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Fire Emblem Community Thread | Together We Ride

Awakening is great for beginners!

God, I've said this about 100 times in this thread, but I'd love for remakes of the Tellius games on a portable system. I'd love to be able to recommend those games, but I can't with their price tags

Yeah, I would love a remake of the Tellius games on a portable system. Or a re-release on the Wii U/VC release. Or a sequel set in Tellius. Or a prequel set in Tellius. How awesome would a prequel focusing on Greil be? It could show his early days in Daein, and how he became one of the 4 riders, as well as his relationship with Zelgius.

(Yes, Path of Radiance is my favorite FE game, and I quite enjoyed RD as well. I love the Tellius world. Too bad it seems unlikely that Intelligent Systems will ever revisit it...)
What's the consensus on Sacred Stones(ambassador game), good game to start with?
Or should I just get Awakening?

I'll go against the grain and say that Sacred Stones is the better choice of the two, unless you have your heart set on mainly playing Awakening.

First of all, since you already seem to have the game, it won't cost you any cash to get started.

In addition, Sacred Stones is the most conventional of the two when it comes to comparing it to the series as a whole. I've always felt that when recommending a game in a series, it's usually best to start with a game that represents the series in terms of conventions so you have a clearer idea as to what the series has to offer and expects of you.

In that mindset, the best starting place for the series as a whole imo is probably Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword (just Fire Emblem out west). It has most of the usual Fire Emblem conventions without any gimmicks or new gameplay features like multiple generations, a world map, or pair-ups. Also, it's somewhere near the middle when it comes to the difficulty of its normal mode, while Sacred Stones (and I think Awakening?) are both on the easier side. And finally, the games first campaign doubles as a mandatory tutorial. It's very useful for when you're first getting into the series, but can be somewhat obnoxious if you decide to try the game after having played one or two Fire Emblems already.

TL;DR, If you want to experience the series as a whole with any game as an option, go with Fire Emblem on the GBA. If you want you're specifically curious between Sacred Stones and Awakening, go with Sacred Stones. If you mainly just want to get into Awakening, then go for it.
don't listen to these fools, start with Thracia 776


Chrom or Lucina would be stupid, since they're the exact same as Marth.
Wii Fit Trainer and Villager shows that they're willing to have different models as alts instead of separate characters.

Chrom and Lucina would be ok though.

There absolutely will be Fire Emblem Awakening characters.
Dunno why people are thinking that there'll only be 2 Fire Emblem reps when it's such a big franchise now.


Chrom or Lucina would be stupid,

Chrom and Lucina would be ok though.

So you mean this as some sort of "double" character? That could be interesting. It would nod to the pair up mechanic, it would give Awakening its one rep where two wholly separate characters would really run into issues of same-y-ness (4 sword users) unless they picked a supporting cast member (one with a different armament) which would be a bit weird and unprecedented. But I'm not really interested in speculating too much. Just gotta be patient.


In that mindset, the best starting place for the series as a whole imo is probably Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword (just Fire Emblem out west). It has most of the usual Fire Emblem conventions without any gimmicks or new gameplay features like multiple generations, a world map, or pair-ups. Also, it's somewhere near the middle when it comes to the difficulty of its normal mode, while Sacred Stones (and I think Awakening?) are both on the easier side.

Awakening's difficulty is really inconsistent. The game seems to be intended to be on the harder side of the series even on Hard if you aren't grinding, but the developers overlooked some big points that basically break the game, and they aren't even that hidden. It's stuff like Nosferatu being completely unbalanced due to lack of weapon weight, forged Brave Weapons being better than legendary weapons due to the extra attacks from the pair up system, and the skill that gives the avatar 1,5 exp when fighting paired up allowing one to break the difficulty curve of the game if you focus mostly on the avatar by himself...

Sacred Stone is an actual easy game in comparison. You get an overpowered character from the start and the game won't punish you for using him since he's actually better than most characters who start weaker, enemies in general have fairly low stats too, every character is perfectly usable, etc.

Chrom and Lucina would be ok though.

