I got like 6-7 Niles before I stopped pulling grey.Anyone has characters hunting them to the point of great hatred? I got like 12 4* Niles. That's 3 times more than any other 4* of his color. At this point seeing the shockwave then is face popping on my screen is worse than pulling the most useless 3* in the game. Same with 3*/4* Raigh taking away all my Hinata/Lon'qu. Worst is yesterday I get 4* Raigh followed by 3* Raigh back to back. Today? 4* Niles followed by 3* Niles back to back. Probabilities of shit like that happening all the time is way lower than decent things happening to me. It's like the game is spiting me, testing how much utter bullshit I can take...
Now I have boatloads of Ests, Odins, Shannas, Sullys, and FCorrins because I keep trying to pull blue.