother and (in your case) Sylvia and Levin's children.

The best (non-cheap) way to handle the situation would have been to put Hannibal to sleep with the Sleep Sword or Staff, while Serlis rushes the castle where Corple is being held. You could also kill everyone but Hannibal, which would make Hannibal return to his castle and get more troops. If you block (but don't capture) the castle, he'll be stuck.

If it makes you feel better, neither units are very good, and Corple in particular is a Level 1 Priest, which is kind of bad at this point of the game. But he's the only unit that can inherit the Valkyrie staff (if you had did ClaudexSylvia), and if you had gotten Holsety AND managed to promote him to a High Priest, he actually could have used it (because High Priests can use elementary Fire/Wind/Lighting magic and your Levin!Corple would get Star Level Wind magic). Hannibal would have been a mediocre unit, but he could use a lot of weapon types and knows the Big Shield ability.

Concerning Aurion and his father, I'm not sure if you peeked at their skills, but they both know Awareness/Nihil, which negate Critical hits and effective bonuses. In this case, it means that their natural weakness to bows (which would normally do a guaranteed critical on winged units) is negated. Incidentally, Serlis and Julia both know this ability as well.

Finally, I have to ask, did you use savestates to stop Lakche from dying? Because for future reference, that's mostly unnessecary in this game. FE4 is the earliest Fire Emblem game that let's you reuse saves done in the middle of combat. The game lets you save at the beginning of every turn (before you move a unit) and you can revisit those saves at any time. Personally, I'm normally against using old saves or savestating in FE, but considering how long the maps are, it's less of a bother for me in this game.


Yeah, I saw there was in map saves. It seems like they aren't always available though?

And, oh man. Just did chapter 10 in one sitting. x_x. So much is going down.

Edit: All the exposition about the 12 crusaders, Narga, Lopoutsou (can never spell that, the evil god), Darna. I haven't managed to keep it all straight. Gonna have to review..


So the crusaders are..

Baldo, Holsety, Narga, Neir, Noba, Hezul, Odo, Dain, Ulir, Blagi, Tordo, and Fala? Serlis's bloodline make sense here considering his parents. I can't be arsed to remember all of them though. Fire Emblem (7) had a similar set of heroes and I only remember Athos and Roland. Trimming the fat, seems like the important ones are..

Baldo (Sigurd/Serlis line), Narga (Deirdre and Julia), and Fala (Alvis). Also, there's a Heim that led the crusaders? Narga is the important one, the one Manfloy sought out to have a descendant of Alvis (so is Fala also important? ahhhhh).

I'll definitely be reading more into it once I'm done. Edit edit: and into the last chapter I'm introduced to "Galle". WHAT. And dragons. What
Technically, Heim is the name of the leader of the crusaders (And ultimately the first King of Grandbell) and Narga is the dragon that gave him his power, along with his holy weapon, the Narga Tome.
Oh, well crap, you got your ending already. I was actually going to "build" your ending for you once you posted the final chapter based off of the script. I'll still try and do that so you know how it all finishes in your playthrough.

So yeah, Queen Hilda get's the reward for being the biggest bitch in the Fire Emblem series, imo. Besides being a-ok with child hunting, she's also abused/tortured Tinny and Tiltyu. Tiltyu took the brunt of it to keep Tinny safe, and as a result she became majorly depressed and eventually died from it all (especially sad since she's pretty plucky in the 1st Generation). Blume didn't take part in any of this, but he really didn't do much to stop it either. Here's a conversation Tinny and Hilda would have had if they had fought:

Hohoho, if it isn't Tinny. You're that woman's daughter, right?
You're just as ungrateful as she was.

Hilda... because of you, my mother...!

Ah, she was an eyesore. I made her life a living hell!
Hahaha, I had so much fun back then...

I'll never forgive you...

Well, don't we sound all grown up!? What can a little girl like you do to me?
I'll send you to hell, just as I did her!

And if Tinny was Levin's Daughter, they would have said this:

Tinny, Levin wants a word with you.
I'll be right over here if you need anything.

Tinny, Hilda was your aunt, wasn't she? It must be tough being out here.

No, I'm fine with it. Queen Hilda was an evil, evil person.

What, did she treat you bad or something?

Yeah. She always used to beat me and call me names, and she said my mother a traitor.