No way that happens. Think about a 4 player match, you'd have 8 characters in the arena, all as detailed as the solo characters. No transformations either, so some kind of tag team is impossible. At best, you might get a Chrom that summons one or more other characters for some attacks, with those characters having less detailed models, like Assist Trophies. It should be easier to pull that with the Ice Climbers since they're basically SD and don't have other similar characters to be compared to. However, if Chrom and Lucina had less polygons than other FE characters, it'd be immediately obvious.


TL;DR, If you want to experience the series as a whole with any game as an option, go with Fire Emblem on the GBA. If you want you're specifically curious between Sacred Stones and Awakening, go with Sacred Stones. If you mainly just want to get into Awakening, then go for it.

Awakening's the better overall game but Sacred Stones is a good introduction into 'traditional' Fire Emblem.

Alright, I'll give Sacred Stones a go soon! Just want to make sure I get a good first impression of the series.
They've always done a horrid job with promoting Fire Emblem games with Smash releases after Melee and FE7.

You'd think with the whole Ike reveal it would be the perfect timing to do greenlight a Tellius HD collection or something after Smash releases so they can ride the free marketing unlike what they did with Radiant Dawn and Brawl.

I just really want a Tellius collection so I can feel good about selling my FE:poR disc.


They've always done a horrid job with promoting Fire Emblem games with Smash releases after Melee and FE7.

You'd think with the whole Ike reveal it would be the perfect timing to do greenlight a Tellius HD collection or something after Smash releases so they can ride the free marketing unlike what they did with Radiant Dawn and Brawl.

I just really want a Tellius collection so I can feel good about selling my FE:poR disc.

I hope you got a lot of money for it because so far without a 'Path of the Radiant Flame/Tellius HD' collection, it probably wasn't worth it if you ever thought you'd play Path of Radiance again.


I'm really wishing I had bought Radiant Dawn sooner. Used copies go for stupid prices now.

I've still got my copy of Path of Radiance though. I'm never getting rid of it. It's pretty crazy that I bought it new for $20 back in the day and now used copies go for upwards of $50.
I hope you got a lot of money for it because so far without a 'Path of the Radiant Flame/Tellius HD' collection, it probably wasn't worth it if you ever thought you'd play Path of Radiance again.

Sold it for $50. I'm sure after 10 years when the Virtual Console becomes competent I'll buy it again.
oh no that guy got banned!

anyway on topic, Radiant Dawn is the best Fire Emblem game, come at me
also I wonder if FE4's promotion style will ever return, probably not


Why is that in spoilers tags?

Anyways, I just hope re-classing gets trimmed back. I don't really have a huge preference on promotion systems;I do like when you get some choice on when to promote via an item or something.


Yeah, having one (or two) branched options was good amount of freedom in class choice that doesn't compromise their uniqueness.


I thought most of the the class choices were handled well enough in Awakening. There are a few odd choices mostly due to the face image not changing(Kellam as a thief fits his character pretty well, but it gets kind of weird due to his portrait still showing him in heavy armor), but aside from that, the only really weird ones I remember right now are Knight Tharja and Berserker Henry.


I thought most of the the class choices were handled well enough in Awakening. There are a few odd choices mostly due to the face image not changing(Kellam as a thief fits his character pretty well, but it gets kind of weird due to his portrait still showing him in heavy armor), but aside from that, the only really weird ones I remember right now are Knight Tharja and Berserker Henry.

Berserker Henry actually seems quite fitting given his personality, but yeah Knight Tharja was a weird choice.

What I want back most promotion-wise is automatic promotion when you reach level 21, it made things so much simpler. I also want the entire Radiant Dawn base system including Bonus EXP and forging back with the exception of the awful support conversations.


I'd like the Randiant Dawn type forging back just to stop the broken forged weapons from Awakening... The automatic promotion to the third tier kind of bothered me in Radiant Dawn, since it seemed like a plot point that the new classes were only being achieved now due to those new promotion items they found, and yet by allowing automatic promotion you just had people powering up beyond the former "wall" with no explanation.

