I'm sketchy on giving up a 5* for skills that are available at 4. I've only used up one 5*, and that was an Odin I promoted just to give away his tome. I was going to get rid of this -atk Roy for TA3, but right after I pulled him he was an arena bonus character and I need to use him. So unless I have extras I'd rather keep them around.
There's also the event starting presumably next week, we have few details but we do know if a unit is lost then they can't be used again for the event. So I'd rather have a decent pile of characters to use.
I take it this mean that if I send Nino, Tharja, Linde and Julia into an event called, "I am the Alpha & Omega" to defeat a single 40+10 Nino with a +20 All Stat Seal and then fail miserably, I won't be able to use the units I chose to try that particular event again?