That would've been Tiltyu...

Yes. She and Arthur escaped to Silesia after the Battle of Barhara. Then she had me.
But I was told my father passed away...

Is that right... So you came to the Alster Kingdom after all that?

Well, we didn't go there willingly. We were taken by force by King Blume's men.
And then that's where my mother died.

You sure haven't had it easy, have you...

Anyway, Hilda really had it in for my mum.
My mum put up with so much to keep me safe. A day didn't go by that she wasn't crying...

That's horrible.

Levin... are you okay?

Huh? Why do you ask?

I don't know. It kinda looks like you're crying.

No, I'm... it's... it must just be sweat. It's nothing...

Incidentally, This is what Fee and Levin would have said to each other (Levin!Fury is the canon pairing, so this should be canon as well):

Fee, Levin wants a word with you. I'll be right over here if you need anything.

Fee... you're stubborn, you know that? You're just like your mother.


Hey, don't get angry. Look, I'm sorry I ignored you.

Father, you are so cruel!
When I first saw you at Rivough Castle, I could hardly believe my eyes!
I was so happy...
I was in tears!
But you wouldn't speak to me! Do you have any idea how horrible that's made me feel!?

So... what?
You've just been pretending not to notice me all this time?

I decided I wasn't going to talk to you unless you approached me first.

Damn, you're stubborn, girl.

Why, you!
That's it! You just forget you ever had a daughter!!
If you weren't such a jerk, mum still might be...

Fee, look, I'm sorry about Fury...
But what went on between the two of us is really none of yours or Sety's damn business!


Fee, the only thing you need to concern yourself with is winning this war! Got it!?

Concerning Julia being the inheritor of Narga and not Julius, I assume you haven't been checking the Holy Blood chart too often. If you had, you'd have noticed that Julia has minor Fala blood and major Narga/Heim blood. This is also the earliest (definitive) proof that Alvis and Diedre are her parents. As for her brother Julius, well here's his Blood chart:

I'm not 100% sure about this one, but the impression that I got was that Manfloy was mainly looking for the descendant of Narga/Heim because that person would have also been the descendant of Lopoutsu/Galle. but Also, I believe that Lopoutsu possessed Julius to at least some degree.

The thing that Alvis gave Julia before they were separated was her mother's old Circlet.

And finally, there was a hidden conversation that Celice could have with his parents as ghosts if he stepped on a certain square after killing Alvis.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
I want to play one or two Fire Emblems now so that way if/when Nintendo announces a 3DS Price Drop I can get Awakening and go on from there. Where do I start?


Hmm. Do you think I should tag/remove it? It's an older game, and in the community thread. I wouldn't be as open if I was doing, say, Awakening. I can defer to consensus here.

I want to play one or two Fire Emblems now so that way if/when Nintendo announces a 3DS Price Drop I can get Awakening and go on from there. Where do I start?

Your options are a little limited if you don't have a 3DS. Do you have a GBA or DS lite? I would then just suggest Fire Emblem. Yeah, not cheap, but some of the other options are worse.

The thrifty answer would be to make Awakening your first one, haha.

Edit: Working on a solution to spoilers now. You've got me paranoid, thanks.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Hmm. Do you think I should tag/remove it? It's an older game, and in the community thread. I wouldn't be as open if I was doing, say, Awakening. I can defer to consensus here.
Your options are a little limited if you don't have a 3DS. Do you have a GBA or DS lite? I would then just suggest Fire Emblem. Yeah, not cheap, but some of the other options are worse.

The thrifty answer would be to make Awakening your first one, haha.

Edit: Working on a solution to spoilers now. You've got me paranoid, thanks.
I wouldn't get all worked up about spoilers. There's no context. Guess I'm going OG Fire Emblem then. I do like Ike.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Ike's in the more expensive titles, your wallet asks you what you are doing.
Gots to gots to play Radiant Dawn.
Maybe it'd be wiser to ask my Nintendo fanatic friends if they have copies.


Final Chapter here

Next chance I get I'll write some more long form impressions, my favorite and least favorite units from each half, same with maps and anything else I can think of at the time. Gotta sleep now though. Hope the whole thing wasn't too much of a nuisance to people. I just though it might be interesting.
Wait, why did you post that in the London Olympics thread? Was it to stop the thread from being cluttered? I know I'm probably the biggest reader of your thing so I'm biased, but Fire Emblem is Fire Emblem, and last I saw, every game in the series is mentioned in the OP. Unless making big let's play style posts is frowned upon in general for Community Threads on GAF.