FE4's promotion system is more or less the same as FE9's except FE9 has the automatic promotion and the option to promote earlier.

And FE4's promotion doesn't reset your level either. So, really, it's a completely different system that hasn't appeared in any other games of the series. I don't really like it though. Pre-promoted characters don't really make sense in that system and have pretty much no disadvantages.
Well technically the prepromotes still do that EXP sapping thing that they do in later games due to being at a higher level. But prepromotes in FE4 are more or less able to hold their own so you aren't really hurting your chances of success too much. See Sigurd and Cuan for instance.
I'd like the Randiant Dawn type forging back just to stop the broken forged weapons from Awakening... The automatic promotion to the third tier kind of bothered me in Radiant Dawn, since it seemed like a plot point that the new classes were only being achieved now due to those new promotion items they found, and yet by allowing automatic promotion you just had people powering up beyond the former "wall" with no explanation.

well to be fair, the Japanese version had the requirement of needing Master Crowns (or Holy Crown for Mist) to promote to 3rd tier
they should have kept it too, because yeah I agree it sort of breaks the whole plot point when you can just BEXP Haar to tier 3 in part 2 (LOL)

also regarding FE4's system, I'd actually be interested in seeing a modified version come back


Micaiah is still better

I didn't mind Micaiah. Her personality was surprising. She was pretty straightforward and blunt. Didn't really fit any tropes. Too bad she basically disappears in the last act.

As much as I love Ike, he kind of became a big emotionless rock in RD.

I prefer his PoR design, but I'm glad to have him in smash.
How many support conversations are there in Awakening?
There's gotta be a lot, with all those duplicate parent/sibling supports.

(by comparison, how many are in PoR)

edit: Path of Radiance "only" has 68 support pairs, or 204 support conversations
Sacred Stone has 83 pairs, or 249 conversations
FE7 has 115 pairs/345 conversations
FE6 has 143 pairs/429 conversations but most of them are garbage


So, I dunno who all looks forward to these (besides maybe Barrylocke, bless you) so sorry for the delay. I got distracted by some Nazi killing. But that's over with and now I have wrapped up Chapter 7. It was actually the hardest yet, and I did not manage to get through without consequence. Also, I seemed to have lost my notepad file with notes so I'm going off my memory a bit more here. Of course, having the images helps. We left off after just having captured Yied Shrine and reuniting Shanan and Serlis while Leif and Co. are unable to meet up just yet. Ishtor and Liza lay waiting to the south, Bramsel and Aless north, and Blume and Tinny east. Lots of enemies.

So I start moving my units down south. Liza doesn't seem too tough but holds/drops a Magic ring, Ishtor has a Bolting which means I have to be careful about getting into his extended range., he also holds/drops Thoron There are also two ballistae to worry about as well. Basically, I want to pull Liza's mage and armored troops up and away from those ranges.

I learn that the mages in the group are the more dangerous of the foes, and I reason Liza with +5 magic is even moreso. I do notice however that a lot of the troops move onto the cliff to the west, meaning that if I stay right I can worry about them later and focus on the guys closest to me. Lakche, with her +3 move, is a great boss killer so I decide to have her move in and use her Brave Sword on Liza right away. She is victorious and will have to pawn off the Magic ring later I suppose. The rest of the turn is basically just clearing as many units on the east side as possible. I'm ignoring the healers for the moment because I'd rather get the dangerous units out of the way first and foremost.

While clearing the units, I notice Julia has some really good resistance. This is super helpful, in a lot of FE games resistance seems like a weak stat but I learn in this chapter that it becomes amazing helpful in Holy War to see who my high resistance units are. In fact Julia takes (next to) no damage from the mages here so she is apparently a great mage killer; she overwhelms their resistances with high attack Aura (like her "mother"? Deirdre ??). Well, I get Lakche back to full health (since Lana can only heal at the moment anyways) and as always Myrmidons are generally great mage killers as well. I'm able to clear most all of the eastern units so things are going fine so far.

