I do wish this thread was a bit more active (will probably see more discussions as SMT x FE draws closer) but yeah. Been checking on SereneForest's hacking of Awakening occasionally. Interesting stuff. I'm hoping IS is secretly developing an Awakening 2 or just another 3DS FE game for 2015. Moreso hoping for an Awakening 2 with improved graphics, gameplay, and a better story.
I'm about to start my path of radiance run soon! For everyone who's completed the game, what am I going to possibly expect? Will the game be long? Challenging?
Edit - Gonna answer Chrom's questions:
Where are you from?
Los Angeles.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? What was the first game in the series you played?
Just started with Awakening thanks to GAF after I asked about it when Lucina/Robin were revealed for smash.
Who are some of your favorite characters in the series?
I pretty much liked everyone in Awakening but i'll have to give it to Cynthia as my all time favorite. I love her personality and hope to see her again in another title! I actually liked her enough to where I found a store in Little Tokyo selling Fire Emblem Keychains and picked up hers when I saw it. I'm not even into buying merch for any franchise like that so I thought it was the best way to show my love for the franchise. Even anime or games in general are things where I choose not to buy additional merch because it's just not for me. I'll purchase DVDs though - just not often. Only exception are the upcoming Amiibo but even then i'll probably own the FE characters and a couple other characters I like to display in my home studio. Back to characters-- I also liked Chrom a lot. Donnel comes in at 3rd.
Favorite class?
Hero. Dark Riders are dope too.
Favorite weapon?
Book of Naga.
Overall favorite Fire Emblem?
I've only played Awakening so far so that would be it.
What was the last Fire Emblem you recently played?
Just started Path of Radiance so I guess that.
In Smash Bros., which Fire Emblem characters do you like to play as?
Lucina since she's fast, then Robin with those spacing options.
Favorite lord?
Read into all the others on SerenesForest but Sigurd seems interesting.
Favorite character archetype?
Lucina's motivation for going back in time. She seems driven and focused in a messed up world. I think people who hate on her just see her as a princess who seems dull but looking over her supports I think she just has her mind focused on one thing and typically shuts out other things that she comes across.
What kind of FE4 holy blood would you have?
Have no idea about FE4 right now so I can't say.
Thoughts on Awakening's success and the potential for the series' future?
I think it's great. Despite the hate that many older fans feel about Awakening, I think IS did a great job introducing new fans to the series while also offering hours of content. It was a fun ride for a first timer like me who doesn't have much time to play video games anymore so I would only hope this sparks more games and content in a similar universe. I know there is a definite majority of newcomers who want more so we'll just see what IS does to handle this besides the SMT collab. Real glad Awakening saved the franchise though when I read about that.
Rank the Fire Emblem games.
Only played Awakening so far so I can't say yet.
Classic or Casual/Newcomer?
Casual / Newcomer but i'll be purchasing past/future titles. Funny thing, I knew about Fire Emblem through smash and had a couple friends recommend the series to me but I just didn't care to look into it until the Lucina/Robin reveal. So after all these years, i'm glad I finally got to start off with Awakening because it showed me how great the franchise is. Can't wait to see what happens next as I play the past titles when I have time.