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Fire Emblem Community Thread | Together We Ride


That's what happens when you stretch 240x120 to fit on a 854x480 screen. Fire Emblem is timeless, unlike, say, Command & Conquer.

I'm going to post a comparison of Sain and Kent when the tutorial is over. Should make for a good laugh. I think this is the only game in the series where the green-armoured cavalier completely obliterates the red-armoured one. All the other games have fair rivalries, but poor Kent has... higher skill? Gee, that's worth the +5% HP, -20% Str, +5% Spd, -15% Lck, +5% Def, +5% Res.
If the next game had a world map setup and a postgame that required capped units, it'd be an awful idea. It might be able to work in a game with limited EXP, but I doubt the series will go in that direction again.
yeah yeah, we're assuming no FE8/13 world map here :p

insert joke about FE12 Lunatic and de facto capped unit requirements



LOL. Kent is 8 levels behind and I used an angelic robe on Sain, but still. LOL

Florina and Lyn gained no strength though. The rng giveth and the rng taketh. Should have used the energy ring lol. It's okay since there's Fiora and Lyn is a bit shit in the main campaign anyway.
So this thread got bumped up...
Also play Gaiden where there's enemies that summon more enemies. This is completely RNG and reloading a save state allows you to fiddle with it, but one wrong move in that game and you're completely screwed.

I still can't beat one of the final missions with all the dragons so I've given up :/
I'm thinking of that one in Chapter 4 on Alm's side. You have to beat Celica's Chapter 4 story first else it goes on forever. Even if you've done that IIRC you have to play it a few times. I think Dear will auto kill most of them (I believe this also applies to summoned stuff) if you've got anyone with that.

edit: oh wait hold on, let me post a better plot for Chapter 14 of FE6:

The 0% FE6 hard mode playthrough* is mad stuff. Even if it has a fair amount of poking the RNG but there are some really solid strategies.

Also, the "always get item on desert tile" trick is amazing and useful is casual play through too (the gist is the check here uses a different RNG which get reset when you soft reset).

*-For people not familiar here is the start of it:


Woah. FE6 HM 0% growths speedrun? In four hours? Like, I can't even comprehend how that works. *watches video* oh, rng manipulation. What will he do when Marcus runs out of silver lances tho? Using Merlinus as cannon fodder is genius. I forgot he's the only character who bypasses permanent death. That immortality. I'm going to watch the strat for chapter 7 once I'm home from work. That's the one that always necks me. They even mentioned Roy is good in this run haha.
Woah. FE6 HM 0% growths speedrun? In four hours? Like, I can't even comprehend how that works. *watches video* oh, rng manipulation. What will he do when Marcus runs out of silver lances tho? Using Merlinus as cannon fodder is genius. I forgot he's the only character who bypasses permanent death. That immortality. I'm going to watch the strat for chapter 7 once I'm home from work. That's the one that always necks me. They even mentioned Roy is good in this run haha.

there's an FE4 0% playthrough with even more RNG abuse :p
Of which, is anyone donating to the PoR/RD bid war for AGDQ? I'm sort of torn between the two.

Radiant Dawn minimizes the chances of Sacred Stones 2.0, and is a more technical run

that is all

edit: here (also fixed some things and added my own comments)

As Aela said, vote how you feel. My preference is Radiant Dawn, for the following reasons:
No map animations. This increases the pace of the game so significantly that Radiant Dawn is only 30 minutes (or ~20%) longer to beat despite having 40% more chapters and significantly more combat (42 vs 30).
Constantly switching armies forces you to use more units and employ a little more strategy than soloing the game with an overpowered flier. Granted, Haar does handle a huge portion of the game on his own, but you're still using Edward, Nolan, Sothe, Tauroneo, Jill, Zihark, Muarim, Elincia, Lucia, Mordecai, Geoffrey, Kieran, Ike, Titania, Oscar, Janaff, Tanith, Sigrun and all the laguz royals. Compare that to Path of Radiance where you're almost exclusively using Ike, Titania and Marcia, and occasionally Tanith.
The map objectives in RD are more varied and innovative than in POR. Almost all the maps in POR are seize, whereas in RD you're doing things like burning supplies, having Ike and Ranulf simultaneously arrive, and defeating 4 bosses in a row in endgame.
The bonus exp mechanic in Radiant Dawn is more favorable to speedrunning, especially since Path of Radiance speedruns used fixed mode growths. Combining transfers with BEXP guarantees that Ike (tier 2), Haar, Titania and Jill are always maxed out, whereas POR BEXP leads to an average stat Marcia that often risks death late into the run. (editor's note: even if Jill does get RNG screwed in RD, it only costs a few minutes at most)
The skills system in Radiant Dawn is much better (since you can re-assign them) and further contributes to its strategic complexity compared to POR, especially the pass skill.
There are a couple other minor points but that's the general gist of why I find Radiant Dawn a much more exciting speedgame than Path of Radiance.

even Meg gets a shove in on Sothe at some point I think, also Fortune=cash, more useful than Lyre/Kyza confirmed


Well, due to an incredibly generous friend, I am once again in the posession of Radiant Dawn.

Time to do a new playthrough!


Junior Member
Haha, I understood that Vergil reference.

Awakening is my favorite but I played it after almost every other game, so I suppose I can consider myself to be an outlier.


Wait, why is Radiant Dawn on there twice, but not Path of Radiance? That artwork used for PoR is from the Radiant Dawn opening.