There are a few more units to finish up. I'm able to get weaker units like Patty some hits on the healers, and Roy Serlis is actually one of my better units now with his Brave Sword (as well as the Fire sword shown). Um. Not much else to say here, I wipe out the remaining units so now all that's left for this part is Ishtor and some keep guards. Lots of long range attacks to worry about so I have to wonder about how to tackle this.

Well Bolting is, obviously, a magic attack. I have just learned that Julia has high magic defense. HMMM. Also, she can heal with Mend, and Lana can heal with Mend. So, my strategy here is to have them pair up and just heal each other if needed, and it worked pretty well. I quickly clear the Ballistae before I have to worry about having too many hits on one of my characters, even though individually none of them are anything to worry about. After that, clearing the area around the keep is easy as long and I make sure Ishtor can only use Bolting and no one gets in range of his other spell, Thoron.

However, neither Julia or Lana are strong enough to take on the big big boss himself. Luckily, I had recently learned that Shanan+Balmung was a pretty great combo for dodging long range spells, plus he is easily strong enough to take on Ishtor. He will have to pawn off Thoron later but that's not a big deal. Castle is clear, Serlis moves down to seize. When is Levin gonna join up and actually help out?

This is where things get dicey. Bramsel sends out Jabarro, Aless, and a bunch of knights from the north. Blume sends the sisters (?) Vampa, Eliu, and Fetra from Alster to the east, as well as his niece Tinny (whom I've reasoned that I can recruit. Her low lever/stats is further evidence I suppose.) He also sends various units up north towards Lenster, which right now is unprotected. Great. So it seems like I have a multi-fronted fight ahead of me.

Aless decides to defect to my side automatically, which is a nice enough gesture considering how hard the upcoming fight is going to be without having to worry about him and his Mistolin on top of everything. He talks to Serlis and even though they don't see eye to eye, circumstances put them on the same side for now. He also confirms that he's Eltshan's son, which was obvious but I don't think it was 100% confirmed until now. Leen did not leave with Aless and Bramsel continues to be a creep. I assume we will have to rescue her later. And Tinny seems a bit distraught by the liberation forces' actions but I assume we can convince her as well to join our side.

Armored knights start heading north and I have to pull back the Lenster peeps back to meet them. Lakche is also able to quickly make her way over to help with the great move stat that she has. With Serlis's group, I have to prepare for an attack from the north by the cavalry and on the east but the various mages. So I try to split my units in a way that makes sense, such as getting Balmung and Mistolin ready to take on Jabarro's troops, and getting Oifaye, Femina, and Julia (high mdef gonna be useful again) to take on the three sisters and Tinny. I also start moving Arthur over to the east as well since the game has basically telegraphed that they are siblings; they even look like siblings.

While the three sisters themselves keep heading west, the other mages with them + Tinny start heading north to intercept Leif, Fin, Nanna, and Lakche. This at first seems like it's going to make things really hard, but actually Tinny's group tends to move really slowly so they ended up being a non factor for a few turns. Plus, it allows me to focus fire on the three minibosses without having to worry about everyone else. Aless takes out Jabarro without a lot of effort, and the battle starts against the mage trio. Both Julia and Lana are over here healing pretty much non stop. With Nanna up by Lenster keep, that leaves no one to heal over by Serlis and Jabarro's remaining knights...

I quickly note that the mages do not die here, but retreat. I wonder if this means there was a way to take care of them without fighting them, but too late now. I lose Lester to the mounted units :(((( . He hasn't been very useful so I ain't even mad. I have a Valkyrie staff in Arthur's possession, but talking with a friend it seems like I didn't have my parents paired up in a way where anyone will be able to use it. OH well. On the same note, with Azel as his father, Lester had not seemingly inherited a lot that made him useful in the first place. I had also not managed to get him anything more than an Iron bow. It's unfortunate, but for a blind playthrough I'm not going to worry about not having an optimum final group. If I was worried about that, I would have been using a guide, and the playthrough would be comparatively boring. RIP Lester. You will not be forgotten. Serlis already gutted the guy who took your life.