Clumsy solution to me being worried about spoiling.

I'll think of something more elegant next time (no, that won't be soon).

I hope no one decides to peruse the old olympics thread, haha. I just needed some old posts of mine to edit.
Yeah, not cheap, but some of the other options are worse.

Holy hell, no game should cost that much this long after launch (Still sore about Xenoblade prices only going up from launch).

This is why I've been embracing that digital future so hard, sure there's often overpricing on console storefronts and the fact of no resale, but I've yet to see availability issues and price-inflation like I've been seeing with Nintendo's physical titles the past few years.

Makes it no small wonder I managed to get Awakening at $40 well over a year post-launch. Nintendo really needs to get it together with physical distribution, seems pretty much everything Nintendo puts out that isn't Mario or Zelda has been being severely underprinted the past few years. I mean, after getting into this series with Awakening a few months ago I was planning on playing the older ones, but seeing those prices is a massive turn-off when I'm someone who's been for the most part adverse to paying anything more than a Steam/PSN/eShop sale price.

EDIT: Seems that Gamestop has remotely sensible prices for FE7, PoR, and RD. Crisis averted! Now onto solve the crisis of getting those DAMNED stickers off.


Holy hell, no game should cost that much this long after launch (Still sore about Xenoblade prices only going up from launch).

This is why I've been embracing that digital future so hard, sure there's often overpricing on console storefronts and the fact of no resale, but I've yet to see availability issues and price-inflation like I've been seeing with Nintendo's physical titles the past few years.

Makes it no small wonder I managed to get Awakening at $40 well over a year post-launch. Nintendo really needs to get it together with physical distribution, seems pretty much everything Nintendo puts out that isn't Mario or Zelda has been being severely underprinted the past few years. I mean, after getting into this series with Awakening a few months ago I was planning on playing the older ones, but seeing those prices is a massive turn-off when I'm someone who's been for the most part adverse to paying anything more than a Steam/PSN/eShop sale price.

EDIT: Seems that Gamestop has remotely sensible prices for FE7, PoR, and RD. Crisis averted! Now onto solve the crisis of getting those DAMNED stickers off.

It might just be me but I've seen that Nintendo games always hold their value all the way back to NES games and even end up increasing just because they're popular, high-quality and no longer being printed - if you want to embrace the digital future, you'll just have to hope Nintendo do the same and put their legacy titles on the Virtual Console.


Post-play, spoiler free impressions. Not meant to be a review.

So Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu / Fire Emblem : Genealogy of the Holy War (or if you prefer, "Fire Emblem 4") has easily become one of my favorite games in the series. Though, to be honest, as much as I love most things Fire Emblem, I was disappointed somewhat with both Radiant Dawn and Awakening, so to be able to have found one I could really get into was very relieving, in a way. A rekindling of love for the series, I guess. In fact, as I write this, I also remember that Shadow Dragon was another title I liked but wasn't blown away with. So "Fire Emblem 4" easily sits in the top three for me with Path of Radiance and Blazing Sword. Whether or not it's topped them...well I might just have to replay those first before I make up my mind :p

The chapter to chapter progression is back to being the style I enjoy most: no world map, no random battles, and limited between-chapter rest at the starting keep of every map. Similar to Path of Radiance, but not as wholly separate as "Base" menus found there. More involved than "Battle Preparation" of Blazing sword, for instance. Of the varying ways to introduce a chapter, I think overall I like PoR/RD's Base system the most, but there are some things I do enjoy about Holy War's setup. Being able to go back into town to repair weapons (which is a nice feature in general without requiring a Hammerne staff) or do shopping and such in the middle of a chapter is pretty useful. It's also useful as a means of trading items via the Pawn Shop, but a more modern Trading system would be less clumsy, one of the shortcomings of Holy War. The lack of optional chapters is a minor annoyance, but considering the size of the maps, it's also completely understandable.