It's wrong, though, I don't think Fixed Mode should be standard. But I do miss bonus EXP. The ability to take a neglected character in a class you suddenly realize you really need for the next chapter up to level with the rest of the army from the menu was great. Of course, i just ended up with a ton of it unspent, and it could be abused to hell with save scumming (or just in general in RD), but from a player convenience point of view, I do miss it.


Wait, why is Radiant Dawn on there twice, but not Path of Radiance? That artwork used for PoR is from the Radiant Dawn opening.

It's wrong, though, I don't think Fixed Mode should be standard. But I do miss bonus EXP. The ability to take a neglected character in a class you suddenly realize you really need for the next chapter up to level with the rest of the army from the menu was great. Of course, i just ended up with a ton of it unspent, and it could be abused to hell with save scumming (or just in general in RD), but from a player convenience point of view, I do miss it.

Bonus EXP was useful, but I don't expect it to ever return if grinding remains as accessible in future games as it was in Awakening; doubly so if they attempt to sell EXP DLC again. It's actually the additional methods of delivering narrative I miss most from PoR - base conversations conveyed a decent amount of additional characterisation / worldbuilding and gave the impression that even your more minor recruits were constantly interacting with the setting; while the chapter narration helped to contextualise your actions in terms of the larger world.

Also, the (non-kitchenware) helmets.


Bonus EXP was useful, but I don't expect it to ever return if grinding remains as accessible in future games as it was in Awakening; doubly so if they attempt to sell EXP DLC again. It's actually the additional methods of delivering narrative I miss most from PoR - base conversations conveyed a decent amount of additional characterisation / worldbuilding and gave the impression that even your more minor recruits were constantly interacting with the setting; while the chapter narration helped to contextualise your actions in terms of the larger world.

Also, the (non-kitchenware) helmets.
Yeah, I prefer the PoR/RD armor designs, too. Whose idea was the toilet bowls on the Cavaliers in Awakening, anyway? Titania is probably also one of my favorite examples of female armor done right.

As for base conversations, they were pretty nice. Just some basic subplots, and of course Ike introducing himself to new allies, which is something I missed in Awakening. Just a basic "The Avatar talks to the new recruits, finds out a bit of their personalities and tactical use for new players." I don't quite feel like the massively expanded Supperts cover this. Sure, you get a lot of fun conversations, but the marriage bits being so front and center in Awakening did come at a cost.

I do wonder, though, if since Awakening was such a success sales-wise compared to the previous entries, if support conversations will still be played massively up in the next game.
Wait, why is Radiant Dawn on there twice, but not Path of Radiance? That artwork used for PoR is from the Radiant Dawn opening.

It's wrong, though, I don't think Fixed Mode should be standard. But I do miss bonus EXP. The ability to take a neglected character in a class you suddenly realize you really need for the next chapter up to level with the rest of the army from the menu was great. Of course, i just ended up with a ton of it unspent, and it could be abused to hell with save scumming (or just in general in RD), but from a player convenience point of view, I do miss it.

no, it's definitely also in Path of Radiance, there's no way both Serenes Forest and a Fire Emblem wiki would miss on that

besides, BEXP is really used to make good units OP (i.e. PoR Marcia/RD Jill), not to baby scrubs :p


I may be misremembering something, but I didn't like how Bonus EXP worked in RD, guaranteeing 3 stat ups was too easy to exploit.


Whelp, time to play RD for the first time in 5 years. I don't even remember what I did the first time.

Any tips or sleeper characters that I may have passed on last time without knowing they were some crazy OP unit?
Whelp, time to play RD for the first time in 5 years. I don't even remember what I did the first time.

Any tips or sleeper characters that I may have passed on last time without knowing they were some crazy OP unit?

if you feel that the Dawn Brigade chapters are hard
what a scrub
then have Sothe carry the team until Jill comes, then give her everything :p

also Radiant Haar too OP

I may be misremembering something, but I didn't like how Bonus EXP worked in RD, guaranteeing 3 stat ups was too easy to exploit.

it's funny how RD's BEXP was supposed to make it so that you couldn't abuse it for good level ups, but it just makes things even easier :p
you know, I really wonder why for FE7-10 they made the game easier in localization

also the lack of enemy movement view+no weapon triangle in FE10 hard mode is bullshit
wow this place is so dead

how accurate is this for you guys (lmao at BSFE/FE5/Awakening):

So accurate, my favorite FE is Radiant Dawn and still, I'm frustrated by how the game is poorly balanced and hard mode being so stupid and still "easy". And yes Chapter 2-E is god tier (so is 3-13), I miss this kind of map.
Radiant Dawn 2-E was so bloody good. Radiant Dawn had quite a few problems but it had some damn good maps.

(My biggest disappointment in Awakening was how boring the maps were in comparison to Radiant Dawn and Path of Radiance...)


That maid design sent off some unfortunate signals, and I'm not entirely sure if retaining Kozaki was the best decision if going for a new setting, but overall the presentation seems a solid evolution of Awakening. The new battle transition in particular is really smooth.

Kind of funny that we probably won't see SMTxFE until the release of FE17, though.


I wasn't expecting a new Fire Emblem to be announced today.

I'm looking forward to it, if they fix up some of the issues in Awakening, this could become one of the best FE games.


I can't get over how weird it is to hear Marth speak voiced English
(outside of 'let's dance', that is)

I wonder if this will finally break the streak of reused Melee voice clips in SSB5...


Well, the new Fire Emblem has feet. That's a clear upgrade over Awakening.

Also a big earth golem thing with a coin-face. I want to hit it in its silly coin-face with a hammer.

I kind of want the avatar and support system from Awakening to return. That game was quite replayable thanks to that. When I beat it the first time, I immediately restarted it with a female avatar, so here's hoping.
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