I start to wrap up the fight to the east, with weaker units like Delmud finishing off who stronger units like Julia and Oifaye manage to weaken. Meanwhile, Tinny and Co aren't quite catching up to the blue units moving towards Lenster, which is a relief. Lacke being up here is a great help and I'm unsure I would have been successful without having sent her up with Leif. Nanna having the Earth sword and being able to heal herself also saved her life as well. So it's not all bad luck!

Fin parked in one of the villages with a Brave Lance was able to hold his own against many the sword wielding knights, I just had to make sure to heal him up with Nanna once. Lenster castle is flipped to red but it's not a big deal apparently. The attacking knights are all eventually defeated, leaving only the small cluster of mages left with Tinny. I easily bait them into attacking some higher resistance units like Julia or Femina and get her to switch sides with Arthur, as expected. She seems kind of useless, though. Maybe I'll see if I can get her to have paragon or something.

Serlis and Leif finally meet \o/ . Lenster castle is retaken (I dunno if this actually did anything?) and finally all of the attacking enemy units have been defeated. This leaves only Bramsel and some swordsmen up to the northwest, and Blume and his THammer down south. Bramsel is so far awaaay. I send Femina to take on the myrmidons since since can take them on pretty easily and could get there fast. She has to heal at a nearby church once. I send Aless up there as well since his Mistolin is going to be helpful to clear the boss and he can get there in not a ton of time as well. Serlis slowly starts crawling their to seize it. It going to take him a bit longer x_x.

Aless has a close battle with Bramsel but wins in the end. He mentions Leen so it's not a stretch to think about having him enter the castle once it is mine (hurry up Serlis) to try to rescue her. I'm reminded of the spell I missed by not having Levin enter a certain castle way long ago. Meanwhile, Leif is one of my lower level units that I want to try to give some exp to, so I have him start taking out the defenses near Blume, with Nanna healing him to try to get her some exp as well. I just let him retaliate with Light and heal him up every turn. Slow but safe.

Serlis finally siezes the keep, Levin says more stuff. Apparently this place was really important in the past and was a meeting place for the 12 Holy Knights during the war. (Again I'm going off memory here so even though I just played it, it's a big foggy.) Basically Levin implies that history is, in a way, is repeating itself and that a miracle of similar importance is likely to happen again. As expected, Aless can fetch out Leen from the keep, and she is also a dancer. You know what that means. But first I want to get everyone back over to the Alster keep where Blume is. Leif has finished taking out the defenses. I'm interested in seeing if Tinny and Blume have any sort of conversation, but her low level and stats make that a risky proposition so I forgo it.

Impatiently, I take out Blume with Balmung+Shanan, but he also retreats. Lame. Once Serlis and Leen and everyone else is finally back as Alster, I ball up everyone (in case there are supports or other pairings) and level up the dancer. I also feed Nanna and Lana exp with each of Leen's level ups. Why not? I think she ended up slightly better than Sylvia, which I'm still not sure has been confirmed as being her mother. If so, Levin would be her father, and he's been around but hasn't said anything so I dunno. Maybe I missed something. I don't think I've met anyone that would be her son (since they all seemingly come in brother-sister pairs.)

Alster is finally siezed, and we chase Blume over to Conote, deep within Thracia. We learn that Thracia is naturally divided into a properous north half, currently ruled by Blume, and a desolate southern half, led by King Trabant. Will we finally be able to have revenge for Cuan's death? How poetic would it be if Leif were to finish him. Anyways, Trabant is enjoying the turmoil going on, and seems eager to take over the whole country once Blume is out of the picture. But he will have to deal with Serlis as well. We are also introduced to Ishtar (?) who is likely related to Ishtor (?). A few other generals were named but no one seemingly of any real importance. It seems like once again we will have to deal with Blume and the three mage sisters.