I thought the Arena implementation was very unique to this game, and it's definitely more interesting than just being given Bonus exp to spend willy nilly. Having a set of opponents that vary with the chapter as a sort of gauntlet to test your units with kind of makes it an event to see what sort of units you'll have to be able to take down, and sometimes certain classes will simply not be able to progress far in one chapter and may get a more favorable allotment of opponents in the next. It's also helpful that you cannot abuse the arena indefinitely, you can only conquer it for a chapter and then wait for the next. It was also the primary income source for the units, which gave it further importance. I enjoyed this, but at the same time, it only really worked since each unit has their own gold amount. I think I would prefer the gold be shared, generally. Having it separated does introduce a new layer of strategy that was interesting to work around. I guess what I am saying it that it was new and different (to me, haha) and it worked well enough that it would be interesting enough to see something like that again. A little less boring than some of the other games where the game gives you an allowance at a certain story point or two and just tells you to go spend it.

Speaking of the maps, I had known that Holy War was famous for its large chapter maps, and I wasn't disappointing. However, with my playstyle, it made things seem cumbersome and I just wished they were each half as large. It also doesn't help that a lot of the Chapters were split into two or three mostly stand-alone parts to being with. Often you'd find yourself in the back half of the map and the first part was entirely useless to the player since nothing was there anymore. I think I just would have preferred a chapter split. However, it did provide for some interesting multi-fronted encounters that wouldn't have worked on a smaller map. Chapter Seven: Passing the Desert, was one of the better uses of the map, largely because it split your forces at the start and forced you (well, me!) to not just ball up my units and move as a giant blob. It also had a late map set of battles which absolutely required the player the have units in multiple places. So maybe some of my issues with the dragging nature of the larger maps was just due to the playstyle of moving as one large group. When the game gave me reason and forced me to not do that, it felt more rewarding.

The core gameplay doesn't hold many surprises, so there's not much to be excited about or disappointed in. The skill system was a nice balance between what I saw in some of the later games, often class specific but also tying to the bloodlines between the generations. It's easy to see how that would give the game a lot of replayability. It was really weird to see the double attack function as the skill Pursuit instead of simply being a mechanic folded into the speed stat alone. That was an interesting little wrinkle, and even late game I found myself wondering why my Arthur wasn't doubling anyone. I wished that the support/relation system was a little less obfuscated. It might seem a little game-y but I kind of enjoyed having the A-B-C support system where progress was easy to tell. It did, however, make the relationships that grew between characters to appear to be more organic and less manufactured. Except for Dew and Aira. I'm still lost on that. I enjoyed that there were a lot of unique units in each of the maps. Even if the game had a tendency to reuse the same faces over and over again, it made each pod of enemies have a spearhead of sorts, the unit with a better weapon that you always needed to make sure you were aware where it was. This was even the case when it was just a generic captain. I also enjoyed how important resistance was in this game. I don't think I've spend as much time in the menus double checking my units' resistance in any other Fire Emblem game.

The story is very political, and just what I expect from Fire Emblem. As expected with pretty much every game in this series, things start out with fairly humble beginnings, and slowly ramps its way to a great magnitude, and it happens slow enough that it's hard to even notice happening. While this game handles things slightly differently with the two generations after the large events of Chapter 5, that also falls in line with the general gravity of events in other FE titles, such as the events of The Dread Isle in Blazing Sword, the Serenes Forest in Path of Radiance, or the transition between Acts 2 and 3 in Radiant Dawn. Holy War just tackles the typical mid-game shit going down in a more...permanent way. I do wish that the game dealth with some...slightly less political topics. It's hard to word but I'll try to state what I mean: in the Tellius series you've got the struggles of the Laguz (and Branded) that provide some more lower-leveled tension that's not as easily solved as taking the big bad and throwing him out. Though Holy War does touch strongly on the themes of kindredship, bloodlines, family, birthright, and the strength of each. And the overarching plot is really strong as well, so issues here are nitpicky in nature. I do enjoy how the final boss was (spoilers)
A Dark God (Dragon) in a human form rather than being something less grounded and more like Sacred Stones.
For some reason I just find myself enjoying that more..it fits better I think with the generally medieval-esqe fantasy setting of the series. I felt that character to character interaction was stronger than a game like Fire Emblem (7) where it is nearly absent outside of supports. Some characters still barely utter a word once they're recruited, which is a shame. For instance, I was surprised at the lack of presence that Shanan and Oifaye had in the second generation of the game. There were a lot of in-game conversations that shared the same role as something merging info conversation and support conversations, which was nice. I don't think any Fire Emblem game has touched on the level of mass character-to-character interaction the Radiant Dawn did (one of the games shining strengths, in my opinion) and that's despite RD not having traditional supports! The fact that such conversations are weaved into the pairing system here instead of being largely separate like info conversations does give the narrative and gameplay a direction connection which is appreciated.

My favorite/most useful characters of the first generation were (in a loose order):

was really great too until she's effectively removed from the game

For the second generation:

Serlis (late game)

My favorite music tracks:
Chapter Three: Lion King Eltshan
Chapter Ten: Light and Dark
I really enjoyed hearing this after a tough part of the map Victory is Near
Grandbell Army theme (I think someone pointed this out to me)
Crisis (2, I guess)
And of course, End of Despair

Favorite Maps:
Chapter Three and Chapter Seven
It might just be me but I've seen that Nintendo games always hold their value all the way back to NES games and even end up increasing just because they're popular, high-quality and no longer being printed - if you want to embrace the digital future, you'll just have to hope Nintendo do the same and put their legacy titles on the Virtual Console.

I've been embracing the digital future since the guys at Id were calling Steam a passing fad, I just hope Nintendo can play catchup before I hit my limits on how much I'm willing to pay for physical copies. Because seriously, we're in the 21st century, distribution issues shouldn't be the problem they used to be, and for most publishers they're not, but everything Nintendo that's not Mario or Zelda is given way too limited a print run with pretty much no digital alternative if it's not WiiU, 3DS, or VC.

I don't know, maybe I'm just being weird for wanting nice things like being able to get System Shock 2 for $10 (A game that was "popular, high-quality, and no longer being printed") and a game from 2007 to not cost 1.5x more than it's successor that came years later to occur on the same universe. I mean, looking around I can find FE7, Sacred Stones, and Path of Radiance totaling in at $50+t, which I would consider a deal, but that Radiant Dawn price ($65 at cheapest from everywhere I've looked) is kind of a turn-off considering it came out after the dawn of digital distribution.


I've been embracing the digital future since the guys at Id were calling Steam a passing fad, I just hope Nintendo can play catchup before I hit my limits on how much I'm willing to pay for physical copies. Because seriously, we're in the 21st century, distribution issues shouldn't be the problem they used to be, and for most publishers they're not, but everything Nintendo that's not Mario or Zelda is given way too limited a print run with pretty much no digital alternative if it's not WiiU, 3DS, or VC.

I don't know, maybe I'm just being weird for wanting nice things like being able to get System Shock 2 for $10 (A game that was "popular, high-quality, and no longer being printed") and a game from 2007 to not cost 1.5x more than it's successor that came years later to occur on the same universe. I mean, looking around I can find FE7, Sacred Stones, and Path of Radiance totaling in at $50+t, which I would consider a deal, but that Radiant Dawn price ($65 at cheapest from everywhere I've looked) is kind of a turn-off considering it came out after the dawn of digital distribution.

What digital alternative should there be if not those? I agree that Nintendo need to hurry the fuck up with putting games out digitally/on Virtual Console. I think a lot of Nintendo's success is through their efficiency, which in some cases does mean not making as many copies of games as other companies would perhaps make to make sure they don't go wild with their sales expectations.

PC games are obviously a whole different ball-game to the consoles, but asking to put games out on something other than their own consoles is akin to saying they should go third party. I have my doubts on how PS Now will work, but if it does work out alright I'd fully expect Nintendo to offer something similar in the future.

I just want the GBA games on VC...baby steps...(wasn't an ambassador)

FE7 came out on VC in May in Japan, we just need to wait until it comes to the West.
but asking to put games out on something other than their own consoles is akin to saying they should go third party.

Wasn't saying they should go 3rd party, was saying that there's little in the way of digital distribution for Gamecube and Wii games.

In fact, I have no idea where you construed that I was saying they should go 3rd Party from that. T'was clear I meant that anything before the WiiU and 3DS outside of the VC is in a physical-only dark-zone.