We are introduced to Hawk, probably a friend but we don't know much about him. We are also let known of a Wyvern rider named...I didn't mark down his name. Alion or something like that (I lost my notes and don't want to risk looking it up). He doesn't quite seem to be in total agreement with Trabant, but it's not as clear if he's a friend, but I think it might be so. Lastly, Serlis sends the Lenster peeps back to guard that castle while he stays at Alster. I do some arena fighting and item shifting (such as giving up Paragon from Johan, trading around the magic ring to Arthur. Thoron was dropped into the Pawn shop as well. Hopefully I don't regret not resetting for Lester.


when's the Radiant Dawn playthrough :p
whoever does it has to use Micaiah as an actual unit

Do people actually not use her properly? Ever since I find out FE7 gave you a different map if your lords were above a certain level threshold I always use the main character / Lord as much as possible, which is doubly useful if you're in a game with forced promotion.


I am a scumbag. I got to a point in Chapter 8 where just one boss kept bolting people, he couldn't kill anyone with it, so I used the opportunity to keep healing people and get 3 healers promoted.

No shame.


I am a scumbag. I got to a point in Chapter 8 where just one boss kept bolting people, he couldn't kill anyone with it, so I used the opportunity to keep healing people and get 3 healers promoted.

No shame.

Considering how hard it is to level healers in the older games, I wouldn't feel any shame doing it either - that's why bonus EXP and Awakening's boosted EXP for healers was a god-send.

I actually think that EXP earned by healers should scale with the amount of damage healed e.g. 1 HP = 1 EXP, 10 HP = 10 EXP, 20 HP = 20 EXP and so on. It rewards you for using better staves and taking risks with your attacking units by giving your healers more exp for damage healed, and it isn't open to abuse by getting 20 EXP for healing chip damage, for example.
Do people actually not use her properly? Ever since I find out FE7 gave you a different map if your lords were above a certain level threshold I always use the main character / Lord as much as possible, which is doubly useful if you're in a game with forced promotion.

Yeah a lot of people pretty much neglect Micaiah, pretty much because you can
should have made her get the final hit on Ashera instead of Ike, damn it!

I am a scumbag. I got to a point in Chapter 8 where just one boss kept bolting people, he couldn't kill anyone with it, so I used the opportunity to keep healing people and get 3 healers promoted.

No shame.

can't wait for your E rank in turns :p


Do people actually not use her properly? Ever since I find out FE7 gave you a different map if your lords were above a certain level threshold I always use the main character / Lord as much as possible, which is doubly useful if you're in a game with forced promotion.
I used Micaiah. That spell that gave her bonus damage against armored units made her my Knight-slayer of choice. Weak defenses don't mean that much when you're one-hitting enemies. Plus there's an amusing EXP farming detail you can do with her. If a character gets hurt, use Micaiah's Sacrifice skill to heal them. then have a staff user heal Michaiah. One injury, two times healing EXP!

You really, really want to give her you first Seraph Robe if you plan to use her, though. Both so she can actually take a hit and to be used as Sacrifice fuel for the above trick.

BOOO!! That's not Sety!

Much better. *harumph*

That aside, Ishtor and Ishtar are siblings, and the children of Blume. This incidentally also makes them Arthur and Teeny's first cousins, since Blume and Tiltyu were both Lord Reptor's kids.
More than you know. People sometimes joke about Fire Emblem having incest, but the Judgral games have the most incest/implied incest/incest potential that I've personally ever seen in a game with pre-built characters. I'm sure by now you're aware of the most obvious example.


Uh...maybe? >_> Let me review. Going by memory.. I'm bored after a three day weekend so I guess I'll just put this together..maybe it will be entertaining for you folks that are more well versed.

Sigurd and Deirdre -> Serlis. Alvis and Deirdre -> Julia. (Super heavily implied) So if Serlis and Julia hook up, they would be half siblings with the same mother...yeah.

Ethlin and Cuan -> Leif and Altenna (I had to look at my post to remind myself of this). I don't think I've met Altenna at all, she's just been mentioned. Since Ethlin is Sigurd's sister, that would make Serlis and Altenna cousins, as well as Leif and Serlis. Leif and Julia would not be related.