Ugh, I apologize for any negativity I brought in here over something that's not going to matter in the long run, so let's have something positive, I've actually managed to make it to Chapter 5 on an Insanity Ironman without getting everyone or anyone gutted first. Now just to hold this streak of not making rookie mistakes long enough to reach Chapter 12...


I will be utterly shocked if they don't bring back the base system from PoR/RD in a future game. Not having it in Awakening was insane. It's arguably one of the best developments in the series.

The future of the series is really unclear to me. It's easy to assume that they'll go in a similar direction as Awakening for future titles due to its success, but will that be in production value only? I was really happy with the production values of Awakening, but the story was so incredibly disappointing. I'd like to think it was only that way due to the whole "celebration of the series" aspect, so the next game might be slightly more traditional, story wise. I really just want a world that's as fleshed out as Tellius was.

Also, great review, Levyne. I'm really thinking about trying this game out now. Here, have an orchestra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwV_ms4W2z0


The future of the series is really unclear to me. It's easy to assume that they'll go in a similar direction as Awakening for future titles due to its success, but will that be in production value only? I was really happy with the production values of Awakening, but the story was so incredibly disappointing. I'd like to think it was only that way due to the whole "celebration of the series" aspect, so the next game might be slightly more traditional, story wise. I really just want a world that's as fleshed out as Tellius was.

I think it'll be pretty much a given that the next Fire Emblem game has the same sort of production values as Awakening - despite it not being the most popular series in Japan, I reckon Nintendo realise Fire Emblem has much greater global appeal than it used to, and I think we have Awakening to thank for that.

For the next game, I wouldn't mind them keeping the child character portion of Awakening but using the Holy War template instead of portals/time-travelling.


I will be utterly shocked if they don't bring back the base system from PoR/RD in a future game. Not having it in Awakening was insane. It's arguably one of the best developments in the series.

They could bring back Base Conversations, but I don't see Bonus Experience returning if they keep the map system.

The future of the series is really unclear to me. It's easy to assume that they'll go in a similar direction as Awakening for future titles due to its success, but will that be in production value only?

I don't think Awakening's production values were particularly high... The intermission scenes look better than Radiant Dawn's just because they were smarter about them (using the battle models, rather than map models/sprites).

There's the voice work, but Radiant Dawn did have a voiced narrator, and Awakening isn't even fully voiced, something that even small companies like Atlus manage to do. I think that shows how cheap they were with it.

I was really happy with the production values of Awakening, but the story was so incredibly disappointing. I'd like to think it was only that way due to the whole "celebration of the series" aspect, so the next game might be slightly more traditional, story wise. I really just want a world that's as fleshed out as Tellius was.

How does it make any sense that celebrating the series would be a reason to remove one of its characteristic elements? I really get the impression that they thought part of the story got in the way of the game's appeal to new players and had to be cut.

Consider the absence of the narration sequences talking about geography and political landscape of the chapters, something that had been done since Mystery of the Emblem. The intermission scenes also get very short when they don't have cg/art budget for them (the entire middle section of the game and most paralogues), rather than making long scenes with low budget like what Radiant Dawn often did. I really think, whatever focus the next FE takes, they'll keep the story character focused, although, hopefully, there'll be better execution and balance, so the world won't feel as empty. I guess Base Conversations could be used for that, if they want to avoid narrations or big obligatory intermissions scenes.


Now that Levyne has finished FE4, this thread's just about dead! Time for him to play Thracia, I guess.

Also, reposting from the smash thread, action-packed songs I want for the Colesseum stage:

Path of Radiance: Congregation of Ambition - Dat Percussion!

Radiant Dawn - The Devoted - I always associate this more with Ike than the theme they used in Brawl

Radiant Dawn - Battle of Pride - Best percussion track in the series, perfect for a Colosseum battle

Awakening - Mastermind - Bad ass song filled with dread.

Awakening - Monstrosity - Perfect for an action filled game like brawl. I love the organ!

Awakening - Old Battlefield - The finest song in the game. Represents both of the intensity and elegance of FE

And the most obvious choice: Sacred Stones - In The Colesseum - Duh.

Awakening really has the best music in the series, doesn't it? Based Rei Kondoh.


Listening to some of the Arena themes and their origins from other games..I think I actually like FE6's the most (FE4's battle theme.) I don't love any of them, but who knows what they could do to them, similar to how they merged FE7's attack music and one of the boss themes in Brawl.