Branching off from that, I know Alvis and Azel are half siblings with the same father, and going from this post..Oooh. And If Sigyn or whatever is both Alvis and Deirdres mother...dun dun dun. Who is Deirdres father? I swear it's been said but maybe not. Man, this is getting weird. I assume this is the one you refer to. Ok, on this same train of thought... Edit: Oh wait. Prince Kurth.

Azel + Aideen -> Lester (RIP) and Lana. Well, Aideen is Brigid's sister, which means this pair of siblings would be cousins with the next, so if they can pair in any way...yeah. I don't think Aideen/Brigid are related to Sigurd in any way.

Midir and Brigid -> Patty and Faval. I recently just got Faval in the first part of Chapter 8, learning that he's Patty's brother, and he has Brigid's stuff. There goes the idea that Mother's stuff goes to daughter and Father's goes to son. Midir didn't seem related to anyone. Nothing weird here?

Dew + Aira -> Scalabatch (or whatever, I can never spell that) and Lakche. Aira is Shanan's Aunt. So that would make Shanan and those two cousins (regardless of the father). So if Shanan can hook up with Lakche...yeah. Dew's not really related to anyone..

Fury had no kids in my playthrough. I've been assuming Femina is the replacement daughter.

Sylvia and Levin sure look related but I don't think it ever said that they were. Anyways.. Levin + Sylvia -> Leen (maybe?) and ?? . Still learning on this one.

Tiltyu + Claude -> Tinny and Arthur. We've been talking about this. Related to Ishtar and Ishtor since Tiltyu and Blume are...siblings, right? They're children of Reptor.

Lastly, Beowulf and Lachesis -> Nanna and Delmud. Well, if Lachesis is Eltshan's sister, and Aless is Eltshan's son, that would make Aless the pair's cousin. So If Aless and Nanna is a possible pairing. Who is Aless's mother? It also seems like everything comes in pairs so there might be a sister somewhere too.. Yep. Lots of people are related.

Sorry if that post is a chore to read. I'll try to format it better.
Oh, I forgot to remark on your Lester loss. It kinda sucks, but honestly with Azel as the father, that Lester was destined to be crappy. He'd have amazing Magic that he couldn't use, and cruddy Attack. The only positive point is that Azel gave him Pursuit, but there's better pairings to get that skill for him Midayle being the notable one, which also would have given him a Brave Bow.)

Anyways, yup, you noticed the biggie with Diedre and Alvis.

For more incest fun, note that Ayra's two most likely pairs (thanks to love conversations) is with Swordfighter Holyn, who is a distant cousin of Ayra that shares the same bloodline, and Axe Knight Lex. Lex is Danon's brother, and thus Johan and Johalva's uncles. Don't forget that they both have a crush on Ayra's daughter, Laktche.

Also, High Priest Claude and Dancer Sylvia happen to both share Blaggi blood. And if they aren't in love by chapter 4 they can eventually have this interesting lovers chat:

Hello, Reverend Claude!

Hm? And who might you be?

I'm Sylvia.

Miss Sylvia? What seems to be the problem? Did you run across some bandits, perhaps?


Well, it's just that... I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you're in your underwear.

Huh!? Don't tell me you've never seen a dancer before!
This is my dancin' outfit. It's jus' like you wearin' a robe.

Is that so? But, you must be awfully cold.

Not at all. I'm burnin' up in this. You see, my heart is on fire!

Dancing is that enjoyable, is it?

Yes! I want to do it for the rest of my life!!

Really? How do your parents feel about that?

I'm an orphan. This man took me in when I was real little, an' raised me to be a dancer.
But he was really mean! He would hit me when I didn't even do anythin'.
Anyway, I had enough, and I left him last year for good!

That's horrible!
I feel for you. You see, I have a younger sister. If she's still alive, she'd be around your age.

You have a sister?

Yes. But she was abducted when she was just a baby.
I've been searching for her all these years, but still no sign of her.

Ohhh! I bet your sister is real elegant an' beautiful an' all. Nothin' like me.

That's not true! I find you very attractive, and you have a grace all of your own.


Of course. I'd never tell a lie.

Wow! No one's ever said anythin' so nice to me! Er.. I feel funny inside...
You are... so kind!
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