Just a quick question. In older FE games it's better to grind until you've maxed out a class before changing to a new one, right? But in Awakening as soon as I have the abilities from that class it is okay to swap to a new one, right?


Just a quick question. In older FE games it's better to grind until you've maxed out a class before changing to a new one, right? But in Awakening as soon as I have the abilities from that class it is okay to swap to a new one, right?

Kind of. In the previous games, changing class too soon means that the character will have a lower level limit overall (aside from FE4). For example, if you start as a lvl 1 cavalier, promote on lvl 20, it'd mean that you'd have 40 levels overall, but, if you promoted on level 10, you'd only get more 20 levels as a Paladin, which would be a 30 lvl cap overall. So, yes, it could cripple some characters pretty badly.

Even in Awakening though, changing classes too soon means that the character will be skipping some faster level ups that he could have gotten, because the characters level up slower after promotion (and that's partially carried on even if you change back to a base class afterwards), even though there isn't a level limit for anyone.


So I should keep building up base classes to level 20 even though I have their abilities?

If you're also still trying to raise their stats, not just get skills, yes. Although this is for the Master Seals, the actual promotions. For the Second Seals/class changes, there's a different formula involved, and, in that case, it's better to use them as soon as they're available if you already got the skills you want.


If you're also still trying to raise their stats, not just get skills, yes. Although this is for the Master Seals, the actual promotions. For the Second Seals/class changes, there's a different formula involved, and, in that case, it's better to use them as soon as they're available if you already got the skills you want.

So if I want to change mother units to Dark Flier, should I change them to Pegasus knights at level 10 base, or should I wait till they're level 20 base and then change them?

While I have plenty of time to worry about it with most girls, Olivia (who I intend to wed to Chrom) sorta has a limited period of time.
I got a 3DS yesterday and picked up Fire Emblem for it! I started playing a bit today and it was amazing. I'm new to the 3DS so how does this spotpass thing work?


I got a 3DS yesterday and picked up Fire Emblem for it! I started playing a bit today and it was amazing. I'm new to the 3DS so how does this spotpass thing work?

Spotpass is basically just downloading from the internet some extra content for free. Some games do that automatically, but you pretty much need to do it manually in Awakening, choosing an option in the menu. IIRC, for whatever reason, Awakening seems very picky with the connection too, so it might fail sometimes and you need a strong signal.

So if I want to change mother units to Dark Flier, should I change them to Pegasus knights at level 10 base, or should I wait till they're level 20 base and then change them?

While I have plenty of time to worry about it with most girls, Olivia (who I intend to wed to Chrom) sorta has a limited period of time.

Change them from their base class at level 10 to Pegasus Knights, but only promote them to Dark Flier at Pegasus Knight level 20.

The child's stats and skills are calculated only when you chose to start the chapter/paralogue where you get them, not when you get the S support/marriage, so you don't really have to hurry even with Olivia. I guess that if you want Lucina to start with Galeforce, that might be important, but otherwise it's not really necessary considering how Inigo's paralogue is actually one of the hardest ones. And Lucina doesn't really need to start with it, considering how she'll inherit the Pegasus Knight class branch from Olivia anyway, and will be able to get it by herself later.


E3 vid has the Marth Amiibo, looks pretty boss. Can't wait for the Ike one.


Someone noticed that there's actually Lucina/Masked Marth artwork on one of the Amiibo promotional screenshots, not sure which one though.

Man, I WISH Radiant Dawn was still $40. I'm debating whether or not to drop the 50 on a used copy right now. Is it any good? Great story or... ?

If you liked Path of Radiance, you'll like Radiant Dawn. Story may not be as good in your opinion but I loved it, and the improved battle/bonus EXP/skill system was great.


The Devoted from Radiant Dawn is one of the music tracks for Coliseum in smash.

I can check at least one song off my list. Sakurai totally reads my posts.

Demand Hector or Ephraim :)

Also SMTxFE is dead :(

Man, I WISH Radiant Dawn was still $40. I'm debating whether or not to drop the 50 on a used copy right now. Is it any good? Great story or... ?

I think the experience is a little bloated, if that makes sense, but it's still a solid game. And thematically and wrt the narrative, it's more of what you saw in PoR so that you don't need to be concerned about.
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